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Created March 21, 2019 00:05
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Here is what I'm using:
Name of top-level design
set DESIGN_NAME "mips32"
# Set Design Path
set DESIGN_PATH [file normalize ~/cad/mips32]
# Aboslute path prefix variable for library/design data. Use this variable to
# prefix the common absolute path to the common variables defined
# below. Absolute paths are mandatory are mandary for heirarchical RM flow.
# List of hierarchical block design names "DesignA DesignB" ...
# List of hierarchical block cell instance names "u_DesignA u_DesignB" ...
# Additional search path to be added to the default search path
# Target libraries
set TARGET_LIBRARY_FILES "saed90nm_typ.db"
# Symbol library
set SYMBOL_LIBRARY_FILES "saed90nm.sdb"
# Extra link logical libraries not included in TARGET_LIBRARY_FILES
# List of max/min library pairs
set MIN_LIBRARY_FILES "saed90nm_max.db saed90nm_min.db"
# Milkyway refere libraries (include IC compiler ILMs here)
# Reference control file to define the MW reference libraries
# Milkyway technology file
# Mapping file for TLUplus
set MAP_FILE ""
# Max/Min TLUplus file
set TLUPLUS_MAX_FILE "saed90nm_1p9m_1t_Cmax.tluplus"
set TLUPLUS_MIN_FILE "saed90nm_1p9m_1t_Cmin.tluplus"
# Names for power/ground nets
# Min/Max routing layer
# Tcl file with library modificatiosn for don't use
# Multi-Voltage Common Variables
# Define the following MV common variables for the RM scripts for multi-voltage
# flows. Use as few or as many of the following definitions as needed by your
# design.
set PD1 "" ;# Name of power domain/voltage area 1
set PD1_CELLS "" ;# Instances to include in power domain/voltage area 1
set VA1_COORDINATES {} ;# Coordinates for voltage area 1
set MW_POWER_NET1 "VDD1" ;# Power net for voltage area 1
set MW_POWER_PORT1 "VDD" ;# Power port for voltage area 1
set PD2 "" ;# Name of power domain/voltage area 2
set PD2_CELLS "" ;# Instances to include in power domain/voltage area 2
set VA2_COORDINATES {} ;# Coordinates for voltage area 2
set MW_POWER_NET2 "VDD2" ;# Power net for voltage area 2
set MW_POWER_PORT2 "VDD" ;# Power port for voltage area 2
# Source the file that is common to ALL Synopsys tools to setup commmon variables
source common-setup.tcl
# Setup variables: Portions of the dc_setup.tcl may be used by other tools, so
# do check for DC only commands
if {$synopsys_program_name == "dc_shell"} {
# Change alib_library_analysis_path to point to a centeral cache of analyzed
# libraries to save some runtime and disk space. The following setting only
# reflects the default value and shoudl be changed to a central location for
# best results.
set alib_library_analysis_path .
# Add any other DC variables here
# List of source files to read if reading from RTL
set RTL_SOURCE_FILES "${DESIGN_PATH}/src/mips32.v";
# The following directories are created and used by DC scripts to direct the
# location of the output files
set REPORTS_DIR "syn-reports"
set RESULTS_DIR "syn-results"
set LOG "syn-log"
file mkdir ${REPORTS_DIR}
file mkdir ${RESULTS_DIR}
file mkdir ${LOG}
# Library Setup: Define all the library variables shared by all the front-end
# tools. It is designed to work with the settings in common-setup.tcl without
# any additional modification.
set search_path ". ${DESIGN_PATH}/synopsys/syn \
${DESIGN_PATH}/synopsys/syn/dc \
# Milkyway variable settings: make sure to define the variables mw_logic1_net,
# mw_logic0_net and mw_design_library as they are need by write_milkway command.
set mw_logic1_net ${MW_POWER_NET}
set mw_logic0_net ${MW_GROUND_NET}
set mw_reference_library ${MW_REFERENCE_LIB_DIRS}
set mw_design_library ${DESIGN_NAME}_lib
set mw_site_name_mapping [list CORE unit Core unit core unit]
# The remainder of the seutp should only be performed in Design Compiler
if {$synopsys_program_name == "dc_shell"} {
# Include all libraries for multi-Vth leakage power optimization
set target_library ${TARGET_LIBRARY_FILES}
set symbol_library ${SYMBOL_LIBRARY_FILES}
set synthetic_library dw_foundation.sldb
set link_library "* $target_library $ADDITIONAL_LINK_LIB_FILES $synthetic_library"
# Set min libraries if they exist
foreach {max_library min_library} $MIN_LIBRARY_FILES {
set_min_library $max_library -min_version $min_library
# If in topological mode, create/open milkway library and setup TLU+ files for
# RC extraction
if {[shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {
# Only create new Milkyway design library if it doesn't already exist
if {![file isdirectory $mw_design_library]} {
create_mw_lib -technology $TECH_FILE \
-mw_reference_library $mw_reference_library $mw_design_library \
-hier_separator {/}
} else {
# If Milkyway design library already exists, ensure that is consistent with
# specified Milkyway reference libraries
set_mw_lib_reference $mw_design_library -mw_reference_library $mw_reference_library
open_mw_lib $mw_design_library
set_tlu_plus_file -max_tluplus $TLUPLUS_MAX_FILE \
-min_tluplus $TLUPLUS_MIN_FILE \
-tech2itf_map $MAP_FILE
# Library modifications: Apply library modifications here after the
# libraries are loaded.
if {[file exists [which ${LIBRARY_DONT_USE_FILE}]]} {
source -echo ${LIBRARY_DONT_USE_FILE}
# Timestamp
sh date
# Apply the dc-setup.tcl to setup libraries, paths, variables, etc
source ./dc/dc-setup.tcl
# Synopsys auto setup mode
set synopsys_auto_setup true
# Note: The Synopsys Auto Setup mode is less conservative than the Formality
# default mode, and is more likely to result in a successful verification
# out-of-the-box.
# Using the Setting this variable will change the default values of the variables
# listed here below. You may change any of these variables back to their default
# settings to be more conservative. Uncomment the appropriate lines below to
# revert back to their default settings:
# set hdlin_ignore_parallel_case true
# set hdlin_ignore_full_case true
# set verification_verify_directly_undriven_output true
# set hdlin_ignore_embedded_configuration false
# set svf_ignore_unqualified_fsm_information true
# Other variables with changed default values are described in the next few sections.
# The Synopsys Auto Setup mode sets undriven signals in the reference design to "0" similar to DC.
# Undriven signals in the implementation design are set to "X".
# Uncomment the next line to revert back to the more conservative default setting:
set verification_set_undriven_signals BINARY:X
# The Synopsys Auto Setup mode will produce warning messages, not error messages,
# when Formality encounters potential differences between simulation and synthesis.
# Uncomment the next line to revert back to the more conservative default setting:
set hdlin_error_on_mismatch_message true
# The Synopsys Auto Setup mode, along with the SVF file, will appropriately
# set the clock-gating variable. Otherwise, the user will need to notify
# Formality of clock-gating by uncommenting the next line:
# set verification_clock_gate_hold_mode any
# Set this variable ONLY if your design contains instantiated DW or function-inferred DW
# set hdlin_dwroot "" ;# Enter the pathname to the top-level of the DC tree
# If the design has missing blocks or missing components in both the
# reference and implementation designs, uncomment the following variable
# so that Formality can complete linking each design:
# set hdlin_unresolved_modules black_box
# Set SVF file to read
set_svf ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.svf
# Read in libraries
read_db -technology_library $tech_lib
# Read in the reference (original) design as verilog/vhdl source
read_verilog -r ${RTL_SOURCE_FILES} -work_library WORK
# Set reference design
set_top r:/WORK/${DESIGN_NAME}
# Read in the mapped design
# For verilog
# read_verilog -i ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.v
# For DDC
read_ddc -i ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.ddc
# Or Milkyway
# read_milkyway -i -libname ${mw_design_library} -cell_name ${DESIGN_NAME}_DCT ${mw_reference_library}
# Set implementation design
set_top i:/WORK/${DESIGN_NAME}
# Or for Milkyway
# set_top i:/${mw_design_library}/${DESIGN_NAME}
# Configure constant ports. When using the Synopsys Auto Setup mode,
# the SVF file will convey information automatically to Formality about
# how to disable scan.
# Otherwise, manually define those ports whose inputs should be assumed constant
# during verification.
# Example command format:
# set_constant -type port i:/WORK/$DESIGN_NAME/<port_name> <constant_value>
# Match compare points and report unmatched points
report_unmatched_points > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.fmv_unmatched_points.rpt
# Verify and report
if {![verify]} {
save_session -replace ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}
report_failing_points > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.fmv_failing_points.rpt
report_aborted > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.fmv_aborted_points.rpt
# Timestamp
sh date
# Terminate
mips32.s0.tcl: (constraints)
echo "** LOG(mips32.s0.tcl): SCENARIO (S0)"
set PERIOD 10 ;# 10 ns clock period -> 100 MHz max
set MIN_TO_DELAY 1.0
# Preserve all heirarchy (set to true when RTL is in development)
set NO_UNGROUP false
echo "** LOG(mips32.s0.tcl): S0 PERIOD: ${PERIOD}"
# Clock basics
# Set clk period
create_clock -name "clk" -period $PERIOD [get_port clk]
# Set clk latency: time it takes for clk signal to get from source to FF sync pin.
set_clock_latency $CLOCK_LATENCY [get_clocks clk]
# Set clk uncertainity (jitter/skew): maximum time difference between two pins on
# a chip receiving the same clk signal
set_clock_uncertainty 0.3 [get_clocks clk]
# Set clk transition: time for clk to go 0->1 or 1->0
set_clock_transition 0.4 [get_clocks clk]
# Grouping clk/inputs/outputs for better optimization
group_path -name CLK -to clk
group_path -name INPUTS -through [all_inputs]
group_path -name OUTPUTS -to [all_outputs]
# Set I/O names
set INPUTPORTS [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] [get_ports clk]]
set OUTPUTPORTS [all_outputs]
# Set delay constraints on I/O boundaries
set_input_delay -clock "clk" -max $INPUT_DELAY $INPUTPORTS
set_input_delay -clock "clk" -min $MIN_TO_DELAY $INPUTPORTS
set_output_delay -clock "clk" -max $OUTPUT_DELAY $OUTPUTPORTS
set_output_delay -clock "clk" -min $MIN_TO_DELAY $OUTPUTPORTS
# Set the load and driving cell
set REFLIB [file rootname $TARGET_LIBRARY_FILES]
# Set maximum load to be 5X the input capacitance of a DFFARX1 cell
set_load [expr 5 * [load_of $REFLIB/$DFFCELL/$DFFCELL_IN_PIN]] [all_outputs]
# Set a DFF flip flop as the driving cell for all inputs (pipelined stages)
set_driving_cell -library $REFLIB -lib_cell $DFFCELL -pin $DFFCELL_OUT_PIN [all_inputs]
# Driving cell does not drive clk so remove it
remove_driving_cell [get_ports clk]
# Set maximum transition time of any net in design to be 1 ns.
set_max_transition $MAX_TRANSITION [current_design]
# Set the maximum capacitance on any net in the design to be 1 pF.
set_max_capacitance 1.0 [current_design]
# Set maximum fanout of any net in the design
set_max_fanout 20 [current_design]
# Minimize the area
set_max_area 0
Added after 45 minutes:
# Timestamp
sh date
# Apply the dc-setup.tcl to setup libraries, paths, variables, etc
source ./dc/dc-setup.tcl
# Design Compiler Reference Methodology Script for Top-Down Flow
# Add any additional variables here
# No additional flow variables are being recommended
# Setup for Formality verification: SVF should always be written to allow
# Formality verification for advanced optimizations
set_svf ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.svf
# Setup SAIF name mapping database: Include an RTL SAIF for better power
# optimizaiton and analysis
saif_map -start
# Read in the RTL design: read in either RTL source files or an elaborated
# design (DDC)
define_design_lib WORK -path ./work
analyze -format verilog ${RTL_SOURCE_FILES}
elaborate ${DESIGN_NAME}
write -hierarchy -format ddc -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.elab.ddc
# OR read an elaborated design from the same release. Using an elaborated design
# from an older release will not give best results.
# read_ddc ${DESIGN_NAME}.elab.ddc
# current_design ${DESIGN_NAME}
# Resolve design/modules references by linking design to logical libraries
# Apply logical design constraints
source ${DESIGN_NAME}.s0.tcl
# We can enable analysis and optimization for multiple clocks per register. To
# use this, we must constrain to remove false interactions between mutually
# exclusive clocks. This is needed to prevent unnecesasry analysis that can result
# in a significant runtime incrase with this feature enabled.
# For mips32, it is unnecessary since we have a single clock.
# set_clock_groups -physically_exlucive | -logically_exclusive | -asynchronous \
# -group {CLKA, CLKB} -group {CLKC, CLKD}
# set timing_enable_multiple_clocks_per_reg true
# Apply operating conditions on top level. Set min/max for delay analysis and
# typical for normal usage.
set_operating_conditions -max WORST \
-max_library [file rootname $max_library] \
-min BEST -min_library [file rootname $min_library]
set_operating_conditions TYPICAL
# Create default path groups: separating these paths can help improve optimization.
# Remove these path group settings if user path graoups have already been defined.
set ports_clock_root [get_ports [all_fanout -flat -clock_tree -level 0]]
group_path -name REGOUT -to [all_outputs]
group_path -name REGIN -from [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] $ports_clock_root]
group_path -name FEEDTHROUGH -from [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] $ports_clock_root] -to [all_outputs]
# Power optimization
# Clock gating setup
# Default clock_gating_style suits most designs. Change only if necessary.
# set_clock_gating_style ...
# Clock gate insertion is now performed during compile_ultra -gate_clock
# so insert_clock_gating is no longer recommended at this step.
# For better timing optimization of enable logic, clock latency for
# clock gating cells can be optionally specified.
# set_clock_gate_latency -clock <clock_name> -stage <stage_num> \
# -fanout_latency {fo_range1 latency_val1 fo_range2 latency_val2 ...}
# Apply power optimization constraints
# Include a SAIF file, if possible, for power optimization. If a SAIF file
# is not provided, the default toggle rate of 0.1 will be used for propagating
# switching activity.
# read_saif -auto_map_names -input ${DESIGN_NAME}.saif -instance < DESIGN_INSTANCE > -verbose
# Remove set_max_total_power power optimization constraint from scripts in 2008.09
# Enable both of the following settings for total power optimization
set_max_leakage_power 0
# set_max_dynamic_power 0
if {[shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {
# Setting power constraints will automatically enable power prediction using clock tree estimation.
# If you are not setting any power constraints and you still want to report
# correlated power, you can use the following command to turn on power prediction.
set_power_prediction true
if {[shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {
# Apply physical desigin constraints
# Optional: Floorplan information can be read in here if available.
# This is highly recommended for irregular floorplans.
# Floorplan constraints can be extracted from DEF files using
# extract_physical_constraints OR provided from Tcl commands.
# DEF is the recommended input format to maximize the use of the latest
# floorplan read capabilities of Design Compiler topographical mode.
# Specify ignored layers for routing to improve correlation
# Use the same ignored layers that will be used during place and route
if {${MIN_ROUTING_LAYER} != ""} {
set_ignored_layers -min_routing_layer ${MIN_ROUTING_LAYER}
if {${MAX_ROUTING_LAYER} != ""} {
set_ignored_layers -max_routing_layer ${MAX_ROUTING_LAYER}
# If the macro names change after mapping and writing out the design due to
# ungrouping or Verilog change_names renaming, it may be necessary to translate
# the names to correspond to the cell names that exist before compile.
# During DEF constraint extraction, extract_physical_constraints automatically
# matches DEF names back to precompile names in memory using standard matching rules.
# Modify fuzzy_query_options if other characters are used for hierarchy separators
# or bus names.
# set_fuzzy_query_options -hierarchical_separators {/ _ .} \
# -bus_name_notations {[] __ ()} \
# -class {cell pin port net} \
# -show
# Note: The -site_row or -pre_route options are not needed to extract this info
# from the DEF file. These are extracted automatically and saved in DDC.
# Only use these options if you want this info to be included in the
# ASCII output from "extract_physical_constraints -output".
if {[file exists [which ${DESIGN_NAME}.def]]} {
extract_physical_constraints ${DESIGN_NAME}.def
# OR
# For Tcl constraints, the name matching feature must be explicitly enabled
# and will also use the set_fuzzy_query_options setttings. This should
# be turned off after the constraint read in order to minimize runtime.
# set fuzzy_matching_enabled true
# source -echo -verbose ${DESIGN_NAME}.physical_constraints.tcl
# set fuzzy_matching_enabled false
# Note: Include the -site_row or -pre_route options with either
# write_physical_constraints or report_physical_constraints if you also
# want to include these in the ASCII output files. Site rows and pre-routes
# are automatically extracted from the DEF and saved in the DDC even if these
# options are not specified.
# You can save the extracted constraints for fast loading next time.
# write_physical_constraints -output ${DESIGN_NAME}.physical_constraints.tcl
# Verify that all the desired physical constraints have been applied
report_physical_constraints > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.physical_constraints.rpt
# Apply additional optimization constraints
# Prevent assignment statment in the Verilog netlist
set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
# Insert level-shifters on all clocks
set auto_insert_evel_shifters_on_clocks all
# Preserve subdesign interfaces
# NOTE; when design is matured, we can turn this off so it does heirarchical
# optimization by pushing subdesign constants (pins connected to logic 0/1) to
# the external environment and optimizing that.
#set compile_preserve_subdesign_interfaces true
# Write out all unconnected pins in verilog netlist
set verilogout_show_unconnected_pins true
# Fix hold-time violations on clock by slowing down data signals
set_fix_hold [get_clocks clk]
# Fix timing violations if not in topographical mode
if {![shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {
set compile_top_all_paths true
# Compile the Design
# Recommended Options:
# -scan
# -gate_clock
# -retime
# -timing_high_effort_script
# -area_high_effort_script
# -congestion
# -num_cpus
# Use compile_ultra as your starting point. For test-ready compile, include
# the -scan option with the first compile and any subsequent compiles.
# Use -gate_clock to insert clock-gating logic during optimization. This
# is now the recommended methodology for clock gating.
# Use -retime to enable adapative retiming optimization for further timing
# benefit without any runtime or memory overhead.
# The -timing_high_effort_script or the -area_high_effort_script option
# may also be used to try and improve the optimization results at the tradeoff
# of some additional runtime.
# The -congestion option (topographical mode only) enables specialized optimizations that
# reduce routing related congestion during synthesis and scan compression insertion
# with DFT Compiler. Only enable congestion optimization if required.
# This option requires a license for Design Compiler Graphical.
# Use -num_cpus to enable multi-core optimization to improve runtime. Note
# that this feature has special usage and license requirements. See the following
# article for more info:
if {[shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {
# Use the "-check_only" option of "compile_ultra" to verify that your
# libraries and design are complete and that optimization will not fail
# in topographical mode. Use the same options as will be used in compile_ultra.
compile_ultra -check_only
if {$NO_UNGROUP} {
compile_ultra -gate_clock -area_high_effort_script -no_autoungroup -retime
} else {
compile_ultra -gate_clock -area_high_effort_script -retime
# Write Out Final Design and Reports
# .ddc: Recommended binary format used for subsequent Design Compiler sessions
# Milkyway: Recommended binary format for IC Compiler
# .v : Verilog netlist for ASCII flow (Formality, PrimeTime, VCS)
# .spef: Topographical mode parasitics for PrimeTime
# .sdf: SDF backannotated topographical mode timing for PrimeTime
# .sdc: SDC constraints for ASCII flow
change_names -rules verilog -hierarchy
# Check the design for consistency
# Write and close SVF file and make it available for immediate use
set_svf off
# Write out design
write -format ddc -hierarchy -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.ddc
write -f verilog -hierarchy -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.v
# Write out design data
if {[shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {
# Note: Include the -site_row or -pre_route options with write_physical_constraints
# if you also want to include these in the ASCII output files. Site rows and pre-routes
# are automatically extracted from the DEF and saved in the DDC even if these
# options are not specified.
write_physical_constraints -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.physical_constraints.tcl
# Write parasitics data for static timing analysis
write_parasitics -output ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.spef
# Write SDF back annotation data from DCT placment for static timing analysis
write_sdf ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.sdf
# Do not write out net RC info onto SDC
set write_sdc_output_lumped_net_capacitance false
set write_sdc_output_net_resistance false
write_sdc -nosplit ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.sdc
# If SAIF is used, write out SAIF name mapping file for PrimeTime-PX
saif_map -type ptpx -write_map ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.SAIF.namemap
# Generate final reports - qor, timing, area, congestion, power, clock gating
report_qor > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.qor.rpt
report_timing -nworst 10 -transition_time -nets -attributes -nosplit > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.timing.rpt
report_hierarchy -nosplit > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.hierarchy.rpt
report_resources -nosplit -hierarchy > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.resources.rpt
report_constraint > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.constraints.rpt
if {[shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {
report_area -physical -nosplit > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.area.rpt
# report_congestion (topographical mode only) reports estimated routing related
# congestion after topographical mode synthesis. This command requires a
# license for Design Compiler Graphical.
# report_congestion > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.congestion.rpt
} else {
report_area -nosplit > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.area.rpt
# Use SAIF file for power analysis
#read_saif -auto_map_names -input ${DESIGN_NAME}.saif -instance < DESIGN_INSTANCE > -verbose
report_power -nosplit > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.power.rpt
report_clock_gating -nosplit > ${REPORTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.mapped.clock_gating.rpt
# Write the shell command script to save current settings
write_script -out ${RESULTS_DIR}/${DESIGN_NAME}.script
# Write out Milkyway Design for Top-Down Flow
# NOTE: This should be the last step in the script
if {[shell_is_in_topographical_mode]} {
write_milkyway -overwrite -output ${DESIGN_NAME}_DCT
# Timestamp
sh date
# Terminate
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