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Last active May 15, 2018 17:50
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A small demonstration of plotting mimir logs with visdom
import mimir
import time
from visdom_handler import VisdomHandler
def main():
logger = mimir.Logger()
visdom_handler = VisdomHandler(['train', 'valid'], 'ce',
dict(title='Train/valid cross-entropy',
for i in range(1, 100):
logger.log({'iteration': i, 'records': {'train': {'ce': 1. / i}}})
if i % 10 == 0:
{'iteration': i, 'records': {'valid': {'ce': 1.2 / i}}})
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy
import visdom
from mimir.handlers import Handler
class VisdomHandler(Handler):
r"""A mimir logger handler for plotting with visdom.
The log should contain two fields: `'iteration'` (integer) and
`'records'` (dict). The records dictionary has a form
`{line_name: {key: value}}`, where the line name is in the `line_names`.
The handler ignores extra content in the log. Multiple handlers
are expected to be used to create multiple plot windows.
line_names : list of str
Line names to be shown in legend. Same names should appear
in the log.
key : str
Key to be plotted.
plot_options : dict
Plot options are passed as `opts` argument to the
filters : iterable
Filters to be passed to the :class:`Handler`.
\*\*kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments to be passed to the :class:`Visdom` constructor.
>>> import mimir
>>> logger = mimir.Logger()
>>> visdom_handler = VisdomHandler(
... ['train', 'valid'], 'ce',
... dict(title='Train/valid cross-entropy',
... xlabel='iteration',
... ylabel='cross-entropy'))
>>> logger.handlers.append(visdom_handler)
>>> logger.log({'iteration': 1,
... 'records': {'train': {'ce': 3.14},
... 'valid': {'ce': 6.28}}})
def __init__(self, line_names, key, plot_options=None, filters=None,
super(VisdomHandler, self).__init__(filters=filters)
self.viz = visdom.Visdom(**kwargs)
self.line_names = line_names
self.key = key
# we have to initialize the plot with some data, but NaNs are ignored
dummy_data = [numpy.nan] * len(self.line_names)
dummy_ind = [0.] * len(self.line_names)
plot_options = plot_options or {}
# `line` method squeezes the input, in order to maintain the shape
# we have to repeat it twice making its shape (2, M), where M is
# the number of lines
self.window = self.viz.line(numpy.vstack([dummy_data, dummy_data]),
numpy.vstack([dummy_ind, dummy_ind]),
def log(self, entity):
iteration = entity['iteration']
records = entity['records']
for name in self.line_names:
if name in records:
if self.key not in records[name]:
values = numpy.array(
[records[name][self.key]], dtype='float64')
iterations = numpy.array([iteration], dtype='float64')
self.viz.line(Y=values, X=iterations, update="append",
name=name, win=self.window)
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screen shot 2017-03-23 at 3 07 04 pm

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