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Created July 7, 2012 23:39
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PLT cache
%%% Exports
%% API
-export([ start_link/1
, load/1
, update/0
, apply/1
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([ init/1
, code_change/3
, handle_call/3
, handle_cast/2
, handle_info/2
, terminate/2
%%% Defines
-record(state, {plt, ets, file}).
%%% API
-spec start_link([{file, Path::string()}] | []) -> ok.
start_link(Args) ->
Name = proplists:get_value(name, Args, ?MODULE),
gen_server:start_link({local, Name}, ?MODULE, Args, []).
%% Load a specified Plt file.
-spec load(Path::string()) -> ok.
load(File) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {load, File}).
%% Update all info from the currently loaded file
-spec update() -> ok.
update() ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, update).
%% Apply a specified function. Plt will be prepended to the list of arguments
-spec apply({Module::atom(), Func::atom(), Args::list()}) -> any().
apply(MFA) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {apply, MFA}).
%%% Callbacks
init(Args) ->
Plt = case proplists:lookup(file, Args) of
undefined -> [];
{_, File} -> dialyzer_plt:from_file(File)
Ets = create_and_update_ets(Plt),
{ok, #state{plt = Plt, ets = Ets}}.
handle_call({load, File}, _From, #state{ets=Ets0}) ->
Plt = dialyzer_plt:from_file(File),
Ets1 = ets:delete_all_objects(Ets0),
Ets = update_ets(Ets1, Plt),
{reply, ok, #state{ets=Ets, plt=Plt, file=File}};
handle_call(update, _From, #state{ets=Ets0, file=File}) ->
Plt = dialyzer_plt:from_file(File),
Ets1 = ets:delete_all_objects(Ets0),
Ets = update_ets(Ets1, Plt),
{reply, ok, #state{ets=Ets, plt=Plt}};
handle_call({apply, {M, F, A}}, _From, #state{plt=Plt} = State) ->
{reply, erlang:apply(M, F, [Plt | A]), State}.
handle_cast(_, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(_, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
code_change(_, State, _) ->
{ok, State}.
terminate(shutdown, #state{ets=Ets}) ->
%%% Internal
create_and_update_ets(Plt) ->
Ets = ets:new(?MODULE, [ ordered_set
, public
, {write_concurrency,true}
, {read_concurrency,true}]),
update_ets(Ets, Plt).
update_ets(Ets0, Plt) ->
Modules = sets:to_list(dialyzer_plt:all_modules(Plt)),
MFAList = get_mfas(Modules, Plt),
Ets = ets:insert(Ets0, MFAList),
get_mfas(Modules, Plt) -> get_mfas(Modules, Plt, []).
get_mfas([], _, Acc) ->
get_mfas([H|T], Plt, Acc0) ->
{value, MFATypes} = dialyzer_plt:lookup_module(Plt,H),
Acc1 = mfa_from_types(MFATypes, Acc0),
get_mfas(T, Plt, Acc1).
mfa_from_types([], Acc) -> Acc;
mfa_from_types([{MFA, _, _} | T], Acc) -> mfa_from_types(T, [MFA | Acc]).
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