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Created August 28, 2013 20:13
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Euler project. Problem #54. F#. More Clarity Of Intent.
//In the card game poker...
type Card = Face * Suit
and Suit = Spades | Diamonds | Clubs | Hearts
//The cards are valued in the order:
//2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace.
and Face = int
let Jack = 11
let Queen = 12
let King = 13
let Ace = 14
// ... a hand consists of five cards ..
type Hand = Card * Card * Card * Card * Card
//High Card: Highest value card.
let highCard x y =
if x < y then 2
elif x > y then 1
else invalidOp (sprintf "Tie. First hand: %A. Second hand: %A" x y)
//One Pair: Two cards of the same value.
let (|OnePairs|_|) = function
| (f1, _), (f2, _), x, y, z
| x, (f1, _), (f2, _), y, z
| x, y, (f1, _), (f2, _), z
| x, y, z, (f1, _), (f2, _)
when f1 = f2 -> Some(f1, (x, y, z))
| hand -> None
//Two Pairs: Two different pairs.
let (|TwoPairs|_|) = function
| (f11, _), (f12, _), (f21, _), (f22, _), tail
| (f11, _), (f12, _), (f21, _), tail, (f22, _)
| (f11, _), (f12, _), tail, (f21, _), (f22, _)
| (f11, _), tail, (f12, _), (f21, _), (f22, _)
| tail, (f11, _), (f12, _), (f21, _), (f22, _)
when f11 = f12 && f21 = f22 -> Some(f11, f21, tail)
| _ -> None
//Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same value.
let (|ThreeOfAKind|_|) = function
| (f1, _), (f2, _), (f3, _), x, y
| x, (f1, _), (f2, _), (f3, _), y
| x, y, (f1, _), (f2, _), (f3, _)
when f1 = f2 && f2 = f3 -> Some(f1, (x, y))
| _ -> None
//Straight: All cards are consecutive values.
let (|Straight|_|) (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) =
let consecutiveCards = function
| (Ace, _), (King, _)
| (King, _), (Queen, _)
| (Queen, _), (Jack, _)
| (Jack, _), (10, _) -> true
| (x, _), (y, _) -> x - 1 = y
if Seq.forall consecutiveCards [(c1, c2); (c2, c3); (c3, c4); (c4, c5)]
then Some()
else None
//Flush: All cards of the same suit.
let (|Flush|_|) ((_, s1), (_, s2), (_, s3), (_, s4), (_, s5)) =
if s1 = s2 && s2 = s3 && s3 = s4 && s4 = s5
then Some()
else None
//Full House: Three of a kind and a pair.
let (|FullHouse|_|) = function
| ThreeOfAKind(three, ((f1, _), (f2, _)))
when f1 = f2 -> Some(three, f1)
| _ -> None
//Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same value.
let (|FourOfAKind|_|) = function
| (f1, _), (f2, _), (f3, _), (f4, _), tail
| tail, (f1, _), (f2, _), (f3, _), (f4, _)
when f1 = f2 && f2 = f3 && f3 = f4 -> Some(f1, tail)
| _ -> None
//Straight Flush: All cards are consecutive values of same suit.
let (|StraightFlush|_|) = function
| Straight & Flush -> Some()
| _ -> None
//Royal Flush: Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace, in same suit.
let (|RoyalFlush|_|) = function
| ((Ace, _), _, _, _, _) & StraightFlush -> Some()
| _ -> None
If two players have the same ranked hands
then the rank made up of the highest value wins;
for example, a pair of eights beats a pair of fives.
But if two ranks tie, for example,
both players have a pair of queens,
then highest cards in each hand are compared;
if the highest cards tie then
the next highest cards are compared, and so on.
let compareHands(first, second) =
match first, second with
| RoyalFlush, RoyalFlush -> highCard first second
| RoyalFlush, _ -> 1
| _, RoyalFlush -> 2
| StraightFlush, StraightFlush -> highCard first second
| StraightFlush, _ -> 1
| _, StraightFlush -> 2
| FourOfAKind x, FourOfAKind y -> highCard x y
| FourOfAKind _, _ -> 1
| _, FourOfAKind _ -> 2
| FullHouse x, FullHouse y -> highCard x y
| FullHouse _, _ -> 1
| _, FullHouse _ -> 2
| Flush, Flush -> highCard first second
| Flush, _ -> 1
| _, Flush -> 2
| Straight, Straight -> highCard first second
| Straight, _ -> 1
| _, Straight -> 2
| ThreeOfAKind x, ThreeOfAKind y -> highCard x y
| ThreeOfAKind _, _ -> 1
| _, ThreeOfAKind _ -> 2
| TwoPairs x, TwoPairs y -> highCard x y
| TwoPairs _, _ -> 1
| _, TwoPairs _ -> 2
| OnePairs x, OnePairs y -> highCard x y
| OnePairs _, _ -> 1
| _, OnePairs _ -> 2
| _ -> highCard first second
let parseFace = function
| 'A' -> Ace | 'K' -> King | 'Q' -> Queen | 'J' -> Jack
| 'T' -> 10
| x when x >= '2' && x <= '9' -> int x - int '0'
| c -> invalidArg "Face" (string c)
let parseSuit = function
| 'S' -> Spades
| 'D' -> Diamonds
| 'C' -> Clubs
| 'H' -> Hearts
| c -> invalidArg "Suit" (string c)
let parseCard (s : string) =
match s.ToCharArray() with
| [| face ; suit |] -> parseFace face, parseSuit suit
| _ -> invalidArg "Card" s
let parseTwoHands (s : string) =
let fiveItemsArrayToHand xs =
|> parseCard
|> Array.sort
|> fun xs -> xs.[4], xs.[3], xs.[2], xs.[1], xs.[0]
let xs = s.Split(' ')
assert (xs.Length = 10)
let first = fiveItemsArrayToHand xs.[..4]
let second = fiveItemsArrayToHand xs.[5..]
first, second
let testHands, testWinExpections =
"5H 5C 6S 7S KD 2C 3S 8S 8D TD"
"5D 8C 9S JS AC 2C 5C 7D 8S QH"
"2D 9C AS AH AC 3D 6D 7D TD QD"
"4D 6S 9H QH QC 3D 6D 7H QD QS"
"2H 2D 4C 4D 4S 3C 3D 3S 9S 9D"
[ 2; 1; 2; 1; 1]
assert (testHands |> (parseTwoHands >> compareHands) = testWinExpections)
let input =
(new System.Net.WebClient())
.Split([|'\n'|], System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
|> (parseTwoHands >> compareHands)
|> Array.filter ((=) 1)
|> Array.sum
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