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Created August 6, 2009 09:18
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def word_search(request):
match = request.GET.get('q')
result = []
if match is not None and len(match) >= 2:
# We search different variants of spelling
variants = Variant.objects.filter(
Q(name__istartswith=match) | Q(downcoded__istartswith=match)
words = PhraseTranslation.objects.filter(
Q(pk__in=variants) | \
Q(name__istartswith=match) | Q(downcoded__istartswith=match)
'id', 'name').order_by('name')
for word in words[:200]:
result.append({'v': '%d' % word[0], 'l': word[1]})
if not result:
result.append({'v': '', 'l': 'No matching results.'})
return json_response(result)
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