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Last active October 18, 2016 16:48
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class Mode(object):
"""Setup mode train or test.
It is meant to be used in a context created by `train` or `test`.
Crashes if used outside of context.
An intended use is to create a brick with conditional apply method
which checks mode inside. A brick should store the mode object in
a field. Several bricks can use the same mode object.
>>> mode = Mode()
>>> def foo():
... print(mode)
>>> with mode.train:
... foo()
>>> with mode.test:
... foo()
>>> foo()
def train(self):
self._mode_to_set = 'train'
return self
def test(self):
self._mode_to_set = 'test'
return self
def __enter__(self):
self.mode = self._mode_to_set
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
del self.mode
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.mode == other
def __repr__(self):
return self.mode
class NoisyLSTM(LSTM, Random):
def __init__(self, dim, activation=None, gate_activation=None, **kwargs):
super(NoisyLSTM, self).__init__(dim, activation, gate_activation, **kwargs)
@recurrent(sequences=['inputs', 'mask', 'rand_noise'],
states=['states', 'cells'],
contexts=[], outputs=['states', 'cells'])
def do_apply(self, inputs, states, cells, mask=None, rand_noise=None):
def slice_last(x, no):
return x[:, no*self.dim: (no+1)*self.dim]
nonlinearity = self.children[0].apply
activation =, self.W_state) + inputs
in_gate = self.gate_activation.apply(
slice_last(activation, 0) +
cells * self.W_cell_to_in, slice_last(rand_noise, 0))
forget_gate = self.gate_activation.apply(
slice_last(activation, 1) +
cells * self.W_cell_to_forget, slice_last(rand_noise, 1))
next_cells = (forget_gate * cells +
in_gate * nonlinearity(slice_last(activation, 2),
slice_last(rand_noise, 2)))
out_gate = self.gate_activation.apply(
slice_last(activation, 3) +
next_cells * self.W_cell_to_out, slice_last(rand_noise, 3))
next_states = out_gate * nonlinearity(next_cells, slice_last(rand_noise, 3))
if mask:
next_states = (mask[:, None] * next_states +
(1 - mask[:, None]) * states)
next_cells = (mask[:, None] * next_cells +
(1 - mask[:, None]) * cells)
return next_states, next_cells
def apply(self, inputs, states, cells, mask=None, **kwargs):
noise = self.theano_rng.normal(size=inputs.shape, avg=0, std=1,
return self.do_apply(inputs, states=states, cells=cells, mask=mask,
rand_noise=noise, **kwargs)
def apply_delegate(self):
# when someone calls apply.sequences it will return do_apply.sequences
return self.do_apply
def get_dim(self, name):
if name == 'rand_noise':
return self.get_dim('inputs')
return super(NoisyLSTM, self).get_dim(name)
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