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Created October 16, 2015 14:04
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* Compile *.styl files to css.css:
* node build_css.js
* Watch *.styl files and compile them to css.css:
* node build_css.js -w
var chokidar = require('chokidar');
var stylus = require('stylus');
var fs = require('fs');
var clc = require('cli-color');
var filesize = require('filesize');
// make a new file watcher
var css = {};
var inited = false;
var outFile = 'css/compiled/css.css';
var opt = require('node-getopt').create([
['w', '', 'watch the files']
]) // create Getopt instance
.bindHelp() // bind option 'help' to default action
.parseSystem(); // parse command line
var watch = opt.options.w ? true : false;
var render_stats = function(){
if(!inited) return;
var stats = fs.statSync(outFile);
var fileSizeInBytes = stats.size;
var kb = filesize(fileSizeInBytes, {base: 10, round: 2});
console.log(, " ", clc.white(kb));
if(!watch) process.exit(0);
var do_render = function(){
var out = Object.keys(css).map(function (key) {
return css[key];
fs.writeFileSync(outFile, out);
var render = function (filename) {
console.log('Rebuilding ' + filename);
var str = fs.readFileSync(filename);
.set('filename', filename)
.render(function (err, rendered_css) {
if (err) {
console.log('Could not parse file ', filename, err));
if(!watch) process.exit(1);
css[filename] = rendered_css;
// register for the `change` event
var watcher ='css/css/*.styl');
.on('add', render)
.on('change', render)
.on('unlink', function(filename){
delete css[filename];
.on('error', function(error){
console.log('Could not parse file: ', error));
if (!watch) process.exit(1);
.on('ready', function(){
inited = true;
setInterval(function () {}, 1000);
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