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dmitriid/Link.js Secret

Last active January 24, 2018 16:22
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Using routes:

import UserDisplay
import UserListDisplay

const UserRoutes = () => {
  return <RouteHandler>
    <Route name='user'
      <Route name='id'
        <Route name='list'

ReactDOM.render(<UserRoutes />, document.getElementById('app'))

Using RouteMatcher:

The above UserRoutes sets up nested routes. maps to /user/:id etc. Anywhere in your components you can use:

const SomeComponent = () => {
  return <RouteMatcher>
      <Match name=''>
        <UserIDView />
      <Match name='user.list'>
        <UserListView />

The router exposes a number of hooks. For example, to do some additional stuff when router starts:

router.onStart((err, args) => {
   ... do your stuff ...

ReactDOM.render(<YourRoutes>, el);

Using Link:

<Link name='' params={{id: 1}}>Some text or nested components</Link>

This will create an a tag with the proper link and event handlers:

  • onClick will set router paths correctly and re-render RouteHandler
  • right-click etc. are not hijacked
import Route from './Route';
import Link from './Link';
import router from './router';
export { Route, Link, router };
import * as React from 'react'
let Route = class Route extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handlers = {}
render() {
return null
export default Route
import * as React from 'react'
import router from './router'
let RouteHandler = class RouteHandler extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handlers = {}
const {routes, handlers} = this.getRoutes(this.props.children, '')
this.handlers = handlers
if(this.props.handler) {
name: '___root___',
path: '/'
//handlers['___root___'] = this.props.handler
this.state = {
currentState: null,
pastState: null,
componentDidMount() {
router.addListener((to, from) => {
// router.setTransition(to, from)
currentState: to,
pastState: from
router.onStart((err, args) => {
console.log(err, args)
this.setState({currentState: router.getState()})
return Promise.resolve(null)
* Here's what we do:
* - traverse all children
* - build a routing table for router5
* - build a "cache" that maps router5 path segments to handlers
* Example:
* Given this route:
* <Route path="/">
* <Route path="/events" name="events">
* <Route path="/list" name="list" handler={EventsList} />
* </Route>
* <Route path="venues" name="venues" handler={Venues} />
* </Route>
* The code will return the following:
* routes: [
* {
* name: 'events',
* path: '/events',
* children: [
* {
* name: 'list',
* path: '/list'
* ]
* },
* {
* name: 'venues',
* path: '/venues',
* children: []
* }
* ]
* handlers: {
* 'events.list' : <EventsList>,
* 'venues' : <Venues>
* }
* @param route : React.Children
* @param parentName : string
* @returns {{handlers: {}, routes: Array}}
getRoutes(route, parentName) {
let localHandlers = {}
let localRoutes = []
React.Children.forEach(route, (child) => {
const childPath = child.props.path
const childName =
const childChildren = child.props.children
const childHandler = child.props.handler
const segmentName = parentName === '' ? childName : `${parentName}.${childName}`
const {handlers, routes} = this.getRoutes(childChildren, segmentName)
if(childHandler) {
localHandlers[segmentName] = childHandler
localHandlers = Object.assign({}, localHandlers, handlers)
name: childName,
path: childPath,
children: routes
return {
handlers: localHandlers,
routes: localRoutes
* Lookup a Handler associated with the current route and render it
* If router isn't started or if no Handler is found, return null
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
if(!router.isStarted) {
return null
const Handler = this.handlers[router.currentSegment]
if(!Handler) {
console.error(`RouteHandler: could not find handler for route segment '${router.currentSegment}'`)
if(this.props.handler) {
return React.createElement(this.props.handler, null)
return null
if(this.props.handler) {
return React.createElement(this.props.handler, null, React.createElement(Handler, null))
return React.createElement(Handler, null)
export default RouteHandler
import * as React from 'react'
import router from './router'
* RouteMatcher is used to render components based on current path
* <RouteMatcher>
* <Match name=''>
* <Profile />
* </Match>
* <Match name=''>
* <ProfileMeRedeem />
* </Match>
* </RouteMatcher>
* The above is the preferred way of matching. You may also match on path
* However, at this time RouteMatcher will convert path to name and will still
* match on name
* <RouteMatcher>
* <Match name='/profile/me'>
* <Profile />
* </Match>
* <Match name=''>
* <ProfileMeRedeem />
* </Match>
* </RouteMatcher>
* This is a dummy wrapper to be used in RouteMatcher
* @type {React.ClassicComponentClass<P>}
const Match = (_) => {
return null
let RouteMatcher = class RouteMatcher extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.mapping = {}
this.mapping = this.getRoutes(this.props.children, '')
this.state = {
currentState: null
componentDidMount() {
router.addListener((to, _from) => this.setState({currentState: to}))
* Here's what we do:
* - traverse all children
* - build a mapping { routeSegment => handler }
* Example:
* Given this Matching:
* <RouteMatcher>
* <Match path="/events">
* <EventsList />
* </Match>
* <Match name="events.misc">
* <SomeOtherHandler />
* </Match>
* </Route>
* The code will return the following:
* mapping: [
* {
* name: 'events',
* children: [
* <EventsList />
* ]
* },
* {
* name: 'events.misc',
* children: [ <SomeOtherHandler /> ]
* }
* ]
* @param route : React.Children
* @param parentName : string
* @returns {{handlers: {}, routes: Array}}
getRoutes(route, parentName) {
let localMapping = {}
React.Children.forEach(route, (child) => {
let name =
if(typeof === 'undefined') {
const match = router.matchUrl(child.props.path)
if(match === null) {
name =
localMapping[name] = child.props.children
return localMapping
* Lookup a Handler associated with the current route and render it
* If router isn't started or if no Handler is found, return null
* @returns {ReactElement}
render() {
if(!router.isStarted) {
return null
const Children = this.mapping[router.currentSegment] || this.mapping['*']
if(!Children) {
console.error(`RouteMatcher: could not find handler for route segment '${router.currentSegment}'`)
return null
return Children
RouteMatcher = __decorate([
], RouteMatcher)
export {RouteMatcher, Match}
import Router5 from 'router5'
import browserPluginFactory from 'router5/plugins/browser'
import listenersPlugin from 'router5/plugins/listeners'
import {seq} from '../promises'
const router5 = new Router5([], {
strictQueryParams: true,
autoCleanUp: true
const broswerPlugin = browserPluginFactory({
useHash: true
class RouterSingleton {
constructor() {
this._onStart = []
/*setTransition(to, from) {
extendObservable(this._previousState, from)
extendObservable(this._currentState, to)
get currentSegment() {
return router5.getState().name
segmentMatches(segment) {
if(typeof segment === 'string') {
return new RegExp(`^${segment.replace('.', '\\.')}$`).test(this.currentSegment)
else {
return segment.test(this.currentSegment)
* Match a route, and navigate to it. Do not reload browser page
* router.navigate('profile.redeem-code', {code: 'XXX'})
* ^ this will change browser location to '/redeem-code/XXX'
* but *will not* reload the page
* @param args : {route: string, params: object}
* @returns {any}
navigate(...args) {
return router5.navigate.apply(router5, args)
transitionTo(...args) {
return router5.navigate.apply(router5, args)
* If path matches an existing route, navigate to it without reloading
* the page
* If path doesn't match, make browser go to this url
* E.g.
* router.navigateToPath('/redeem-code/XXX')
* ^ this will change path to '/redeem-code/XXX' and *will not*
* reload the page because it matches
* <Route name='redeem-code' path='/redeem-code/:code'>
* router.navigateToPath('/browse-book')
* ^ this will force the browser to go to '/browse-book' because
* no such path has been configured
* @param path : string
navigateToPath(path) {
const match = router5.matchPath(path)
if(match === null) {
window.location.href = path
this.navigate(, match.params)
* Match a route and navigate to it, but force browser reload
* router.navigate('profile.redeem-code', {code: 'XXX'})
* ^ this will make browser load location '/redeem-code/XXX'
* @param args : {route: string, params: object}
forceNavigate(...args) {
const route = router5.buildPath.apply(router5, args)
window.location.href = route
addListener(...args) {
return router5.addListener.apply(router5, args)
buildPath(...args) {
return router5.buildPath.apply(router5, args)
matchPath(...args) {
return router5.matchPath.apply(router5, args)
matchUrl(...args) {
return router5.matchUrl.apply(router5, args)
_setRouterIsStarted() {
this._isStarted = true
start() {
return router5.start.apply(router5, [(err, args) => {
.map((callback) => () => callback(err, args)))
.then(() => this._setRouterIsStarted())
.catch(() => this._setRouterIsStarted())
onStart(callback) {
get isStarted() {
return router5.isStarted()
add(...args) {
return router5.add.apply(router5, args)
getParams() {
const state = router5.getState()
return state.params
getState() {
return router5.getState()
getPath() {
return router5.getState().path
getActiveRoute() {
return this.currentSegment
const router = new RouterSingleton()
export default router
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