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Created December 2, 2015 19:40
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Game of life
s1x = 30
s1y = 30
s2 = 20
gen = []
next_gen = []
clicks = []
def grid_filler(sx, sy, grid, item):
for x in range(sx):
for y in range(sy):
grid_filler(s1x, s1y, gen, 0)
grid_filler(s1x, s1y, next_gen, 0)
grid_filler(s1x, s1y, clicks, False)
zero = 50
one = 250
cell_stroke = 60
earsing = 0
adding = 1
changing = 2
kClick = False
population = 0
generation = 0
keyDelay = 0
maxKeyDelay = 40
maxFrames = 40
mouseMode = adding
for x in range(s1x):
for y in range(s1y):
if gen[x][y] == one:
population += 1
def cell(x, y):
global s1x, s1y, gen
c = 0
if x >= 0 and x < s1x:
if y >= 0 and y < s1y:
c = gen[x][y]
return c;
def neighbours(x, y):
n = 0
n += cell(x - 1, y - 1)
n += cell(x, y - 1)
n += cell(x + 1, y - 1)
n += cell(x - 1, y)
n += cell(x + 1, y)
n += cell(x - 1, y + 1)
n += cell(x, y + 1)
n += cell(x + 1, y + 1)
return n
def show():
global s1x, s1y, s2, gen, next_gen, one, zero
for x in range(s1x):
for y in range(s1y):
if gen[x][y] == 0:
rect(s2 * x, s2 * y, s2, s2)
def mouseDrew():
global s1x, s1y, s2, gen, population, one, zero, next_gen, mouseMode, clicks, adding, earsing, changing
if mousePressed:
for x in range(s1x):
for y in range(s1y):
if (mouseX > s2 * x and mouseY > s2 * y and mouseX < s2 * x + s2 and mouseY < s2 * y + s2) and not(clicks[x][y]):
clicks[x][y] = True
if mouseMode == changing:
if gen[x][y] == 0:
mouseMode = adding
mouseMode = earsing
if mouseMode == adding:
next_gen[x][y] = 1
population += 1
next_gen[x][y] = 0
population -= 1
gen = next_gen
def setup():
global s1x, s1y, s2
size(s1x * s2 + 1, s1y * s2 + 1)
def draw():
global s1x, s1y, s2, gen, next_gen, zero, one, state,kClick, generation, population, keyDelay, maxKeyDelay, maxFrames, mouseMode, changing
if not(mousePressed):
for x in range(s1x):
for y in range(s1y):
if clicks[x][y]: clicks[x][y] = False
mouseMode = changing
if not(keyPressed):
kClick = False
keyDelay = 0
if keyPressed: keyDelay += 1
if keyDelay > maxKeyDelay: keyDelay = maxKeyDelay
if keyPressed and (not(kClick) or keyDelay > maxKeyDelay - 1):
kClick = True
if keyDelay > maxKeyDelay - 1:
keyDelay = maxFrames
generation += 1
print 'current generation: ', generation
print 'current population: ', population
for x in range(s1x):
for y in range(s1y):
nCount = neighbours(x, y)
if nCount == 3:
next_gen[x][y] = 1
elif nCount < 2 or nCount > 3:
next_gen[x][y] = 0
if next_gen[x][y] == 0 and nCount == 3:
population += 1
elif next_gen[x][y] == 1 and (nCount < 2 or nCount > 3):
population -= 1
gen = next_gen
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