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dminuoso/f.hs Secret

Last active January 18, 2021 09:24
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split4 :: IPv4Range -> Maybe (IPv4Range, IPv4Range)
split4 (IPv4Range b l)
| l < 32 = Just (upper, lower)
| otherwise = Nothing
lower = range b (l + 1)
upper = range (b `setBit` (31 - fromIntegral l)) (l + 1)
split6 :: IPv6Range -> Maybe (IPv6Range, IPv6Range)
split6 n (IPv6Range b l)
| l < 128 = Just (upper, lower)
| otherwise = Nothing
lower = range b (l + 1)
upper = range (b `setBit` (127 - fromIntegral l)) (l + 1)
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