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Created March 27, 2011 19:49
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A nice way to handle twitter API errors
def make_api_call(self,f,**kwargs):
if f is None:
raise ValueError("No function passed in!")
response = []
wait_period = 1
while True:
#your api call
response = f(**kwargs)
except twitter.api.TwitterHttpError, e:
wait_period = self.handle_twitter_error(e,wait_period) #get new wait period
if wait_period is None: #if its none, we can skip it
return response
def handle_twitter_error(self,e,wait_period=1):
if wait_period > 3600:
logger.error('Too many retries')
raise e
if e.e.code == 401:
logger.warning('Not Authorized To View This Information. Skipping...')
return None
elif e.e.code in (502,503):
logger.warning(str(e.e.code)+' error. Waiting for '+str(wait_period)+' seconds...')
return wait_period + 2 #they suggest adding time linearly
elif e.e.code == 404:
logger.warning('404 Error. Page not found.')
return None
elif self.api.account.rate_limit_status()['remaining_hits'] == 0:
now = time.time()
sleep_for = self.api.account.rate_limit_status()['reset_time_in_seconds']-now
logger.warning('Rate limited. Sleeping for '+str(sleep_for)+' seconds')
return 1 #start over at 1 second wait time
logger.error("Uh oh, something bad happened...")
raise e
#created comma delimited list of first 100 names and ids passed in.
params = {
'screen_name': ','.join(screen_names[:100]),
'user_id': ','.join([str(user_id) for user_id in user_ids[:100]])
#make the call using api.users.lookup function, this handles all errors
response = self.api_call(f=api.users.lookup,**params)
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