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Last active August 1, 2016 14:17
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//- bemto
//- Copyright(c) 2012 Roman Komarov <>
//- MIT Licensed
//- Settings
- var bemto_settings_prefix = ''
- var bemto_settings_element = '__'
- var bemto_settings_modifier = '--'
- var bemto_settings_default_tag = 'div'
//- Tag mixin, used for tweaking what tag we are throwing and do we need to wrap anything here
mixin bemto_tag(tag)
//- rewriting tag name on different contexts
- var newTag = tag || bemto_settings_default_tag;
- var contextIndex = bemto_chain_contexts.length;
//- Checks for contexts if no tag given
if !tag
if bemto_chain_contexts[contextIndex-1] === 'inline'
- newTag = 'span';
else if bemto_chain_contexts[contextIndex-1] === 'list'
- newTag = 'li';
else if bemto_chain_contexts[contextIndex-1] === 'optionlist'
- newTag = 'option';
//- Attributes context checks
if attributes.href
- newTag = 'a';
if attributes.for
- newTag = 'label';
if attributes.type
- newTag = 'input';
else if attributes.src
- newTag = 'img';
//- Contextual wrappers
if bemto_chain_contexts[contextIndex-1] === 'list' && newTag !== 'li'
| <li>
else if bemto_chain_contexts[contextIndex-1] !== 'list' && bemto_chain_contexts[contextIndex-1] !== 'pseudo-list' && newTag === 'li'
| <ul>
- bemto_chain_contexts[bemto_chain_contexts.length] = 'pseudo-list';
else if bemto_chain_contexts[contextIndex-1] === 'pseudo-list' && newTag !== 'li'
| </ul>
- bemto_chain_contexts = bemto_chain_contexts.splice(0,bemto_chain_contexts.length-1);
//- Setting context
if ['a','abbr','acronym','b','br','code','em','font','i','img','ins','kbd','map','samp','small','span','strong','sub','sup','label','p','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','time'].indexOf(newTag) !== -1
- bemto_chain_contexts[bemto_chain_contexts.length] = 'inline';
else if ['ul','ol'].indexOf(newTag) !== -1
- bemto_chain_contexts[bemto_chain_contexts.length] = 'list';
else if ['select','datalist'].indexOf(newTag) !== -1
- bemto_chain_contexts[bemto_chain_contexts.length] = 'optionlist';
- bemto_chain_contexts[bemto_chain_contexts.length] = 'block';
//- Not using interpolation because of Jade wontfixed bugs
case newTag
when 'a': a&attributes(attributes): block
when 'abbr': abbr&attributes(attributes): block
when 'address': address&attributes(attributes): block
when 'article': article&attributes(attributes): block
when 'aside': aside&attributes(attributes): block
when 'b': b&attributes(attributes): block
when 'blockquote': blockquote&attributes(attributes): block
when 'body': body&attributes(attributes): block
when 'button': button&attributes(attributes): block
when 'caption': caption&attributes(attributes): block
when 'cite': cite&attributes(attributes): block
when 'code': code&attributes(attributes): block
when 'dd': dd&attributes(attributes): block
when 'datalist': datalist&attributes(attributes): block
when 'del': del&attributes(attributes): block
when 'dfn': dfn&attributes(attributes): block
when 'dl': dl&attributes(attributes): block
when 'dt': dt&attributes(attributes): block
when 'em': em&attributes(attributes): block
when 'fieldset': fieldset&attributes(attributes): block
when 'figcaption': figcaption&attributes(attributes): block
when 'figure': figure&attributes(attributes): block
when 'footer': footer&attributes(attributes): block
when 'form': form&attributes(attributes): block
when 'h1': h1&attributes(attributes): block
when 'h2': h2&attributes(attributes): block
when 'h3': h3&attributes(attributes): block
when 'h4': h4&attributes(attributes): block
when 'h5': h5&attributes(attributes): block
when 'h6': h6&attributes(attributes): block
when 'header': header&attributes(attributes): block
when 'i': i&attributes(attributes): block
when 'ins': ins&attributes(attributes): block
when 'kbd': kbd&attributes(attributes): block
when 'label': label&attributes(attributes): block
when 'legend': legend&attributes(attributes): block
when 'li': li&attributes(attributes): block
when 'main': main&attributes(attributes): block
when 'mark': mark&attributes(attributes): block
when 'nav': nav&attributes(attributes): block
when 'ol': ol&attributes(attributes): block
when 'option': option&attributes(attributes): block
when 'p': p&attributes(attributes): block
when 'picture': picture&attributes(attributes): block
when 'pre': pre&attributes(attributes): block
when 'q': q&attributes(attributes): block
when 's': s&attributes(attributes): block
when 'samp': samp&attributes(attributes): block
when 'section': section&attributes(attributes): block
when 'select': select&attributes(attributes): block
when 'small': small&attributes(attributes): block
when 'span': span&attributes(attributes): block
when 'strong': strong&attributes(attributes): block
when 'sub': sub&attributes(attributes): block
when 'sup': sup&attributes(attributes): block
when 'svg': svg&attributes(attributes): block
when 'table': table&attributes(attributes): block
when 'tbody': tbody&attributes(attributes): block
when 'td': td&attributes(attributes): block
when 'textarea': textarea&attributes(attributes): block
when 'tfoot': tfoot&attributes(attributes): block
when 'th': th&attributes(attributes): block
when 'thead': thead&attributes(attributes): block
when 'time': time&attributes(attributes): block
when 'tr': tr&attributes(attributes): block
when 'u ': u&attributes(attributes): block
when 'ul': ul&attributes(attributes): block
when 'var': var&attributes(attributes): block
when 'hr': hr&attributes(attributes)
when 'br': br&attributes(attributes)
when 'wbr': br&attributes(attributes)
when 'source': source&attributes(attributes)
when 'img'
//- If there is no title we don't need it to show even if there is some alt
if attributes.alt && !attributes.title
- attributes.title = ''
//- If we have title, we must have it in alt if it's not set
if attributes.title && !attributes.alt
- attributes.alt = attributes.title
if !attributes.alt
- attributes.alt = ''
when 'input'
if !attributes.type
- attributes.type = "text"
when 'html'
doctype html
html&attributes(attributes): block
default: div&attributes(attributes): block
//- Use interpolation here for non-tweaked tags when #659 and #660 are fixed
//-default: #{newTag}&attributes(attributes): block
//- Closing all the wrapper tails
if bemto_chain_contexts[contextIndex-1] === 'list' && newTag != 'li'
| </li>
//- Some global variables
- var bemto_chain = [];
- var bemto_chain_contexts = ['block'];
//- Block
mixin b(tag, isElement)
//- Rewriting the class for elements and modifiers
if attributes.class
- var bemto_classes = attributes.class;
if bemto_classes instanceof Array
- bemto_classes = bemto_classes.join(' ');
- bemto_classes = bemto_classes.split(' ');
- var bemto_block = bemto_classes[0].match(new RegExp('^(((?!' + bemto_settings_element + '|' + bemto_settings_modifier +').)+)'))[1]
if !isElement
- bemto_chain[bemto_chain.length] = bemto_block
- bemto_classes[0] = bemto_classes[0]
- bemto_classes[0] = bemto_chain[bemto_chain.length-1] + bemto_settings_element + bemto_classes[0]
- var current_block = (isElement ? bemto_chain[bemto_chain.length-1] + bemto_settings_element : '') + bemto_block
//- Adding the block if there is only modifier
- var has_modifier = false
each klass in bemto_classes
if klass.match(new RegExp('^' + current_block + '(?!' + bemto_settings_element + '[A-Za-z]' + ')' + bemto_settings_modifier + '[A-Za-z]'))
- has_modifier = true
if bemto_classes.indexOf(current_block) === -1 && has_modifier
- bemto_classes[bemto_classes.length] = current_block
each klass, i in bemto_classes
if klass.match(new RegExp('^(?!' + bemto_settings_element + ')' + bemto_settings_modifier))
//- Expanding the modifiers
- bemto_classes[i] = current_block + klass
else if klass.match(new RegExp('^' + bemto_settings_element))
//- Expanding the mixed in elements
if bemto_chain[bemto_chain.length-2]
- bemto_classes[i] = bemto_chain[bemto_chain.length-2] + klass
- bemto_classes[i] = bemto_chain[bemto_chain.length-1] + klass
//- Adding prefixes
if bemto_classes[i].match(new RegExp('^' + current_block + '($|(?=' + bemto_settings_element + '|' + bemto_settings_modifier + '))'))
- bemto_classes[i] = bemto_settings_prefix + bemto_classes[i]
//- Write modified classes to attributes in the correct order
- attributes.class = bemto_classes.sort().join(' ')
//- Closing actions (remove the current block from the chain)
if !isElement
- bemto_chain = bemto_chain.splice(0,bemto_chain.length-1);
- bemto_chain_contexts = bemto_chain_contexts.splice(0,bemto_chain_contexts.length-1);
//- Element
mixin e(tag)
+b(tag, true)&attributes(attributes): block
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