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Dmitri Cherniak dmitric

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dmitric /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
A nice way to generate external apis

I hate using third party language libraries because they are often just a crappier more OOP'd version of a nice rest api. Here's a sample framework for automatically generating call chains that map to the RESTful url.

Just define the verbs and nouns you want to use in the resources set. And when the API changes or adds new endpoint, just toss em in there too!

POST /buttons maps to


(defn mark-up [tag-name value]
(str "<" tag-name ">" value "</" tag-name ">"))
(defn xmlify [names fields]
(reduce str (map #(mark-up %1 %2) names fields)))
;;will work, but ugly... makes each html element
(?<- (stdout) [?p ?xml-name ?xml-age ?xml-gender] (age ?p ?a) (gender ?p ?g)(mark-up "name" ?p :> ?xml-name) (mark-up "age" ?a :> ?xml-age)(mark-up "gender" ?g :> ?xml-gender))
dmitric / gist:836560
Created February 21, 2011 01:51
hadoop to xml pipes example
(import '( BufferedReader InputStreamReader FileReader File BufferedWriter FileWriter))
(defn cmd [p] (.. Runtime getRuntime (exec (str p))))
(defn cmdout [o]
(let [r (BufferedReader.
(.getInputStream o)))]
(dorun (map println (line-seq r)))))
def naive_is_prime(n):
if n <= 1:
return False
if n == 2:
return True
if n % 2 == 0:
return False
for i in xrange(3,n):
if n % i == 0:
return False
def nth_prime(n):
i = 2
prime_count = 0
while True:
if is_prime(i):
if prime_count == n:
return i
prime_count += 1
if i == 2:
i += 1
def sum_arithmetic_series(n):
return n*(n+1)/2.0
def missing_one(upto,missing_one):
return sum_arithmetic_series(upto) - sum(missing_one)
def find_missing(n,missing_some):
check = [k+1 for k in xrange(n)]
for i in missing_some:
if i in check:
return check
def find_missing_using_sets(n,missing_some):
x = frozenset(frozenset([i for i in xrange(1,n+1)])-frozenset(missing_some))
return [i for i in x]
from operator import mul
#find what numbers we are missing from an unordered list of size 1 to k, where numbers are bounded by n-k
def missing_n_prime(upto,missing_some):
product_1_to_n_primes = reduce(mul,[nth_prime(n) for n in xrange(upto)])
product_missing = reduce(mul, [nth_prime(n-1) for n in missing_some])
prime_factors = prime_factorize(product_1_to_n_primes/product_missing)
return [what_number_prime(i) for i in prime_factors]
#get prime factors of a number
dmitric /
Created March 19, 2011 23:04
Some useful bit arithmetic
#addition, full adder style
def add(a,b):
if a == 0:
return b
elif b == 0:
return a
summed = a^b
carry = (a&b) << 1
return add(summed,carry)
dmitric /
Created March 21, 2011 07:43
A wrapper class for calculating simple statistics over various sub-arrays of an array in amortized O(1) time
class CumulativeSum2D:
"""A wrapper around 2D arrays to be able to quickly grab sums and averages of various sub-arrays of the array"""
def __init__(self,data):
self.cum_sum = self.__cumulify(data)
def __cumulify(self,data):
""" creates a 2D cumulative sum matrix"""
cum_sum_array = []
for j in xrange(len(data)):