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Last active August 3, 2016 21:29
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type provider in 20 lines
namespace FSharp.IO.DesignTime
open System.Reflection
open System.IO
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
open ProviderImplementation.ProvidedTypes
#nowarn "0025"
type public FileReaderProvider(config : TypeProviderConfig) as this =
inherit TypeProviderForNamespaces()
let nameSpace = "FSharp.IO"
let assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom( config.RuntimeAssembly)
let providerType = ProvidedTypeDefinition(assembly, nameSpace, "FileReader", baseType = None, HideObjectMethods = true)
parameters = [ ProvidedStaticParameter("Path", typeof<string>) ],
instantiationFunction = fun typeName [| :? string as path |] ->
let t = ProvidedTypeDefinition(assembly, nameSpace, typeName, baseType = Some typeof<obj>, HideObjectMethods = true)
let fullPath = if Path.IsPathRooted(path) then path else Path.Combine(config.ResolutionFolder, path)
let content = File.ReadAllText( fullPath)
t.AddMember <| ProvidedLiteralField("Text", typeof<string>, content)
this.AddNamespace( nameSpace, [ providerType ])
#r @"bin\Debug\SqlFileTypeProvider.dll"
#r @"packages\FSharp.Data.SqlClient.1.8.2\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.SqlClient.dll"
open FSharp.IO
open FSharp.Data
let sourceDirectory = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
type Get42Query = FileReader<"Get42.sql">
let connection = "server=.;trusted_connection=true"
use cmd = new SqlCommandProvider< Get42Query.Text, ConnectionStringOrName = connection, SingleRow = true>(connection)
cmd.Execute() |> printfn "%A"
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