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Last active March 30, 2018 11:04
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/*Type definitions for Surveyjs Builder(Editor) JavaScript library v1.0.15
(c) Devsoft Baltic O� -
// Dependencies for this module:
// ../../../survey-knockout
import * as Survey from "survey-knockout";
import "../utils/custom-checkbox.scss";
import "../utils/custom-select.scss";
import "../utils/ddmenu.scss";
import "../main.scss";
import "../localization/french";
import "../localization/german";
import "../localization/italian";
import "../localization/persian";
import "../localization/polish";
import "../localization/portuguese";
import "../localization/simplified-chinese";
import "../localization/spanish";
export declare var enStrings: {
survey: {
edit: string;
dropQuestion: string;
copy: string;
addToToolbox: string;
deletePanel: string;
deleteQuestion: string;
convertTo: string;
qt: {
checkbox: string;
comment: string;
dropdown: string;
file: string;
html: string;
matrix: string;
matrixdropdown: string;
matrixdynamic: string;
multipletext: string;
panel: string;
paneldynamic: string;
radiogroup: string;
rating: string;
text: string;
boolean: string;
expression: string;
ed: {
survey: string;
settings: string;
editSurvey: string;
addNewPage: string;
moveRight: string;
moveLeft: string;
deletePage: string;
editPage: string;
edit: string;
newPageName: string;
newQuestionName: string;
newPanelName: string;
testSurvey: string;
testSurveyAgain: string;
testSurveyWidth: string;
embedSurvey: string;
saveSurvey: string;
designer: string;
jsonEditor: string;
undo: string;
redo: string;
options: string;
generateValidJSON: string;
generateReadableJSON: string;
toolbox: string;
toolboxGeneralCategory: string;
delSelObject: string;
editSelObject: string;
correctJSON: string;
surveyResults: string;
modified: string;
saving: string;
saved: string;
pe: {
apply: string;
ok: string;
cancel: string;
reset: string;
close: string;
delete: string;
addNew: string;
addItem: string;
removeAll: string;
edit: string;
editChoices: string;
move: string;
empty: string;
notEmpty: string;
fastEntry: string;
formEntry: string;
testService: string;
conditionSelectQuestion: string;
conditionValueQuestionTitle: string;
conditionButtonAdd: string;
conditionButtonReplace: string;
conditionHelp: string;
expressionHelp: string;
aceEditorHelp: string;
aceEditorRowTitle: string;
aceEditorPanelTitle: string;
showMore: string;
assistantTitle: string;
cellsEmptyRowsColumns: string;
propertyIsEmpty: string;
value: string;
text: string;
required: string;
columnEdit: string;
itemEdit: string;
url: string;
path: string;
valueName: string;
titleName: string;
hasOther: string;
otherText: string;
name: string;
title: string;
cellType: string;
colCount: string;
choicesOrder: string;
visible: string;
isRequired: string;
startWithNewLine: string;
rows: string;
placeHolder: string;
showPreview: string;
storeDataAsText: string;
maxSize: string;
imageHeight: string;
imageWidth: string;
rowCount: string;
addRowText: string;
removeRowText: string;
minRateDescription: string;
maxRateDescription: string;
inputType: string;
optionsCaption: string;
defaultValue: string;
cellsDefaultRow: string;
surveyEditorTitle: string;
qEditorTitle: string;
showTitle: string;
locale: string;
mode: string;
clearInvisibleValues: string;
cookieName: string;
sendResultOnPageNext: string;
storeOthersAsComment: string;
showPageTitles: string;
showPageNumbers: string;
pagePrevText: string;
pageNextText: string;
completeText: string;
startSurveyText: string;
showNavigationButtons: string;
showPrevButton: string;
firstPageIsStarted: string;
showCompletedPage: string;
goNextPageAutomatic: string;
showProgressBar: string;
questionTitleLocation: string;
requiredText: string;
questionStartIndex: string;
showQuestionNumbers: string;
questionTitleTemplate: string;
questionErrorLocation: string;
focusFirstQuestionAutomatic: string;
questionsOrder: string;
maxTimeToFinish: string;
maxTimeToFinishPage: string;
showTimerPanel: string;
showTimerPanelMode: string;
renderMode: string;
allowAddPanel: string;
allowRemovePanel: string;
panelAddText: string;
panelRemoveText: string;
isSinglePage: string;
tabs: {
general: string;
fileOptions: string;
html: string;
columns: string;
rows: string;
choices: string;
visibleIf: string;
enableIf: string;
rateValues: string;
choicesByUrl: string;
matrixChoices: string;
multipleTextItems: string;
validators: string;
navigation: string;
question: string;
completedHtml: string;
loadingHtml: string;
timer: string;
triggers: string;
templateTitle: string;
editProperty: string;
items: string;
enterNewValue: string;
noquestions: string;
createtrigger: string;
triggerOn: string;
triggerMakePagesVisible: string;
triggerMakeQuestionsVisible: string;
triggerCompleteText: string;
triggerNotSet: string;
triggerRunIf: string;
triggerSetToName: string;
triggerSetValue: string;
triggerIsVariable: string;
pv: {
true: string;
false: string;
inherit: string;
show: string;
hide: string;
default: string;
initial: string;
random: string;
collapsed: string;
expanded: string;
none: string;
asc: string;
desc: string;
indeterminate: string;
decimal: string;
currency: string;
percent: string;
firstExpanded: string;
off: string;
onPanel: string;
onSurvey: string;
list: string;
progressTop: string;
progressBottom: string;
progressTopBottom: string;
top: string;
bottom: string;
left: string;
color: string;
date: string;
datetime: string;
"datetime-local": string;
email: string;
month: string;
number: string;
password: string;
range: string;
tel: string;
text: string;
time: string;
url: string;
week: string;
hidden: string;
on: string;
onPage: string;
edit: string;
display: string;
onComplete: string;
onHidden: string;
all: string;
page: string;
survey: string;
onNextPage: string;
onValueChanged: string;
op: {
empty: string;
notempty: string;
equal: string;
notequal: string;
contains: string;
notcontains: string;
greater: string;
less: string;
greaterorequal: string;
lessorequal: string;
ew: {
angular: string;
jquery: string;
knockout: string;
react: string;
vue: string;
bootstrap: string;
standard: string;
showOnPage: string;
showInWindow: string;
loadFromServer: string;
titleScript: string;
titleHtml: string;
titleJavaScript: string;
ts: {
selectPage: string;
validators: {
answercountvalidator: string;
emailvalidator: string;
numericvalidator: string;
regexvalidator: string;
textvalidator: string;
triggers: {
completetrigger: string;
setvaluetrigger: string;
visibletrigger: string;
p: {
name: string;
title: {
name: string;
title: string;
navigationButtonsVisibility: string;
questionsOrder: string;
maxTimeToFinish: string;
visible: string;
visibleIf: string;
questionTitleLocation: string;
description: string;
state: string;
isRequired: string;
indent: string;
requiredErrorText: string;
startWithNewLine: string;
innerIndent: string;
page: string;
width: string;
commentText: string;
valueName: string;
enableIf: string;
defaultValue: string;
correctAnswer: string;
readOnly: string;
validators: string;
titleLocation: string;
hasComment: string;
hasOther: string;
choices: string;
choicesOrder: string;
choicesByUrl: string;
otherText: string;
otherErrorText: string;
storeOthersAsComment: string;
label: string;
showTitle: string;
valueTrue: string;
valueFalse: string;
cols: string;
rows: string;
placeHolder: string;
optionsCaption: string;
expression: string;
format: string;
displayStyle: string;
currency: string;
useGrouping: string;
showPreview: string;
allowMultiple: string;
imageHeight: string;
imageWidth: string;
storeDataAsText: string;
maxSize: string;
html: string;
columns: string;
cells: string;
isAllRowRequired: string;
horizontalScroll: string;
cellType: string;
columnColCount: string;
columnMinWidth: string;
rowCount: string;
minRowCount: string;
maxRowCount: string;
keyName: string;
keyDuplicationError: string;
confirmDelete: string;
confirmDeleteText: string;
addRowText: string;
removeRowText: string;
items: string;
itemSize: string;
colCount: string;
templateTitle: string;
templateDescription: string;
allowAddPanel: string;
allowRemovePanel: string;
panelCount: string;
minPanelCount: string;
maxPanelCount: string;
panelsState: string;
panelAddText: string;
panelRemoveText: string;
panelPrevText: string;
panelNextText: string;
showQuestionNumbers: string;
showRangeInProgress: string;
renderMode: string;
templateTitleLocation: string;
rateValues: string;
rateMin: string;
rateMax: string;
rateStep: string;
minRateDescription: string;
maxRateDescription: string;
inputType: string;
size: string;
locale: string;
focusFirstQuestionAutomatic: string;
completedHtml: string;
completedBeforeHtml: string;
loadingHtml: string;
triggers: string;
cookieName: string;
sendResultOnPageNext: string;
showNavigationButtons: string;
showPrevButton: string;
showPageTitles: string;
showCompletedPage: string;
showPageNumbers: string;
questionErrorLocation: string;
showProgressBar: string;
mode: string;
goNextPageAutomatic: string;
checkErrorsMode: string;
clearInvisibleValues: string;
startSurveyText: string;
pagePrevText: string;
pageNextText: string;
completeText: string;
requiredText: string;
questionStartIndex: string;
questionTitleTemplate: string;
firstPageIsStarted: string;
isSinglePage: string;
maxTimeToFinishPage: string;
showTimerPanel: string;
showTimerPanelMode: string;
export declare var editorLocalization: {
currentLocale: string;
locales: {};
getString: (strName: string, locale?: string) => any;
getPropertyName: (strName: string, locale?: string) => any;
getPropertyTitle: (strName: string, locale?: string) => any;
getProperty: (strName: string, locale?: string) => any;
getPropertyValue: (value: any, locale?: string) => any;
getValidatorName: (name: string, locale?: string) => any;
getTriggerName: (name: string, locale?: string) => any;
getLocale(locale: string): any;
getValueInternal(value: any, prefix: string, locale?: string): any;
getLocales: () => string[];
export declare var defaultStrings: {
survey: {
edit: string;
dropQuestion: string;
copy: string;
addToToolbox: string;
deletePanel: string;
deleteQuestion: string;
convertTo: string;
qt: {
checkbox: string;
comment: string;
dropdown: string;
file: string;
html: string;
matrix: string;
matrixdropdown: string;
matrixdynamic: string;
multipletext: string;
panel: string;
paneldynamic: string;
radiogroup: string;
rating: string;
text: string;
boolean: string;
expression: string;
ed: {
survey: string;
settings: string;
editSurvey: string;
addNewPage: string;
moveRight: string;
moveLeft: string;
deletePage: string;
editPage: string;
edit: string;
newPageName: string;
newQuestionName: string;
newPanelName: string;
testSurvey: string;
testSurveyAgain: string;
testSurveyWidth: string;
embedSurvey: string;
saveSurvey: string;
designer: string;
jsonEditor: string;
undo: string;
redo: string;
options: string;
generateValidJSON: string;
generateReadableJSON: string;
toolbox: string;
toolboxGeneralCategory: string;
delSelObject: string;
editSelObject: string;
correctJSON: string;
surveyResults: string;
modified: string;
saving: string;
saved: string;
pe: {
apply: string;
ok: string;
cancel: string;
reset: string;
close: string;
delete: string;
addNew: string;
addItem: string;
removeAll: string;
edit: string;
editChoices: string;
move: string;
empty: string;
notEmpty: string;
fastEntry: string;
formEntry: string;
testService: string;
conditionSelectQuestion: string;
conditionValueQuestionTitle: string;
conditionButtonAdd: string;
conditionButtonReplace: string;
conditionHelp: string;
expressionHelp: string;
aceEditorHelp: string;
aceEditorRowTitle: string;
aceEditorPanelTitle: string;
showMore: string;
assistantTitle: string;
cellsEmptyRowsColumns: string;
propertyIsEmpty: string;
value: string;
text: string;
required: string;
columnEdit: string;
itemEdit: string;
url: string;
path: string;
valueName: string;
titleName: string;
hasOther: string;
otherText: string;
name: string;
title: string;
cellType: string;
colCount: string;
choicesOrder: string;
visible: string;
isRequired: string;
startWithNewLine: string;
rows: string;
placeHolder: string;
showPreview: string;
storeDataAsText: string;
maxSize: string;
imageHeight: string;
imageWidth: string;
rowCount: string;
addRowText: string;
removeRowText: string;
minRateDescription: string;
maxRateDescription: string;
inputType: string;
optionsCaption: string;
defaultValue: string;
cellsDefaultRow: string;
surveyEditorTitle: string;
qEditorTitle: string;
showTitle: string;
locale: string;
mode: string;
clearInvisibleValues: string;
cookieName: string;
sendResultOnPageNext: string;
storeOthersAsComment: string;
showPageTitles: string;
showPageNumbers: string;
pagePrevText: string;
pageNextText: string;
completeText: string;
startSurveyText: string;
showNavigationButtons: string;
showPrevButton: string;
firstPageIsStarted: string;
showCompletedPage: string;
goNextPageAutomatic: string;
showProgressBar: string;
questionTitleLocation: string;
requiredText: string;
questionStartIndex: string;
showQuestionNumbers: string;
questionTitleTemplate: string;
questionErrorLocation: string;
focusFirstQuestionAutomatic: string;
questionsOrder: string;
maxTimeToFinish: string;
maxTimeToFinishPage: string;
showTimerPanel: string;
showTimerPanelMode: string;
renderMode: string;
allowAddPanel: string;
allowRemovePanel: string;
panelAddText: string;
panelRemoveText: string;
isSinglePage: string;
tabs: {
general: string;
fileOptions: string;
html: string;
columns: string;
rows: string;
choices: string;
visibleIf: string;
enableIf: string;
rateValues: string;
choicesByUrl: string;
matrixChoices: string;
multipleTextItems: string;
validators: string;
navigation: string;
question: string;
completedHtml: string;
loadingHtml: string;
timer: string;
triggers: string;
templateTitle: string;
editProperty: string;
items: string;
enterNewValue: string;
noquestions: string;
createtrigger: string;
triggerOn: string;
triggerMakePagesVisible: string;
triggerMakeQuestionsVisible: string;
triggerCompleteText: string;
triggerNotSet: string;
triggerRunIf: string;
triggerSetToName: string;
triggerSetValue: string;
triggerIsVariable: string;
pv: {
true: string;
false: string;
inherit: string;
show: string;
hide: string;
default: string;
initial: string;
random: string;
collapsed: string;
expanded: string;
none: string;
asc: string;
desc: string;
indeterminate: string;
decimal: string;
currency: string;
percent: string;
firstExpanded: string;
off: string;
onPanel: string;
onSurvey: string;
list: string;
progressTop: string;
progressBottom: string;
progressTopBottom: string;
top: string;
bottom: string;
left: string;
color: string;
date: string;
datetime: string;
"datetime-local": string;
email: string;
month: string;
number: string;
password: string;
range: string;
tel: string;
text: string;
time: string;
url: string;
week: string;
hidden: string;
on: string;
onPage: string;
edit: string;
display: string;
onComplete: string;
onHidden: string;
all: string;
page: string;
survey: string;
onNextPage: string;
onValueChanged: string;
op: {
empty: string;
notempty: string;
equal: string;
notequal: string;
contains: string;
notcontains: string;
greater: string;
less: string;
greaterorequal: string;
lessorequal: string;
ew: {
angular: string;
jquery: string;
knockout: string;
react: string;
vue: string;
bootstrap: string;
standard: string;
showOnPage: string;
showInWindow: string;
loadFromServer: string;
titleScript: string;
titleHtml: string;
titleJavaScript: string;
ts: {
selectPage: string;
validators: {
answercountvalidator: string;
emailvalidator: string;
numericvalidator: string;
regexvalidator: string;
textvalidator: string;
triggers: {
completetrigger: string;
setvaluetrigger: string;
visibletrigger: string;
p: {
name: string;
title: {
name: string;
title: string;
navigationButtonsVisibility: string;
questionsOrder: string;
maxTimeToFinish: string;
visible: string;
visibleIf: string;
questionTitleLocation: string;
description: string;
state: string;
isRequired: string;
indent: string;
requiredErrorText: string;
startWithNewLine: string;
innerIndent: string;
page: string;
width: string;
commentText: string;
valueName: string;
enableIf: string;
defaultValue: string;
correctAnswer: string;
readOnly: string;
validators: string;
titleLocation: string;
hasComment: string;
hasOther: string;
choices: string;
choicesOrder: string;
choicesByUrl: string;
otherText: string;
otherErrorText: string;
storeOthersAsComment: string;
label: string;
showTitle: string;
valueTrue: string;
valueFalse: string;
cols: string;
rows: string;
placeHolder: string;
optionsCaption: string;
expression: string;
format: string;
displayStyle: string;
currency: string;
useGrouping: string;
showPreview: string;
allowMultiple: string;
imageHeight: string;
imageWidth: string;
storeDataAsText: string;
maxSize: string;
html: string;
columns: string;
cells: string;
isAllRowRequired: string;
horizontalScroll: string;
cellType: string;
columnColCount: string;
columnMinWidth: string;
rowCount: string;
minRowCount: string;
maxRowCount: string;
keyName: string;
keyDuplicationError: string;
confirmDelete: string;
confirmDeleteText: string;
addRowText: string;
removeRowText: string;
items: string;
itemSize: string;
colCount: string;
templateTitle: string;
templateDescription: string;
allowAddPanel: string;
allowRemovePanel: string;
panelCount: string;
minPanelCount: string;
maxPanelCount: string;
panelsState: string;
panelAddText: string;
panelRemoveText: string;
panelPrevText: string;
panelNextText: string;
showQuestionNumbers: string;
showRangeInProgress: string;
renderMode: string;
templateTitleLocation: string;
rateValues: string;
rateMin: string;
rateMax: string;
rateStep: string;
minRateDescription: string;
maxRateDescription: string;
inputType: string;
size: string;
locale: string;
focusFirstQuestionAutomatic: string;
completedHtml: string;
completedBeforeHtml: string;
loadingHtml: string;
triggers: string;
cookieName: string;
sendResultOnPageNext: string;
showNavigationButtons: string;
showPrevButton: string;
showPageTitles: string;
showCompletedPage: string;
showPageNumbers: string;
questionErrorLocation: string;
showProgressBar: string;
mode: string;
goNextPageAutomatic: string;
checkErrorsMode: string;
clearInvisibleValues: string;
startSurveyText: string;
pagePrevText: string;
pageNextText: string;
completeText: string;
requiredText: string;
questionStartIndex: string;
questionTitleTemplate: string;
firstPageIsStarted: string;
isSinglePage: string;
maxTimeToFinishPage: string;
showTimerPanel: string;
showTimerPanelMode: string;
export declare class DragDropTargetElement {
page: Survey.Page;
target: any;
source: any;
moveToParent: any;
moveToIndex: number;
constructor(page: Survey.Page, target: any, source: any);
moveTo(destination: any, isBottom: boolean, isEdge?: boolean): boolean;
doDrop(): any;
clear(): void;
export declare class DragDropHelper {
data: Survey.ISurvey;
static edgeHeight: number;
static dataStart: string;
static dragData: any;
static prevEvent: {
element: any;
x: number;
y: number;
static counter: number;
constructor(data: Survey.ISurvey, onModifiedCallback: (options?: any) => any, parent?: HTMLElement);
attachToElement(domElement: any, surveyElement: any): void;
readonly survey: Survey.Survey;
startDragQuestion(event: DragEvent, element: any): void;
startDragToolboxItem(event: DragEvent, elementName: string, elementJson: any): void;
isSurveyDragging(event: DragEvent): boolean;
doDragDropOver(event: DragEvent, element: any, isEdge?: boolean): void;
replaceTargetElement(element: any): any;
end(): void;
readonly isMoving: boolean;
doDrop(event: DragEvent): void;
doLeavePage(event: DragEvent): void;
scrollToElement(el: HTMLElement): void;
export interface ISurveyObjectEditorOptions {
alwaySaveTextInPropertyEditors: boolean;
showApplyButtonInEditors: boolean;
onItemValueAddedCallback(propertyName: string, itemValue: Survey.ItemValue): any;
onMatrixDropdownColumnAddedCallback(column: Survey.MatrixDropdownColumn): any;
onSetPropertyEditorOptionsCallback(propertyName: string, obj: Survey.Base, editorOptions: any): any;
onGetErrorTextOnValidationCallback(propertyName: string, obj: Survey.Base, value: any): string;
onValueChangingCallback(options: any): any;
onPropertyEditorObjectSetCallback(propertyName: string, obj: Survey.Base, editor: SurveyPropertyEditorBase): any;
onPropertyEditorModalShowDescriptionCallback(propertyName: string, obj: Survey.Base): any;
export declare class SurveyPropertyEditorBase implements Survey.ILocalizableOwner {
koValue: any;
koText: any;
koIsDefault: any;
koHasError: any;
koErrorText: any;
isTabProperty: boolean;
isInplaceProperty: boolean;
onChanged: (newValue: any) => any;
onGetLocale: () => string;
onValueUpdated: (newValue: any) => any;
setup(): void;
beforeShow(): void;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
readonly property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty;
readonly defaultValue: any;
readonly editablePropertyName: string;
readonly readOnly: boolean;
readonly alwaysShowEditor: boolean;
readonly title: string;
readonly isDiplayNameVisible: boolean;
displayName: string;
readonly showDisplayNameOnTop: boolean;
readonly canShowDisplayNameOnTop: boolean;
readonly contentTemplateName: string;
readonly isModal: boolean;
object: any;
getValueText(value: any): string;
editingValue: any;
hasError(): boolean;
protected checkForErrors(): boolean;
readonly isRequired: boolean;
protected setIsRequired(): void;
protected setTitleAndDisplayName(): void;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
apply(): void;
readonly locale: string;
getLocale(): string;
getMarkdownHtml(text: string): string;
options: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions;
protected onOptionsChanged(): void;
protected setValueCore(value: any): void;
setObject(value: any): void;
setRenderedElements(rootElement: any, elements: any[]): void;
activate(): void;
protected createEditorOptions(): any;
protected onSetEditorOptions(editorOptions: any): void;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
protected getCorrectedValue(value: any): any;
protected beginValueUpdating(): void;
protected endValueUpdating(): void;
protected updateValue(): void;
protected getValue(): any;
export declare class SurveyPropertyCustomEditor extends SurveyPropertyEditorBase {
onValueChangedCallback: (newValue: any) => void;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, widgetJSON?: any);
readonly editorType: string;
readonly widgetJSON: any;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
protected readonly widgetRender: any;
protected doAfterRender(elements: any, con: any): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyEditorFactory {
static defaultEditor: string;
static getOperators(): Array<any>;
static registerEditor(name: string, creator: (property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => SurveyPropertyEditorBase, editableClassName?: string): void;
static registerCustomEditor(name: string, widgetJSON: any): void;
static createEditor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, func: (newValue: any) => any): SurveyPropertyEditorBase;
export declare class SurveyStringPropertyEditor extends SurveyPropertyEditorBase {
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
export declare class SurveyDropdownPropertyEditor extends SurveyPropertyEditorBase {
koChoices: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
getValueText(value: any): string;
setObject(value: any): void;
export declare class SurveyBooleanPropertyEditor extends SurveyPropertyEditorBase {
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
readonly alwaysShowEditor: boolean;
readonly canShowDisplayNameOnTop: boolean;
getValueText(value: any): string;
export declare class SurveyNumberPropertyEditor extends SurveyPropertyEditorBase {
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
protected getCorrectedValue(value: any): any;
export declare class SurveyPropertyTextItemsEditor extends SurveyNestedPropertyEditor {
isTitleVisible: boolean;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
protected createNewEditorItem(): any;
protected createEditorItem(item: any): SurveyPropertyTextItemsItem;
protected createItemFromEditorItem(editorItem: any): any;
export declare class SurveyPropertyTextItemsItem extends SurveyNestedPropertyEditorItem {
item: Survey.MultipleTextItem;
koName: any;
koTitle: any;
koIsRequired: any;
koEditorName: any;
koHasError: any;
constructor(item: Survey.MultipleTextItem);
protected createSurveyQuestionEditor(): SurveyQuestionEditor;
hasError(): boolean;
apply(): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyItemsEditor extends SurveyPropertyModalEditor {
koItems: any;
onDeleteClick: any;
onAddClick: any;
onClearClick: any;
koAllowAddRemoveItems: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
getValueText(value: any): string;
protected getCorrectedValue(value: any): any;
protected createEditorOptions(): any;
protected onSetEditorOptions(editorOptions: any): void;
onDragEnd: (evt: any) => void;
afterItemsRendered: (elements: any) => void;
protected AddItem(): void;
protected setupItems(): void;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
setup(): void;
beforeShow(): void;
protected getItemsFromValue(value?: any): Array<any>;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
protected createNewEditorItem(): any;
protected createEditorItem(item: any): any;
protected createItemFromEditorItem(editorItem: any): any;
export declare class SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditor extends SurveyPropertyItemsEditor {
koActiveView: any;
koItemsText: any;
koShowTextView: any;
changeToTextViewClick: any;
changeToFormViewClick: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
readonly columns: Array<SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorColumn>;
protected checkForErrors(): boolean;
protected createColumns(): Array<SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorColumn>;
protected getProperties(): Array<Survey.JsonObjectProperty>;
protected createEditorOptions(): any;
protected onSetEditorOptions(editorOptions: any): void;
protected createNewEditorItem(): any;
protected createEditorItem(item: any): any;
protected createItemFromEditorItem(editorItem: any): Survey.ItemValue;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
protected updateItems(text: string): void;
protected getItemsText(): string;
export declare class SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorColumn {
property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly text: string;
export declare class SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorItem {
item: Survey.ItemValue;
columns: Array<SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorColumn>;
constructor(item: Survey.ItemValue, columns: Array<SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorColumn>);
readonly cells: Array<SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorCell>;
readonly hasError: boolean;
export declare class SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorCell {
item: Survey.ItemValue;
column: SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorColumn;
constructor(item: Survey.ItemValue, column: SurveyPropertyItemValuesEditorColumn);
readonly property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty;
readonly objectProperty: SurveyObjectProperty;
readonly editor: SurveyPropertyEditorBase;
readonly koValue: any;
value: any;
readonly hasError: boolean;
export declare class SurveyPropertyMultipleValuesEditor extends SurveyPropertyModalEditor {
koItems: any;
koEditingValue: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
getValueText(value: any): string;
setObject(value: any): void;
protected updateValue(): void;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
readonly editorType: string;
export declare class SurveyNestedPropertyEditor extends SurveyPropertyItemsEditor {
koEditItem: any;
koIsList: any;
onEditItemClick: any;
onCancelEditItemClick: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
protected checkForErrors(): boolean;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
export declare class SurveyNestedPropertyEditorItem {
readonly itemEditor: SurveyQuestionEditor;
hasError(): boolean;
protected resetSurveyQuestionEditor(): void;
protected createSurveyQuestionEditor(): any;
apply(): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyDropdownColumnsEditor extends SurveyNestedPropertyEditor {
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
protected createNewEditorItem(): any;
protected createEditorItem(item: any): SurveyPropertyMatrixDropdownColumnsItem;
protected createItemFromEditorItem(editorItem: any): any;
export declare class SurveyPropertyMatrixDropdownColumnsItem extends SurveyNestedPropertyEditorItem {
column: Survey.MatrixDropdownColumn;
options: any;
koName: any;
koTitle: any;
koCellType: any;
koIsRequired: any;
koEditorName: any;
koHasError: any;
koCanEdit: any;
onShowChoicesClick: any;
cellTypeChoices: Array<any>;
constructor(column: Survey.MatrixDropdownColumn, options?: any);
protected createSurveyQuestionEditor(): SurveyQuestionEditor;
hasError(): boolean;
apply(): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyModalEditorCustomWidget {
json: any;
constructor(json: any);
afterRender(editor: SurveyPropertyModalEditor, el: HTMLElement): void;
destroy(editor: SurveyPropertyModalEditor, el: HTMLElement): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyModalEditor extends SurveyPropertyEditorBase {
static registerCustomWidget(editorType: string, json: any): void;
static getCustomWidget(editorType: string): SurveyPropertyModalEditorCustomWidget;
editingObject: any;
onApplyClick: any;
onOkClick: any;
onResetClick: any;
onShowModal: any;
onHideModal: any;
modalName: string;
modalNameTarget: string;
koShowApplyButton: any;
koTitleCaption: any;
koAfterRender: any;
koHtmlTop: any;
koHtmlBottom: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
setup(): void;
readonly isModal: boolean;
readonly isShowingModal: boolean;
beforeShow(): void;
beforeCloseModal(): void;
protected onOptionsChanged(): void;
setObject(value: any): void;
readonly isEditable: boolean;
protected afterRender(elements: any, con: any): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyTextEditor extends SurveyPropertyModalEditor {
koTextValue: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
readonly isEditable: boolean;
getValueText(value: any): string;
protected onkoTextValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyHtmlEditor extends SurveyPropertyTextEditor {
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
export declare class SurveyPropertyConditionEditor extends SurveyPropertyTextEditor {
syntaxCheckMethodName: string;
availableOperators: any[];
koIsValid: any;
koCanAddCondition: any;
koAddConditionQuestions: any;
koAddConditionQuestion: any;
koAddConditionOperator: any;
koAddConditionValue: any;
koAddConditionType: any;
koShowAddConditionType: any;
koAddConditionButtonText: any;
koAddContionValueEnabled: any;
koHasValueSurvey: any;
onConditionAddClick: any;
koValueSurvey: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, _type?: string, syntaxCheckMethodName?: string);
setObject(value: any): void;
readonly editorType: string;
readonly availableQuestions: any[];
readonly allCondtionQuestions: any[];
readonly hasAceEditor: boolean;
readonly addConditionQuestionOptions: string;
addCondition(): void;
protected onkoTextValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
export declare function doGetCompletions(prevIdentifier: string, prefix: string, config: {
question: Survey.QuestionBase;
questions: Survey.Question[];
}, completer?: any): any[];
export declare function insertMatch(editor: any, data: any): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyResultfullEditor extends SurveyPropertyModalEditor {
koItems: any;
survey: Survey.Survey;
question: Survey.QuestionDropdown;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
readonly restfullValue: any;
getValueText(value: any): string;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyResultfullEditorItem {
name: string;
onValueChanged: (item: SurveyPropertyResultfullEditorItem) => any;
koValue: any;
constructor(name: string, val: string, onValueChanged: (item: SurveyPropertyResultfullEditorItem) => any);
setValue(val: string): void;
export declare class SurveyPropertyDefaultValueEditor extends SurveyPropertyModalEditor {
survey: Survey.Survey;
question: Survey.Question;
koSurvey: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
getValueText(value: any): string;
beforeShow(): void;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
readonly editorType: string;
export declare class SurveyPropertyTriggersEditor extends SurveyPropertyItemsEditor {
koElements: any;
koQuestions: any;
koPages: any;
koQuestionNames: any;
koSelected: any;
koTriggers: any;
availableTriggers: Array<string>;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
protected createEditorItem(item: any): SurveyPropertyTrigger;
protected createItemFromEditorItem(editorItem: any): Survey.SurveyTrigger;
export declare class SurveyPropertyTrigger {
trigger: Survey.SurveyTrigger;
availableOperators: any[];
koName: any;
koOperator: any;
koValue: any;
koType: any;
koText: any;
koIsValid: any;
koRequireValue: any;
constructor(trigger: Survey.SurveyTrigger);
createTrigger(): Survey.SurveyTrigger;
export declare class SurveyPropertyVisibleTrigger extends SurveyPropertyTrigger {
trigger: Survey.SurveyTriggerVisible;
pages: SurveyPropertyTriggerObjects;
questions: SurveyPropertyTriggerObjects;
constructor(trigger: Survey.SurveyTriggerVisible, koPages: any, koQuestions: any);
createTrigger(): Survey.SurveyTrigger;
export declare class SurveyPropertySetValueTrigger extends SurveyPropertyTrigger {
trigger: Survey.SurveyTriggerSetValue;
koQuestions: any;
kosetToName: any;
kosetValue: any;
koisVariable: any;
constructor(trigger: Survey.SurveyTriggerSetValue, koQuestions: any);
createTrigger(): Survey.SurveyTrigger;
export declare class SurveyPropertyTriggerObjects {
title: string;
koObjects: any;
koChoosen: any;
koSelected: any;
koChoosenSelected: any;
onDeleteClick: any;
onAddClick: any;
constructor(title: string, allObjects: Array<string>, choosenObjects: Array<string>);
export declare class SurveyPropertyValidatorsEditor extends SurveyPropertyItemsEditor {
koSelected: any;
koValidators: any;
availableValidators: Array<string>;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
readonly editorType: string;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
protected createEditorItem(item: any): SurveyPropertyValidatorItem;
protected createItemFromEditorItem(editorItem: any): Survey.SurveyValidator;
export declare class SurveyPropertyValidatorItem {
validator: Survey.SurveyValidator;
text: string;
constructor(validator: Survey.SurveyValidator);
export declare class SurveyPropertyCellsEditor extends SurveyPropertyModalEditor {
koRows: any;
koColumns: any;
koCanEdit: any;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty);
getValueText(value: any): string;
beforeShow(): void;
protected onBeforeApply(): void;
readonly editorType: string;
protected onValueChanged(): void;
readonly canEdit: boolean;
readonly rows: Array<any>;
readonly columns: Array<any>;
protected getCellText(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number): string;
protected setupCells(): void;
protected createRow(rowIndex: number, rowText: string): any;
export declare class SurveyObjectItem {
value: Survey.Base;
text: any;
level: number;
export declare class SurveyObjects {
koObjects: any;
koSelected: any;
static intend: string;
surveyValue: Survey.Survey;
constructor(koObjects: any, koSelected: any);
survey: Survey.Survey;
addPage(page: Survey.PageModel): void;
addElement(element: any, parent: any): void;
selectObject(obj: Survey.Base): void;
getSelectedObjectPage(obj?: Survey.Base): Survey.Page;
removeObject(obj: Survey.Base): void;
nameChanged(obj: Survey.Base): void;
selectNextQuestion(isUp: boolean): Survey.QuestionBase;
export declare class SurveyQuestionEditorProperty {
obj: Survey.Base;
property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty;
koValue: any;
constructor(obj: Survey.Base, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, displayName: string, options?: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions, isTabProperty?: boolean);
readonly objectProperty: SurveyObjectProperty;
readonly editor: SurveyPropertyEditorBase;
hasError(): boolean;
apply(): void;
reset(): void;
beforeShow(): void;
export declare class SurveyQuestionEditorRow {
obj: Survey.Base;
category: string;
properties: Array<SurveyQuestionEditorProperty>;
constructor(obj: Survey.Base);
addProperty(property: any, displayName: string, options: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions, isTabProperty: boolean): void;
hasError(): boolean;
export declare class SurveyQuestionEditorProperties {
obj: Survey.Base;
options: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions;
isTabProperty: boolean;
rows: Array<SurveyQuestionEditorRow>;
constructor(obj: Survey.Base, properties: Array<any>, onCanShowPropertyCallback?: (object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => boolean, options?: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions, isTabProperty?: boolean);
apply(): void;
reset(): void;
beforeShow(): void;
hasError(): boolean;
protected buildRows(properties: any): void;
export interface ISurveyQuestionEditorDefinition {
properties?: Array<string | {
name: string;
category?: string;
tab?: string;
tabs?: Array<{
name: string;
index?: number;
title?: string;
visible?: boolean;
export declare class SurveyQuestionEditorDefinition {
static definition: {
[key: string]: ISurveyQuestionEditorDefinition;
static getProperties(className: string): Array<any>;
static isGeneralTabVisible(className: string): boolean;
static getTabs(className: string): Array<any>;
static getAllDefinitionsByClass(className: string): Array<ISurveyQuestionEditorDefinition>;
export declare class SurveyPropertyEditorShowWindow {
koVisible: any;
koEditor: any;
onCanShowPropertyCallback: (object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => boolean;
show(questionBase: Survey.Base, elWindow: HTMLElement, onChanged: (question: Survey.QuestionBase) => any, options?: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions, onClosed?: () => any): void;
export declare class SurveyQuestionProperties {
obj: Survey.Base;
onCanShowPropertyCallback: (object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => boolean;
constructor(obj: Survey.Base, onCanShowPropertyCallback: (object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => boolean);
getProperty(propertyName: string): Survey.JsonObjectProperty;
getProperties(tabName: string): Array<Survey.JsonObjectProperty>;
export declare class SurveyQuestionEditor {
obj: Survey.Base;
onCanShowPropertyCallback: (object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => boolean;
className: string;
options: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions;
protected properties: SurveyQuestionProperties;
onChanged: (obj: Survey.Base) => any;
onHideWindow: () => any;
onOkClick: any;
onApplyClick: any;
onResetClick: any;
koTabs: KnockoutObservableArray<SurveyQuestionEditorTab>;
koActiveTab: any;
koTitle: any;
koShowApplyButton: any;
onTabClick: any;
constructor(obj: Survey.Base, onCanShowPropertyCallback: (object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => boolean, className?: string, options?: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions);
protected doCloseWindow(isCancel: boolean): void;
hasError(): boolean;
reset(): void;
apply(): void;
export declare class SurveyQuestionEditorTab {
obj: Survey.Base;
properties: SurveyQuestionEditorProperties;
koAfterRender: any;
constructor(obj: Survey.Base, properties: SurveyQuestionEditorProperties, _name: any);
readonly name: string;
title: string;
readonly htmlTemplate: string;
readonly templateObject: any;
hasError(): boolean;
beforeShow(): void;
reset(): void;
apply(): void;
doCloseWindow(): void;
protected getValue(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty): any;
* The Toolbox item description
export interface IQuestionToolboxItem {
* An unique name
name: string;
* Icon name
iconName: string;
* The JSON that used to create a new question/panel. The 'type' attribute is requried.
json: any;
* Toolbox item title
title: string;
* True, if an end user added this item into Toolbox from the survey
isCopied: boolean;
* Toolbox item category. If it is empty, it goes to 'General' category.
category: string;
* The list of Toolbox items.
export declare class QuestionToolbox {
* Modify this array to change the toolbox items order.
orderedQuestions: string[];
* The maximum number of copied toolbox items. If an user adding copiedItemMaxCount + 1 item, the first added item will be removed.
copiedItemMaxCount: number;
koItems: KnockoutObservableArray<{}>;
koCategories: KnockoutObservableArray<{}>;
koActiveCategory: KnockoutObservable<string>;
koHasCategories: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;
constructor(supportedQuestions?: Array<string>);
* The Array of Toolbox items as Text JSON.
jsonText: string;
* The Array of copied Toolbox items as Text JSON.
copiedJsonText: string;
* The Array of Toolbox items
readonly items: Array<IQuestionToolboxItem>;
* The Array of copied Toolbox items
readonly copiedItems: Array<IQuestionToolboxItem>;
* Add toolbox items into the Toolbox
* @param items the list of new items
* @param clearAll set it to true to clear all previous items.
addItems(items: Array<IQuestionToolboxItem>, clearAll?: boolean): void;
* Add a copied Question into Toolbox
* @param question a copied Survey.Question
addCopiedItem(question: Survey.QuestionBase): void;
* Add a toolbox item
* @param item the toolbox item description
* @see IQuestionToolboxItem
addItem(item: IQuestionToolboxItem): void;
* Add a new toolbox item, add delete the old item with the same name
* @param item the toolbox item description
* @see IQuestionToolboxItem
replaceItem(item: IQuestionToolboxItem): boolean;
* Remove a toolbox item by it's name
* @param name toolbox item name
* @see IQuestionToolboxItem
removeItem(name: string): boolean;
* Remove all toolbox items.
clearItems(): void;
* Remove all copied toolbox items.
clearCopiedItems(): void;
* Returns toolbox item by its name. Returns null if there is no toolbox item with this name
* @param name
getItemByName(name: string): IQuestionToolboxItem;
* Set it to true, to allow end-user to expand more than one category. There will no active category in this case
* @see activeCategory
allowExpandMultipleCategories: boolean;
* Change the category of the toolbox item
* @param name the toolbox item name
* @param category new category name
changeCategory(name: string, category: string): void;
* Change categories for several toolbox items.
* @param changedItems the array of objects {name: "your toolbox item name", category: "new category name"}
changeCategories(changedItems: Array<any>): void;
* Set and get and active category. This property doesn't work if allowExpandMultipleCategories is true. Its default value is false.
* @see allowExpandMultipleCategories
* @see expandCategory
* @see collapseCategory
activeCategory: string;
* Expand a category by its name. If allowExpandMultipleCategories is false (default value), all other categories become collapsed
* @param categoryName the category name
* @see allowExpandMultipleCategories
* @see collapseCategory
expandCategory(categoryName: string): void;
* Collapse a category by its name. If allowExpandMultipleCategories is false (default value) this function does nothing
* @param categoryName the category name
* @see allowExpandMultipleCategories
collapseCategory(categoryName: string): void;
* Expand all categories. If allowExpandMultipleCategories is false (default value) this function does nothing
* @see allowExpandMultipleCategories
expandAllCategories(): void;
* Collapse all categories. If allowExpandMultipleCategories is false (default value) this function does nothing
* @see allowExpandMultipleCategories
collapseAllCategories(): void;
protected onItemsChanged(): void;
export declare type SurveyOnPropertyChangedCallback = (property: SurveyObjectProperty, newValue: any) => void;
export declare class SurveyObjectProperty {
property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty;
name: string;
disabled: boolean;
editor: SurveyPropertyEditorBase;
editorType: string;
baseEditorType: string;
koIsShowEditor: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;
constructor(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, onPropertyChanged?: SurveyOnPropertyChangedCallback, propertyEditorOptions?: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions);
readonly displayName: string;
readonly title: string;
isActive: boolean;
readonly koValue: any;
readonly koText: any;
readonly koIsDefault: any;
object: any;
protected onEditorValueChanged(newValue: any): void;
afterRenderHandler: (rootElement: any, elements: any) => void;
export declare class SurveyObjectEditor {
propertyEditorOptions: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions;
koAfterRender: any;
koProperties: KnockoutObservableArray<SurveyObjectProperty>;
koActiveProperty: KnockoutObservable<SurveyObjectProperty>;
koHasObject: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;
onPropertyValueChanged: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyObjectEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
onCanShowPropertyCallback: (object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => boolean;
onSortPropertyCallback: (object: any, property1: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, property2: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => number;
onAfterRenderCallback: (object: any, htmlElement: HTMLElement, property: SurveyObjectProperty) => any;
constructor(propertyEditorOptions?: ISurveyObjectEditorOptions);
selectedObject: any;
getPropertyEditor(name: string): SurveyObjectProperty;
changeActiveProperty(property: SurveyObjectProperty): void;
objectChanged(): void;
protected afterRender(elements: any, prop: any): void;
protected updateProperties(): void;
protected canShowProperty(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty): boolean;
protected updatePropertiesObject(): void;
import "../vendor/knockout-sortable.js";
export declare class PagesEditor {
pagesSelection: KnockoutComputed<Survey.PageModel[]>;
constructor(editor: SurveyEditor, element: any);
pageSelection: KnockoutComputed<Survey.PageModel>;
addPage(): void;
copyPage(page: Survey.PageModel): void;
deletePage(): void;
showPageSettings(page: Survey.PageModel): void;
onPageClick: (model: any, event: any) => void;
readonly sortableOptions: {
onEnd: (evt: any) => void;
handle: string;
animation: number;
selectedPage: Survey.PageModel;
getPageClass: (page: any) => "" | "svd_selected_page";
getPageMenuIconClass: (page: any) => "icon-gear-active" | "icon-gear";
showActions: (page: any) => boolean;
isLastPage(): boolean;
moveLeft(model: any, event: any): void;
moveRight(model: any, event: any): void;
scrollToSelectedPage(): void;
onWheel(model: any, event: any): void;
updateMenuPosition(): void;
getLocString(str: string): any;
isActive(): boolean;
export declare class SurveyTextWorker {
text: string;
static newLineChar: string;
errors: Array<any>;
constructor(text: string);
readonly survey: Survey.Survey;
readonly isJsonCorrect: boolean;
protected process(): void;
export declare enum ObjType {
Unknown = 0,
Survey = 1,
Page = 2,
Panel = 3,
Question = 4,
export declare class SurveyHelper {
static getNewPageName(objs: Array<any>): string;
static getNewQuestionName(objs: Array<any>): string;
static getNewPanelName(objs: Array<any>): string;
static getNewName(objs: Array<any>, baseName: string): string;
static getObjectType(obj: any): ObjType;
static getObjectTypeStr(obj: any): string;
static getObjectName(obj: any): string;
static getElements(element: any, includeHidden?: boolean): Array<any>;
static isPropertyVisible(obj: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, onCanShowPropertyCallback?: (object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => boolean): boolean;
static scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(el: HTMLElement, pageEl: HTMLElement): void;
export declare class SurveyLiveTester {
koIsRunning: any;
selectTestClick: any;
selectPageClick: any;
koResultText: any;
survey: Survey.Survey;
koSurvey: any;
koPages: any;
onSurveyCreatedCallback: (survey: Survey.Survey) => any;
setJSON(json: any): void;
show(): void;
readonly testSurveyAgainText: any;
readonly surveyResultsText: any;
readonly selectPageText: any;
export declare class SurveyEmbedingWindow {
koHeadText: any;
koBodyText: any;
koJavaText: any;
surveyId: string;
surveyPostId: string;
generateValidJSON: boolean;
surveyJSVersion: string;
surveyCDNPath: string;
koShowAsWindow: any;
koScriptUsing: any;
koHasIds: any;
koLoadSurvey: any;
koLibraryVersion: any;
koVisibleHtml: any;
json: any;
readonly hasAceEditor: boolean;
show(): void;
export declare class QuestionConverter {
static convertInfo: {};
static addConvertInfo(className: string, convertToClassName: string): void;
static getConvertToClasses(className: string): Array<string>;
static convertObject(obj: Survey.QuestionBase, convertToClass: string): Survey.QuestionBase;
export declare class SurveyUndoRedo {
koCanUndo: any;
koCanRedo: any;
maximumCount: number;
clear(): void;
setCurrent(survey: Survey.Survey, selectedObjName: string): void;
undo(): UndoRedoItem;
redo(): UndoRedoItem;
protected readonly canUndo: boolean;
protected readonly canRedo: boolean;
export declare class UndoRedoItem {
surveyJSON: any;
selectedObjName: string;
export interface ISurveyObjectMenuItem {
name: string;
text: string;
onClick: (obj: Survey.Base) => any;
icon?: string | (() => string);
hasTitle?: boolean;
template?: string;
export declare class SurveyForDesigner extends Survey.Survey {
editQuestionClick: any;
onSelectedElementChanged: Survey.Event<(sender: Survey.Survey, options: any) => any, any>;
onEditButtonClick: Survey.Event<(sender: Survey.Survey, options: any) => any, any>;
onGetMenuItems: Survey.Event<(sender: Survey.Survey, options: any) => any, any>;
onElementDoubleClick: Survey.Event<(sender: Survey.Survey, options: any) => any, any>;
onUpdateElementAllowingOptions: (options: any) => any;
constructor(jsonObj?: any, renderedElement?: any, css?: any);
updateElementAllowingOptions(obj: Survey.Base): void;
getMenuItems(obj: Survey.Base): Array<ISurveyObjectMenuItem>;
selectedElement: any;
doElementDoubleClick(obj: Survey.Base): void;
getEditorLocString(value: string): string;
export declare function registerAdorner(name: any, adorner: any): void;
export declare function removeAdorners(names?: string[]): void;
export declare function applyAdornerClass(classes: any, adornerClass: any): any;
export declare class Extentions {
static registerCustomPropertyEditor(name: string, widgetJSON: any): void;
static registerPropertyEditor(name: string, creator: (property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty) => SurveyPropertyEditorBase): void;
* The toolbar item description
export interface IToolbarItem {
* Unique string id
id: string;
* Set this property to false to make the toolbar item invisible.
visible: KnockoutObservable<boolean> | boolean;
* Toolbar item title
title: KnockoutObservable<string> | string;
* Set this property to false to disable the toolbar item.
enabled?: KnockoutObservable<boolean> | boolean;
* A callback that calls on toolbar item click.
action?: () => void;
* css class
css?: KnockoutObservable<string> | string;
innerCss?: KnockoutObservable<string> | string;
data?: any;
template?: string;
items?: KnockoutObservableArray<IToolbarItem>;
* Survey Editor is WYSIWYG editor.
export declare class SurveyEditor implements ISurveyObjectEditorOptions {
static defaultNewSurveyText: string;
selectedObjectEditorValue: SurveyObjectEditor;
pages: KnockoutObservableArray<Survey.PageModel>;
selectPage: Function;
* If set to true (default value) the Editor scrolls to a new element. A new element can be added from Toolbox or by copying.
scrollToNewElement: boolean;
* You have right to set this property to true if you have bought the commercial licence only.
* It will remove the text about non-commerical usage on the top of the widget.
* Setting this property true without having a commercial licence is illegal.
* @see haveCommercialLicense
haveCommercialLicense: boolean;
* This property is assign to the survey.surveyId property on showing in the "Embed Survey" tab.
* @see showEmbededSurveyTab
surveyId: string;
* This property is assign to the survey.surveyPostId property on showing in the "Embed Survey" tab.
* @see showEmbededSurveyTab
surveyPostId: string;
* This callback is called on changing "Generate Valid JSON" option.
generateValidJSONChangedCallback: (generateValidJSON: boolean) => void;
* The event is called before showing a property in the Property Grid or in Question Editor.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object, Survey, Page, Panel or Question
* <br/> the object property (Survey.JsonObjectProperty object). It has name, className, type, visible, readOnly and other properties.
* <br/> options.canShow a boolean value. It is true by default. Set it false to hide the property from the Property Grid or in Question Editor
onCanShowProperty: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event allows you to custom sort properties in the Property Grid. It is a compare function. You should set options.result to -1 or 1 by comparing options.property1 and options.property2.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object, Survey, Page, Panel or Question
* <br/> options.property1 the left object property (Survey.JsonObjectProperty object).
* <br/> options.property2 the right object property (Survey.JsonObjectProperty object).
* <br/> options.result the result of comparing. It can be 0 (use default behavior), -1 options.property1 is less than options.property2 or 1 options.property1 is more than options.property2
onCustomSortProperty: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event allows you modify DOM element for a property in the Property Grid. For example, you may change it's styles.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object, Survey, Page, Panel or Question
* <br/> options.htmlElement the html element (html table row in our case) that renders the property display name and it's editor.
* <br/> object property (Survey.JsonObjectProperty object).
* <br/> options.propertyEditor the property Editor.
onPropertyAfterRender: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is called on deleting an element (question/panel/page) from the survey. Typically, when a user click the delete from the element menu.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.element an instance of the deleting element
* <br/> options.elementType the type of the element: 'question', 'panel' or 'page'.
* <br/> options.allowing set it to false to cancel the element deleting
onElementDeleting: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is called on adding a new question into the survey. Typically, when a user dropped a Question from the Question Toolbox into designer Survey area.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.question a new added survey question. Survey.QuestionBase object
* <br/> the survey Page object where question has been added.
onQuestionAdded: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is called when an end-user double click on an element (question/panel).
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.element an instance of the element
onElementDoubleClick: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is called on adding a new Survey.ItemValue object. It uses as an element in choices array in Radiogroup, checkbox and dropdown questions or Matrix columns and rows properties.
* Use this event, to set ItemValue.value and ItemValue.text properties by default or set a value to the custom property.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> the object property (Survey.JsonObjectProperty object). It has name, className, type, visible, readOnly and other properties.
* <br/> options.newItem a new created Survey.ItemValue object.
onItemValueAdded: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is called when a user adds a new column into MatrixDropdown or MatrixDynamic questions. Use it to set some properties of Survey.MatrixDropdownColumn by default, for example name or a custom property.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.newColumn a new created Survey.MatrixDropdownColumn object.
onMatrixColumnAdded: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is called on adding a new panel into the survey. Typically, when a user dropped a Panel from the Question Toolbox into designer Survey area.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.panel a new added survey panel. Survey.Panel object
* <br/> the survey Page object where question has been added.
onPanelAdded: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is called on adding a new page into the survey.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> the new survey Page object.
onPageAdded: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is called when a survey is changed in the designer. A new page/question/page is added or existing is removed, a property is changed and so on.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options object contains the information about certain modifications
* <br/> options.type contains string constant describing certain modification
* <br/> Available values:
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "ADDED_FROM_TOOLBOX"
* <br/> options.question: newly added question
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "PAGE_ADDED"
* <br/> options.newValue: newly created page
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "PAGE_MOVED"
* <br/> page has been moved
* <br/> options.indexFrom: pevious index
* <br/> options.indexTo: new index
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "QUESTION_CONVERTED"
* <br/> options.className: the converted class name
* <br/> options.oldValue: pevious object
* <br/> options.newValue: the new object, converted from oldVale to the given class name
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "QUESTION_CHANGED_BY_EDITOR"
* <br/> options.question: question has been edited in the popup question editor
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "PROPERTY_CHANGED"
* <br/> the name of the property has been changed
* <br/> the object containing the changed property
* <br/> options.oldValue: the previous value of the changed property
* <br/> options.newValue: the new value of the changed property
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "OBJECT_DELETED"
* <br/> deleted object
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "VIEW_TYPE_CHANGED"
* <br/> options.newType: new type of the editor view: editor or designer
* <br/>
* <br/> options.type: "DO_DROP"
* <br/> the page of the drap/drop operation
* <br/> options.source: the source dragged object
* <br/> the drop target
* <br/> options.newElement: a new element. It is defined if a user drops question or panel from the toolbox
onModified: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is fired when the Survey Editor is initialized and a survey object (Survey.Survey) is created.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.survey the survey object showing in the editor.
onDesignerSurveyCreated: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* The event is fired when the Survey Editor runs the survey in the test mode.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.survey the survey object showing in the "Test survey" tab.
onTestSurveyCreated: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* Use this event to control Property Editors UI.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object which property is edited in the Property Editor.
* <br/> options.propertyName the name of the edited property.
* <br/> options.editorOptions options that can be changed.
* <br/> options.editorOptions.allowAddRemoveItems a boolean property, true by default. Set it false to disable add/remove items in array properties. For example 'choices', 'columns', 'rows'.
* <br/> options.editorOptions.showTextView a boolean property, true by default. Set it false to disable "Fast Entry" tab for "choices" property.
* <br/> options.editorOptions.itemsEntryType a string property, 'form' by default. Set it 'fast' to show "Fast Entry" tab for "choices" property by default.
onSetPropertyEditorOptions: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* Use this event to show a custom error in the Question Editor on pressing Apply or OK buttons, if the values are not set correctly. The error will be displayed under the property editor.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object which property is edited in the Property Editor.
* <br/> options.propertyName the name of the edited property.
* <br/> options.value the property value.
* <br/> options.error the error you want to display. Set the empty string (the default value) or null if there is no errors.
* @see onPropertyValueChanging
onPropertyValidationCustomError: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* Use this event to change the value entered in the property editor. You may call a validation, so an end user sees the error immediately
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object which property is edited in the Property Editor.
* <br/> options.propertyName the name of the edited property.
* <br/> options.value the property value.
* <br/> options.newValue set the corrected value into this property. Leave it null if you are ok with the entered value.
* <br/> options.doValidation set the value to true to call the property validation. If there is an error, the user sees it immediately.
* @see onPropertyValidationCustomError
onPropertyValueChanging: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* Use this event to change the value entered in the property editor. You may call a validation, so an end user sees the error immediately
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object which property is edited in the Property Editor.
* <br/> options.propertyName the name of the edited property.
* <br/> options.editor the instance of Property Editor.
* @see onPropertyValueChanging
onPropertyEditorObjectAssign: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* Use this event to disable some operations for an element (question/panel).
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object question/panel
* <br/> options.allowDelete set it to false to disable deleting the object
* <br/> options.allowEdit set it to false to disable calling the modal Editor
* <br/> options.allowCopy set it to false to disable copying the object
* <br/> options.allowAddToToolbox set it to false to disable adding element to Toolbox
* <br/> options.allowDragging set it to false to disable adding element to Toolbox
* <br/> options.allowChangeType set it to false to disable changing element type
onElementAllowOperations: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* Use this event to add/remove/modify the element (question/panel) menu items.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object which property is edited in the Property Editor.
* <br/> options.items the list of menu items. It has two requried fields: text and onClick: function(obj: Survey.Base) {} and optional name field.
* @see onElementAllowOperations
onDefineElementMenuItems: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
* Use this event to show the description on the top or/and bottom of the property modal editor.
* <br/> sender the survey editor object that fires the event
* <br/> options.obj the survey object which property is edited in the Property Editor.
* <br/> options.propertyName the property name
* <br/> options.htmlTop the html that you want to see on the top of the modal window
* <br/> options.htmlBottom the html that you want to see on the bottom of the modal window
onShowPropertyModalEditorDescription: Survey.Event<(sender: SurveyEditor, options: any) => any, any>;
koAutoSave: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;
* A boolean property, false by default. Set it to true to call protected doSave method automatically on survey changing.
isAutoSave: boolean;
koShowState: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;
* A boolean property, false by default. Set it to true to show the state in the toolbar (saving/saved).
showState: boolean;
koIsShowDesigner: any;
koViewType: any;
koCanDeleteObject: any;
koObjects: any;
koSelectedObject: KnockoutObservable<any>;
koShowSaveButton: any;
koGenerateValidJSON: any;
koShowOptions: any;
koShowPropertyGrid: any;
koTestSurveyWidth: any;
koDesignerHeight: any;
koShowPagesToolbox: any;
selectDesignerClick: any;
selectEditorClick: any;
selectTestClick: any;
selectEmbedClick: any;
generateValidJSONClick: any;
generateReadableJSONClick: any;
doUndoClick: any;
doRedoClick: any;
deleteObjectClick: any;
koState: KnockoutObservable<string>;
runSurveyClick: any;
embedingSurveyClick: any;
saveButtonClick: any;
draggingToolboxItem: any;
clickToolboxItem: any;
dragEnd: any;
* The Survey Editor constructor.
* @param renderedElement HtmlElement or html element id where Survey Editor will be rendered
* @param options Survey Editor options. The following options are available: showJSONEditorTab, showTestSurveyTab, showEmbededSurveyTab, showPropertyGrid, questionTypes, showOptions, generateValidJSON, isAutoSave, designerHeight.
constructor(renderedElement?: any, options?: any);
protected addToolbarItems(): void;
protected setOptions(options: any): void;
* The editing survey object (Survey.Survey)
readonly survey: SurveyForDesigner;
readonly selectedObjectEditor: SurveyObjectEditor;
* Call this method to render the survey editor.
* @param element HtmlElement or html element id where Survey Editor will be rendered
* @param options Survey Editor options. The following options are available: showJSONEditorTab, showTestSurveyTab, showEmbededSurveyTab, showOptions, generateValidJSON, isAutoSave, designerHeight.
render(element?: any, options?: any): void;
loadSurvey(surveyId: string): void;
* The Survey JSON as a text. Use it to get Survey JSON or change it.
text: string;
* Set JSON as text into survey. Clear undo/redo states optionally.
* @param value JSON as text
* @param clearState default false. Set this parameter to true to clear undo/redo states.
changeText(value: string, clearState?: boolean): void;
* Toolbox object. Contains information about Question toolbox items.
* @see QuestionToolbox
readonly toolbox: QuestionToolbox;
* The list of toolbar items. You may add/remove/replace them.
* @see IToolbarItem
toolbarItems: KnockoutObservableArray<IToolbarItem>;
* Get and set the maximum of copied questions/panels in the toolbox. The default value is 3
customToolboxQuestionMaxCount: number;
* Returns the Editor state. It may return empty string or "saving" and "saved".
readonly state: string;
protected setState(value: string): void;
saveNo: number;
protected doSave(): void;
setModified(options?: any): void;
* Assign to this property a function that will be called on clicking the 'Save' button or on any change if isAutoSave equals true.
* @see isAutoSave
saveSurveyFunc: any;
* Set it to true to show "Options" menu and to false to hide the menu
showOptions: boolean;
* Set it to false to hide the Property Grid on the right. It allows to edit the properties of the selected object (question/panel/page/survey).
showPropertyGrid: boolean;
* Set it to true to show "JSON Editor" tab and to false to hide the tab
showJSONEditorTab: boolean;
* Set it to true to show "Test Survey" tab and to false to hide the tab
showTestSurveyTab: boolean;
* Set it to true to show "Embed Survey" tab and to false to hide the tab
showEmbededSurveyTab: boolean;
* Set it to true to activate RTL support
isRTL: boolean;
protected onCanShowObjectProperty(object: any, property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty): boolean;
protected onCustomSortPropertyObjectProperty(object: any, property1: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, property2: Survey.JsonObjectProperty): number;
* Add a new page into the editing survey.
addPage: () => void;
deletePage: () => void;
* Returns the localized string by it's id
* @param str the string id.
getLocString(str: string): any;
movePage: (indexFrom: number, indexTo: number) => void;
addPageToUI(page: Survey.Page): void;
onPropertyValueChanged(property: Survey.JsonObjectProperty, obj: any, newValue: any): void;
* Make a "Survey Designer" tab active.
showDesigner(): void;
* Make a "JSON Editor" tab active.
showJsonEditor(): void;
* Make a "Test Survey" tab active.
showTestSurvey(): void;
* Make a Embed Survey" tab active.
showEmbedEditor(): void;
copyElement(element: Survey.Base): Survey.IElement;
isCurrentPageEmpty: KnockoutComputed<boolean>;
dragOverQuestionsEditor(data: any, e: any): boolean;
dropOnQuestionsEditor(data: any, e: any): void;
deleteCurrentObject(): void;
* Show the Editor dialog. The element can be a question, panel, page or survey
* @param element The survey element
showElementEditor(element: Survey.Base, onClose: (isCanceled: boolean) => any): void;
showQuestionEditor: (element: Survey.Base, onClose?: (isCanceled: boolean) => any) => void;
onQuestionEditorChanged(question: Survey.QuestionBase): void;
* Add a question into Toolbox object
* @param question an added Survey.Question
* @see toolbox
addCustomToolboxQuestion(question: Survey.QuestionBase): void;
* Copy a question to the active page
* @param question A copied Survey.Question
fastCopyQuestion(question: Survey.Base): void;
* Create a new page with the same elements and place it next to the current one. It returns the new created Survey.Page
* @param page A copied Survey.Page
copyPage: (page: Survey.PageModel) => Survey.PageModel;
* Delete an element in the survey. It can be a question, a panel or a page.
* @param element a survey element.
deleteElement(element: Survey.Base): void;
alwaySaveTextInPropertyEditors: boolean;
showApplyButtonInEditors: boolean;
onItemValueAddedCallback(propertyName: string, itemValue: Survey.ItemValue): void;
onMatrixDropdownColumnAddedCallback(column: Survey.MatrixDropdownColumn): void;
onSetPropertyEditorOptionsCallback(propertyName: string, obj: Survey.Base, editorOptions: any): void;
onGetErrorTextOnValidationCallback(propertyName: string, obj: Survey.Base, value: any): string;
onValueChangingCallback(options: any): void;
onPropertyEditorObjectSetCallback(propertyName: string, obj: Survey.Base, editor: SurveyPropertyEditorBase): void;
onPropertyEditorModalShowDescriptionCallback(propertyName: string, obj: Survey.Base): any;
export interface ISurveyInfo {
name: KnockoutObservable<string>;
id: string;
postId: string;
export declare class SurveyDescription implements ISurveyInfo {
name: KnockoutObservable<string>;
createdAt: string;
id: string;
resultId: string;
postId: string;
constructor(name?: KnockoutObservable<string>, createdAt?: string, id?: string, resultId?: string, postId?: string);
export declare class SurveysManager {
static serviceUrlPath: string;
static StorageKey: string;
getSurveys(): Array<SurveyDescription>;
setSurveys(surveys: Array<ISurveyInfo>): void;
constructor(baseUrl: string, accessKey: string, editor: SurveyEditor);
toolbarItem: any;
isEditMode: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;
edit(model: any, event: any): void;
addHandler(onAdd?: (success: boolean, result: string, response: any) => void): void;
add(): void;
remove(): void;
surveyId: KnockoutObservable<string>;
surveys: KnockoutObservableArray<ISurveyInfo>;
currentSurvey: KnockoutObservable<ISurveyInfo>;
currentSurveyName: KnockoutObservable<string>;
isLoading: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;
readonly cssEdit: string;
readonly cssAdd: string;
readonly titleEdit: string;
readonly titleAdd: string;
nameEditorKeypress: (model: any, event: any) => void;
import "./title-editor.scss";
export declare class TitleInplaceEditor {
protected rootElement: any;
editingName: KnockoutObservable<string>;
prevName: KnockoutObservable<string>;
isEditing: KnockoutObservable<boolean>;
protected forNeibours(func: (el: HTMLElement) => void): void;
constructor(name: string, rootElement: any);
valueChanged: (newVal: any) => void;
getLocString(str: string): any;
hideEditor: () => void;
startEdit: (model: any, event: any) => void;
postEdit: () => void;
cancelEdit: () => void;
nameEditorKeypress: (model: any, event: any) => void;
export declare var titleAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => string;
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: any, editor: any) => void;
export declare var itemTitleAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => string;
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: Survey.QuestionMultipleText, editor: any) => void;
import "./item-editor.scss";
export declare var itemAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => "" | "item_editable";
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: Survey.QuestionSelectBase, editor: any) => void;
export declare var createAddItemHandler: (question: Survey.QuestionSelectBase, onItemAdded: (itemValue: Survey.ItemValue) => void) => () => void;
export declare var itemDraggableAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => "" | "item_draggable";
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: Survey.QuestionSelectBase, editor: SurveyEditor) => void;
import "./label-editor.scss";
export declare var labelAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => "" | "label_editable";
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: any, editor: any) => void;
import "./question-actions.scss";
export declare class QuestionActionsAdorner {
question: any;
constructor(question: any, editor: any);
actions: KnockoutObservableArray<ISurveyObjectMenuItem>;
getStyle(model: ISurveyObjectMenuItem): string | (() => string);
localize(entryString: any): any;
export declare var questionActionsAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => "" | "question_actions";
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: any, editor: any) => void;
export declare var panelActionsAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => "" | "panel_actions";
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: any, editor: any) => void;
import "./select-items-editor.scss";
export declare var selectItemsEditorAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => "" | "select_items_editor";
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: Survey.QuestionSelectBase, editor: any) => void;
import "./rating-item-editor.scss";
export declare var ratingItemAdorner: {
getMarkerClass: (model: any) => "" | "item_editable";
afterRender: (elements: HTMLElement[], model: Survey.QuestionRating, editor: any) => void;
import "../utils/custom-checkbox.scss";
import "../utils/custom-select.scss";
import "../utils/ddmenu.scss";
import "../main.scss";
export let Version: string;
import "../localization/french";
import "../localization/german";
import "../localization/italian";
import "../localization/persian";
import "../localization/polish";
import "../localization/portuguese";
import "../localization/simplified-chinese";
import "../localization/spanish";
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