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Created November 30, 2021 22:31
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# docker build --tag dotfiles:ubuntu20.04 .
# docker run --rm --volume "${PWD}:/pwd" --detach --name dotfiles --interactive dotfiles:ubuntu20.04
# docker run --rm --volume "${PWD}:/pwd" --name dotfiles --interactive --tty -e TERM -e COLORTERM dotfiles:ubuntu20.04
# docker exec --interactive --tty -e TERM -e COLORTERM dotfiles
FROM ubuntu:20.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-get install apt-utils && apt-get install -y software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y build-essential curl wget zsh vim neovim git python3 python3-psutil python3-colorama python3-distro jq cmake zip kitty-terminfo
# TODO: set-my-syntax-theme
export DOTFILES_PATH="$HOME/dotfiles" && \
echo "$DOTFILES_PATH" && \
git clone --recurse-submodules "$DOTFILES_PATH" && \
zsh -c 'ZSH_DOTFILES="$DOTFILES_PATH/zsh" && source "$ZSH_DOTFILES/functions.zsh" && ZPLG_SKIP_LOADING=1 && source "$ZSH_DOTFILES/plugins.zsh"' && \
echo "source $DOTFILES_PATH/zsh/zshrc" > ~/.zshrc && \
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim && echo "source $DOTFILES_PATH/nvim/init.vim" > ~/.config/nvim/init.vim && \
chsh -s /bin/zsh
CMD /bin/zsh
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