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Created February 21, 2011 01:51
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hadoop to xml pipes example
(import '( BufferedReader InputStreamReader FileReader File BufferedWriter FileWriter))
(defn cmd [p] (.. Runtime getRuntime (exec (str p))))
(defn cmdout [o]
(let [r (BufferedReader.
(.getInputStream o)))]
(dorun (map println (line-seq r)))))
(defn markup [tag-name value]
(str "<" tag-name ">" value "</" tag-name ">"))
(defn build-indexes [output-path num-shards]
;;functions to help with file processing
(defn process-file [file-name line-func]
(with-open [rdr (BufferedReader. (FileReader. file-name))]
(reduce line-func 0 (line-seq rdr))))
(defn process-line [acc line]
(let [tokens (seq (.split line "[\t]+"))]
(print (str "id:"(first tokens) " to " (mod (read-string (first tokens)) num-shards) " "))
(write-lines (str output-path "/" (mod (read-string (first tokens)) num-shards) ".xml") (str (last tokens) "\n"))
(println (last tokens))))
(defn write-lines [file-name lines]
(with-open [#^BufferedWriter wtr (BufferedWriter. (FileWriter. file-name true))]
(doseq [line lines] (.write wtr (str line)))))
;;run your hadoop job, example of one
(?<- (hfs-textline output-path) [?i ?xml] (id ?p ?i)(age ?p ?a)(gender ?p ?g)
(markup "name" ?p :> ?nx)(markup "age" ?a :> ?ax)(markup "gender" ?g :> ?gx)
(str "<sphinx:document id=\""?i"\">" ?nx ?ax ?gx "</sphinx:document>":> ?xml))
(println (str "organize entries into " num-shards " files"))
;;create num-shard many files with schema at head of file TODO
;;distibute map reduce results
(let [files (filter #(not= "." (subs (.getName %1) 0 1) ) (seq (.listFiles (File. output-path))))]
(dorun (map #(process-file % process-line) files)))
;;close off docset tag TODO
(println "run indexer")
;; for each xml file, run indexer. need to have each index described in sphinx.conf TODO
(cmdout (cmd "indexer napoli")))
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