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Created November 18, 2019 11:22
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Detect optimal step for minimal order Schreiber test signal
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.linalg
from math import floor, pi
#Detect optimal step for minimal order Schreiber test signal
#Set to False to disable printing
_verbose = True
################################ Various utilities #########################
def _group_by(values, key_function, tol):
cur_value = None
cur_group = []
groups = []
for v in sorted(values, key=key_function):
key = key_function(v)
if cur_value is None:
cur_value = key
elif abs(cur_value - key) > tol:
groups.append((cur_value, cur_group))
cur_group = []
cur_value = key
if cur_group:
groups.append((cur_value, cur_group))
return groups
def _ratapprox(x, tol):
"""Searches for the nearest rational within given tolerance, using chain fraction decomposition. x must be positive"""
if x < tol:
return (1,0)
xint = floor(x)
xfloat = x - xint
den, num = _ratapprox(1.0/xfloat, tol/xfloat**2)
return (round(xint)*den + num, den)
def _is_ratio_rational(x, y, max_den, tol):
#assume 0/x and x/0 rational
if x < tol or y < tol: return True
num, den = _ratapprox(x/y, tol)
return den <= max_den and num <= max_den
def _group_by_relation(values, relation):
"""group values by an equivalence relation, represented by a function (v,v)->boolean"""
values = list(values)
groups = []
while values:
vbase = values.pop()
cur_group = [vbase]
rest_values = []
for vother in values:
if relation(vbase, vother):
values = rest_values
return groups
def _cont2discrete(A,b,h):
"""Convert A,b matrices of a continuous system to the matrices of discrete system,
assuming piecewise-constant input signal interpolation"""
#todo: use scipy.signal.cont2discrete ?
Phi = sp.linalg.expm(A*h)
if _verbose: print("========== step=",h)
if _verbose: print("Phi=",Phi)
#(e^(Ah) - I)A^(-1)b
p = Phi - np.eye(A.shape[0]), np.linalg.pinv(A), b) )
if _verbose: print("p'=",p.T)
if _verbose: print("--------------")
return Phi, p
def _ctrb(A,p,n=None):
if n is None:
n, _ = A.shape
stack = [p]
for _ in range(n-1):
p =,p)
return np.hstack(stack)
def _minpoly_order(A, p, tol):
R = _ctrb(A,p)
if _verbose: print("R=",R)
return np.linalg.matrix_rank(R, tol=tol)
################################ Main procedures #########################
def optimal_step(A,b, tol=1e-5, max_den=100):
"""find optimal Schreiber step"""
#group roots by real value
root_groups = _group_by(np.linalg.eigvals(A), lambda r: r.real, tol=tol)
#it is a list of pairs: (real value, (list of roots with this real value))
if _verbose: print(root_groups)
possible_steps = []
#now for each group,
for alpha, roots in root_groups:
if _verbose: print("Root for Re(z)=",alpha,":",roots)
#List L from the algo
root_pairs = [(z1,z2)
for i1,z1 in enumerate(roots)
for z2 in roots[i1+1:]]
#groups = _group_by_relation(roots, lambda z1,z2: _is_rational(z1.imag, z2.imag, max_den, tol))
if _verbose: print("Pairs:",root_pairs)
def pairs_are_compatible(z12, w12):
z1,z2 = z12
w1,w2 = w12
return _is_ratio_rational(z1.imag - z2.imag, w1.imag- w2.imag,
max_den, tol)
groups = _group_by_relation(root_pairs, pairs_are_compatible)
if _verbose: print("Found {} mutually rational groups:".format(len(groups)))
for grp in groups:
h = _nullifying_multiplier([abs(z1.imag - z2.imag) for (z1, z2) in grp],
if h is not None:
if _verbose: print("Detected these possible steps:", possible_steps)
possible_steps = [h for (h,_) in _group_by(possible_steps, lambda x:x, tol=tol)]
if _verbose: print("After removing near duplicates:", possible_steps)
#Calculate minimal polynomial rank for every possible step
possible_steps_with_rank = [(_minpoly_order(*_cont2discrete(A,b,h), tol=tol), h)
for h in possible_steps]
if _verbose: print("Step to rank, from minimal rank:")
for rank, h in possible_steps_with_rank:
if _verbose: print( " h=",h,"order=",rank)
if possible_steps_with_rank:
return possible_steps_with_rank[0]
def optimal_test_signal(A,b,h,rank):
"""Generate test signal of given rank, for the given step"""
Phi, p = _cont2discrete(A,b,h)
#construct controllability matrix only for the required rank
if _verbose: print("rank",rank)
R = _ctrb(Phi, p, rank+1)
#find null space
ns = sp.linalg.null_space(R)
#must be an n x 1 matrix
return ns[::-1,0].T
def _nullifying_multiplier( values, tol ):
"""Find step h such that all values in the list are multiples of 2Pi.
Values must be nonnegative"""
#remove values that are close to 0
values = [v for v in values
if abs(v) > tol]
if not values:
if _verbose: print("Weird things happened, differences are zero. Any step is good then")
return None
#unique list of (p/q) pairs for each pair.
#Using set, because numerator and denominator are integers
rational_ratios = set(_ratapprox(vi/values[0], tol) for vi in values[1:])
if _verbose: print("Rational ratios:", rational_ratios)
if rational_ratios:
N = np.gcd.reduce([num for num, _ in rational_ratios])
N = 1
return 2.0*pi/values[0]*N
############################ Run a test ################################
if __name__=="__main__":
A = np.array([[-0.1, 1,0,0],
[-1, -0.1, 0, 1],
b = np.array([[0.0,1,0,1]]).T
rank, h = optimal_step(A,b)
signal = optimal_test_signal(A,b,h,rank)
print("Optimal step:",h)
print("Optimal signal:", signal.T)
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