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module.exports = {
root: true,
parserOptions: {
parser: 'babel-eslint',
env: {
browser: true,
es6: true,
jquery: true,
// consider switching to `plugin:vue/strongly-recommended` or `plugin:vue/recommended` for stricter rules.
// 'plugin:vue/essential',
extends: [
// required to lint *.vue files
plugins: [
// check if imports actually resolve
settings: {
'import/resolver': {
webpack: {
config: 'build/webpack.base.conf.js',
// add your custom rules here
rules: {
'import/extensions': [ 'error', 'always', {
js: 'never',
vue: 'never', // don't require .vue extension when importing
} ],
// disallow reassignment of function parameters
// disallow parameter object manipulation except for specific exclusions
'no-param-reassign': [ 'error', {
props: true,
ignorePropertyModificationsFor: [
'state', // for vuex state
'acc', // for reduce accumulators
'e', // for e.returnvalue
} ],
'object-curly-spacing': [ 'error', 'always' ],
'space-in-parens': [ 'error', 'never' ],
'import/newline-after-import': 'error',
'import/no-named-as-default-member': 'off',
'no-plusplus': 'off',
'max-params': [ 'error', 3 ],
'comma-style': [ 'error', 'last' ],
'comma-dangle': [ 'error', 'always-multiline' ],
'no-bitwise': [ 'error', { int32Hint: true } ],
'quotes': [ 'error', 'single' ],
'semi': [ 'error', 'always' ],
'dot-location': [ 'error', 'property' ],
'object-property-newline': 'error',
'no-shadow': 'off',
'eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair': 'error',
'eslint-comments/no-duplicate-disable': 'error',
'eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable': 'error',
'eslint-comments/no-unused-disable': 'warn',
'eslint-comments/no-unused-enable': 'warn',
'compat/compat': 'error', // browser compatibility error
'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'off', // allow debugger during development
'array-bracket-spacing': [ 'error', 'always', { singleValue: false } ],
'no-underscore-dangle': 'off',
'spaced-comment': [ 'error', 'always', { exceptions: [ '-', '+', '=', '*' ] } ],
'key-spacing': [ 'error', { align: 'value' } ],
'no-multi-spaces': [ 'off', {
exceptions: {
Property: true,
ImportDeclaration: true,
} ],
'max-len': [ 'error',
code: 80,
ignoreComments: true,
ignoreTrailingComments: true,
ignoreUrls: true,
ignoreStrings: true,
ignoreTemplateLiterals: true,
'require-jsdoc': [ 'error', {
require: {
FunctionDeclaration: true,
ArrowFunctionExpression: true,
FunctionExpression: true,
} ],
'padding-line-between-statements': [
blankLine: 'always',
prev: [ 'const', 'let', 'var' ],
next: '*',
blankLine: 'always',
prev: '*',
next: [ 'const', 'let', 'var' ],
blankLine: 'any',
prev: [ 'const', 'let', 'var' ],
next: [ 'const', 'let', 'var' ],
blankLine: 'always',
prev: '*',
next: [ 'case', 'default' ],
blankLine: 'always',
prev: [ 'const', 'let', 'var', 'block', 'block-like' ],
next: [ 'block', 'block-like' ],
blankLine: 'always',
prev: 'directive',
next: '*',
blankLine: 'any',
prev: 'directive',
next: 'directive',
blankLine: 'always',
prev: '*',
next: 'return',
// allow optionalDependencies
'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': [ 'error', {
optionalDependencies: ['test/unit/index.js'],
} ],
// vuejs
'vue/max-attributes-per-line': [ 2,
singleline: 1,
multiline: {
max: 1,
allowFirstLine: true,
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