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Last active November 26, 2015 17:45
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maze generator
# Массивы, которые позже станут 2D'шными, для хранения данных о каждой клетке:
maze = [] # Лабиринт
DBCs = []
s1 = 21 # Размеры сетки
s2 = 20
mains_size = 15
# Все простые цвета
white_col = 255 # Белый
black_col = 0 # Чёрный
red_col = '#ED0A0A' # Каждый (красный)
orange_col = '#FCA117' # Охотник (оранжевый)
yellow_col = '#F7DC0A' # Желает (жёлтый)
green_col = '#34B200' # Знать (зелёный)
light_blue_col = '#21A4E8' # Где (голубой)
blue_col = '#0500B2' # Сидит (синий)
purple_col = '#C617FC' # Фазан (фиолетовый)
bot_col = green_col
wall_col = black_col
uv_unit_col = red_col
v_unit_col = white_col
uv_units = 0
debounce = 0
pFound = False
exit_var = False
for x in range(s1): # Конструктор 2D массивов
for y in range(s1 + 1):
if x % 2 != 0 and y % 2 != 0: maze[x].append(uv_unit_col)
else: maze[x].append(wall_col)
center = int(s1 / 2) - 1
sX = center
sY = center
maze[sX][sY] = bot_col
bX = sX
bY = sY
for x in range(s1): # Пробег по всем клеткам
for y in range(s1):
if maze[x][y] == uv_unit_col: uv_units += 1
def setup(): # Тут, я думаю всё понятно
global s1, s2
size(s2 * s1 + 1, s2 * s1 + 1)
def draw():
global exit_var, mains_size, bX, bY, pFound, debounce, sX, sY, DBCs, s1, s2, black_col, white_col, red_col, orange_col, yellow_col, green_col, light_blue_col, blue_col, purple_col, bot_col, wall_col, uv_unit_col, v_unit_col, maze, uv_units
for x in range(s1): # Пробег по всем клеткам
for y in range(s1):
fill(maze[x][y]) # Графика (Прорисовка, а не анимация)
if maze[x][y] == white_col: stroke(0)
else: stroke(white_col)
rect(x * s2, y * s2, s2, s2)
if DBCs[bX][bY] == 0:
found = False
d = 1
direct = int(random(1, 5))
if found == False and direct == 1:
if bX + 2 < s1 and maze[bX + 2][bY] == uv_unit_col:
maze[bX + 1][bY] = v_unit_col
maze[bX][bY] = v_unit_col
maze[bX + 2][bY] = bot_col
found = True
DBCs[bX + 2][bY] = d
bX += 2
elif found == False and direct == 2:
if bY + 2 < s1 and maze[bX][bY + 2] == uv_unit_col:
maze[bX][bY + 1] = v_unit_col
maze[bX][bY] = v_unit_col
maze[bX][bY + 2] = bot_col
found = True
DBCs[bX][bY + 2] = d
bY += 2
elif found == False and direct == 3:
if bX - 2 >= 0 and maze[bX - 2][bY] == uv_unit_col:
maze[bX - 1][bY] = v_unit_col
maze[bX][bY] = v_unit_col
maze[bX - 2][bY] = bot_col
found = True
DBCs[bX - 2][bY] = d
bX -= 2
elif found == False and direct == 4:
if bY - 2 >= 0 and maze[bX][bY - 2] == uv_unit_col:
maze[bX][bY - 1] = v_unit_col
maze[bX][bY] = v_unit_col
maze[bX][bY - 2] = bot_col
found = True
DBCs[bX][bY - 2] = d
bY -= 2
if found == False and debounce == 0:
maze[bX][bY] = v_unit_col
maze[sX][sY] = bot_col
exit_var = False
for x1 in range(s1):
if exit_var: break
for y1 in range(s1):
if exit_var: break
if maze[x1][y1] == uv_unit_col:
direct = int(random(1, 5))
if exit_var == False and direct == 1:
if x1 + 2 < s1 and maze[x1 + 2][y1] == v_unit_col:
exit_var = True
bX = x1 + 2
bY = y1
elif exit_var == False and direct == 2:
if y1 + 2 < s1 and maze[x1][y1 + 2] == v_unit_col:
exit_var = True
bX = x1
bY = y1 + 2
elif exit_var == False and direct == 3:
if x1 - 2 >= 0 and maze[x1 - 2][y1] == v_unit_col:
exit_var = True
bX = x1 - 2
bY = y1
elif exit_var == False and direct == 4:
if y1 - 2 >= 0 and maze[x1][y1 - 2] == v_unit_col:
exit_var = True
bX = y1
bY = y1 - 2
if pFound != found: debounce = mains_size
pFound = found
if debounce > 0: debounce -= 1
if DBCs[x][y] > 0: DBCs[x][y] -= 1
if keyPressed:
for x1 in range(s1):
for y1 in range(s1):
if x1 % 2 != 0 and y1 % 2 != 0:
maze[x1][y1] = uv_unit_col
else: maze[x1][y1] = wall_col
maze[sX][sY] = bot_col
bX = sX
bY = sY
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