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Created November 11, 2023 23:51
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Use linear programming to find counterexample for a conjecture regarding the Traveling Salesman Problem
from scipy.optimize import linprog
import numpy as np
import itertools
#Searching for the counterexample for the following conjecture:
# in the shortest hamiltonian path, there is at least one
# node, connected to its 12 nearest neighbors
# Use linear programming to find a counterexample
#FIrst define the number of nodes:
N = 5
#Now the variables: they are pairwise distances between nodes.
#THere are N*(N-1)/2 of them
distance_vars = {}
idx = 0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i+1, N):
distance_vars[(i,j)] = idx
distance_vars[(j,i)] = idx
idx += 1
M = idx
print(f"Total number of distance variables: {M}")
#Define objective as a sum of all distances, to be sure that the problem is always bounded
objective = np.array([1.0 for _ in range(M)])
#Constraints are of several sets
#First constraints that tell us that the path 0-1-2-...-(N-1)-0 is hamiltonian.
#that is, d_01 + d_12 + d_23 < all other sums
A = []
B = []
#Enumerate all transpositions of the nodes 2..(N-1)
#Construct the duration of the initial cycle
initial_cycle_coeffs = np.zeros(M)
for i in range(N):
j = (i+1)%N
initial_cycle_coeffs[distance_vars[i,j]] = 1
print("Constructed the function for the shortest cycle:", initial_cycle_coeffs)
#we would start enumerating all cycles from 0
for idx, perm in enumerate(itertools.permutations(list(range(1, N)))):
#Skip the first element: it is the zero permutation, base value
if idx == 0: continue
#Every cycle would appear twice: in two different directions.
#Exclude one of them.
if perm[-1]<perm[0]: continue
cycle = (0,) + perm
cycle_coeffs = np.zeros(M)
for i in range(N):
ci = cycle[i]
cj = cycle[(i+1)%N]
cycle_coeffs[distance_vars[ci,cj]] = 1
#Condition is that this cycle length is strictly bigger than the shortest cycle
# base_cycle_len - cycle_len <= -1
A.append(initial_cycle_coeffs - cycle_coeffs)
#OK, we now have conditions telling that our cycle is indeed hamiltonian
#Now construct the counterexample conditions.
#For each node in the shortest cycle 0-1-2-...-(N-1)-0,
#(at least) one of 2 distances in the cycle
#must be bigger than one of the other N-3 distances
#This gives 2*(N-3) choices for one node, and (2*(N-3))^N choices total
# to make solution nondegenerate, we require that the difference is bigger than 1.0
#and add the counterexample constrints to them
# construct choices for each node.
def node_counterexample_choices(n):
nprev = (n-1)%N
nnext = (n+1)%N
#Variables for 2 lengths in the cycle
len_forward = distance_vars[n, nnext]
len_backward = distance_vars[n, nprev]
#Variables for other distances, not used in the cycle
other_lens = [distance_vars[n, (n+i)%N] for i in range(2,N-1)]
assert len(other_lens) == N-3
print(f"For node {n}, counterexample vars are: in_cycle={[len_forward,len_backward]}, out cycle={other_lens}")
return list(itertools.product([len_forward, len_backward], other_lens))
all_counterexample_choices = [node_counterexample_choices(n) for n in range(N)]
#Define bounds for all variables
bounds = [(1.0, np.inf) for _ in range(M)]
cnt = 0
for choice in itertools.product(*all_counterexample_choices):
#Choice is a list of pairs of 2 variables (variable for edge len in a loop) (variable for some other edge len)
#Take the hamiltonianity constraints...
A1 = A[:]
B1 = B[:]
print("Counterexample choice:", choice)
#And add counterexample constraints to them
for var_in_cycle, var_out_cycle in choice:
assert var_in_cycle != var_out_cycle
#Sonstraint must say that the edge length in cycle is longer than edge outside.
# var_in_cycle >= var_out_cycle + 1.0
# var_out_cycle - var_in_cycle <= -1.0
a = np.zeros(M)
a[var_in_cycle] = -1
a[var_out_cycle] = 1
print(f" constraint {a}.x <= -1")
#Now trying to solve the problem!
opt = linprog(c=objective,
A_ub = A1,
b_ub = B1,
bounds = bounds)
if opt.success:
print("COunterexample found!")
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i+1,N):
v = distance_vars[i,j]
print(f" d({i},{j})={opt.x[v]}")
print("No counterexample")
cnt += 1
print(f"Tried {cnt} constructions, no counterexample found!")
D = np.zeros((N,N))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if j == i: continue
v = distance_vars[i,j]
D[i,j] = opt.x[v]
D[j,i] = opt.x[v]
print("Distance matrix:")
print("Checking cycle lengths")
for perm in itertools.permutations(list(range(1,N))):
cycle = (0,) + perm
cycle_len = sum(D[cycle[i], cycle[(i+1)%N]] for i in range(N))
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