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Created October 20, 2020 15:09
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Raw data for
total module versions considered: 1779
unique modules processed: 1061
"Package redis package contains input and harvester to read the redis slow log The redis slow log is stored in memory."
"Package redis package contains input and harvester to read the redis slow log"
"Package cleanup provides common helpers for common cleanup patterns on defer Use the helpers with `defer`."
"Package cleanup provides common helpers for common cleanup patterns on defer"
"Package reader provides interface and struct to read messages and report them to a harvester The interface used is: type Reader interface { Next() (Message, error) } Each time Next is called on a reader, a Message object is returned."
"Package reader provides interface and struct to read messages and report them to a harvester"
"Package server fetches metrics from ZooKeeper by using the srvr command See the srvr command documentation at ZooKeeper srvr Command Output $ echo srvr | nc localhost 2181 Zookeeper version: 3.4.13-2d71af4dbe22557fda74f9a9b4309b15a7487f03, built on 06/29/2018 04:05 GMT Latency min/avg/max: 1/2/3 Received: 46 Sent: 45 Connections: 1 Outstanding: 0 Zxid: 0x700601132 Mode: standalone Node count: 4 Proposal sizes last/min/max: -3/-999/-1"
"Package server fetches metrics from ZooKeeper by using the srvr command"
"Use of Context The ctx passed to NewClient is used for authentication requests and for creating the underlying connection, but is not used for subsequent calls."
"Use of Context"
"Use of Context The ctx passed to NewClient is used for authentication requests and for creating the underlying connection, but is not used for subsequent calls."
"Use of Context"
"Use of Context The ctx passed to NewClient is used for authentication requests and for creating the underlying connection, but is not used for subsequent calls."
"Use of Context"
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package package example2 contains an example API whose internal version is defined in another group (\"example\")."
"Package kcp - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol Acknowledgement: skywind3000@github for inventing the KCP protocol xtaci@github for translating to Golang"
"Package kcp - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol"
"Package websocket implements Websocket transport Websocket transport implements an HTTP(S) compliable, surveillance proof transport method with plausible deniability."
"Package websocket implements Websocket transport"
"Package mask provides utility functions for google protobuf field mask Supports advanced field mask semantics: - Refer to fields and map keys using ."
"Package mask provides utility functions for google protobuf field mask"
"Package terminal is just a way to forward \"\".IsTerminal(fd int) In a way that will work on appengine (specifically; it doesn't break appengine's compilation)."
"Package terminal is just a way to forward"
"Package logging is simply documentation :) In order to use logging, please import and use the \"\" package."
"Package logging is simply documentation :)"
"Package lucictx implements a Go client for the protocol defined here: It differs from the python client in a couple ways: * The initial LUCI_CONTEXT value is captured once at application start."
"Package lucictx implements a Go client for the protocol defined here:"
"Package service implements a wrapper around API exposed by auth_service: The main focus is AuthDB replication protocol used to propagate changes to database of groups."
"Package service implements a wrapper around API exposed by auth_service:"
2020/10/19 00:03:47 failed to parse illegal character U+200B
"Package dsn implements dsn parse with struct bind DSN 格式类似 URI, DSN 结构如下图 network:[//[username[:password]@]address[:port][,address[:port]]][/path][?query][#fragment] 与 URI 的主要区别在于 scheme 被替换为 network, host 被替换为 address 并且支持多个 address."
"Package dsn implements dsn parse with struct bind"
"Package subcmd provides a multi-level command facility of the following form: Usage of <tool> <sub-command-1> <flags for sub-command-1> <args for sub-comand-1> <sub-command-2-1> <flags for sub-command-2-1> <args for sub-comand-2-1> ..."
"Package subcmd provides a multi-level command facility of the following form:"
"Package vlc provides golang bindings for libVLC version 2.X/3.X/4.X. Usage Initialization // Initialize libVLC."
"Package vlc provides golang bindings for libVLC version 2.X/3.X/4.X."
"Use of Context The ctx passed to NewClient is used for authentication requests and for creating the underlying connection, but is not used for subsequent calls."
"Use of Context"
"Use of Context The ctx passed to NewClient is used for authentication requests and for creating the underlying connection, but is not used for subsequent calls."
"Use of Context"
"Use of Context The ctx passed to NewClient is used for authentication requests and for creating the underlying connection, but is not used for subsequent calls."
"Use of Context"
"Package jsontime gives simple marshalling directly to and from time objects This is a simple package that provides wrapper types for time.Time and time.Duration that can be marshalled to and from json and yaml."
"Package jsontime gives simple marshalling directly to and from time objects"
"Package jwtauth manages request authentication with jwts This module provides a simple API to manage authentication and authorization with JWTs (JSON Web Token)."
"Package jwtauth manages request authentication with jwts"
"mkwinsyscall generates windows system call bodies It parses all files specified on command line containing function prototypes (like syscall_windows.go) and prints system call bodies to standard output."
"mkwinsyscall generates windows system call bodies"
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package package testapigroup contains an testapigroup API used to demonstrate how to create api groups."
"Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are: 0."
"Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are:"
"Generating random text: a Markov chain algorithm Based on the program presented in the \"Design and Implementation\" chapter of The Practice of Programming (Kernighan and Pike, Addison-Wesley 1999)."
"Generating random text: a Markov chain algorithm"
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found 'func'
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found ignored
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found ignored
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found ignored
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found ignored
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found ignored
"Used to die with missing typecheck: [7f5bf07b4438] ."
"Used to die with missing typecheck: [7f5bf07b4438]"
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'IDENT', found '%'
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found ignored
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found 'EOF'
2020/10/19 00:04:23 failed to parse expected 'package', found 'type'
"Simple tool to create an archive stream from an old and new directory By default it will stream the comparison of two temporary directories with junk files"
"Simple tool to create an archive stream from an old and new directory"
"Package sliceutil implements set operations for specified data type Currently types which are tested and supported are: []uint32 []int32 []string []float32 []uint64 []int64 []string []float64 Intersection, Union, Not , IsIn are the operations which are supported on slices"
"Package sliceutil implements set operations for specified data type"
2020/10/19 00:06:18 failed to parse expected 'package', found 'EOF'
2020/10/19 00:06:18 failed to parse expected 'package', found 'EOF'
"Package crdclient provides an implementation of the config store and cache using Kubernetes Custom Resources and the informer framework from Kubernetes This code relies heavily on code generation for performance reasons; to implement the Istio store interface, we need to take dynamic inputs."
"Package crdclient provides an implementation of the config store and cache using Kubernetes Custom Resources and the informer framework from Kubernetes"
"Package vlc provides golang bindings for libVLC version 2.X/3.X/4.X. Usage Initialization // Initialize libVLC."
"Package vlc provides golang bindings for libVLC version 2.X/3.X/4.X."
"yamlSnippet, err := cm.GenYaml(&plugins.Configuration{ Approve: []plugins.Approve{ { Repos: []string{ \"ORGANIZATION\", \"ORGANIZATION/REPOSITORY\", }, IssueRequired: false, RequireSelfApproval: new(bool), LgtmActsAsApprove: false, IgnoreReviewState: new(bool), }, }, }) yamlSnippet will be assigned a string containing the following YAML: # Approve is the configuration for the Approve plugin."
"yamlSnippet, err := cm.GenYaml(&plugins.Configuration{ Approve: []plugins.Approve{ { Repos: []string{ \"ORGANIZATION\", \"ORGANIZATION/REPOSITORY\", }, IssueRequired: false, RequireSelfApproval: new(bool), LgtmActsAsApprove: false, IgnoreReviewState: new(bool), }, }, })"
"Package canvas contains all of the primitive CanvasObjects that make up a Fyne GUI The types implemented in this package are used as building blocks in order to build higher order functionality."
"Package canvas contains all of the primitive CanvasObjects that make up a Fyne GUI"
"微信第三方登录相关 公众号支付相关 全局token相关 client:=NewClient(appId,secret) client.SetApiKey(\"支付的apiKey\") ...."
"微信第三方登录相关 公众号支付相关 全局token相关"
"使用方法: 1."
"AES CBC PKCS5Padding加/解密 使用 hex.Encode 查看测试文件: aes_cbc_test.go"
"AES CBC PKCS5Padding加/解密"
"semver is a Semver Constraints package copied from @ 2046c9d0f0b03c779670f5186a2a4b2c85493a71 Unlike Constraints in go-version, Semver constraints use Semver 2.0 ordering rules and only accept properly formatted Semver versions."
"semver is a Semver Constraints package copied from @ 2046c9d0f0b03c779670f5186a2a4b2c85493a71"
"Copied from and tweaked for use by Nomad."
"Copied from"
"The archive utilities manage the internal format of a snapshot, which is a tar file with the following contents: meta.json - JSON-encoded snapshot metadata from Raft state.bin - Encoded snapshot data from Raft SHA256SUMS - SHA-256 sums of the above two files The integrity information is automatically created and checked, and a failure there just looks like an error to the caller."
"The archive utilities manage the internal format of a snapshot, which is a tar file with the following contents:"
"Package monitoring provides common methods for all the monitoring components used in the tests This package exposes following methods: CheckPortAvailability(port int) error Checks if the given port is available GetPods(kubeClientset kubernetes.Interface, app string) (*v1.PodList, error) Gets the list of pods that satisfy the label selector app=<app> Cleanup(pid int) error Kill the current port forwarding process running in the background PortForward(logf logging.FormatLogger, podList *v1.PodList, localPort, remotePort int) (int, error) Create a background process that will port forward the first pod from the local to remote port It returns the process id for the background process created."
"Package monitoring provides common methods for all the monitoring components used in the tests"
"To format the benchmark result: go run benchmark/benchresult/main.go resultfile To see the performance change based on a old result: go run benchmark/benchresult/main.go resultfile_old resultfile It will print the comparison result of intersection benchmarks between two files."
"To format the benchmark result: go run benchmark/benchresult/main.go resultfile"
"Binary http2 is used to test http2 error edge cases like GOAWAYs and RST_STREAMs Documentation:"
"Binary http2 is used to test http2 error edge cases like GOAWAYs and RST_STREAMs"
"Package gogoproto provides extensions for protocol buffers to achieve: - fast marshalling and unmarshalling."
"Package gogoproto provides extensions for protocol buffers to achieve:"
"Package request HTTP client for golang - Make http requests from Golang - Intercept request and response - Transform request and response data GET client := request.Client{ URL: \"\", Method: \"GET\", Params: map[string]string{\"hello\": \"world\"}, } resp, err := client.Do() POST client := request.Client{ URL: \"\", Method: \"POST\", Params: map[string]string{\"hello\": \"world\"}, Body: []byte(`{\"hello\": \"world\"}`), } resp, err := client.Do() Content-Type client := request.Client{ URL: \"\", Method: \"POST\", ContentType: request.ApplicationXWwwFormURLEncoded, // default is \"application/json\" } resp, err := client.Do() Authorization client := request.Client{ URL: \"\", Method: \"POST\", BasicAuth: request.BasicAuth{ Username:\"user_xxx\", Password:\"pwd_xxx\", }, // xxx:xxx } resp, err := client.Do() Cookies client := request.Client{ URL: \"\", Cookies:[]*http.Cookie{ { Name: \"cookie_name\", Value: \"cookie_value\", }, }, } resp, err := client.Do()"
"Package request HTTP client for golang - Make http requests from Golang - Intercept request and response - Transform request and response data"
"If you want to use it as middleware for the entire controller you can use its router which is just a sub router to add it as you normally do with standard API: I'll show you 4 different methods for adding a middleware into an mvc application, all of those 4 do exactly the same thing, select what you prefer, I prefer the last code-snippet when I need the middleware to be registered somewhere else as well, otherwise I am going with the first one: “`go // 1 mvc.Configure(app.Party(\"/user\"), func(m *mvc.Application) { m.Router.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) }) “` “`go // 2 // same: userRouter := app.Party(\"/user\") userRouter.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(userRouter, ...) “` “`go // 3 // same: userRouter := app.Party(\"/user\", cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(userRouter, ...) “` “`go // 4 // same: app.PartyFunc(\"/user\", func(r iris.Party){ r.Use(cache.Handler(10*time.Second)) mvc.Configure(r, ...) }) “` If you want to use a middleware for a single route, for a single controller's method that is already registered by the engine and not by custom `Handle` (which you can add the middleware there on the last parameter) and it's not depend on the `Next Handler` to do its job then you just call it on the method: “`go var myMiddleware := myMiddleware.New(...) // this should return an iris/context.Handler type UserController struct{} func (c *UserController) GetSomething(ctx iris.Context) { // ctx.Proceed checks if myMiddleware called `ctx.Next()` // inside it and returns true if so, otherwise false."
"If you want to use it as middleware for the entire controller you can use its router which is just a sub router to add it as you normally do with standard API:"
"Package secconf implements secconf encoding as specified in the following format: base64(gpg(gzip(data)))"
"Package secconf implements secconf encoding as specified in the following format:"
"Package crdclient provides an implementation of the config store and cache using Kubernetes Custom Resources and the informer framework from Kubernetes This code relies heavily on code generation for performance reasons; to implement the Istio store interface, we need to take dynamic inputs."
"Package crdclient provides an implementation of the config store and cache using Kubernetes Custom Resources and the informer framework from Kubernetes"
"The archive utilities manage the internal format of a snapshot, which is a tar file with the following contents: meta.json - JSON-encoded snapshot metadata from Raft state.bin - Encoded snapshot data from Raft SHA256SUMS - SHA-256 sums of the above two files The integrity information is automatically created and checked, and a failure there just looks like an error to the caller."
"The archive utilities manage the internal format of a snapshot, which is a tar file with the following contents:"
"Simple tool to create an archive stream from an old and new directory By default it will stream the comparison of two temporary directories with junk files"
"Simple tool to create an archive stream from an old and new directory"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the kvdi v1alpha1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the kvdi v1alpha1 API group"
"Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the meta v1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the meta v1 API group"
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package package testapigroup contains an testapigroup API used to demonstrate how to create api groups."
"Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are: 0."
"Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are:"
"Package drivers contains the functionality for Listing drivers, driver details, driver properties and driver logical disk properties API reference: Example to List Drivers drivers.ListDrivers(client.ServiceClient(), drivers.ListDriversOpts{}).EachPage(func(page pagination.Page) (bool, error) { driversList, err := drivers.ExtractDrivers(page) if err != nil { return false, err } for _, n := range driversList { // Do something } return true, nil }) Example to Get single Driver Details showDriverDetails, err := drivers.GetDriverDetails(client, \"ipmi\").Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Get single Driver Properties showDriverProperties, err := drivers.GetDriverProperties(client, \"ipmi\").Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Get single Driver Logical Disk Properties showDriverDiskProperties, err := drivers.GetDriverDiskProperties(client, \"ipmi\").Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) }"
"Package drivers contains the functionality for Listing drivers, driver details, driver properties and driver logical disk properties"
"Package ports contains the functionality to Listing, Searching, Creating, Updating, and Deleting of bare metal Port resources API reference: Example to List Ports with Detail ports.ListDetail(client, nil).EachPage(func(page pagination.Page) (bool, error) { portList, err := ports.ExtractPorts(page) if err != nil { return false, err } for _, n := range portList { // Do something } return true, nil }) Example to List Ports listOpts := ports.ListOpts{ Limit: 10, } ports.List(client, listOpts).EachPage(func(page pagination.Page) (bool, error) { portList, err := ports.ExtractPorts(page) if err != nil { return false, err } for _, n := range portList { // Do something } return true, nil }) Example to Create a Port createOpts := ports.CreateOpts{ NodeUUID: \"e8920409-e07e-41bb-8cc1-72acb103e2dd\", Address: \"00:1B:63:84:45:E6\", PhysicalNetwork: \"my-network\", } createPort, err := ports.Create(client, createOpts).Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Get a Port showPort, err := ports.Get(client, \"c9afd385-5d89-4ecb-9e1c-68194da6b474\").Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Update a Port updateOpts := ports.UpdateOpts{ ports.UpdateOperation{ Op: ReplaceOp, Path: \"/address\", Value: \"22:22:22:22:22:22\", }, } updatePort, err := ports.Update(client, \"c9afd385-5d89-4ecb-9e1c-68194da6b474\", updateOpts).Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Delete a Port err = ports.Delete(client, \"c9afd385-5d89-4ecb-9e1c-68194da6b474\").ExtractErr() if err != nil { panic(err) }"
"Package ports contains the functionality to Listing, Searching, Creating, Updating, and Deleting of bare metal Port resources"
"Package diagnostics returns details about a nova instance diagnostics Example of Show Diagnostics diags, err := diagnostics.Get(computeClient, serverId).Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf(\"%+v\\n\", diags)"
"Package diagnostics returns details about a nova instance diagnostics"
"Package endpointgroups allows management of endpoint groups in the Openstack Network Service Example to create an Endpoint Group createOpts := endpointgroups.CreateOpts{ Name: groupName, Type: endpointgroups.TypeCIDR, Endpoints: []string{ \"\", \"\", }, } group, err := endpointgroups.Create(client, createOpts).Extract() if err != nil { return group, err } Example to retrieve an Endpoint Group group, err := endpointgroups.Get(client, \"6ecd9cf3-ca64-46c7-863f-f2eb1b9e838a\").Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Delete an Endpoint Group err := endpointgroups.Delete(client, \"5291b189-fd84-46e5-84bd-78f40c05d69c\").ExtractErr() if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to List Endpoint groups allPages, err := endpointgroups.List(client, nil).AllPages() if err != nil { panic(err) } allGroups, err := endpointgroups.ExtractEndpointGroups(allPages) if err != nil { panic(err) } Example to Update an endpoint group name := \"updatedname\" description := \"updated description\" updateOpts := endpointgroups.UpdateOpts{ Name: &name, Description: &description, } updatedPolicy, err := endpointgroups.Update(client, \"5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828\", updateOpts).Extract() if err != nil { panic(err) }"
"Package endpointgroups allows management of endpoint groups in the Openstack Network Service"
2020/10/19 00:08:10 failed to parse expected 'package', found 'EOF'
"To format the benchmark result: go run benchmark/benchresult/main.go resultfile To see the performance change based on a old result: go run benchmark/benchresult/main.go resultfile_old resultfile It will print the comparison result of intersection benchmarks between two files."
"To format the benchmark result: go run benchmark/benchresult/main.go resultfile"
"Binary http2 is used to test http2 error edge cases like GOAWAYs and RST_STREAMs Documentation:"
"Binary http2 is used to test http2 error edge cases like GOAWAYs and RST_STREAMs"
"Simple tool to create an archive stream from an old and new directory By default it will stream the comparison of two temporary directories with junk files"
"Simple tool to create an archive stream from an old and new directory"
"DNSSEC DNSSEC (DNS Security Extension) adds a layer of security to the DNS."
"EDNS0 EDNS0 is an extension mechanism for the DNS defined in RFC 2671 and updated by RFC 6891."
"PRIVATE RR RFC 6895 sets aside a range of type codes for private use."
"SIG(0) From RFC 2931: SIG(0) provides protection for DNS transactions and requests ...."
"TRANSACTION SIGNATURE An TSIG or transaction signature adds a HMAC TSIG record to each message sent."
"DYNAMIC UPDATES Dynamic updates reuses the DNS message format, but renames three of the sections."
"The Ginkgo CLI The Ginkgo CLI is fully documented [here]( You can also learn more by running: ginkgo help Here are some of the more commonly used commands: To install: go install To run tests: ginkgo To run tests in all subdirectories: ginkgo -r To run tests in particular packages: ginkgo <flags> /path/to/package /path/to/another/package To pass arguments/flags to your tests: ginkgo <flags> <packages> -- <pass-throughs> To run tests in parallel ginkgo -p this will automatically detect the optimal number of nodes to use."
"The Ginkgo CLI"
"Ginkgo is a BDD-style testing framework for Golang The godoc documentation describes Ginkgo's API."
"Ginkgo is a BDD-style testing framework for Golang"
"Ginkgo's Default Reporter A number of command line flags are available to tweak Ginkgo's default output."
"Ginkgo's Default Reporter"
"Gomega matchers This package implements the Gomega matchers and does not typically need to be imported."
"Gomega matchers"
"Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are: 0."
"Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are:"
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package package testapigroup contains an testapigroup API used to demonstrate how to create api groups."
"Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are: 0."
"Package runtime includes helper functions for working with API objects that follow the kubernetes API object conventions, which are:"
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package package example2 contains an example API whose internal version is defined in another group (\"example\")."
"Simple tool to create an archive stream from an old and new directory By default it will stream the comparison of two temporary directories with junk files"
"Simple tool to create an archive stream from an old and new directory"
"Package arc searches and downloads No check is done here regarding the user input."
"Package arc searches and downloads"
"Package tpb searches and extracts magnet link from ThePirateBay No check is done here regarding the user input."
"Package tpb searches and extracts magnet link from ThePirateBay"
"Package ygg searches and downloads torrents from Ygg Torrent No check is done here regarding the user input."
"Package ygg searches and downloads torrents from Ygg Torrent"
"package cdd represents the Cloud Device Description format described here: Not-required fields are marked with the omitempty JSON attribute."
"package cdd represents the Cloud Device Description format described here:"
"Package Go web app template The purpose of this application is to provide an opinionated base structure for other APIs Terms Of Service: there are no TOS at this moment, use at your own risk we take no responsibility Schemes: http, https Host: localhost BasePath: /api/v1 Version: 0.0.1 License: MIT Contact: Trevor Taubitz<> Consumes: - application/json Produces: - application/json Security: - api_key: SecurityDefinitions: api_key: type: apiKey name: KEY in: header oauth2: type: oauth2 authorizationUrl: /oauth2/auth tokenUrl: /oauth2/token in: header scopes: bar: foo flow: accessCode swagger:meta"
"Package Go web app template"
"Package ninjalog provides ninja_log parser It support ninja log v5."
"Package ninjalog provides ninja_log parser"
"Go port of Coda Hale's Metrics library <> Coda Hale's original work: <>"
"Go port of Coda Hale's Metrics library"
"mkwinsyscall generates windows system call bodies It parses all files specified on command line containing function prototypes (like syscall_windows.go) and prints system call bodies to standard output."
"mkwinsyscall generates windows system call bodies"
"Package toolbox healthcheck type DatabaseCheck struct { } func (dc *DatabaseCheck) Check() error { if dc.isConnected() { return nil } else { return errors.New(\"can't connect database\") } } AddHealthCheck(\"database\",&DatabaseCheck{}) more docs:"
"Package toolbox healthcheck"
"Package validation for validations import ( \"\" \"log\" ) type User struct { Name string Age int } func main() { u := User{\"man\", 40} valid := validation.Validation{} valid.Required(u.Name, \"name\") valid.MaxSize(u.Name, 15, \"nameMax\") valid.Range(u.Age, 0, 140, \"age\") if valid.HasErrors() { // validation does not pass // print invalid message for _, err := range valid.Errors { log.Println(err.Key, err.Message) } } // or use like this if v := valid.Max(u.Age, 140, \"ageMax\"); !v.Ok { log.Println(v.Error.Key, v.Error.Message) } } more info:"
"Package validation for validations"
"Ory Kratos Welcome to the ORY Kratos HTTP API documentation! Schemes: http, https Host: BasePath: / Version: latest Consumes: - application/json - application/x-www-form-urlencoded Produces: - application/json SecurityDefinitions: sessionToken: type: apiKey name: X-Session-Token in: header Extensions: --- x-request-id: string x-forwarded-proto: string --- swagger:meta"
"Ory Kratos"
"Golang Mixpanel Client Implementation"
"Golang Mixpanel Client Implementation"
"Application that does metrics analysis as described in the design doc: go/ct_metrics_analysis Can be tested locally with: $ go run go/worker_scripts/metrics_analysis/main.go --start_range=1 --num=3 --run_id=rmistry-test1 --benchmark_extra_args=\"--output-format=csv\" --metric_name=\"loadingMetric\" --logtostderr=true --local"
"Application that does metrics analysis as described in the design doc: go/ct_metrics_analysis"
"Lexer and parser for expressions of the form: f(g(h(\"foo\"), i(3, \"bar\"))) Note that while it does understand strings and numbers, it doesn't do binary operators."
"Lexer and parser for expressions of the form:"
"Package monitoring provides common methods for all the monitoring components used in the tests This package exposes following methods: CheckPortAvailability(port int) error Checks if the given port is available GetPods(kubeClientset kubernetes.Interface, app string) (*v1.PodList, error) Gets the list of pods that satisfy the label selector app=<app> Cleanup(pid int) error Kill the current port forwarding process running in the background PortForward(logf logging.FormatLogger, podList *v1.PodList, localPort, remotePort int) (int, error) Create a background process that will port forward the first pod from the local to remote port It returns the process id for the background process created."
"Package monitoring provides common methods for all the monitoring components used in the tests"
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
total module versions considered: 1807
unique modules processed: 1070
"HTTP Content-Type Autonegotiation."
"HTTP Content-Type Autonegotiation."
"Package gcfg reads \"INI-style\" text-based configuration files with \"name=value\" pairs grouped into sections (gcfg files)."
"Package gcfg reads \"INI-style\" text-based configuration files with \"name=value\" pairs grouped into sections (gcfg files)."
"Package scanner implements a scanner for gcfg configuration text."
"Package scanner implements a scanner for gcfg configuration text."
"Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the gcfg configuration syntax and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates)."
"Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the gcfg configuration syntax and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates)."
"Package types defines helpers for type conversions."
"Package types defines helpers for type conversions."
"The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs."
"The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs."
"Package inotify implements a wrapper for the Linux inotify system."
"Package inotify implements a wrapper for the Linux inotify system."
"Package spdy implements the SPDY protocol (currently SPDY/3), described in"
"Package spdy implements the SPDY protocol (currently SPDY/3), described in"
"Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API."
"Package compute provides access to the Compute Engine API."
"Package container provides access to the Google Container Engine API."
"Package container provides access to the Google Container Engine API."
"Package googleapi contains the common code shared by all Google API libraries."
"Package googleapi contains the common code shared by all Google API libraries."
"Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template,"
"Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template,"
"Package transport contains HTTP transports used to make authenticated API requests."
"Package transport contains HTTP transports used to make authenticated API requests."
"Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers."
"Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers."
"Package testdata is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package testdata is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Go 1.2 doesn't include Termios for FreeBSD."
"Go 1.2 doesn't include Termios for FreeBSD."
"Package quantile computes approximate quantiles over an unbounded data stream within low memory and CPU bounds."
"Package quantile computes approximate quantiles over an unbounded data stream within low memory and CPU bounds."
"Integration with the systemd D-Bus API."
"Integration with the systemd D-Bus API."
"Package spew implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging."
"Package spew implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging."
"Package pools provides a collection of pools which provide various data types with buffers."
"Package pools provides a collection of pools which provide various data types with buffers."
"Temporary API endpoint for libcontainer while the full API is finalized (api.go)."
"Temporary API endpoint for libcontainer while the full API is finalized (api.go)."
"NOTE: The API is in flux and mainly not implemented."
"NOTE: The API is in flux and mainly not implemented."
"integration is used for integration testing of libcontainer"
"integration is used for integration testing of libcontainer"
"Packet netlink provide access to low level Netlink sockets and messages."
"Packet netlink provide access to low level Netlink sockets and messages."
"+build linux,386"
"+build linux,386"
"+build linux,arm"
"+build linux,arm"
"assetfs allows packages to serve static content embedded with the go-bindata tool with the standard net/http package."
"assetfs allows packages to serve static content embedded with the go-bindata tool with the standard net/http package."
"Package restful, a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic."
"Package restful, a lean package for creating REST-style WebServices without magic."
"Package swagger implements the structures of the Swagger"
"Package swagger implements the structures of the Swagger"
"Package docker provides a client for the Docker remote API."
"Package docker provides a client for the Docker remote API."
"Package testing provides a fake implementation of the Docker API, useful for testing purpose."
"Package testing provides a fake implementation of the Docker API, useful for testing purpose."
"Package dbus implements bindings to the D-Bus message bus system."
"Package dbus implements bindings to the D-Bus message bus system."
"Package introspect provides some utilities for dealing with the DBus introspection format."
"Package introspect provides some utilities for dealing with the DBus introspection format."
"Package prop provides the Properties struct which can be used to implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties."
"Package prop provides the Properties struct which can be used to implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties."
"Package glog implements logging analogous to the Google-internal C++ INFO/ERROR/V setup."
"Package glog implements logging analogous to the Google-internal C++ INFO/ERROR/V setup."
"Package lru implements an LRU cache."
"Package lru implements an LRU cache."
"Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers."
"Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of protocol buffers."
"Package testdata is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package testdata is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package api provides a handler for /api/"
"Package api provides a handler for /api/"
"Package container defines types for sub-container events and also defines an interface for container operation handlers."
"Package container defines types for sub-container events and also defines an interface for container operation handlers."
"Handler for Docker containers."
"Handler for Docker containers."
"Unmarshal's a Containers description json file."
"Unmarshal's a Containers description json file."
"Handler for \"raw\" containers."
"Handler for \"raw\" containers."
"Provides Filesystem Stats"
"Provides Filesystem Stats"
"Manager of cAdvisor-monitored containers."
"Manager of cAdvisor-monitored containers."
"Page for /containers/"
"Page for /containers/"
"Maintains the summary of aggregated minute, hour, and day stats."
"Maintains the summary of aggregated minute, hour, and day stats."
"procfs contains several low level functions to read information from /proc filesystem, and also provides some utility functions like JiffiesToDuration."
"procfs contains several low level functions to read information from /proc filesystem, and also provides some utility functions like JiffiesToDuration."
"Package fuzz is a library for populating go objects with random values."
"Package fuzz is a library for populating go objects with random values."
"Package mergo merges same-type structs and maps by setting default values in zero-value fields."
"Package mergo merges same-type structs and maps by setting default values in zero-value fields."
"Package pty provides functions for working with Unix terminals."
"Package pty provides functions for working with Unix terminals."
"Package ext enables record length-delimited Protocol Buffer streaming."
"Package ext enables record length-delimited Protocol Buffer streaming."
"Package dns implements a full featured interface to the Domain Name System."
"Package dns implements a full featured interface to the Domain Name System."
"Package idn implements encoding from and to punycode as speficied by RFC 3492."
"Package idn implements encoding from and to punycode as speficied by RFC 3492."
"goamz - Go packages to interact with the Amazon Web Services."
"goamz - Go packages to interact with the Amazon Web Services."
"The ec2test package implements a fake EC2 provider with the capability of inducing errors on any given operation, and retrospectively determining what operations have been carried out."
"The ec2test package implements a fake EC2 provider with the capability of inducing errors on any given operation, and retrospectively determining what operations have been carried out."
"The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an abitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure."
"The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an abitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure."
"Ginkgo accepts a number of configuration options."
"Ginkgo accepts a number of configuration options."
"Aggregator is a reporter used by the Ginkgo CLI to aggregate and present parallel test output coherently as tests complete."
"Aggregator is a reporter used by the Ginkgo CLI to aggregate and present parallel test output coherently as tests complete."
"Gomega's format package pretty-prints objects."
"Gomega's format package pretty-prints objects."
"Package gbytes provides a buffer that supports incrementally detecting input."
"Package gbytes provides a buffer that supports incrementally detecting input."
"Package gexec provides support for testing external processes."
"Package gexec provides support for testing external processes."
"Package ghttp supports testing HTTP clients by providing a test server (simply a thin wrapper around httptest's server) that supports registering multiple handlers."
"Package ghttp supports testing HTTP clients by providing a test server (simply a thin wrapper around httptest's server) that supports registering multiple handlers."
"Gomega is the Ginkgo BDD-style testing framework's preferred matcher library."
"Gomega is the Ginkgo BDD-style testing framework's preferred matcher library."
"Package model contains core representation of Prometheus client primitives."
"Package model contains core representation of Prometheus client primitives."
"Package prometheus provides embeddable metric primitives for servers and standardized exposition of telemetry through a web services interface."
"Package prometheus provides embeddable metric primitives for servers and standardized exposition of telemetry through a web services interface."
"Package text contains helper functions to parse and create text-based exchange formats."
"Package text contains helper functions to parse and create text-based exchange formats."
"Package io_prometheus_client is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package io_prometheus_client is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package procfs provides functions to retrieve system, kernel and process metrics from the pseudo-filesystem proc."
"Package procfs provides functions to retrieve system, kernel and process metrics from the pseudo-filesystem proc."
"Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds."
"Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Block Storage service, code-named Cinder."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Block Storage service, code-named Cinder."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with volume types in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with volume types in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for an OpenStack service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for an OpenStack service."
"Package diskconfig provides information and interaction with the Disk Config extension that works with the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package diskconfig provides information and interaction with the Disk Config extension that works with the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package floatingip provides the ability to manage floating ips through nova-network"
"Package floatingip provides the ability to manage floating ips through nova-network"
"Package keypairs provides information and interaction with the Keypairs extension for the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package keypairs provides information and interaction with the Keypairs extension for the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package startstop provides functionality to start and stop servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package startstop provides functionality to start and stop servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volumes to instances"
"Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volumes to instances"
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource in the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource in the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package images provides information and interaction with the image API resource in the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package images provides information and interaction with the image API resource in the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource in the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource in the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package roles provides functionality to interact with and control roles on the API."
"Package roles provides functionality to interact with and control roles on the API."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenants API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenants API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package endpoints provides information and interaction with the service endpoints API resource in the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package endpoints provides information and interaction with the service endpoints API resource in the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Neutron service."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Neutron service."
"Package external provides information and interaction with the external extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package external provides information and interaction with the external extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package fwaas provides information and interaction with the Firewall as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package fwaas provides information and interaction with the Firewall as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package layer3 provides access to the Layer-3 networking extension for the OpenStack Neutron service."
"Package layer3 provides access to the Layer-3 networking extension for the OpenStack Neutron service."
"Package lbaas provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package lbaas provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package provider gives access to the provider Neutron plugin, allowing network extended attributes."
"Package provider gives access to the provider Neutron plugin, allowing network extended attributes."
"Package security contains functionality to work with security group and security group rules Neutron resources."
"Package security contains functionality to work with security group and security group rules Neutron resources."
"Package networks contains functionality for working with Neutron network resources."
"Package networks contains functionality for working with Neutron network resources."
"Package ports contains functionality for working with Neutron port resources."
"Package ports contains functionality for working with Neutron port resources."
"Package subnets contains functionality for working with Neutron subnet resources."
"Package subnets contains functionality for working with Neutron subnet resources."
"Package accounts contains functionality for working with Object Storage account resources."
"Package accounts contains functionality for working with Object Storage account resources."
"Package containers contains functionality for working with Object Storage container resources."
"Package containers contains functionality for working with Object Storage container resources."
"Package objects contains functionality for working with Object Storage object resources."
"Package objects contains functionality for working with Object Storage object resources."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Heat service."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Heat service."
"Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments."
"Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments."
"Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events."
"Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events."
"Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources."
"Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources."
"Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks."
"Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks."
"Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates."
"Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates."
"Package pagination contains utilities and convenience structs that implement common pagination idioms within OpenStack APIs."
"Package pagination contains utilities and convenience structs that implement common pagination idioms within OpenStack APIs."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with the snapshot API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with the snapshot API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with the volume API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with the volume API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service."
"Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with the volume type API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service."
"Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with the volume type API resource for the Rackspace Block Storage service."
"Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the Rackspace CDN service."
"Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the Rackspace CDN service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the Rackspace CDN service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the Rackspace CDN service."
"Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the Rackspace CDN service."
"Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the Rackspace CDN service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the Rackspace CDN service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the Rackspace CDN service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package images provides information and interaction with the image API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package images provides information and interaction with the image API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package keypairs provides information and interaction with the keypair API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package keypairs provides information and interaction with the keypair API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package networks provides information and interaction with the network API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package networks provides information and interaction with the network API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Servers service."
"Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volume to instances to Rackspace servers"
"Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volume to instances to Rackspace servers"
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the all the extensions available for the Rackspace Identity service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the all the extensions available for the Rackspace Identity service."
"Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenant API resource for the Rackspace Identity service."
"Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenant API resource for the Rackspace Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the Rackspace Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the Rackspace Identity service."
"Package acl provides information and interaction with the access lists feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package acl provides information and interaction with the access lists feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package lbs provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package lbs provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package monitors provides information and interaction with the Health Monitor API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package monitors provides information and interaction with the Health Monitor API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package nodes provides information and interaction with the Node API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package nodes provides information and interaction with the Node API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package sessions provides information and interaction with the Session Persistence feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package sessions provides information and interaction with the Session Persistence feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package ssl provides information and interaction with the SSL Termination feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package ssl provides information and interaction with the SSL Termination feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package throttle provides information and interaction with the Connection Throttling feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package throttle provides information and interaction with the Connection Throttling feature of the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package vips provides information and interaction with the Virtual IP API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package vips provides information and interaction with the Virtual IP API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer service."
"Package accounts provides information and interaction with the account API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package accounts provides information and interaction with the account API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package bulk provides functionality for working with bulk operations in the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package bulk provides functionality for working with bulk operations in the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package cdncontainers provides information and interaction with the CDN Container API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package cdncontainers provides information and interaction with the CDN Container API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package cdnobjects provides information and interaction with the CDN Object API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package cdnobjects provides information and interaction with the CDN Object API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package containers provides information and interaction with the Container API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package containers provides information and interaction with the Container API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package objects provides information and interaction with the Object API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package objects provides information and interaction with the Object API resource for the Rackspace Cloud Files service."
"Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments."
"Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments."
"Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events."
"Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events."
"Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources."
"Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources."
"Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks."
"Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks."
"Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates."
"Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates."
"Package testhelper container methods that are useful for writing unit tests."
"Package testhelper container methods that are useful for writing unit tests."
"Blackfriday markdown processor."
"Blackfriday markdown processor."
"Package sanitized_anchor_name provides a func to create sanitized anchor names."
"Package sanitized_anchor_name provides a func to create sanitized anchor names."
"Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces."
"Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces."
"pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing POSIX/GNU-style --flags."
"pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing POSIX/GNU-style --flags."
"objx - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data."
"objx - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data."
"A set of comprehensive testing tools for use with the normal Go testing system."
"A set of comprehensive testing tools for use with the normal Go testing system."
"Provides a system by which it is possible to mock your objects and verify calls are happening as expected."
"Provides a system by which it is possible to mock your objects and verify calls are happening as expected."
"Alternative testing tools which stop test execution if test failed."
"Alternative testing tools which stop test execution if test failed."
"Package ini provides functions for parsing INI configuration files."
"Package ini provides functions for parsing INI configuration files."
"Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes."
"Package context defines the Context type, which carries deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes."
"Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as \"p\" and \"id\"."
"Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as \"p\" and \"id\"."
"Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents."
"Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents."
"Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser."
"Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser."
"Package websocket implements a client and server for the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455."
"Package websocket implements a client and server for the WebSocket protocol as specified in RFC 6455."
"Package github provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Github."
"Package github provides constants for using OAuth2 to access Github."
"Package google provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests to Google APIs."
"Package google provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests to Google APIs."
"Package internal contains support packages for oauth2 package."
"Package internal contains support packages for oauth2 package."
"Package jws provides encoding and decoding utilities for signed JWS messages."
"Package jws provides encoding and decoding utilities for signed JWS messages."
"Package jwt implements the OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token flow, commonly known as \"two-legged OAuth 2.0\"."
"Package jwt implements the OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token flow, commonly known as \"two-legged OAuth 2.0\"."
"Package oauth2 provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests."
"Package oauth2 provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests."
"Package appengine provides basic functionality for Google App Engine."
"Package appengine provides basic functionality for Google App Engine."
"Package channel implements the server side of App Engine's Channel API."
"Package channel implements the server side of App Engine's Channel API."
"Package datastore provides a client for App Engine's datastore service."
"Package datastore provides a client for App Engine's datastore service."
"Package delay provides a way to execute code outside the scope of a user request by using the taskqueue API."
"Package delay provides a way to execute code outside the scope of a user request by using the taskqueue API."
"Package file provides helper functions for using Google Cloud Storage."
"Package file provides helper functions for using Google Cloud Storage."
"Package image provides image services."
"Package image provides image services."
"Package aetesting provides utilities for testing App Engine packages."
"Package aetesting provides utilities for testing App Engine packages."
"Package app_identity is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package app_identity is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package base is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package base is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package channel is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package channel is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package datastore is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package datastore is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package image is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package image is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package internal provides support for package appengine."
"Package internal provides support for package appengine."
"Package log is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package log is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package mail is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package mail is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package memcache is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package memcache is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package modules is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package modules is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package remote_api is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package remote_api is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package search is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package search is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package taskqueue is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package taskqueue is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package urlfetch is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package urlfetch is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package user is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package user is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package xmpp is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package xmpp is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package log provides the means of querying an application's logs from within an App Engine application."
"Package log provides the means of querying an application's logs from within an App Engine application."
"Package mail provides the means of sending email from an App Engine application."
"Package mail provides the means of sending email from an App Engine application."
"Package memcache provides a client for App Engine's distributed in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data."
"Package memcache provides a client for App Engine's distributed in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data."
"Package module provides functions for interacting with modules."
"Package module provides functions for interacting with modules."
"Package remote_api implements the /_ah/remote_api endpoint."
"Package remote_api implements the /_ah/remote_api endpoint."
"Package search provides a client for App Engine's search service."
"Package search provides a client for App Engine's search service."
"Package taskqueue provides a client for App Engine's taskqueue service."
"Package taskqueue provides a client for App Engine's taskqueue service."
"Package urlfetch provides an http.RoundTripper implementation for fetching URLs via App Engine's urlfetch service."
"Package urlfetch provides an http.RoundTripper implementation for fetching URLs via App Engine's urlfetch service."
"Package user provides a client for App Engine's user authentication service."
"Package user provides a client for App Engine's user authentication service."
"Package xmpp provides the means to send and receive instant messages to and from users of XMPP-compatible services."
"Package xmpp provides the means to send and receive instant messages to and from users of XMPP-compatible services."
"Package metadata provides access to Google Compute Engine (GCE) metadata and API service accounts."
"Package metadata provides access to Google Compute Engine (GCE) metadata and API service accounts."
"Package internal provides support for the cloud packages."
"Package internal provides support for the cloud packages."
"Package pb is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package pb is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package testutil contains helper functions for writing tests."
"Package testutil contains helper functions for writing tests."
"Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language."
"Package yaml implements YAML support for the Go language."
"Package inf (type inf.Dec) implements \"infinite-precision\" decimal arithmetic."
"Package inf (type inf.Dec) implements \"infinite-precision\" decimal arithmetic."
"kube2sky is a bridge between Kubernetes and SkyDNS."
"kube2sky is a bridge between Kubernetes and SkyDNS."
"A binary that can morph into all of the other kubernetes binaries."
"A binary that can morph into all of the other kubernetes binaries."
"A basic integration test for the service."
"A basic integration test for the service."
"apiserver is the main api server and master for the cluster."
"apiserver is the main api server and master for the cluster."
"Package app does all of the work necessary to create a Kubernetes APIServer by binding together the API, master and APIServer infrastructure."
"Package app does all of the work necessary to create a Kubernetes APIServer by binding together the API, master and APIServer infrastructure."
"Package app implements a server that runs a set of active components."
"Package app implements a server that runs a set of active components."
"The controller manager is responsible for monitoring replication controllers, and creating corresponding pods to achieve the desired state."
"The controller manager is responsible for monitoring replication controllers, and creating corresponding pods to achieve the desired state."
"Package app does all of the work necessary to configure and run a Kubernetes app process."
"Package app does all of the work necessary to configure and run a Kubernetes app process."
"kube-version-change is a simple utility for converting a kubernetes object into a different api version."
"kube-version-change is a simple utility for converting a kubernetes object into a different api version."
"Package app makes it easy to create a kubelet server for various contexts."
"Package app makes it easy to create a kubelet server for various contexts."
"The kubelet binary is responsible for maintaining a set of containers on a particular host VM."
"The kubelet binary is responsible for maintaining a set of containers on a particular host VM."
"A binary that is capable of running a complete, standalone kubernetes cluster."
"A binary that is capable of running a complete, standalone kubernetes cluster."
"A small utility to just serve the hostname on TCP and/or UDP."
"A small utility to just serve the hostname on TCP and/or UDP."
"A tiny web server that serves a static file."
"A tiny web server that serves a static file."
"A tiny web server for checking networking connectivity."
"A tiny web server for checking networking connectivity."
"The go2docker command compiles a go main package and forge a minimal docker image from the resulting static binary."
"The go2docker command compiles a go main package and forge a minimal docker image from the resulting static binary."
"Examples contains sample applications for trying out the concepts in Kubernetes."
"Examples contains sample applications for trying out the concepts in Kubernetes."
"A simple server that is alive for 10 seconds, then reports unhealthy for the rest of its (hopefully) short existence."
"A simple server that is alive for 10 seconds, then reports unhealthy for the rest of its (hopefully) short existence."
"e2e.go runs the e2e test suite."
"e2e.go runs the e2e test suite."
"Package api contains the latest (or \"internal\") version of the Kubernetes API objects."
"Package api contains the latest (or \"internal\") version of the Kubernetes API objects."
"Package errors provides detailed error types for api field validation."
"Package errors provides detailed error types for api field validation."
"Package etcd provides conversion of etcd errors to API errors."
"Package etcd provides conversion of etcd errors to API errors."
"Package latest defines the default output serializations that code should use and imports the required schemas."
"Package latest defines the default output serializations that code should use and imports the required schemas."
"Package meta provides functions for retrieving API metadata from objects belonging to the Kubernetes API"
"Package meta provides functions for retrieving API metadata from objects belonging to the Kubernetes API"
"Package rest defines common logic around changes to Kubernetes resources."
"Package rest defines common logic around changes to Kubernetes resources."
"Package testapi provides a helper for retrieving the KUBE_API_VERSION environment variable."
"Package testapi provides a helper for retrieving the KUBE_API_VERSION environment variable."
"Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API."
"Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API."
"Package v1beta2 is the v1beta2 version of the API."
"Package v1beta2 is the v1beta2 version of the API."
"Package v1beta3 is the v1beta3 version of the API."
"Package v1beta3 is the v1beta3 version of the API."
"Package validation has functions for validating the correctness of api objects and explaining what is wrong with them when they aren't valid."
"Package validation has functions for validating the correctness of api objects and explaining what is wrong with them when they aren't valid."
"Package apiserver contains the code that provides a RESTful api service."
"Package apiserver contains the code that provides a RESTful api service."
"Package user contains utilities for dealing with simple user exchange in the auth packages."
"Package user contains utilities for dealing with simple user exchange in the auth packages."
"package capbabilities manages system level capabilities"
"package capbabilities manages system level capabilities"
"Package cache is a client-side caching mechanism."
"Package cache is a client-side caching mechanism."
"Package clientcmd provides one stop shopping for building a working client from a fixed config, from a .kubeconfig file, from command line flags, or from any merged combination."
"Package clientcmd provides one stop shopping for building a working client from a fixed config, from a .kubeconfig file, from command line flags, or from any merged combination."
"Package client contains the implementation of the client side communication with the Kubernetes master."
"Package client contains the implementation of the client side communication with the Kubernetes master."
"Package portforward adds support for SSH-like port forwarding from the client's local host to remote containers."
"Package portforward adds support for SSH-like port forwarding from the client's local host to remote containers."
"Package record has all client logic for recording and reporting events."
"Package record has all client logic for recording and reporting events."
"Package remotecommand adds support for executing commands in containers, with support for separate stdin, stdout, and stderr streams, as well as TTY."
"Package remotecommand adds support for executing commands in containers, with support for separate stdin, stdout, and stderr streams, as well as TTY."
"Package authcfg defines a file format for holding authentication information needed by clients of Kubernetes."
"Package authcfg defines a file format for holding authentication information needed by clients of Kubernetes."
"Package controller contains code for syncing cloud instances with minion registry"
"Package controller contains code for syncing cloud instances with minion registry"
"Package cloudprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for cloud service providers."
"Package cloudprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for cloud service providers."
"Package fake_cloud is a test-double implementation of cloudprovider Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances."
"Package fake_cloud is a test-double implementation of cloudprovider Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances."
"Package gce_cloud is an implementation of Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances for Google Compute Engine."
"Package gce_cloud is an implementation of Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances for Google Compute Engine."
"Package vagrant_cloud is an implementation of Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances for developer managed Vagrant cluster."
"Package vagrant_cloud is an implementation of Interface, TCPLoadBalancer and Instances for developer managed Vagrant cluster."
"Package controller contains logic for watching and synchronizing replicationControllers."
"Package controller contains logic for watching and synchronizing replicationControllers."
"Package conversion provides go object versioning and encoding/decoding mechanisms."
"Package conversion provides go object versioning and encoding/decoding mechanisms."
"Package credentialprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for docker registry providers to expose their authentication scheme."
"Package credentialprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for docker registry providers to expose their authentication scheme."
"Package gcp_credentials contains implementations of DockerConfigProvider for Google Cloud Platform."
"Package gcp_credentials contains implementations of DockerConfigProvider for Google Cloud Platform."
"Package fields implements a simple field system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of fields."
"Package fields implements a simple field system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of fields."
"Package healthz implements basic http server health checking."
"Package healthz implements basic http server health checking."
"Package httplog contains a helper object and functions to maintain a log along with an http response."
"Package httplog contains a helper object and functions to maintain a log along with an http response."
"Package hyperkube is a framework for kubernetes server components."
"Package hyperkube is a framework for kubernetes server components."
"Package kubectl is a set of libraries that are used by the kubectl command line tool."
"Package kubectl is a set of libraries that are used by the kubectl command line tool."
"A set of common functions needed by cmd/kubectl and pkg/kubectl packages."
"A set of common functions needed by cmd/kubectl and pkg/kubectl packages."
"Package resource assists clients in dealing with RESTful objects that match the Kubernetes API conventions."
"Package resource assists clients in dealing with RESTful objects that match the Kubernetes API conventions."
"Kubelet interactions with cAdvisor."
"Kubelet interactions with cAdvisor."
"Reads the pod configuration from the Kubernetes apiserver."
"Reads the pod configuration from the Kubernetes apiserver."
"Package config implements the pod configuration readers."
"Package config implements the pod configuration readers."
"Reads the pod configuration from file or a directory of files."
"Reads the pod configuration from file or a directory of files."
"Reads the pod configuration from an HTTP GET response."
"Reads the pod configuration from an HTTP GET response."
"Package kubelet is the package that contains the libraries that drive the Kubelet binary."
"Package kubelet is the package that contains the libraries that drive the Kubelet binary."
"Package envvars is the package that build the environment variables that kubernetes provides to the containers run by it."
"Package envvars is the package that build the environment variables that kubernetes provides to the containers run by it."
"Package leaky holds bits of kubelet that should be internal but have leaked out through bad abstractions."
"Package leaky holds bits of kubelet that should be internal but have leaked out through bad abstractions."
"Package volume includes internal representations of external volume types as well as utility methods required to mount/unmount volumes to kubelets."
"Package volume includes internal representations of external volume types as well as utility methods required to mount/unmount volumes to kubelets."
"Package labels implements a simple label system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of labels."
"Package labels implements a simple label system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of labels."
"Package master contains code for setting up and running a Kubernetes cluster master."
"Package master contains code for setting up and running a Kubernetes cluster master."
"Package ports defines ports used by various pieces of the kubernetes infrastructure."
"Package ports defines ports used by various pieces of the kubernetes infrastructure."
"Package probe contains utilities for health probing, as well as health status information."
"Package probe contains utilities for health probing, as well as health status information."
"Package config provides decoupling between various configuration sources (etcd, files,...) and the pieces that actually care about them (loadbalancer, proxy)."
"Package config provides decoupling between various configuration sources (etcd, files,...) and the pieces that actually care about them (loadbalancer, proxy)."
"Package proxy implements the layer-3 network proxy."
"Package proxy implements the layer-3 network proxy."
"Package controller provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing ReplicationController api objects."
"Package controller provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing ReplicationController api objects."
"Package registry implements the storage and system logic for the core of the api server."
"Package registry implements the storage and system logic for the core of the api server."
"Package endpoint provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Endpoint api objects."
"Package endpoint provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Endpoint api objects."
"Package etcd provides etcd backend implementation for storing PodRegistry, ControllerRegistry and ServiceRegistry api objects."
"Package etcd provides etcd backend implementation for storing PodRegistry, ControllerRegistry and ServiceRegistry api objects."
"Package event provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing Event api objects."
"Package event provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing Event api objects."
"Package generic provides a generic object store interface and a generic label/field matching type."
"Package generic provides a generic object store interface and a generic label/field matching type."
"Package etcd has a generic implementation of a registry that stores things in etcd."
"Package etcd has a generic implementation of a registry that stores things in etcd."
"Package limitrange provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing LimitRange api objects."
"Package limitrange provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing LimitRange api objects."
"Package minion provides Registry interface and implementation for storing Minions."
"Package minion provides Registry interface and implementation for storing Minions."
"Package namespace provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing Namespace api objects."
"Package namespace provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing Namespace api objects."
"Package pod provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Pod api objects."
"Package pod provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Pod api objects."
"Package registrytest provides tests for Registry implementations for storing Minions, Pods, Schedulers and Services."
"Package registrytest provides tests for Registry implementations for storing Minions, Pods, Schedulers and Services."
"Package resourcequota provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing ResourceQuota api objects."
"Package resourcequota provides Registry interface and it's REST implementation for storing ResourceQuota api objects."
"Package secrets provides Registry interface and its REST implementation for storing Secret api objects."
"Package secrets provides Registry interface and its REST implementation for storing Secret api objects."
"Package service provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Service api objects."
"Package service provides Registry interface and it's RESTStorage implementation for storing Service api objects."
"resourcequota contains a controller that makes resource quota usage observations"
"resourcequota contains a controller that makes resource quota usage observations"
"Package scheduler contains a generic Scheduler interface and several implementations."
"Package scheduler contains a generic Scheduler interface and several implementations."
"Package service provides EndpointController implementation to manage and sync service endpoints."
"Package service provides EndpointController implementation to manage and sync service endpoints."
"Package tools implements types which help work with etcd which depend on the api package."
"Package tools implements types which help work with etcd which depend on the api package."
"Package types implements various generic types used throughout kubernetes."
"Package types implements various generic types used throughout kubernetes."
"package ui contains static data files compiled to go, and utilities for accessing them."
"package ui contains static data files compiled to go, and utilities for accessing them."
"Package config provides utility objects for decoupling sources of configuration and the actual configuration state."
"Package config provides utility objects for decoupling sources of configuration and the actual configuration state."
"Package util implements various utility functions used in both testing and implementation of Kubernetes."
"Package util implements various utility functions used in both testing and implementation of Kubernetes."
"Package errors implements various utility functions and types around errors."
"Package errors implements various utility functions and types around errors."
"Package exec provides an injectable interface and implementations for running commands."
"Package exec provides an injectable interface and implementations for running commands."
"Package httpstream adds multiplexed streaming support to HTTP requests and responses via connection upgrades."
"Package httpstream adds multiplexed streaming support to HTTP requests and responses via connection upgrades."
"Package iptables provides an interface and implementations for running iptables commands."
"Package iptables provides an interface and implementations for running iptables commands."
"Package mount defines an interface to mounting filesystems."
"Package mount defines an interface to mounting filesystems."
"TODO(thockin): This whole pkg is pretty linux-centric."
"TODO(thockin): This whole pkg is pretty linux-centric."
"Package slice provides utility methods for common operations on slices."
"Package slice provides utility methods for common operations on slices."
"Package wait provides tools for polling or listening for changes to a condition."
"Package wait provides tools for polling or listening for changes to a condition."
"Package version supplies version information collected at build time to kubernetes components."
"Package version supplies version information collected at build time to kubernetes components."
"Package verflag defines utility functions to handle command line flags related to version of Kubernetes."
"Package verflag defines utility functions to handle command line flags related to version of Kubernetes."
"Package watch contains a generic watchable interface, and a fake for testing code that uses the watch interface."
"Package watch contains a generic watchable interface, and a fake for testing code that uses the watch interface."
"Package json implements a simple encoder and decoder for streams of watch events over io.Writer/Readers"
"Package json implements a simple encoder and decoder for streams of watch events over io.Writer/Readers"
"Package app implements a Server object for running the scheduler."
"Package app implements a Server object for running the scheduler."
"Package resourcedefaults contains an example plug-in that cluster operators can use to prevent unlimited CPU and Memory usage for a container."
"Package resourcedefaults contains an example plug-in that cluster operators can use to prevent unlimited CPU and Memory usage for a container."
"resourcequota enforces all incoming requests against any applied quota in the namespace context of the request"
"resourcequota enforces all incoming requests against any applied quota in the namespace context of the request"
"Package authenticator contains implementations for pkg/auth/authenticator interfaces"
"Package authenticator contains implementations for pkg/auth/authenticator interfaces"
"Package password contains authenticator.Password implementations"
"Package password contains authenticator.Password implementations"
"Package x509 provides a request authenticator that validates and extracts user information from client certificates"
"Package x509 provides a request authenticator that validates and extracts user information from client certificates"
"Package auth contains implementations for interfaces in the pkg/auth package"
"Package auth contains implementations for interfaces in the pkg/auth package"
"This is the default algorithm provider for the scheduler."
"This is the default algorithm provider for the scheduler."
"This package is used to register algorithm provider plugins."
"This package is used to register algorithm provider plugins."
"Package factory can set up a scheduler."
"Package factory can set up a scheduler."
"Package integration provides integration tests for Kubernetes."
"Package integration provides integration tests for Kubernetes."
"Package BinkyNet contains a specification for a network architecture used to control model trains."
"Package BinkyNet contains a specification for a network architecture used to control model trains."
"Package exif wraps the exiftool"
"Package exif wraps the exiftool"
"Package api contains a simple HTTP api which exposes exif"
"Package api contains a simple HTTP api which exposes exif"
"package main is the entry point for kratos."
"package main is the entry point for kratos."
"Package errors provides detailed error types for api field validation."
"Package errors provides detailed error types for api field validation."
"Package meta provides functions for retrieving API metadata from objects belonging to the Kubernetes API"
"Package meta provides functions for retrieving API metadata from objects belonging to the Kubernetes API"
"TODO: move everything in this file to pkg/api/rest"
"TODO: move everything in this file to pkg/api/rest"
"Package validation contains generic api type validation functions."
"Package validation contains generic api type validation functions."
"Package v1 contains API types that are common to all versions."
"Package v1 contains API types that are common to all versions."
"package v1beta1 is alpha objects from meta that will be introduced."
"package v1beta1 is alpha objects from meta that will be introduced."
"Package install installs the certificates API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the certificates API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package conversion provides go object versioning."
"Package conversion provides go object versioning."
"Package queryparams provides conversion from versioned runtime objects to URL query values"
"Package queryparams provides conversion from versioned runtime objects to URL query values"
"Package fields implements a simple field system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of fields."
"Package fields implements a simple field system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of fields."
"Package labels implements a simple label system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of labels."
"Package labels implements a simple label system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of labels."
"Package runtime defines conversions between generic types and structs to map query strings to struct objects."
"Package runtime defines conversions between generic types and structs to map query strings to struct objects."
"Package protobuf provides a Kubernetes serializer for the protobuf format."
"Package protobuf provides a Kubernetes serializer for the protobuf format."
"Package streaming implements encoder and decoder for streams of runtime.Objects over io.Writer/Readers."
"Package streaming implements encoder and decoder for streams of runtime.Objects over io.Writer/Readers."
"Package types implements various generic types used throughout kubernetes."
"Package types implements various generic types used throughout kubernetes."
"Package errors implements various utility functions and types around errors."
"Package errors implements various utility functions and types around errors."
"Package framer implements simple frame decoding techniques for an io.ReadCloser"
"Package framer implements simple frame decoding techniques for an io.ReadCloser"
"Package httpstream adds multiplexed streaming support to HTTP requests and responses via connection upgrades."
"Package httpstream adds multiplexed streaming support to HTTP requests and responses via connection upgrades."
"Package proxy provides transport and upgrade support for proxies."
"Package proxy provides transport and upgrade support for proxies."
"Package rand provides utilities related to randomization."
"Package rand provides utilities related to randomization."
"Package sets has auto-generated set types."
"Package sets has auto-generated set types."
"Package types just provides input types to the set generator."
"Package types just provides input types to the set generator."
"Package version provides utilities for version number comparisons"
"Package version provides utilities for version number comparisons"
"Package wait provides tools for polling or listening for changes to a condition."
"Package wait provides tools for polling or listening for changes to a condition."
"Package waitgroup implements SafeWaitGroup wrap of sync.WaitGroup."
"Package waitgroup implements SafeWaitGroup wrap of sync.WaitGroup."
"Package version supplies the type for version information collected at build time."
"Package version supplies the type for version information collected at build time."
"Package watch contains a generic watchable interface, and a fake for testing code that uses the watch interface."
"Package watch contains a generic watchable interface, and a fake for testing code that uses the watch interface."
"Package json is forked from the Go standard library to enable us to find the field of a struct that a given JSON key maps to."
"Package json is forked from the Go standard library to enable us to find the field of a struct that a given JSON key maps to."
"Package reflect is a fork of go's standard library reflection package, which allows for deep equal with equality functions defined."
"Package reflect is a fork of go's standard library reflection package, which allows for deep equal with equality functions defined."
"sysinfo is a very simple utility demonstrating sysinfo library capabilities."
"sysinfo is a very simple utility demonstrating sysinfo library capabilities."
"Package cpuid gives Go programs access to CPUID opcode."
"Package cpuid gives Go programs access to CPUID opcode."
"Package sysinfo is a pure Go library providing Linux OS / kernel / hardware system information."
"Package sysinfo is a pure Go library providing Linux OS / kernel / hardware system information."
"Package hashring provides a consistent hashing function."
"Package hashring provides a consistent hashing function."
"A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations."
"A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations."
"stack is a [stack]( is a last-in last-out data structure."
"stack is a [stack]( is a last-in last-out data structure."
"A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations."
"A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations."
" In computer science, a ternary search tree is a type of trie (sometimes called a prefix tree) where nodes are arranged in a manner similar to a binary search tree, but with up to three children rather than the binary tree's limit of two."
" In computer science, a ternary search tree is a type of trie (sometimes called a prefix tree) where nodes are arranged in a manner similar to a binary search tree, but with up to three children rather than the binary tree's limit of two."
"package rand_ Creating Random Strings in Go"
"package rand_ Creating Random Strings in Go"
" 3.2."
" 3.2."
"Package mux is a library to multiplex network connections based on their payload."
"Package mux is a library to multiplex network connections based on their payload."
"Package cgo contains runtime support for code generated by the cgo tool."
"Package cgo contains runtime support for code generated by the cgo tool."
"Package leakcheck contains functions to check leaked goroutines."
"Package leakcheck contains functions to check leaked goroutines."
"The key observation and some code (shr) is borrowed from"
"The key observation and some code (shr) is borrowed from"
"A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations."
"A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations."
"object consists of {@code static} utility methods for operating on objects, or checking certain conditions before operation."
"object consists of {@code static} utility methods for operating on objects, or checking certain conditions before operation."
"Utility methods to check if state or arguments are correct."
"Utility methods to check if state or arguments are correct."
"A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations."
"A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations."
"Package resilience provides helpers for dealing with resilience."
"Package resilience provides helpers for dealing with resilience."
"Package alfred defines script filter structures and provides simple apis see"
"Package alfred defines script filter structures and provides simple apis see"
"Package wkhtmltopdf contains wrappers around the wkhtmltopdf commandline tool"
"Package wkhtmltopdf contains wrappers around the wkhtmltopdf commandline tool"
"Package memefish is the foundation to analyze Spanner SQL."
"Package memefish is the foundation to analyze Spanner SQL."
"Package awstempcreds contains helpers for temporary STS credentials."
"Package awstempcreds contains helpers for temporary STS credentials."
"A simple daemonset binary to repair pods that are crashlooping after winning a race condition against istio-cni"
"A simple daemonset binary to repair pods that are crashlooping after winning a race condition against istio-cni"
"This is a sample chained plugin that supports multiple CNI versions."
"This is a sample chained plugin that supports multiple CNI versions."
"This is a sample chained plugin that supports multiple CNI versions."
"This is a sample chained plugin that supports multiple CNI versions."
"Defines the redirect object and operations."
"Defines the redirect object and operations."
"Package transforms contains basic processing building blocks that can be incorporated into bigger/self-contained processing pipelines."
"Package transforms contains basic processing building blocks that can be incorporated into bigger/self-contained processing pipelines."
"Code generated for package basicmeta by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package basicmeta by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package data by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package data by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package k8smeta by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package k8smeta by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package validation by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package validation by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Command istioctl is a Istio configuration command line utility."
"Command istioctl is a Istio configuration command line utility."
"The auth package provides support for checking the authentication and authorization policy applied in the mesh."
"The auth package provides support for checking the authentication and authorization policy applied in the mesh."
"Package clioptions contains flags which can be added to istiocl commands."
"Package clioptions contains flags which can be added to istiocl commands."
"Package mesh contains types and functions."
"Package mesh contains types and functions."
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the istio v1alpha1 API group"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the istio v1alpha1 API group"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the istio v1alpha1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the istio v1alpha1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Package component defines an in-memory representation of IstioOperator.<Feature>.<Component>."
"Package component defines an in-memory representation of IstioOperator.<Feature>.<Component>."
"Package manifest provides functions for going between in-memory k8s objects (unstructured.Unstructured) and their JSON or YAML representations."
"Package manifest provides functions for going between in-memory k8s objects (unstructured.Unstructured) and their JSON or YAML representations."
"Package patch implements a simple patching mechanism for k8s resources."
"Package patch implements a simple patching mechanism for k8s resources."
"struct.go contains functions for traversing and modifying trees of Go structs."
"struct.go contains functions for traversing and modifying trees of Go structs."
"tree.go contains functions for traversing and updating a tree constructed from yaml or json.Unmarshal."
"tree.go contains functions for traversing and updating a tree constructed from yaml or json.Unmarshal."
"Package translate defines translations from installer proto to values.yaml."
"Package translate defines translations from installer proto to values.yaml."
"Code generated for package vfs by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package vfs by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Package vfs is a set of file system utilities to access compiled-in helm charts."
"Package vfs is a set of file system utilities to access compiled-in helm charts."
"Package aggregate implements a read-only aggregator for config stores."
"Package aggregate implements a read-only aggregator for config stores."
"Tool to generate pilot/pkg/config/kube/crdclient/types.gen.go Example run command: REPO_ROOT=`pwd` go generate ./pilot/pkg/config/kube/crdclient/..."
"Tool to generate pilot/pkg/config/kube/crdclient/types.gen.go Example run command: REPO_ROOT=`pwd` go generate ./pilot/pkg/config/kube/crdclient/..."
"Package ingress provides a read-only view of Kubernetes ingress resources as an ingress rule configuration type store"
"Package ingress provides a read-only view of Kubernetes ingress resources as an ingress rule configuration type store"
"Package memory provides an in-memory volatile config store implementation"
"Package memory provides an in-memory volatile config store implementation"
"packages used for load balancer setting"
"packages used for load balancer setting"
"Package registry represents a registry of plugins that can be used by a config generator."
"Package registry represents a registry of plugins that can be used by a config generator."
"Package config is a common, top-level folder for aggregating Istio-wide config related libraries and utilities."
"Package config is a common, top-level folder for aggregating Istio-wide config related libraries and utilities."
"Package resource contains core abstract types for representing configuration resources."
"Package resource contains core abstract types for representing configuration resources."
"Code generated for package schema by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package schema by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Package inject implements kube-inject or webhoook autoinject feature to inject sidecar."
"Package inject implements kube-inject or webhoook autoinject feature to inject sidecar."
"Code generated for package assets by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package assets by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Package status implements errors returned by gRPC."
"Package status implements errors returned by gRPC."
"Package test is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package test is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package gcemetadata provides basic utilities around configuring the fake GCE Metadata Server component for integration testing."
"Package gcemetadata provides basic utilities around configuring the fake GCE Metadata Server component for integration testing."
"Package controller implements a k8s controller for managing the lifecycle of a validating webhook."
"Package controller implements a k8s controller for managing the lifecycle of a validating webhook."
"Package vault provides adapter to connect to vault server."
"Package vault provides adapter to connect to vault server."
"credentailfetcher fetches workload credentials through platform plugins."
"credentailfetcher fetches workload credentials through platform plugins."
"This is Google plugin of credentialfetcher."
"This is Google plugin of credentialfetcher."
"Test only: this is the mock plugin of credentialfetcher."
"Test only: this is the mock plugin of credentialfetcher."
"Package cache is the in-memory secret store."
"Package cache is the in-memory secret store."
"Package stsclient is for oauth token exchange integration."
"Package stsclient is for oauth token exchange integration."
"Package sds implements secret discovery service in NodeAgent."
"Package sds implements secret discovery service in NodeAgent."
"Package sdsc includes a lightweight testing client to interact with SDS."
"Package sdsc includes a lightweight testing client to interact with SDS."
"Program sdsclient simulates a SDS client to test SDS Server, citadel agent."
"Program sdsclient simulates a SDS client to test SDS Server, citadel agent."
"package jwt includes sample JWT Token used in e2e tests."
"package jwt includes sample JWT Token used in e2e tests."
"Package common contains resource names, which may vary from version to version."
"Package common contains resource names, which may vary from version to version."
"Package errors provides helper functions for use by the kubelet to deal with CRI errors."
"Package errors provides helper functions for use by the kubelet to deal with CRI errors."
"Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces."
"Package cobra is a commander providing a simple interface to create powerful modern CLI interfaces."
"Package duck defines logic for defining and consuming \"duck typed\" Kubernetes resources."
"Package duck defines logic for defining and consuming \"duck typed\" Kubernetes resources."
"Package changeset provides Knative utilities for fetching GitHub Commit ID from kodata directory."
"Package changeset provides Knative utilities for fetching GitHub Commit ID from kodata directory."
"Package configmap exists to facilitate consuming Kubernetes ConfigMap resources in various ways, including: - Watching them for changes over time, and - Loading them from a VolumeMount."
"Package configmap exists to facilitate consuming Kubernetes ConfigMap resources in various ways, including: - Watching them for changes over time, and - Loading them from a VolumeMount."
"Package hash contains various Knative specific hashing utilities."
"Package hash contains various Knative specific hashing utilities."
"Package injection defines the mechanisms through which clients, informers and shared informer factories are injected into a shared controller binary implementation."
"Package injection defines the mechanisms through which clients, informers and shared informer factories are injected into a shared controller binary implementation."
"Package kflag contains a variety of non-standard command-line flag types"
"Package kflag contains a variety of non-standard command-line flag types"
"Package kmeta provides Knative utilities for operating on Kubernetes resources' ObjectMeta."
"Package kmeta provides Knative utilities for operating on Kubernetes resources' ObjectMeta."
"Package kmp wraps with custom Comparers for frequently used kubernetes resources that have unexported fields."
"Package kmp wraps with custom Comparers for frequently used kubernetes resources that have unexported fields."
"Simple abstraction for storing state on a k8s ConfigMap."
"Simple abstraction for storing state on a k8s ConfigMap."
"The chaosduck binary is an e2e testing tool for leader election, which loads the leader election configuration within the system namespace and periodically kills one of the leader pods for each HA component."
"The chaosduck binary is an e2e testing tool for leader election, which loads the leader election configuration within the system namespace and periodically kills one of the leader pods for each HA component."
"Package metrics provides Knative utilities for exporting metrics to Stackdriver backend or Prometheus backend based on config-observability settings."
"Package metrics provides Knative utilities for exporting metrics to Stackdriver backend or Prometheus backend based on config-observability settings."
"Package metricstest simplifies some of the common boilerplate around testing metrics exports."
"Package metricstest simplifies some of the common boilerplate around testing metrics exports."
"Package network holds the typed objects that define the schemas for configuring the knative networking layer."
"Package network holds the typed objects that define the schemas for configuring the knative networking layer."
"Package handlers holds useful HTTP handler implementations."
"Package handlers holds useful HTTP handler implementations."
"Package prober contains functionality for implementing probing in knative serving."
"Package prober contains functionality for implementing probing in knative serving."
"Package pool contains a simple threadpool implementation that accepts work in the form of `func() error` function."
"Package pool contains a simple threadpool implementation that accepts work in the form of `func() error` function."
"Package ptr holds utilities for taking pointer references to values."
"Package ptr holds utilities for taking pointer references to values."
"Package testing includes utilities for testing controllers."
"Package testing includes utilities for testing controllers."
"Package testing includes utilities for testing controllers."
"Package testing includes utilities for testing controllers."
"Package resolver implements resolvers for resolving k8s references and URIs."
"Package resolver implements resolvers for resolving k8s references and URIs."
"Package source holds utilities for Source developers."
"Package source holds utilities for Source developers."
"Helper functions for running interactive CLI sessions from Go"
"Helper functions for running interactive CLI sessions from Go"
"Helper functions for running interactive CLI sessions from Go"
"Helper functions for running interactive CLI sessions from Go"
"Package logging assists setting up test logging and using leveled logging in tests."
"Package logging assists setting up test logging and using leveled logging in tests."
"Package logstream lets end-to-end tests incorporate controller logs into the error output of tests."
"Package logstream lets end-to-end tests incorporate controller logs into the error output of tests."
"Package zipkin adds Zipkin tracing support that can be used in conjunction with SpoofingClient to log zipkin traces for requests that have encountered server errors i.e HTTP request that have HTTP status between 500 to 600."
"Package zipkin adds Zipkin tracing support that can be used in conjunction with SpoofingClient to log zipkin traces for requests that have encountered server errors i.e HTTP request that have HTTP status between 500 to 600."
"Package clustermanager provides support for managing clusters for e2e tests, responsible for creating/deleting cluster, and cluster life cycle management if running in Prow"
"Package clustermanager provides support for managing clusters for e2e tests, responsible for creating/deleting cluster, and cluster life cycle management if running in Prow"
"Package client supports various needs for running tests"
"Package client supports various needs for running tests"
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Revision controller depends."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Revision controller depends."
"Package tracker defines a utility to enable Reconcilers to trigger reconciliations when objects that are cross-referenced change, so that the level-based reconciliation can react to the change."
"Package tracker defines a utility to enable Reconcilers to trigger reconciliations when objects that are cross-referenced change, so that the level-based reconciliation can react to the change."
"Package psbinding provides facilities to make authoring Bindings that work with \"Pod Spec\"-able subjects easier."
"Package psbinding provides facilities to make authoring Bindings that work with \"Pod Spec\"-able subjects easier."
"Package route contains code for syncing cloud routing rules with the list of registered nodes."
"Package route contains code for syncing cloud routing rules with the list of registered nodes."
"Package service contains code for syncing cloud load balancers with the service registry."
"Package service contains code for syncing cloud load balancers with the service registry."
"Package cloudprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for cloud service providers."
"Package cloudprovider supplies interfaces and implementations for cloud service providers."
"Package fake is a test-double implementation of cloudprovider Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances."
"Package fake is a test-double implementation of cloudprovider Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances."
"Package discordgo provides Discord binding for Go"
"Package discordgo provides Discord binding for Go"
"Package oto offers io.Writer to play sound on multiple platforms."
"Package oto offers io.Writer to play sound on multiple platforms."
"Package response implements an HTTP response writer."
"Package response implements an HTTP response writer."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Package auth implements authentication to Microsoft Live Connect accounts, XBOX Live accounts and ultimately Minecraft accounts associated with them."
"Package auth implements authentication to Microsoft Live Connect accounts, XBOX Live accounts and ultimately Minecraft accounts associated with them."
"Package minecraft implements Minecraft Bedrock Edition connections."
"Package minecraft implements Minecraft Bedrock Edition connections."
"Package nbt implements the NBT formats used by Minecraft Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Java Edition."
"Package nbt implements the NBT formats used by Minecraft Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Java Edition."
"Package protocol implements structures and functions used to write or read data related to the Minecraft Bedrock Edition protocol."
"Package protocol implements structures and functions used to write or read data related to the Minecraft Bedrock Edition protocol."
"Package login provides functions to decode and encode Minecraft login requests found in the Login packet connection request."
"Package login provides functions to decode and encode Minecraft login requests found in the Login packet connection request."
"Package jwt provides methods for decoding, encoding and verifying JSON Web Tokens, specifically those present in the Minecraft connection request found in the Login packet."
"Package jwt provides methods for decoding, encoding and verifying JSON Web Tokens, specifically those present in the Minecraft connection request found in the Login packet."
"Package packet implements every packet in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition protocol using the functions found in the minecraft/protocol package."
"Package packet implements every packet in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition protocol using the functions found in the minecraft/protocol package."
"Package resource implements the compiling of resource packs found in files, directories or raw byte data."
"Package resource implements the compiling of resource packs found in files, directories or raw byte data."
"Package text has utility methods used for formatting text to display in Minecraft, and to convert these colour codes into codes suitable for the command line."
"Package text has utility methods used for formatting text to display in Minecraft, and to convert these colour codes into codes suitable for the command line."
"Package query implements the UT3 query protocol as described on"
"Package query implements the UT3 query protocol as described on"
"Package pdf implements wkhtmltopdf Go bindings."
"Package pdf implements wkhtmltopdf Go bindings."
"* Copyright (c) 2019."
"* Copyright (c) 2019."
"Package events is the event center for internal system events."
"Package events is the event center for internal system events."
"Package chainedbft is impliments of hotstuff for consensus common module."
"Package chainedbft is impliments of hotstuff for consensus common module."
"* * @filename pow.go * @desc pow共识, 固定难度系数 *"
"* * @filename pow.go * @desc pow共识, 固定难度系数 *"
"Package main is the plugin implementation of single consensus"
"Package main is the plugin implementation of single consensus"
"wrapper for consensus-tdpos plugin"
"wrapper for consensus-tdpos plugin"
"Package ecb implements block cipher mode of encryption ECB (Electronic Code Book) functions."
"Package ecb implements block cipher mode of encryption ECB (Electronic Code Book) functions."
"Package padding provides functions for padding blocks of plain text in the context of block cipher mode of encryption like ECB or CBC."
"Package padding provides functions for padding blocks of plain text in the context of block cipher mode of encryption like ECB or CBC."
"Package main is the plugin for xuperchain crypto client with schnorr sign"
"Package main is the plugin for xuperchain crypto client with schnorr sign"
"Package main is the plugin for xuperchain default crypto client"
"Package main is the plugin for xuperchain default crypto client"
"Package hash including some useful hash utilities"
"Package hash including some useful hash utilities"
"Package sign is the ECDSA sign and verify implementation"
"Package sign is the ECDSA sign and verify implementation"
"Package sign is the ECDSA sign and verify implementation"
"Package sign is the ECDSA sign and verify implementation"
"Package utils defines some crypto/signature utilities"
"Package utils defines some crypto/signature utilities"
"Package utils file implements the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, as defined in FIPS 186-3."
"Package utils file implements the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, as defined in FIPS 186-3."
"badger wrapper plugin so"
"badger wrapper plugin so"
"go-leveldb wrapper plugin so 模式,package必须是main"
"go-leveldb wrapper plugin so 模式,package必须是main"
"go-leveldb wrapper plugin so,package必须是main"
"go-leveldb wrapper plugin so,package必须是main"
"go-leveldb wrapper plugin so ,package必须是main"
"go-leveldb wrapper plugin so ,package必须是main"
"Package kvdb 迭代器实现"
"Package kvdb 迭代器实现"
"Package p2pv2 is the v2 of XuperChain p2p network."
"Package p2pv2 is the v2 of XuperChain p2p network."
"Package pb is a reverse proxy."
"Package pb is a reverse proxy."
"Package pb is a reverse proxy."
"Package pb is a reverse proxy."
"Package pluginmgr is a plugin manager which keeps all plugins' instance Notice: any plugin using this framework should implements a func named 'GetInstance' to return there instance"
"Package pluginmgr is a plugin manager which keeps all plugins' instance Notice: any plugin using this framework should implements a func named 'GetInstance' to return there instance"
"Package utxo is the key part of XuperChain, this module keeps all Unspent Transaction Outputs."
"Package utxo is the key part of XuperChain, this module keeps all Unspent Transaction Outputs."
"Package vat is Verifiable Autogen Tx package"
"Package vat is Verifiable Autogen Tx package"
"Package xmodel CacheIterator is a merged iterator model cache"
"Package xmodel CacheIterator is a merged iterator model cache"
"Package pointer exchange pointer between cgo and go"
"Package pointer exchange pointer between cgo and go"
"Package goutils 是一个将开发中常用的通用类函数封装统一存放在这里以便复用的函数工具包"
"Package goutils 是一个将开发中常用的通用类函数封装统一存放在这里以便复用的函数工具包"
"Package cc provides shortcuts for MIDI Control Change Messages"
"Package cc provides shortcuts for MIDI Control Change Messages"
"Package midi provides interfaces for reading and writing of MIDI messages."
"Package midi provides interfaces for reading and writing of MIDI messages."
"Package gm provides constants for instruments, drumkits and percussion keys based on the General MIDI standard."
"Package gm provides constants for instruments, drumkits and percussion keys based on the General MIDI standard."
"Package midiio provides helpers for connecting io.Readers and io.Writers to midi.Readers and midi.Writers."
"Package midiio provides helpers for connecting io.Readers and io.Writers to midi.Readers and midi.Writers."
"Package channel provides MIDI Channel Messages"
"Package channel provides MIDI Channel Messages"
"Package midimessage provides helper functions for MIDI messages."
"Package midimessage provides helper functions for MIDI messages."
"Package meta provides MIDI Meta Messages"
"Package meta provides MIDI Meta Messages"
"Package key provides helper functions for key signature meta messages."
"Package key provides helper functions for key signature meta messages."
"Package meter provides helper functions for time signature meta messages."
"Package meter provides helper functions for time signature meta messages."
"Package realtime provides MIDI System Realtime Messages"
"Package realtime provides MIDI System Realtime Messages"
"Package syscommon provides MIDI System Common Messages"
"Package syscommon provides MIDI System Common Messages"
"Package sysex provides MIDI System Exclusive Messages"
"Package sysex provides MIDI System Exclusive Messages"
"Package midireader provides a reader for live/streaming/\"over the wire\" MIDI data."
"Package midireader provides a reader for live/streaming/\"over the wire\" MIDI data."
"Package midiwriter provides a writer for live/streaming/\"over the wire\" MIDI data."
"Package midiwriter provides a writer for live/streaming/\"over the wire\" MIDI data."
"Package player provides an easy way to play a SMF (Standard MIDI File)."
"Package player provides an easy way to play a SMF (Standard MIDI File)."
"Package reader provides an easy abstraction for reading of cable MIDI and SMF (Standard MIDI File) data."
"Package reader provides an easy abstraction for reading of cable MIDI and SMF (Standard MIDI File) data."
"Package smf provides constants and interfaces for reading and writing of Standard MIDI Files (SMF)."
"Package smf provides constants and interfaces for reading and writing of Standard MIDI Files (SMF)."
"Package smfreader provides a reader of Standard MIDI Files (SMF)."
"Package smfreader provides a reader of Standard MIDI Files (SMF)."
"Package smfwriter provides a writer of Standard MIDI Files (SMF)."
"Package smfwriter provides a writer of Standard MIDI Files (SMF)."
"Package testdrv provides a gomidi/midi.Driver for testing."
"Package testdrv provides a gomidi/midi.Driver for testing."
"Package writer provides an easy abstraction for writing of cable MIDI and SMF (Standard MIDI File) data."
"Package writer provides an easy abstraction for writing of cable MIDI and SMF (Standard MIDI File) data."
"Package core lists all the OPS in elsa Will be updated as an when new OPS are added"
"Package core lists all the OPS in elsa Will be updated as an when new OPS are added"
"Package cmd contains all the global variables and constants."
"Package cmd contains all the global variables and constants."
"Package cmd - session V8 - Version 8 stores session header and session data in two separate files."
"Package cmd - session V8 - Version 8 stores session header and session data in two separate files."
"Package colorjson implements encoding and decoding of JSON as defined in RFC 7159."
"Package colorjson implements encoding and decoding of JSON as defined in RFC 7159."
"Package disk fetches file system information for various OS"
"Package disk fetches file system information for various OS"
"Package hookreader hooks additional reader in the source stream."
"Package hookreader hooks additional reader in the source stream."
"Package httptracer implements http tracing functionality"
"Package httptracer implements http tracing functionality"
"Package ioutils implements helper functions used in"
"Package ioutils implements helper functions used in"
"Package probe implements a simple mechanism to trace and return errors in large programs."
"Package probe implements a simple mechanism to trace and return errors in large programs."
"Package probe implements a simple mechanism to trace and return errors in large programs."
"Package probe implements a simple mechanism to trace and return errors in large programs."
"Package clients contains functions for creating OpenStack service clients for use in acceptance tests."
"Package clients contains functions for creating OpenStack service clients for use in acceptance tests."
"Package extensions contains common functions for creating block storage resources that are extensions of the block storage API."
"Package extensions contains common functions for creating block storage resources that are extensions of the block storage API."
"Package noauth contains common functions for creating block storage based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package noauth contains common functions for creating block storage based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v1 contains common functions for creating block storage based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v1 contains common functions for creating block storage based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v1 contains openstack cinder acceptance tests"
"Package v1 contains openstack cinder acceptance tests"
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating block storage based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating block storage based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v3 contains common functions for creating block storage based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v3 contains common functions for creating block storage based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v1 package contains acceptance tests for the Openstack Clustering V1 service."
"Package v1 package contains acceptance tests for the Openstack Clustering V1 service."
"Package openstack contains common functions that can be used across all OpenStack components for acceptance testing."
"Package openstack contains common functions that can be used across all OpenStack components for acceptance testing."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating compute-based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating compute-based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v2 package contains acceptance tests for the Openstack Compute V2 service."
"Package v2 package contains acceptance tests for the Openstack Compute V2 service."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating db resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating db resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating identity-based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating identity-based resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating imageservice resources for use in acceptance tests."
"Package v2 contains common functions for creating imageservice resources for use in acceptance tests."
"agents acceptance tests"
"agents acceptance tests"
"Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds."
"Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds."
"Package NAME manages and retrieves RESOURCE in the OpenStack SERVICE Service."
"Package NAME manages and retrieves RESOURCE in the OpenStack SERVICE Service."
"Package apiversions provides information about the versions supported by a specific Ironic API."
"Package apiversions provides information about the versions supported by a specific Ironic API."
"Package noauth provides support for noauth bare metal endpoints."
"Package noauth provides support for noauth bare metal endpoints."
"Package testing contains drivers unit tests"
"Package testing contains drivers unit tests"
"Package nodes provides information and interaction with the nodes API resource in the OpenStack Bare Metal service."
"Package nodes provides information and interaction with the nodes API resource in the OpenStack Bare Metal service."
"nodes unit tests"
"nodes unit tests"
"ports unit tests"
"ports unit tests"
"Package noauth provides support for noauth bare metal introspection endpoints."
"Package noauth provides support for noauth bare metal introspection endpoints."
"Package introspection contains the functionality for Starting introspection, Get introspection status, List all introspection statuses, Abort an introspection, Get stored introspection data and reapply introspection on stored data."
"Package introspection contains the functionality for Starting introspection, Get introspection status, List all introspection statuses, Abort an introspection, Get stored introspection data and reapply introspection on stored data."
"Package backups provides information and interaction with backups in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package backups provides information and interaction with backups in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package quotasets enables retrieving and managing Block Storage quotas."
"Package quotasets enables retrieving and managing Block Storage quotas."
"quotasets unit tests"
"quotasets unit tests"
"Package schedulerhints extends the volume create request with the ability to specify additional parameters which determine where the volume will be created in the OpenStack cloud."
"Package schedulerhints extends the volume create request with the ability to specify additional parameters which determine where the volume will be created in the OpenStack cloud."
"schedulerhints unit tests"
"schedulerhints unit tests"
"Package schedulerstats returns information about block storage pool capacity and utilisation."
"Package schedulerstats returns information about block storage pool capacity and utilisation."
"Package volumeactions provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumeactions provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"volumeactions unit tests"
"volumeactions unit tests"
"Package volumetenants provides the ability to extend a volume result with tenant/project information."
"Package volumetenants provides the ability to extend a volume result with tenant/project information."
"Package noauth creates a \"noauth\" *gophercloud.ServiceClient for use in Cinder environments configured with the noauth authentication middleware."
"Package noauth creates a \"noauth\" *gophercloud.ServiceClient for use in Cinder environments configured with the noauth authentication middleware."
"noauth unit tests"
"noauth unit tests"
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Block Storage service, code-named Cinder."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Block Storage service, code-named Cinder."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with volume types in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumetypes provides information and interaction with volume types in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package snapshots provides information and interaction with snapshots in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package volumes provides information and interaction with volumes in the OpenStack Block Storage service."
"Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package base provides information and interaction with the base API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavors API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package serviceassets provides information and interaction with the serviceassets API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource in the OpenStack CDN service."
"Package actions provides listing and retrieving of senlin actions for the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package actions provides listing and retrieving of senlin actions for the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package clusters provides information and interaction with the clusters through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package clusters provides information and interaction with the clusters through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package events provides listing and retrieving of senlin events for the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package events provides listing and retrieving of senlin events for the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package nodes provides information and interaction with the nodes through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package nodes provides information and interaction with the nodes through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package policies provides information and interaction with the policies through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package policies provides information and interaction with the policies through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package policytypes lists all policy types and shows details for a policy type from the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package policytypes lists all policy types and shows details for a policy type from the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package profiles provides information and interaction with profiles through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package profiles provides information and interaction with profiles through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package profiletypes lists all profile types and shows details for a profile type from the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package profiletypes lists all profile types and shows details for a profile type from the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package receivers provides information and interaction with the receivers through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package receivers provides information and interaction with the receivers through the OpenStack Clustering service."
"Package webhooks provides the ability to trigger an action represented by a webhook from the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package webhooks provides the ability to trigger an action represented by a webhook from the OpenStack Clustering Service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for an OpenStack service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for an OpenStack service."
"common extensions unit tests"
"common extensions unit tests"
"Package aggregates manages information about the host aggregates in the OpenStack cloud."
"Package aggregates manages information about the host aggregates in the OpenStack cloud."
"Package attachinterfaces provides the ability to retrieve and manage network interfaces through Nova."
"Package attachinterfaces provides the ability to retrieve and manage network interfaces through Nova."
"attachinterfaces unit tests"
"attachinterfaces unit tests"
"Package availabilityzones provides the ability to get lists and detailed availability zone information and to extend a server result with availability zone information."
"Package availabilityzones provides the ability to get lists and detailed availability zone information and to extend a server result with availability zone information."
"availabilityzones unittests"
"availabilityzones unittests"
"Package bootfromvolume extends a server create request with the ability to specify block device options."
"Package bootfromvolume extends a server create request with the ability to specify block device options."
"bootfromvolume unit tests"
"bootfromvolume unit tests"
"Package defsecrules enables management of default security group rules."
"Package defsecrules enables management of default security group rules."
"defsecrules unit tests"
"defsecrules unit tests"
"Package diskconfig provides information and interaction with the Disk Config extension that works with the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package diskconfig provides information and interaction with the Disk Config extension that works with the OpenStack Compute service."
"diskconfig unit tests"
"diskconfig unit tests"
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package evacuate provides functionality to evacuates servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service from a failed host to a new host."
"Package evacuate provides functionality to evacuates servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service from a failed host to a new host."
"Package extendedserverattributes provides the ability to extend a server result with the extended usage information."
"Package extendedserverattributes provides the ability to extend a server result with the extended usage information."
"Package extendedstatus provides the ability to extend a server result with the extended status information."
"Package extendedstatus provides the ability to extend a server result with the extended status information."
"Package floatingips provides the ability to manage floating ips through the Nova API."
"Package floatingips provides the ability to manage floating ips through the Nova API."
"floatingips unit tests"
"floatingips unit tests"
"Package hypervisors returns details about list of hypervisors, shows details for a hypervisor and shows summary statistics for all hypervisors over all compute nodes in the OpenStack cloud."
"Package hypervisors returns details about list of hypervisors, shows details for a hypervisor and shows summary statistics for all hypervisors over all compute nodes in the OpenStack cloud."
"Package keypairs provides the ability to manage key pairs as well as create servers with a specified key pair."
"Package keypairs provides the ability to manage key pairs as well as create servers with a specified key pair."
"keypairs unit tests"
"keypairs unit tests"
"Package limits shows rate and limit information for a tenant/project."
"Package limits shows rate and limit information for a tenant/project."
"Package lockunlock provides functionality to lock and unlock servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package lockunlock provides functionality to lock and unlock servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"unlocklock unit tests"
"unlocklock unit tests"
"Package migrate provides functionality to migrate servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package migrate provides functionality to migrate servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package networks provides the ability to create and manage networks in cloud environments using nova-network."
"Package networks provides the ability to create and manage networks in cloud environments using nova-network."
"networks unit tests"
"networks unit tests"
"Package pauseunpause provides functionality to pause and unpause servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package pauseunpause provides functionality to pause and unpause servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"pauseunpause unit tests"
"pauseunpause unit tests"
"Package quotasets enables retrieving and managing Compute quotas."
"Package quotasets enables retrieving and managing Compute quotas."
"quotasets unit tests"
"quotasets unit tests"
"Package remoteconsoles provides the ability to create server remote consoles through the Compute API."
"Package remoteconsoles provides the ability to create server remote consoles through the Compute API."
"Package rescueunrescue provides the ability to place a server into rescue mode and to return it back."
"Package rescueunrescue provides the ability to place a server into rescue mode and to return it back."
"Package resetstate provides functionality to reset the state of a server that has been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package resetstate provides functionality to reset the state of a server that has been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package schedulerhints extends the server create request with the ability to specify additional parameters which determine where the server will be created in the OpenStack cloud."
"Package schedulerhints extends the server create request with the ability to specify additional parameters which determine where the server will be created in the OpenStack cloud."
"schedulerhints unit tests"
"schedulerhints unit tests"
"Package secgroups provides the ability to manage security groups through the Nova API."
"Package secgroups provides the ability to manage security groups through the Nova API."
"secgroups unit tests"
"secgroups unit tests"
"Package servergroups provides the ability to manage server groups."
"Package servergroups provides the ability to manage server groups."
"servergroups unit tests"
"servergroups unit tests"
"Package serverusage provides the ability the ability to extend a server result with the extended usage information."
"Package serverusage provides the ability the ability to extend a server result with the extended usage information."
"Package startstop provides functionality to start and stop servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package startstop provides functionality to start and stop servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"startstop unit tests"
"startstop unit tests"
"Package suspendresume provides functionality to suspend and resume servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package suspendresume provides functionality to suspend and resume servers that have been provisioned by the OpenStack Compute service."
"suspendresume unit tests"
"suspendresume unit tests"
"Package tags manages Tags on Compute V2 servers."
"Package tags manages Tags on Compute V2 servers."
"tags unit tests"
"tags unit tests"
"Package tenantnetworks provides the ability for tenants to see information about the networks they have access to."
"Package tenantnetworks provides the ability for tenants to see information about the networks they have access to."
"tenantnetworks unit tests"
"tenantnetworks unit tests"
"extensions unit tests"
"extensions unit tests"
"Package usage provides information and interaction with the SimpleTenantUsage extension for the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package usage provides information and interaction with the SimpleTenantUsage extension for the OpenStack Compute service."
"simple tenant usage unit tests"
"simple tenant usage unit tests"
"Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volumes from servers."
"Package volumeattach provides the ability to attach and detach volumes from servers."
"volumeattach unit tests"
"volumeattach unit tests"
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API in the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API in the OpenStack Compute service."
"flavors unit tests"
"flavors unit tests"
"Package images provides information and interaction with the images through the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package images provides information and interaction with the images through the OpenStack Compute service."
"images unit tests"
"images unit tests"
"Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource in the OpenStack Compute service."
"Package servers provides information and interaction with the server API resource in the OpenStack Compute service."
"servers unit tests"
"servers unit tests"
"Package capsules contains functionality for working with Zun capsule resources."
"Package capsules contains functionality for working with Zun capsule resources."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the Container Infra service, code-named Magnum."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the Container Infra service, code-named Magnum."
"Package certificates contains functionality for working with Magnum Certificate resources."
"Package certificates contains functionality for working with Magnum Certificate resources."
"Package clusters contains functionality for working with Magnum Cluster resources."
"Package clusters contains functionality for working with Magnum Cluster resources."
"Package clustertemplates contains functionality for working with Magnum Cluster Templates resources."
"Package clustertemplates contains functionality for working with Magnum Cluster Templates resources."
"Package quotas contains functionality for working with Magnum Quota API."
"Package quotas contains functionality for working with Magnum Quota API."
"Package configurations provides information and interaction with the configuration API resource in the Rackspace Database service."
"Package configurations provides information and interaction with the configuration API resource in the Rackspace Database service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the database API resource in the OpenStack Database service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the database API resource in the OpenStack Database service."
"Package datastores provides information and interaction with the datastore API resource in the Rackspace Database service."
"Package datastores provides information and interaction with the datastore API resource in the Rackspace Database service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource in the OpenStack Database service."
"Package flavors provides information and interaction with the flavor API resource in the OpenStack Database service."
"Package instances provides information and interaction with the instance API resource in the OpenStack Database service."
"Package instances provides information and interaction with the instance API resource in the OpenStack Database service."
"Package users provides information and interaction with the user API resource in the OpenStack Database service."
"Package users provides information and interaction with the user API resource in the OpenStack Database service."
"Package recordsets provides information and interaction with the zone API resource for the OpenStack DNS service."
"Package recordsets provides information and interaction with the zone API resource for the OpenStack DNS service."
"recordsets unit tests"
"recordsets unit tests"
"Package zones provides information and interaction with the zone API resource for the OpenStack DNS service."
"Package zones provides information and interaction with the zone API resource for the OpenStack DNS service."
"zones unit tests"
"zones unit tests"
"Package openstack contains resources for the individual OpenStack projects supported in Gophercloud."
"Package openstack contains resources for the individual OpenStack projects supported in Gophercloud."
"Package roles provides functionality to interact with and control roles on the API."
"Package roles provides functionality to interact with and control roles on the API."
"roles unit tests"
"roles unit tests"
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package extensions provides information and interaction with the different extensions available for the OpenStack Identity service."
"extensions unit tests"
"extensions unit tests"
"Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenants API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenants API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"tenants unit tests"
"tenants unit tests"
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"tokens unit tests"
"tokens unit tests"
"Package users provides information and interaction with the users API resource for the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package users provides information and interaction with the users API resource for the OpenStack Identity Service."
"users unit tests"
"users unit tests"
"Package domains manages and retrieves Domains in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package domains manages and retrieves Domains in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package endpoints provides information and interaction with the service endpoints API resource in the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package endpoints provides information and interaction with the service endpoints API resource in the OpenStack Identity service."
"endpoints unit tests"
"endpoints unit tests"
"Package trusts enables management of OpenStack Identity Trusts."
"Package trusts enables management of OpenStack Identity Trusts."
"trusts unit tests"
"trusts unit tests"
"Package groups manages and retrieves Groups in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package groups manages and retrieves Groups in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package policies provides information and interaction with the policies API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package policies provides information and interaction with the policies API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package testing contains policies unit tests"
"Package testing contains policies unit tests"
"Package projects manages and retrieves Projects in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package projects manages and retrieves Projects in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package regions manages and retrieves Regions in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package regions manages and retrieves Regions in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package roles provides information and interaction with the roles API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package roles provides information and interaction with the roles API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"roles unit tests"
"roles unit tests"
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package services provides information and interaction with the services API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"services unit tests"
"services unit tests"
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"tokens unit tests"
"tokens unit tests"
"Package users manages and retrieves Users in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package users manages and retrieves Users in the OpenStack Identity Service."
"Package imagedata enables management of image data."
"Package imagedata enables management of image data."
"imagedata unit tests"
"imagedata unit tests"
"Package imageimport enables management of images import and retrieval of the Imageservice Import API information."
"Package imageimport enables management of images import and retrieval of the Imageservice Import API information."
"Package images enables management and retrieval of images from the OpenStack Image Service."
"Package images enables management and retrieval of images from the OpenStack Image Service."
"images unit tests"
"images unit tests"
"Package members enables management and retrieval of image members."
"Package members enables management and retrieval of image members."
"members unit tests"
"members unit tests"
"Package tasks enables management and retrieval of tasks from the OpenStack Imageservice."
"Package tasks enables management and retrieval of tasks from the OpenStack Imageservice."
"tasks unit tests"
"tasks unit tests"
"Package acls manages acls in the OpenStack Key Manager Service."
"Package acls manages acls in the OpenStack Key Manager Service."
"Package containers manages and retrieves containers in the OpenStack Key Manager Service."
"Package containers manages and retrieves containers in the OpenStack Key Manager Service."
"Package orders manages and retrieves orders in the OpenStack Key Manager Service."
"Package orders manages and retrieves orders in the OpenStack Key Manager Service."
"Package secrets manages and retrieves secrets in the OpenStack Key Manager Service."
"Package secrets manages and retrieves secrets in the OpenStack Key Manager Service."
"Package amphorae provides information and interaction with Amphorae of OpenStack Load-balancing service."
"Package amphorae provides information and interaction with Amphorae of OpenStack Load-balancing service."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Load Balancer service."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Load Balancer service."
"apiversions unit tests"
"apiversions unit tests"
"Package lbaas_v2 provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package lbaas_v2 provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package l7policies provides information and interaction with L7Policies and Rules of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package l7policies provides information and interaction with L7Policies and Rules of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"l7policies unit tests"
"l7policies unit tests"
"Package listeners provides information and interaction with Listeners of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package listeners provides information and interaction with Listeners of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"listeners unit tests"
"listeners unit tests"
"Package loadbalancers provides information and interaction with Load Balancers of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package loadbalancers provides information and interaction with Load Balancers of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"loadbalancers unit tests"
"loadbalancers unit tests"
"Package monitors provides information and interaction with Monitors of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package monitors provides information and interaction with Monitors of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"monitors unit tests"
"monitors unit tests"
"Package pools provides information and interaction with Pools and Members of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package pools provides information and interaction with Pools and Members of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"pools unit tests"
"pools unit tests"
"Package claims provides information and interaction with the Zaqar API claims resource for the OpenStack Messaging service."
"Package claims provides information and interaction with the Zaqar API claims resource for the OpenStack Messaging service."
"Claims unit tests"
"Claims unit tests"
"Package messages provides information and interaction with the messages through the OpenStack Messaging(Zaqar) service."
"Package messages provides information and interaction with the messages through the OpenStack Messaging(Zaqar) service."
"messages unit tests"
"messages unit tests"
"Package queues provides information and interaction with the queues through the OpenStack Messaging (Zaqar) service."
"Package queues provides information and interaction with the queues through the OpenStack Messaging (Zaqar) service."
"queues unit tests"
"queues unit tests"
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Neutron service."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Neutron service."
"apiversions unit tests"
"apiversions unit tests"
"Package agents provides the ability to retrieve and manage Agents through the Neutron API."
"Package agents provides the ability to retrieve and manage Agents through the Neutron API."
"agents unit tests"
"agents unit tests"
"Package attributestags manages Tags on Resources created by the OpenStack Neutron Service."
"Package attributestags manages Tags on Resources created by the OpenStack Neutron Service."
"Package external provides information and interaction with the external extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package external provides information and interaction with the external extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"external unit tests"
"external unit tests"
"Package extradhcpopts allow to work with extra DHCP functionality of Neutron ports."
"Package extradhcpopts allow to work with extra DHCP functionality of Neutron ports."
"Package fwaas provides information and interaction with the Firewall as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package fwaas provides information and interaction with the Firewall as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package firewalls allows management and retrieval of firewalls from the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package firewalls allows management and retrieval of firewalls from the OpenStack Networking Service."
"firewalls unit tests"
"firewalls unit tests"
"Package policies allows management and retrieval of Firewall Policies in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package policies allows management and retrieval of Firewall Policies in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"policies unit tests"
"policies unit tests"
"Package routerinsertion implements the fwaasrouterinsertion Firewall extension."
"Package routerinsertion implements the fwaasrouterinsertion Firewall extension."
"routerinsertion unit tests"
"routerinsertion unit tests"
"Package rules enables management and retrieval of Firewall Rules in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package rules enables management and retrieval of Firewall Rules in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"rules unit tests"
"rules unit tests"
"Package addressscopes provides the ability to retrieve and manage Address scopes through the Neutron API."
"Package addressscopes provides the ability to retrieve and manage Address scopes through the Neutron API."
"subnetpools unit tests"
"subnetpools unit tests"
"Package layer3 provides access to the Layer-3 networking extension for the OpenStack Neutron service."
"Package layer3 provides access to the Layer-3 networking extension for the OpenStack Neutron service."
"package floatingips enables management and retrieval of Floating IPs from the OpenStack Networking service."
"package floatingips enables management and retrieval of Floating IPs from the OpenStack Networking service."
"floatingips unit tests"
"floatingips unit tests"
"package portforwarding enables management and retrieval of port forwarding resources for Floating IPs from the OpenStack Networking service."
"package portforwarding enables management and retrieval of port forwarding resources for Floating IPs from the OpenStack Networking service."
"port forwarding unit tests"
"port forwarding unit tests"
"Package routers enables management and retrieval of Routers from the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package routers enables management and retrieval of Routers from the OpenStack Networking service."
"routers unit tests"
"routers unit tests"
"Package lbaas provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package lbaas provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package members provides information and interaction with Members of the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package members provides information and interaction with Members of the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"members unit tests"
"members unit tests"
"Package monitors provides information and interaction with the Monitors of the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package monitors provides information and interaction with the Monitors of the Load Balancer as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking Service."
"monitors unit tests"
"monitors unit tests"
"Package pools provides information and interaction with the Pools of the Load Balancing as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package pools provides information and interaction with the Pools of the Load Balancing as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"pools unit tests"
"pools unit tests"
"Package vips provides information and interaction with the Virtual IPs of the Load Balancing as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package vips provides information and interaction with the Virtual IPs of the Load Balancing as a Service extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"vips unit tests"
"vips unit tests"
"Package lbaas_v2 provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package lbaas_v2 provides information and interaction with the Load Balancer as a Service v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package l7policies provides information and interaction with L7Policies and Rules of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package l7policies provides information and interaction with L7Policies and Rules of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"l7policies unit tests"
"l7policies unit tests"
"Package listeners provides information and interaction with Listeners of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package listeners provides information and interaction with Listeners of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"listeners unit tests"
"listeners unit tests"
"Package loadbalancers provides information and interaction with Load Balancers of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package loadbalancers provides information and interaction with Load Balancers of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"loadbalancers unit tests"
"loadbalancers unit tests"
"Package monitors provides information and interaction with Monitors of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package monitors provides information and interaction with Monitors of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"monitors unit tests"
"monitors unit tests"
"Package pools provides information and interaction with Pools and Members of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package pools provides information and interaction with Pools and Members of the LBaaS v2 extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"pools unit tests"
"pools unit tests"
"Package networkipavailabilities provides the ability to retrieve and manage networkipavailabilities through the Neutron API."
"Package networkipavailabilities provides the ability to retrieve and manage networkipavailabilities through the Neutron API."
"networkipavailabilities unit tests"
"networkipavailabilities unit tests"
"Package portsbinding provides information and interaction with the port binding extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package portsbinding provides information and interaction with the port binding extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"portsbindings unit tests"
"portsbindings unit tests"
"Package portsecurity provides information and interaction with the port security extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package portsecurity provides information and interaction with the port security extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package provider gives access to the provider Neutron plugin, allowing network extended attributes."
"Package provider gives access to the provider Neutron plugin, allowing network extended attributes."
"provider unit tests"
"provider unit tests"
"Package policies provides information and interaction with the QoS policy extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package policies provides information and interaction with the QoS policy extension for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package rules provides the ability to retrieve and manage QoS policy rules through the Neutron API."
"Package rules provides the ability to retrieve and manage QoS policy rules through the Neutron API."
"QoS policy rules unit tests"
"QoS policy rules unit tests"
"Package ruletypes contains functionality for working with Neutron 'quality of service' rule-type resources."
"Package ruletypes contains functionality for working with Neutron 'quality of service' rule-type resources."
"qos unit tests"
"qos unit tests"
"Package quotas provides the ability to retrieve and manage Networking quotas through the Neutron API."
"Package quotas provides the ability to retrieve and manage Networking quotas through the Neutron API."
"quotas unit tests"
"quotas unit tests"
"Package rbacpolicies contains functionality for working with Neutron RBAC Policies."
"Package rbacpolicies contains functionality for working with Neutron RBAC Policies."
"Package testing includes rbac unit tests"
"Package testing includes rbac unit tests"
"Package security contains functionality to work with security group and security group rules Neutron resources."
"Package security contains functionality to work with security group and security group rules Neutron resources."
"Package groups provides information and interaction with Security Groups for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package groups provides information and interaction with Security Groups for the OpenStack Networking service."
"groups unit tests"
"groups unit tests"
"Package rules provides information and interaction with Security Group Rules for the OpenStack Networking service."
"Package rules provides information and interaction with Security Group Rules for the OpenStack Networking service."
"rules unit tests"
"rules unit tests"
"Package subnetpools provides the ability to retrieve and manage subnetpools through the Neutron API."
"Package subnetpools provides the ability to retrieve and manage subnetpools through the Neutron API."
"subnetpools unit tests"
"subnetpools unit tests"
"extensions unit tests"
"extensions unit tests"
"Package trunks provides the ability to retrieve and manage trunks through the Neutron API."
"Package trunks provides the ability to retrieve and manage trunks through the Neutron API."
"trunks unit tests"
"trunks unit tests"
"Package vlantransparent provides the ability to retrieve and manage networks with the vlan-transparent extension through the Neutron API."
"Package vlantransparent provides the ability to retrieve and manage networks with the vlan-transparent extension through the Neutron API."
"vlantransparent extension unit tests"
"vlantransparent extension unit tests"
"Package ikepolicies allows management and retrieval of IKE policies in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package ikepolicies allows management and retrieval of IKE policies in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package ipsecpolicies allows management and retrieval of IPSec Policies in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package ipsecpolicies allows management and retrieval of IPSec Policies in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package services allows management and retrieval of VPN services in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package services allows management and retrieval of VPN services in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package siteconnections allows management and retrieval of IPSec site connections in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package siteconnections allows management and retrieval of IPSec site connections in the OpenStack Networking Service."
"Package networks contains functionality for working with Neutron network resources."
"Package networks contains functionality for working with Neutron network resources."
"networks unit tests"
"networks unit tests"
"Package ports contains functionality for working with Neutron port resources."
"Package ports contains functionality for working with Neutron port resources."
"ports unit tests"
"ports unit tests"
"Package subnets contains functionality for working with Neutron subnet resources."
"Package subnets contains functionality for working with Neutron subnet resources."
"subnets unit tests"
"subnets unit tests"
"Package accounts contains functionality for working with Object Storage account resources."
"Package accounts contains functionality for working with Object Storage account resources."
"accounts unit tests"
"accounts unit tests"
"Package containers contains functionality for working with Object Storage container resources."
"Package containers contains functionality for working with Object Storage container resources."
"containers unit tests"
"containers unit tests"
"Package objects contains functionality for working with Object Storage object resources."
"Package objects contains functionality for working with Object Storage object resources."
"objects unit tests"
"objects unit tests"
"Package swauth implements Swift's built-in authentication."
"Package swauth implements Swift's built-in authentication."
"swauth unit tests"
"swauth unit tests"
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Heat service."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the OpenStack Heat service."
"Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments."
"Package buildinfo provides build information about heat deployments."
"Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events."
"Package stackevents provides operations for finding, listing, and retrieving stack events."
"Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources."
"Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources."
"Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks."
"Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks."
"Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates."
"Package stacktemplates provides operations for working with Heat templates."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the Shared File System service, code-named Manila."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the Shared File System service, code-named Manila."
"Package crontriggers provides interaction with the cron triggers API in the OpenStack Mistral service."
"Package crontriggers provides interaction with the cron triggers API in the OpenStack Mistral service."
"Package executions provides interaction with the execution API in the OpenStack Mistral service."
"Package executions provides interaction with the execution API in the OpenStack Mistral service."
"Package workflows provides interaction with the workflows API in the OpenStack Mistral service."
"Package workflows provides interaction with the workflows API in the OpenStack Mistral service."
"Package pagination contains utilities and convenience structs that implement common pagination idioms within OpenStack APIs."
"Package pagination contains utilities and convenience structs that implement common pagination idioms within OpenStack APIs."
"Package testhelper container methods that are useful for writing unit tests."
"Package testhelper container methods that are useful for writing unit tests."
"Package acl provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element to apply an ingress acl"
"Package acl provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element to apply an ingress acl"
"Package bridge provides networkservice chain elements for plugging vWires into bridges"
"Package bridge provides networkservice chain elements for plugging vWires into bridges"
"Package xconnectns provides an Endpoint that implements the cross connect networks service for use as a Forwarder"
"Package xconnectns provides an Endpoint that implements the cross connect networks service for use as a Forwarder"
"Package xconnectns provides an Endpoint that implements the cross connect networks service for use as a Forwarder"
"Package xconnectns provides an Endpoint that implements the cross connect networks service for use as a Forwarder"
"Package commit provides networkservice chain elements for committing the vppagent *configurator.Config retrieved using vppagent.Config(ctx) to the actual vppagent instance."
"Package commit provides networkservice chain elements for committing the vppagent *configurator.Config retrieved using vppagent.Config(ctx) to the actual vppagent instance."
"Package macaddress provides networkservice chain elements for setting the mac address on vpp interfaces"
"Package macaddress provides networkservice chain elements for setting the mac address on vpp interfaces"
"Package ipaddress provides networkservice chain elements to set the ip address on vpp interfaces"
"Package ipaddress provides networkservice chain elements to set the ip address on vpp interfaces"
"Package routes - configure routes on vpp using vppagent when used as client or endpoint"
"Package routes - configure routes on vpp using vppagent when used as client or endpoint"
"Package connectioncontext provides networkservice chain elements for applying connectioncontext to the vppagent side of vWires being plugged into vppagent"
"Package connectioncontext provides networkservice chain elements for applying connectioncontext to the vppagent side of vWires being plugged into vppagent"
"Package connectioncontextkernel provides networkservice chain elements for applying connection context to the kernel interface side of vWires being plugged into the vppagent"
"Package connectioncontextkernel provides networkservice chain elements for applying connection context to the kernel interface side of vWires being plugged into the vppagent"
"Package arps provides networkservice chain elements for setting the arp entries for kernel linux config"
"Package arps provides networkservice chain elements for setting the arp entries for kernel linux config"
"Package getmac provides networkservice chain elements for getting the mac address on kernel interfaces"
"Package getmac provides networkservice chain elements for getting the mac address on kernel interfaces"
"Package macaddress provides networkservice chain elements for setting the mac address on kernel interfaces"
"Package macaddress provides networkservice chain elements for setting the mac address on kernel interfaces"
"Package ipaddress provides networkservice chain elements that support setting ip addresses on kernel interfaces"
"Package ipaddress provides networkservice chain elements that support setting ip addresses on kernel interfaces"
"Package routes provides a NetworkServiceServer that sets the routes in the kernel from the connection context"
"Package routes provides a NetworkServiceServer that sets the routes in the kernel from the connection context"
"Package checkvppagentmechanism - provides a test suite for testing vppagent mechanism implementation chain elements"
"Package checkvppagentmechanism - provides a test suite for testing vppagent mechanism implementation chain elements"
"Package directmemif provides server chain element that create connection between two memif interfaces"
"Package directmemif provides server chain element that create connection between two memif interfaces"
"Package kerneltap provides networkservice chain elements that support the kernel Mechanism via tapv2"
"Package kerneltap provides networkservice chain elements that support the kernel Mechanism via tapv2"
"Package kernelvethpair provides networkservice chain elements that support the kernel Mechanism using veth pairs"
"Package kernelvethpair provides networkservice chain elements that support the kernel Mechanism using veth pairs"
"Package kernel provides a networkservice chain element that properly handles the kernel Mechanism"
"Package kernel provides a networkservice chain element that properly handles the kernel Mechanism"
"Package memif provides networkservice chain elements that support the memif Mechanism"
"Package memif provides networkservice chain elements that support the memif Mechanism"
"Package srv6 provides networkservice chain elements that support the SRv6 Mechanism"
"Package srv6 provides networkservice chain elements that support the SRv6 Mechanism"
"Package vxlan provides networkservice chain elements that support the vxlan Mechanism"
"Package vxlan provides networkservice chain elements that support the vxlan Mechanism"
"Package metrics - implement vpp based metrics collector service, it update connection on passing Request() with set of new metrics received during interval"
"Package metrics - implement vpp based metrics collector service, it update connection on passing Request() with set of new metrics received during interval"
"Package testinterfaceappender provides networkservice chain elements that appends the memif interface to vppConfig.Interfaces"
"Package testinterfaceappender provides networkservice chain elements that appends the memif interface to vppConfig.Interfaces"
"Package vppagent is a networkservice chain element that inserts a vppagent *configurator.Config into the"
"Package vppagent is a networkservice chain element that inserts a vppagent *configurator.Config into the"
"Package l2xconnect provides a NetworkServiceClient chain element for an l2 cross connect"
"Package l2xconnect provides a NetworkServiceClient chain element for an l2 cross connect"
"Package l2xconnect provides a NetworkServiceClient chain element for an l2 cross connect"
"Package l2xconnect provides a NetworkServiceClient chain element for an l2 cross connect"
"Package kernelctx enables the server side kernel interface to be stored in the context"
"Package kernelctx enables the server side kernel interface to be stored in the context"
"Package netnsinode provides utility functions for working with Linux Network Namespace Inodes"
"Package netnsinode provides utility functions for working with Linux Network Namespace Inodes"
"Package vppagent provides a simple StartAndDialContext function that will start up a local vppagent, dial it, and return the grpc.ClientConnInterface"
"Package vppagent provides a simple StartAndDialContext function that will start up a local vppagent, dial it, and return the grpc.ClientConnInterface"
"Package genericclioptions contains flags which can be added to you command, bound, completed, and produce useful helper functions."
"Package genericclioptions contains flags which can be added to you command, bound, completed, and produce useful helper functions."
"Package configmapandsecret generates configmaps and secrets per generator rules."
"Package configmapandsecret generates configmaps and secrets per generator rules."
"Package k8sdeps provides kustomize factory with k8s dependencies"
"Package k8sdeps provides kustomize factory with k8s dependencies"
"Package kunstruct provides unstructured from api machinery and factory for creating unstructured"
"Package kunstruct provides unstructured from api machinery and factory for creating unstructured"
"Package kunstruct provides unstructured from api machinery and factory for creating unstructured"
"Package kunstruct provides unstructured from api machinery and factory for creating unstructured"
"Package transformer provides transformer factory"
"Package transformer provides transformer factory"
"Package validator provides functions to validate labels, annotations, namespace using apimachinery"
"Package validator provides functions to validate labels, annotations, namespace using apimachinery"
"Package printers is helper for formatting and printing runtime objects into primitives io.writer."
"Package printers is helper for formatting and printing runtime objects into primitives io.writer."
"Package resource assists clients in dealing with RESTful objects that match the Kubernetes API conventions."
"Package resource assists clients in dealing with RESTful objects that match the Kubernetes API conventions."
"Package blas32 provides a simple interface to the float32 BLAS API."
"Package blas32 provides a simple interface to the float32 BLAS API."
"Package blas64 provides a simple interface to the float64 BLAS API."
"Package blas64 provides a simple interface to the float64 BLAS API."
"Package cblas128 provides a simple interface to the complex128 BLAS API."
"Package cblas128 provides a simple interface to the complex128 BLAS API."
"Package cblas64 provides a simple interface to the complex64 BLAS API."
"Package cblas64 provides a simple interface to the complex64 BLAS API."
"Package blas provides interfaces for the BLAS linear algebra standard."
"Package blas provides interfaces for the BLAS linear algebra standard."
"Package gonum is a Go implementation of the BLAS API."
"Package gonum is a Go implementation of the BLAS API."
"Script for automatic code generation of the benchmark routines."
"Script for automatic code generation of the benchmark routines."
"Package testblas provides tests for blas implementations."
"Package testblas provides tests for blas implementations."
"Package cscalar provides a set of helper routines for dealing with complex128 values."
"Package cscalar provides a set of helper routines for dealing with complex128 values."
"Package cmplxs provides a set of helper routines for dealing with slices of complex128."
"Package cmplxs provides a set of helper routines for dealing with slices of complex128."
"Package fd provides functions to approximate derivatives using finite differences."
"Package fd provides functions to approximate derivatives using finite differences."
"Gonum is a set of packages designed to make writing numerical and scientific algorithms productive, performant, and scalable."
"Gonum is a set of packages designed to make writing numerical and scientific algorithms productive, performant, and scalable."
"Package fourier provides functions to perform Discrete Fourier Transforms."
"Package fourier provides functions to perform Discrete Fourier Transforms."
"Package fftpack implements Discrete Fourier Transform functions ported from the Fortran implementation of FFTPACK."
"Package fftpack implements Discrete Fourier Transform functions ported from the Fortran implementation of FFTPACK."
"Package window provides a set of functions to perform the transformation of sequence by different window functions."
"Package window provides a set of functions to perform the transformation of sequence by different window functions."
"Package floats provides a set of helper routines for dealing with slices of float64."
"Package floats provides a set of helper routines for dealing with slices of float64."
"Package scalar provides a set of helper routines for dealing with float64 values."
"Package scalar provides a set of helper routines for dealing with float64 values."
"Package community provides graph community detection functions."
"Package community provides graph community detection functions."
"Package graph defines graph interfaces."
"Package graph defines graph interfaces."
"Package digraph6 implements graphs specified by digraph6 strings."
"Package digraph6 implements graphs specified by digraph6 strings."
"Package encoding provides a common graph encoding API."
"Package encoding provides a common graph encoding API."
"Package dot implements GraphViz DOT marshaling and unmarshaling of graphs."
"Package dot implements GraphViz DOT marshaling and unmarshaling of graphs."
"Package graph6 implements graphs specified by graph6 strings."
"Package graph6 implements graphs specified by graph6 strings."
"Package graphql implements JSON marshaling and unmarshaling of graph as used by GraphQL"
"Package graphql implements JSON marshaling and unmarshaling of graph as used by GraphQL"
"Package flow provides control flow analysis functions."
"Package flow provides control flow analysis functions."
"Package cytoscapejs implements marshaling and unmarshaling of Cytoscape.js JSON documents."
"Package cytoscapejs implements marshaling and unmarshaling of Cytoscape.js JSON documents."
"Package ast declares the types used to represent abstract syntax trees of Graphviz DOT graphs."
"Package ast declares the types used to represent abstract syntax trees of Graphviz DOT graphs."
"Package dot implements a parser for Graphviz DOT files."
"Package dot implements a parser for Graphviz DOT files."
"Package astx implements utility functions for generating abstract syntax trees of Graphviz DOT graphs."
"Package astx implements utility functions for generating abstract syntax trees of Graphviz DOT graphs."
"Package error provides generated internal error functions for DOT parsing."
"Package error provides generated internal error functions for DOT parsing."
"Package lexer provides generated internal lexer functions for DOT parsing."
"Package lexer provides generated internal lexer functions for DOT parsing."
"Package parser provides generated internal parsing functions for DOT parsing."
"Package parser provides generated internal parsing functions for DOT parsing."
"Package token provides generated internal tokenizing functions for DOT parsing."
"Package token provides generated internal tokenizing functions for DOT parsing."
"Package util provides generated internal utility functions for DOT parsing."
"Package util provides generated internal utility functions for DOT parsing."
"Package gexf12 implements marshaling and unmarshaling of GEXF1.2 documents."
"Package gexf12 implements marshaling and unmarshaling of GEXF1.2 documents."
"Package sigmajs implements marshaling and unmarshaling of Sigma.js JSON documents."
"Package sigmajs implements marshaling and unmarshaling of Sigma.js JSON documents."
"Package gen provides random graph generation functions."
"Package gen provides random graph generation functions."
"Package linear provides common linear data structures."
"Package linear provides common linear data structures."
"Package ordered provides common sort ordering types."
"Package ordered provides common sort ordering types."
"Package set provides integer and graph.Node sets."
"Package set provides integer and graph.Node sets."
"Package uid implements unique ID provision for graphs."
"Package uid implements unique ID provision for graphs."
"Package iterator provides node, edge and line iterators."
"Package iterator provides node, edge and line iterators."
"Package layout defines functions for performing graph layout."
"Package layout defines functions for performing graph layout."
"Package multi provides a suite of multigraph implementations satisfying the gonum/graph interfaces."
"Package multi provides a suite of multigraph implementations satisfying the gonum/graph interfaces."
"Package network provides network analysis functions."
"Package network provides network analysis functions."
"Package path provides graph path finding functions."
"Package path provides graph path finding functions."
"Package dynamic provides incremental heuristic graph path finding functions."
"Package dynamic provides incremental heuristic graph path finding functions."
"Package testsgraphs provides a number of graphs used for testing routines in the path and path/dynamic packages."
"Package testsgraphs provides a number of graphs used for testing routines in the path and path/dynamic packages."
"Package product implements graph product functions."
"Package product implements graph product functions."
"Package simple provides a suite of simple graph implementations satisfying the gonum/graph interfaces."
"Package simple provides a suite of simple graph implementations satisfying the gonum/graph interfaces."
"Package spectral provides graph spectral analysis functions."
"Package spectral provides graph spectral analysis functions."
"Package testgraph provides a set of testing helper functions that test Gonum graph interface implementations."
"Package testgraph provides a set of testing helper functions that test Gonum graph interface implementations."
"Package topo provides graph topology analysis functions."
"Package topo provides graph topology analysis functions."
"Package traverse provides basic graph traversal primitives."
"Package traverse provides basic graph traversal primitives."
"Package integrate provides functions to compute an integral given a specific list of evaluations."
"Package integrate provides functions to compute an integral given a specific list of evaluations."
"Package quad provides numerical evaluation of definite integrals of single-variable functions."
"Package quad provides numerical evaluation of definite integrals of single-variable functions."
"Package testquad provides integrals for testing quadrature algorithms."
"Package testquad provides integrals for testing quadrature algorithms."
"Package c128 provides complex128 vector primitives."
"Package c128 provides complex128 vector primitives."
"Package c64 provides complex64 vector primitives."
"Package c64 provides complex64 vector primitives."
"Package f32 provides float32 vector primitives."
"Package f32 provides float32 vector primitives."
"Package f64 provides float64 vector primitives."
"Package f64 provides float64 vector primitives."
"Package cmplx64 provides complex64 versions of standard library math/cmplx package routines used by gonum/blas."
"Package cmplx64 provides complex64 versions of standard library math/cmplx package routines used by gonum/blas."
"Package math32 provides float32 versions of standard library math package routines used by gonum/blas/native."
"Package math32 provides float32 versions of standard library math package routines used by gonum/blas/native."
"Package testrand provides random generation and flags for testing."
"Package testrand provides random generation and flags for testing."
"Package interp implements 1-dimensional algorithms for interpolating values."
"Package interp implements 1-dimensional algorithms for interpolating values."
"Package lapack provides interfaces for the LAPACK linear algebra standard."
"Package lapack provides interfaces for the LAPACK linear algebra standard."
"Package gonum is a pure-go implementation of the LAPACK API."
"Package gonum is a pure-go implementation of the LAPACK API."
"Package lapack64 provides a set of convenient wrapper functions for LAPACK calls, as specified in the netlib standard ("
"Package lapack64 provides a set of convenient wrapper functions for LAPACK calls, as specified in the netlib standard ("
"Package testlapack implements a set of testing routines for Lapack functions."
"Package testlapack implements a set of testing routines for Lapack functions."
"Package mat provides implementations of float64 and complex128 matrix structures and linear algebra operations on them."
"Package mat provides implementations of float64 and complex128 matrix structures and linear algebra operations on them."
"Package mathext implements special math functions not implemented by the Go standard library."
"Package mathext implements special math functions not implemented by the Go standard library."
"Package amoslib is a wrapper around the Fortran amos library."
"Package amoslib is a wrapper around the Fortran amos library."
"Package amos implements functions originally in the Netlib code by Donald Amos."
"Package amos implements functions originally in the Netlib code by Donald Amos."
"Package cephes implements functions originally in the Netlib code by Stephen Mosher."
"Package cephes implements functions originally in the Netlib code by Stephen Mosher."
"Package gonum contains functions implemented by the gonum team."
"Package gonum contains functions implemented by the gonum team."
"Package prng provides random source PRNG implementations."
"Package prng provides random source PRNG implementations."
"Package dual provides the dual numeric type and functions."
"Package dual provides the dual numeric type and functions."
"Package dualcmplx provides the anti-commutative dual complex numeric type and functions."
"Package dualcmplx provides the anti-commutative dual complex numeric type and functions."
"Package dualquat provides the dual quaternion numeric type and functions."
"Package dualquat provides the dual quaternion numeric type and functions."
"Package hyperdual provides the hyperdual numeric type and functions."
"Package hyperdual provides the hyperdual numeric type and functions."
"Package quat provides the quaternion numeric type and functions."
"Package quat provides the quaternion numeric type and functions."
"Package lp implements routines to solve linear programming problems."
"Package lp implements routines to solve linear programming problems."
"package lp implements routines for solving linear programs."
"package lp implements routines for solving linear programs."
"Package optimize implements algorithms for finding the optimum value of functions."
"Package optimize implements algorithms for finding the optimum value of functions."
"Package functions provides objective functions for testing optimization algorithms."
"Package functions provides objective functions for testing optimization algorithms."
"Package barneshut provides routines for calculating n-body force approximations using the Barnes-Hut algorithm."
"Package barneshut provides routines for calculating n-body force approximations using the Barnes-Hut algorithm."
"Package kdtree implements a k-d tree."
"Package kdtree implements a k-d tree."
"Package r1 provides 1D vectors and intervals and operations on them."
"Package r1 provides 1D vectors and intervals and operations on them."
"Package r2 provides 2D vectors and boxes and operations on them."
"Package r2 provides 2D vectors and boxes and operations on them."
"Package r3 provides 3D vectors and boxes and operations on them."
"Package r3 provides 3D vectors and boxes and operations on them."
"Package vptree implements a vantage point tree."
"Package vptree implements a vantage point tree."
"Package card provides cardinality estimation functions."
"Package card provides cardinality estimation functions."
"Package combin implements routines involving combinatorics (permutations, combinations, etc.)."
"Package combin implements routines involving combinatorics (permutations, combinations, etc.)."
"Package distmat provides probability distributions over matrices."
"Package distmat provides probability distributions over matrices."
"Package distmv provides multivariate random distribution types."
"Package distmv provides multivariate random distribution types."
"Package distuv provides univariate random distribution types."
"Package distuv provides univariate random distribution types."
"Package stat provides generalized statistical functions."
"Package stat provides generalized statistical functions."
"Package mds provides multidimensional scaling functions."
"Package mds provides multidimensional scaling functions."
"Package samplemv implements advanced sampling routines from explicit and implicit probability distributions."
"Package samplemv implements advanced sampling routines from explicit and implicit probability distributions."
"Package sampleuv implements advanced sampling routines from explicit and implicit probability distributions."
"Package sampleuv implements advanced sampling routines from explicit and implicit probability distributions."
"Package spatial provides spatial statistical functions."
"Package spatial provides spatial statistical functions."
"Package constant provides fundamental constants satisfying unit.Uniter."
"Package constant provides fundamental constants satisfying unit.Uniter."
"Package unit provides a set of types and constants that facilitate the use of the International System of Units (SI)."
"Package unit provides a set of types and constants that facilitate the use of the International System of Units (SI)."
"Package envconfig implements decoding of environment variables based on a user defined specification."
"Package envconfig implements decoding of environment variables based on a user defined specification."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* This module is a mini wrapper around the main schnorr module used for * zilliqa rosetta project."
"* This module is a mini wrapper around the main schnorr module used for * zilliqa rosetta project."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"* Copyright (C) 2019 Zilliqa * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version."
"Package lru implements generic least-recently-used caches with near O(1) perf."
"Package lru implements generic least-recently-used caches with near O(1) perf."
"Package signal contains helpers to exchange the SDP session description between examples."
"Package signal contains helpers to exchange the SDP session description between examples."
"Package auth implements password based user logins."
"Package auth implements password based user logins."
"Package authboss is a modular authentication system for the web."
"Package authboss is a modular authentication system for the web."
"Package confirm implements confirmation of user registration via e-mail"
"Package confirm implements confirmation of user registration via e-mail"
"Package mocks defines implemented interfaces for testing modules"
"Package mocks defines implemented interfaces for testing modules"
"Package response is responsible for loading and rendering authboss templates."
"Package response is responsible for loading and rendering authboss templates."
"Package lock implements user locking after N bad sign-in attempts."
"Package lock implements user locking after N bad sign-in attempts."
"Package recover implements password reset via e-mail."
"Package recover implements password reset via e-mail."
"Package register allows for user registration."
"Package register allows for user registration."
"Package remember implements persistent logins through the cookie storer."
"Package remember implements persistent logins through the cookie storer."
"Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver."
"Package pgx is a PostgreSQL database driver."
"Package log15adapter provides a logger that writes to a log."
"Package log15adapter provides a logger that writes to a log."
"Package logrusadapter provides a logger that writes to a log."
"Package logrusadapter provides a logger that writes to a log."
"Package testingadapter provides a logger that writes to a test or benchmark log."
"Package testingadapter provides a logger that writes to a test or benchmark log."
"Package zapadapter provides a logger that writes to a"
"Package zapadapter provides a logger that writes to a"
"Package zerologadapter provides a logger that writes to a"
"Package zerologadapter provides a logger that writes to a"
"Package pgio is a low-level toolkit building messages in the PostgreSQL wire protocol."
"Package pgio is a low-level toolkit building messages in the PostgreSQL wire protocol."
"Package stdlib is the compatibility layer from pgx to database/sql."
"Package stdlib is the compatibility layer from pgx to database/sql."
"Package bitcointax implements a Transaction type which properly Marshals and Unmarshals into the valid JSON format for the REST API, as well as a Client with methods for listing and adding Transactions."
"Package bitcointax implements a Transaction type which properly Marshals and Unmarshals into the valid JSON format for the REST API, as well as a Client with methods for listing and adding Transactions."
"Package orderedmap implements an ordered map, i.e."
"Package orderedmap implements an ordered map, i.e."
"Package anypb contains generated types for google/protobuf/any.proto."
"Package anypb contains generated types for google/protobuf/any.proto."
"because we need the yaml, this file is overwritten by hand :-("
"because we need the yaml, this file is overwritten by hand :-("
"Package cmd stores the command line interface implementation."
"Package cmd stores the command line interface implementation."
"Code generated for package templates by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package templates by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"This package takes care of generates for empty widgets."
"This package takes care of generates for empty widgets."
"Package exchangerates"
"Package exchangerates"
2020/10/19 00:28:13 failed to parse illegal character U+200B
"Package bootservertest includes common code to write smoke tests for bootserver_old."
"Package bootservertest includes common code to write smoke tests for bootserver_old."
"ninja_buildstats is an utility for extracting useful stats out of build artifacts from Ninja."
"ninja_buildstats is an utility for extracting useful stats out of build artifacts from Ninja."
"Package compdb provides compilation database parser."
"Package compdb provides compilation database parser."
"ninjagraph provides utilities to parse the DOT output from Ninja's `-t graph` tool to a Go native format."
"ninjagraph provides utilities to parse the DOT output from Ninja's `-t graph` tool to a Go native format."
"ninjatrace converts .ninja_log into trace-viewer formats."
"ninjatrace converts .ninja_log into trace-viewer formats."
"Generates a Debian based sysroot."
"Generates a Debian based sysroot."
"Package llvm defines data structures that can be used to read code coverage information exported from the llvm-cov tool."
"Package llvm defines data structures that can be used to read code coverage information exported from the llvm-cov tool."
"Package elflib provides methods for handling ELF files."
"Package elflib provides methods for handling ELF files."
"Builds values to be used in reference benchmarks."
"Builds values to be used in reference benchmarks."
"Package cache provides methods for creating and using a cache."
"Package cache provides methods for creating and using a cache."
"Package color provides functions for printing in different colors."
"Package color provides functions for printing in different colors."
"Package command defines common code for writing Fuchsia command line tools."
"Package command defines common code for writing Fuchsia command line tools."
"Package environment ensures correct environment is available."
"Package environment ensures correct environment is available."
"Package iomisc provides miscellaneous I/O functions."
"Package iomisc provides miscellaneous I/O functions."
"Package logger provides methods for logging with different levels."
"Package logger provides methods for logging with different levels."
"Package ring gives a simple implementation of a ring/b.bufular buffer."
"Package ring gives a simple implementation of a ring/b.bufular buffer."
"Package runner provides implementations for running commands in different environments."
"Package runner provides implementations for running commands in different environments."
"Package tarutil provides methods for creating tar packages."
"Package tarutil provides methods for creating tar packages."
"This file implements the Zircon loglistener protocol."
"This file implements the Zircon loglistener protocol."
"This package implements the Zircon netboot protocol."
"This package implements the Zircon netboot protocol."
"Package serial provides support for serial connections."
"Package serial provides support for serial connections."
"Package runtests contains specifics related to the runtests command."
"Package runtests contains specifics related to the runtests command."
"Package tap implements support for the Test Anything Protocol, a language-agnostic format for outputting the results of tests:"
"Package tap implements support for the Test Anything Protocol, a language-agnostic format for outputting the results of tests:"
"Package testparser parses test stdout into structured results."
"Package testparser parses test stdout into structured results."
"Package testrunner handles specifics related to the testrunner tool."
"Package testrunner handles specifics related to the testrunner tool."
"Package whereiscl provides features that are needed for the whereiscl tool."
"Package whereiscl provides features that are needed for the whereiscl tool."
"whereiscl is a command-line utility that answers \"Where is my CL?\"."
"whereiscl is a command-line utility that answers \"Where is my CL?\"."
"Package netutil provides network-related helper functions."
"Package netutil provides network-related helper functions."
"Package testhelper provides helper utilities for tests."
"Package testhelper provides helper utilities for tests."
"Package config allows parsing a configuration for Elasticsearch from a URL."
"Package config allows parsing a configuration for Elasticsearch from a URL."
"Package elastic provides an interface to the Elasticsearch server ("
"Package elastic provides an interface to the Elasticsearch server ("
"Connect simply connects to Elasticsearch Service on AWS."
"Connect simply connects to Elasticsearch Service on AWS."
"BulkInsert illustrates how to bulk insert documents into Elasticsearch."
"BulkInsert illustrates how to bulk insert documents into Elasticsearch."
"BulkProcessor runs a bulk processing job that fills an index given certain criteria like flush interval etc."
"BulkProcessor runs a bulk processing job that fills an index given certain criteria like flush interval etc."
"Connect simply connects to Elasticsearch."
"Connect simply connects to Elasticsearch."
"SlicedScroll illustrates scrolling through a set of documents in parallel."
"SlicedScroll illustrates scrolling through a set of documents in parallel."
"Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template,"
"Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template,"
"Package app provides a platform-independent interface to operating system functionality for running graphical user interfaces."
"Package app provides a platform-independent interface to operating system functionality for running graphical user interfaces."
"Package headless implements headless windows for rendering an operation list to an image."
"Package headless implements headless windows for rendering an operation list to an image."
"Package cocoainit initializes support for multithreaded programs in Cocoa."
"Package cocoainit initializes support for multithreaded programs in Cocoa."
"Package points standard output, standard error and the standard library package log to the platform logger."
"Package points standard output, standard error and the standard library package log to the platform logger."
"Package window implements platform specific windows and GPU contexts."
"Package window implements platform specific windows and GPU contexts."
"Package xkb implements a Go interface for the X Keyboard Extension library."
"Package xkb implements a Go interface for the X Keyboard Extension library."
"Package bluetooth implements permissions to access Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy hardware, including the ability to discover and pair devices."
"Package bluetooth implements permissions to access Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy hardware, including the ability to discover and pair devices."
"Package permission includes sub-packages that should be imported by a Gio program or by one of its dependencies to indicate that specific operating-system permissions are required."
"Package permission includes sub-packages that should be imported by a Gio program or by one of its dependencies to indicate that specific operating-system permissions are required."
"Package storage implements read and write storage permissions on mobile devices."
"Package storage implements read and write storage permissions on mobile devices."
"Package f32 is a float32 implementation of package image's Point and Rectangle."
"Package f32 is a float32 implementation of package image's Point and Rectangle."
"Package gofont exports the Go fonts as a text.Collection."
"Package gofont exports the Go fonts as a text.Collection."
"Package opentype implements text layout and shaping for OpenType files."
"Package opentype implements text layout and shaping for OpenType files."
"Package gesture implements common pointer gestures."
"Package gesture implements common pointer gestures."
"Package gpu implements the rendering of Gio drawing operations."
"Package gpu implements the rendering of Gio drawing operations."
"Package rendertest is intended for testing of drawing ops only."
"Package rendertest is intended for testing of drawing ops only."
"Package event contains the types for event handling."
"Package event contains the types for event handling."
"Package key implements key and text events and operations."
"Package key implements key and text events and operations."
"Package pointer implements pointer events and operations."
"Package pointer implements pointer events and operations."
"Package profiles provides access to rendering profiles."
"Package profiles provides access to rendering profiles."
"Package router implements Router, a event.Queue implementation that that disambiguates and routes events to handlers declared in operation lists."
"Package router implements Router, a event.Queue implementation that that disambiguates and routes events to handlers declared in operation lists."
"Package system contains events usually handled at the top-level program level."
"Package system contains events usually handled at the top-level program level."
"Package layout implements layouts common to GUI programs."
"Package layout implements layouts common to GUI programs."
"Package clip provides operations for clipping paint operations."
"Package clip provides operations for clipping paint operations."
"Package op implements operations for updating a user interface."
"Package op implements operations for updating a user interface."
"Package paint provides drawing operations for 2D graphics."
"Package paint provides drawing operations for 2D graphics."
"Package unit implements device independent units and values."
"Package unit implements device independent units and values."
"Package widget implements state tracking and event handling of common user interface controls."
"Package widget implements state tracking and event handling of common user interface controls."
"Package material implements the Material design."
"Package material implements the Material design."
"Package v1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1beta1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1beta1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1beta1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1beta1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1beta2 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1beta2 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1beta2 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1beta2 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1alpha1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1alpha1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1alpha1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"Package v1alpha1 contains definitions of Vertical Pod Autoscaler related objects."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package admission (aka metrics_admission) - code for metrics of VPA Admission Controller plugin"
"Package admission (aka metrics_admission) - code for metrics of VPA Admission Controller plugin"
"Package metrics - common code for metrics of all 3 VPA components"
"Package metrics - common code for metrics of all 3 VPA components"
"Package quality (aka metrics_quality) - code for VPA quality metrics"
"Package quality (aka metrics_quality) - code for VPA quality metrics"
"Package recommender (aka metrics_recommender) - code for metrics of VPA Recommender"
"Package recommender (aka metrics_recommender) - code for metrics of VPA Recommender"
"Package updater (aka metrics_updater) - code for metrics of VPA Updater"
"Package updater (aka metrics_updater) - code for metrics of VPA Updater"
"Package wallet provides functions and types for interacting with the dcrlibwallet backend."
"Package wallet provides functions and types for interacting with the dcrlibwallet backend."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package bind generates Ethereum contract Go bindings."
"Package bind generates Ethereum contract Go bindings."
"Package abi implements the Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface)."
"Package abi implements the Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface)."
"Package accounts implements high level Ethereum account management."
"Package accounts implements high level Ethereum account management."
"Package keystore implements encrypted storage of secp256k1 private keys."
"Package keystore implements encrypted storage of secp256k1 private keys."
"Package trezor contains the wire protocol."
"Package trezor contains the wire protocol."
"Package usbwallet implements support for USB hardware wallets."
"Package usbwallet implements support for USB hardware wallets."
"bootnode runs a bootstrap node for the Ethereum Discovery Protocol."
"bootnode runs a bootstrap node for the Ethereum Discovery Protocol."
"checkpoint-admin is a utility that can be used to query checkpoint information and register stable checkpoints into an oracle contract."
"checkpoint-admin is a utility that can be used to query checkpoint information and register stable checkpoints into an oracle contract."
"evm executes EVM code snippets."
"evm executes EVM code snippets."
"p2psim provides a command-line client for a simulation HTTP API."
"p2psim provides a command-line client for a simulation HTTP API."
"puppeth is a command to assemble and maintain private networks."
"puppeth is a command to assemble and maintain private networks."
"rlpdump is a pretty-printer for RLP data."
"rlpdump is a pretty-printer for RLP data."
"Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-ethereum commands."
"Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-ethereum commands."
"Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-ethereum commands."
"Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-ethereum commands."
"Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-ethereum commands."
"Package utils contains internal helper functions for go-ethereum commands."
"Package bitutil implements fast bitwise operations."
"Package bitutil implements fast bitwise operations."
"Package common contains various helper functions."
"Package common contains various helper functions."
"Package compiler wraps the Solidity and Vyper compiler executables (solc; vyper)."
"Package compiler wraps the Solidity and Vyper compiler executables (solc; vyper)."
"Package compiler wraps the Solidity and Vyper compiler executables (solc; vyper)."
"Package compiler wraps the Solidity and Vyper compiler executables (solc; vyper)."
"Package compiler wraps the Solidity and Vyper compiler executables (solc; vyper)."
"Package compiler wraps the Solidity and Vyper compiler executables (solc; vyper)."
"Package hexutil implements hex encoding with 0x prefix."
"Package hexutil implements hex encoding with 0x prefix."
"Package math provides integer math utilities."
"Package math provides integer math utilities."
"Package mclock is a wrapper for a monotonic clock source"
"Package mclock is a wrapper for a monotonic clock source"
"Package prque implements a priority queue data structure supporting arbitrary value types and int64 priorities."
"Package prque implements a priority queue data structure supporting arbitrary value types and int64 priorities."
"Package clique implements the proof-of-authority consensus engine."
"Package clique implements the proof-of-authority consensus engine."
"Package consensus implements different Ethereum consensus engines."
"Package consensus implements different Ethereum consensus engines."
"Package ethash implements the ethash proof-of-work consensus engine."
"Package ethash implements the ethash proof-of-work consensus engine."
"Package checkpointoracle is a an on-chain light client checkpoint oracle."
"Package checkpointoracle is a an on-chain light client checkpoint oracle."
"Provides support for dealing with EVM assembly instructions (e.g., disassembling them)."
"Provides support for dealing with EVM assembly instructions (e.g., disassembling them)."
"Package core implements the Ethereum consensus protocol."
"Package core implements the Ethereum consensus protocol."
"Package bloombits implements bloom filtering on batches of data."
"Package bloombits implements bloom filtering on batches of data."
"Package forkid implements EIP-2124 ("
"Package forkid implements EIP-2124 ("
"The mkalloc tool creates the genesis allocation constants in genesis_alloc.go It outputs a const declaration that contains an RLP-encoded list of (address, balance) tuples."
"The mkalloc tool creates the genesis allocation constants in genesis_alloc.go It outputs a const declaration that contains an RLP-encoded list of (address, balance) tuples."
"Package state provides a caching layer atop the Ethereum state trie."
"Package state provides a caching layer atop the Ethereum state trie."
"Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus."
"Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus."
"Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine."
"Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine."
"Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code."
"Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code."
"Package blake2b implements the BLAKE2b hash algorithm defined by RFC 7693 and the extendable output function (XOF) BLAKE2Xb."
"Package blake2b implements the BLAKE2b hash algorithm defined by RFC 7693 and the extendable output function (XOF) BLAKE2Xb."
"Package bn256 implements the Optimal Ate pairing over a 256-bit Barreto-Naehrig curve."
"Package bn256 implements the Optimal Ate pairing over a 256-bit Barreto-Naehrig curve."
"Package bn256 implements the Optimal Ate pairing over a 256-bit Barreto-Naehrig curve."
"Package bn256 implements the Optimal Ate pairing over a 256-bit Barreto-Naehrig curve."
"Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group at the 128-bit security level."
"Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group at the 128-bit security level."
"Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group."
"Package bn256 implements a particular bilinear group."
"Package secp256k1 wraps the bitcoin secp256k1 C library."
"Package secp256k1 wraps the bitcoin secp256k1 C library."
"Package eth implements the Ethereum protocol."
"Package eth implements the Ethereum protocol."
"Package downloader contains the manual full chain synchronisation."
"Package downloader contains the manual full chain synchronisation."
"Package fetcher contains the announcement based header, blocks or transaction synchronisation."
"Package fetcher contains the announcement based header, blocks or transaction synchronisation."
"Package filters implements an ethereum filtering system for block, transactions and log events."
"Package filters implements an ethereum filtering system for block, transactions and log events."
"Package tracers contains the actual JavaScript tracer assets."
"Package tracers contains the actual JavaScript tracer assets."
"Package tracers is a collection of JavaScript transaction tracers."
"Package tracers is a collection of JavaScript transaction tracers."
"Package ethclient provides a client for the Ethereum RPC API."
"Package ethclient provides a client for the Ethereum RPC API."
"Package ethdb defines the interfaces for an Ethereum data store."
"Package ethdb defines the interfaces for an Ethereum data store."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT."
"Package ethstats implements the network stats reporting service."
"Package ethstats implements the network stats reporting service."
"Package event deals with subscriptions to real-time events."
"Package event deals with subscriptions to real-time events."
"Package graphql provides a GraphQL interface to Ethereum node data."
"Package graphql provides a GraphQL interface to Ethereum node data."
"Package ethereum defines interfaces for interacting with Ethereum."
"Package ethereum defines interfaces for interacting with Ethereum."
"Package debug interfaces Go runtime debugging facilities."
"Package debug interfaces Go runtime debugging facilities."
"Package ethapi implements the general Ethereum API functions."
"Package ethapi implements the general Ethereum API functions."
"Package guide is a small test suite to ensure snippets in the dev guide work."
"Package guide is a small test suite to ensure snippets in the dev guide work."
"Package deps Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package deps Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package deps contains the console JavaScript dependencies Go embedded."
"Package deps contains the console JavaScript dependencies Go embedded."
"Package jsre provides execution environment for JavaScript."
"Package jsre provides execution environment for JavaScript."
"Package testlog provides a log handler for unit tests."
"Package testlog provides a log handler for unit tests."
"Package utesting provides a standalone replacement for package testing."
"Package utesting provides a standalone replacement for package testing."
"package web3ext contains geth specific web3.js extensions."
"package web3ext contains geth specific web3.js extensions."
"Package log15 provides an opinionated, simple toolkit for best-practice logging that is both human and machine readable."
"Package log15 provides an opinionated, simple toolkit for best-practice logging that is both human and machine readable."
"Hook go-metrics into expvar on any /debug/metrics request, load all vars from the registry into expvar, and execute regular expvar handler"
"Hook go-metrics into expvar on any /debug/metrics request, load all vars from the registry into expvar, and execute regular expvar handler"
"Package prometheus exposes go-metrics into a Prometheus format."
"Package prometheus exposes go-metrics into a Prometheus format."
"Package miner implements Ethereum block creation and mining."
"Package miner implements Ethereum block creation and mining."
"This file contains a miner stress test based on the Clique consensus engine."
"This file contains a miner stress test based on the Clique consensus engine."
"This file contains a miner stress test based on the Ethash consensus engine."
"This file contains a miner stress test based on the Ethash consensus engine."
"Package node sets up multi-protocol Ethereum nodes."
"Package node sets up multi-protocol Ethereum nodes."
"Package discover implements the Node Discovery Protocol."
"Package discover implements the Node Discovery Protocol."
"Package v4wire implements the Discovery v4 Wire Protocol."
"Package v4wire implements the Discovery v4 Wire Protocol."
"Package discv5 is a prototype implementation of Discvery v5."
"Package discv5 is a prototype implementation of Discvery v5."
"Package dnsdisc implements node discovery via DNS (EIP-1459)."
"Package dnsdisc implements node discovery via DNS (EIP-1459)."
"Package enr implements Ethereum Node Records as defined in EIP-778."
"Package enr implements Ethereum Node Records as defined in EIP-778."
"Package nat provides access to common network port mapping protocols."
"Package nat provides access to common network port mapping protocols."
"Package netutil contains extensions to the net package."
"Package netutil contains extensions to the net package."
"Package p2p implements the Ethereum p2p network protocols."
"Package p2p implements the Ethereum p2p network protocols."
"Package simulations simulates p2p networks."
"Package simulations simulates p2p networks."
"Package rlp implements the RLP serialization format."
"Package rlp implements the RLP serialization format."
"Package rpc implements bi-directional JSON-RPC 2.0 on multiple transports."
"Package rpc implements bi-directional JSON-RPC 2.0 on multiple transports."
"Package fourbyte contains the 4byte database."
"Package fourbyte contains the 4byte database."
"Package deps Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package deps Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package deps contains the console JavaScript dependencies Go embedded."
"Package deps contains the console JavaScript dependencies Go embedded."
"Package tests implements execution of Ethereum JSON tests."
"Package tests implements execution of Ethereum JSON tests."
"Package cli contains framework for building a command-line based turbo-geth node."
"Package cli contains framework for building a command-line based turbo-geth node."
"Package node contains classes for running a turbo-geth node."
"Package node contains classes for running a turbo-geth node."
"Package trie implements Merkle Patricia Tries."
"Package trie implements Merkle Patricia Tries."
"Visualisation of Merkle Patricia Tries."
"Visualisation of Merkle Patricia Tries."
"Package goth provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic way to write authentication packages for Go web applications."
"Package goth provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic way to write authentication packages for Go web applications."
"Package gothic wraps common behaviour when using Goth."
"Package gothic wraps common behaviour when using Goth."
"Package amazon implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through amazon."
"Package amazon implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through amazon."
"Package `apple` implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Apple."
"Package `apple` implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Apple."
"Package auth0 implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through uber."
"Package auth0 implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through uber."
"Package azuread implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through AzureAD."
"Package azuread implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through AzureAD."
"Package battlenet implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through"
"Package battlenet implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through"
"Package bitbucket implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Bitbucket."
"Package bitbucket implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Bitbucket."
"Package box implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through box."
"Package box implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through box."
"Package cloudfoundry implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Cloud Foundry."
"Package cloudfoundry implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Cloud Foundry."
"Package dailymotion implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Dailymotion."
"Package dailymotion implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Dailymotion."
"Package deezer implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Deezer."
"Package deezer implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Deezer."
"Package digitalocean implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Digital Ocean."
"Package digitalocean implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Digital Ocean."
"Package discord implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Discord."
"Package discord implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Discord."
"Package dropbox implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Dropbox."
"Package dropbox implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Dropbox."
"Package eveonline implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through eveonline."
"Package eveonline implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through eveonline."
"Package facebook implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Facebook."
"Package facebook implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Facebook."
"Package faux is used exclusively for testing purposes."
"Package faux is used exclusively for testing purposes."
"Package fitbit implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Fitbit."
"Package fitbit implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Fitbit."
"Package gitea implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through gitea."
"Package gitea implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through gitea."
"Package github implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Github."
"Package github implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Github."
"Package gitlab implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through gitlab."
"Package gitlab implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through gitlab."
"Package google implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Google."
"Package google implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Google."
"Package gplus implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Google+."
"Package gplus implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Google+."
"Package heroku implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through heroku."
"Package heroku implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through heroku."
"Package idaas implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through idaas."
"Package idaas implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through idaas."
"Package influxdata implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through InfluxCloud."
"Package influxdata implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through InfluxCloud."
"Package instagram implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Instagram."
"Package instagram implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Instagram."
"Package intercom implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Intercom."
"Package intercom implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Intercom."
"Package kakao implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through kakao."
"Package kakao implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through kakao."
"Package lastfm implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through LastFM."
"Package lastfm implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through LastFM."
"Package line implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through line."
"Package line implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through line."
"Package linkedin implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Linkedin."
"Package linkedin implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Linkedin."
"Package mailru implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through"
"Package mailru implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through"
"Package mastodon implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Mastodon."
"Package mastodon implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Mastodon."
"Package meetup implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through ."
"Package meetup implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through ."
"Package microsoftonline implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through microsoftonline."
"Package microsoftonline implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through microsoftonline."
"Package nextcloud implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through nextcloud."
"Package nextcloud implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through nextcloud."
"Package okta implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through okta."
"Package okta implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through okta."
"Package onedrive implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through onedrive."
"Package onedrive implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through onedrive."
"Package paypal implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through paypal."
"Package paypal implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through paypal."
"Package salesforce implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through salesforce."
"Package salesforce implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through salesforce."
"Package shopify implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Shopify."
"Package shopify implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Shopify."
"Package slack implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through slack."
"Package slack implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through slack."
"Package soundcloud implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through soundcloud."
"Package soundcloud implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through soundcloud."
"Package spotify implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Spotify."
"Package spotify implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Spotify."
"Package steam implements the OpenID protocol for authenticating users through Steam."
"Package steam implements the OpenID protocol for authenticating users through Steam."
"Package steam implements the OpenID protocol for authenticating users through Steam."
"Package steam implements the OpenID protocol for authenticating users through Steam."
"Package strava implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Strava."
"Package strava implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Strava."
"Package stripe implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through stripe."
"Package stripe implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through stripe."
"Package tumblr implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Tumblr."
"Package tumblr implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Tumblr."
"Package twitch implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Twitch."
"Package twitch implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Twitch."
"Package twitter implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Twitter."
"Package twitter implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Twitter."
"Package typetalk implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Typetalk."
"Package typetalk implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Typetalk."
"Package uber implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through uber."
"Package uber implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through uber."
"Package vk implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through"
"Package vk implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through"
"Package wepay implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through wepay."
"Package wepay implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through wepay."
"Package xero implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Xero."
"Package xero implements the OAuth protocol for authenticating users through Xero."
"Package yahoo implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through yahoo."
"Package yahoo implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through yahoo."
"Package yammer implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through yammer."
"Package yammer implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through yammer."
"package yandex implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Yandex."
"package yandex implements the OAuth2 protocol for authenticating users through Yandex."
"Package browser Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package browser Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package crypto implements AWS S3 related cryptographic building blocks for implementing Server-Side-Encryption (SSE-S3) and Server-Side-Encryption with customer provided keys (SSE-C)."
"Package crypto implements AWS S3 related cryptographic building blocks for implementing Server-Side-Encryption (SSE-S3) and Server-Side-Encryption with customer provided keys (SSE-C)."
"Package cmd This file implements helper functions to validate AWS Signature Version '4' authorization header."
"Package cmd This file implements helper functions to validate AWS Signature Version '4' authorization header."
"Package cmd This file implements helper functions to validate Streaming AWS Signature Version '4' authorization header."
"Package cmd This file implements helper functions to validate Streaming AWS Signature Version '4' authorization header."
"* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2019 MinIO, Inc."
"* MinIO Cloud Storage, (C) 2019 MinIO, Inc."
"Package cgroup implements parsing for all the cgroup categories and functionality in a simple way."
"Package cgroup implements parsing for all the cgroup categories and functionality in a simple way."
"Package console implements console printing helpers"
"Package console implements console printing helpers"
"Package csv reads and writes comma-separated values (CSV) files."
"Package csv reads and writes comma-separated values (CSV) files."
"Package ioutil implements some I/O utility functions which are not covered by the standard library."
"Package ioutil implements some I/O utility functions which are not covered by the standard library."
"Package licverifier implements a simple library to verify MinIO Subnet license keys."
"Package licverifier implements a simple library to verify MinIO Subnet license keys."
"Package lock - implements filesystem locking wrappers around an open file descriptor."
"Package lock - implements filesystem locking wrappers around an open file descriptor."
"Package mimedb is a database of file extension to mime content-type."
"Package mimedb is a database of file extension to mime content-type."
"Package trie implements a simple trie tree for minio server/tools borrows idea from -"
"Package trie implements a simple trie tree for minio server/tools borrows idea from -"
"Package integration contains kubernetes specific NSM tests"
"Package integration contains kubernetes specific NSM tests"
"Package artifacts provides API for manage tests artifacts."
"Package artifacts provides API for manage tests artifacts."
"Package kubetest provides API for writing Kubernetes specific tests"
"Package kubetest provides API for writing Kubernetes specific tests"
"Package configz serves ComponentConfig objects from running components."
"Package configz serves ComponentConfig objects from running components."
"Package verflag defines utility functions to handle command line flags related to version of Kubernetes."
"Package verflag defines utility functions to handle command line flags related to version of Kubernetes."
"Package cache implements a build artifact cache."
"Package cache implements a build artifact cache."
"Package renameio writes files atomically by renaming temporary files."
"Package renameio writes files atomically by renaming temporary files."
"Package robustio wraps I/O functions that are prone to failure on Windows, transparently retrying errors up to an arbitrary timeout."
"Package robustio wraps I/O functions that are prone to failure on Windows, transparently retrying errors up to an arbitrary timeout."
"Package checker defines the implementation of the checker commands."
"Package checker defines the implementation of the checker commands."
"nolintlint provides a linter to ensure that all //nolint directives are followed by explanations"
"nolintlint provides a linter to ensure that all //nolint directives are followed by explanations"
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
"nolint: varcheck"
"nolint: varcheck"
"args: -Easciicheck"
"args: -Easciicheck"
"Code generated by ..."
"Code generated by ..."
"DO NOT EDIT Code generated by something"
"DO NOT EDIT Code generated by something"
"Code generated by go-bindata."
"Code generated by go-bindata."
"Code generated by protoc-gen-foo source: bar.proto DO NOT EDIT!!!"
"Code generated by protoc-gen-foo source: bar.proto DO NOT EDIT!!!"
"args: -Ebodyclose"
"args: -Ebodyclose"
"args: -Edeadcode"
"args: -Edeadcode"
"args: -Edepguard config_path: testdata/configs/depguard.yml"
"args: -Edepguard config_path: testdata/configs/depguard.yml"
"args: -Edogsled"
"args: -Edogsled"
"args: -Edupl config: linters-settings.dupl.threshold=20"
"args: -Edupl config: linters-settings.dupl.threshold=20"
"args: -Eerrcheck"
"args: -Eerrcheck"
"args: -Eerrcheck config: linters-settings.errcheck.check-blank=true config: linters-settings.errcheck.exclude=testdata/errcheck/exclude.txt"
"args: -Eerrcheck config: linters-settings.errcheck.check-blank=true config: linters-settings.errcheck.exclude=testdata/errcheck/exclude.txt"
"args: -Eerrcheck config_path: testdata/errcheck/ignore_config.yml"
"args: -Eerrcheck config_path: testdata/errcheck/ignore_config.yml"
"args: -Eerrcheck config: linters-settings.errcheck.check-blank=true"
"args: -Eerrcheck config: linters-settings.errcheck.check-blank=true"
"args: -Eerrorlint"
"args: -Eerrorlint"
"args: -Eerrorlint config: linters-settings.errorlint.errorf=true"
"args: -Eerrorlint config: linters-settings.errorlint.errorf=true"
"args: -Eexhaustive"
"args: -Eexhaustive"
"args: -Eexhaustive config_path: testdata/configs/exhaustive_default.yml"
"args: -Eexhaustive config_path: testdata/configs/exhaustive_default.yml"
"args: -Eexhaustive"
"args: -Eexhaustive"
"args: -Eexhaustivestruct"
"args: -Eexhaustivestruct"
"args: -Eexportloopref"
"args: -Eexportloopref"
"args: -Egodot"
"args: -Egodot"
"args: -Egofmt"
"args: -Egofmt"
"args: -Egofumpt config: linters-settings.gofumpt.extra-rules=true"
"args: -Egofumpt config: linters-settings.gofumpt.extra-rules=true"
"args: -Egofmt,goimports"
"args: -Egofmt,goimports"
"args: -Emisspell"
"args: -Emisspell"
"args: -Eunused"
"args: -Eunused"
"args: -Ewhitespace config: linters-settings.whitespace.multi-if=true config: linters-settings.whitespace.multi-func=true"
"args: -Ewhitespace config: linters-settings.whitespace.multi-if=true config: linters-settings.whitespace.multi-func=true"
"args: -Egodot"
"args: -Egodot"
"args: -Egofmt"
"args: -Egofmt"
"args: -Egofumpt config: linters-settings.gofumpt.extra-rules=true"
"args: -Egofumpt config: linters-settings.gofumpt.extra-rules=true"
"args: -Egofmt,goimports"
"args: -Egofmt,goimports"
"args: -Emisspell"
"args: -Emisspell"
"args: -Eunused"
"args: -Eunused"
"args: -Ewhitespace config: linters-settings.whitespace.multi-if=true config: linters-settings.whitespace.multi-func=true"
"args: -Ewhitespace config: linters-settings.whitespace.multi-if=true config: linters-settings.whitespace.multi-func=true"
"args: -Efunlen config: linters-settings.funlen.lines=20 config: linters-settings.funlen.statements=10"
"args: -Efunlen config: linters-settings.funlen.lines=20 config: linters-settings.funlen.statements=10"
"args: -Egci"
"args: -Egci"
"args: -Egci config:"
"args: -Egci config:"
"args: -Egoheader config_path: testdata/configs/go-header.yml"
"args: -Egoheader config_path: testdata/configs/go-header.yml"
"args: -Egoheader config_path: testdata/configs/go-header.yml"
"args: -Egoheader config_path: testdata/configs/go-header.yml"
"args: -Egochecknoglobals"
"args: -Egochecknoglobals"
"args: -Egochecknoinits"
"args: -Egochecknoinits"
"args: -Egocognit config: linters-settings.gocognit.min-complexity=2"
"args: -Egocognit config: linters-settings.gocognit.min-complexity=2"
"args: -Egoconst"
"args: -Egoconst"
"args: -Egocritic config_path: testdata/configs/gocritic.yml"
"args: -Egocritic config_path: testdata/configs/gocritic.yml"
"args: -Egocyclo config: linters-settings.gocyclo.min-complexity=20"
"args: -Egocyclo config: linters-settings.gocyclo.min-complexity=20"
"args: -Egodot"
"args: -Egodot"
"args: -Egodox config: linters-settings.godox.keywords=FIXME,TODO"
"args: -Egodox config: linters-settings.godox.keywords=FIXME,TODO"
"args: -Egoerr113"
"args: -Egoerr113"
"args: -Egofmt"
"args: -Egofmt"
"args: -Egofmt config: linters-settings.gofmt.simplify=false"
"args: -Egofmt config: linters-settings.gofmt.simplify=false"
"args: -Egofumpt"
"args: -Egofumpt"
"args: -Egofumpt config: linters-settings.gofumpt.extra-rules=true"
"args: -Egofumpt config: linters-settings.gofumpt.extra-rules=true"
"args: -Egoimports"
"args: -Egoimports"
"args: -Egoimports config:"
"args: -Egoimports config:"
"args: -Egolint"
"args: -Egolint"
"args: -Egomnd"
"args: -Egomnd"
"args: -Egomodguard config_path: testdata/configs/gomodguard.yml"
"args: -Egomodguard config_path: testdata/configs/gomodguard.yml"
"args: -Egoprintffuncname"
"args: -Egoprintffuncname"
"args: -Egosec"
"args: -Egosec"
"args: -Egosimple"
"args: -Egosimple"
"args: -Egovet config: linters-settings.govet.check-shadowing=true"
"args: -Egovet config: linters-settings.govet.check-shadowing=true"
"args: -Eineffassign"
"args: -Eineffassign"
"args: -Einterfacer"
"args: -Einterfacer"
"args: -Elll config:"
"args: -Elll config:"
"args: -Emaligned"
"args: -Emaligned"
"args: -Emisspell config_path: testdata/configs/misspell.yml"
"args: -Emisspell config_path: testdata/configs/misspell.yml"
"args: -Enakedret"
"args: -Enakedret"
"args: -Enestif config: linters-settings.nestif.min-complexity=1"
"args: -Enestif config: linters-settings.nestif.min-complexity=1"
"args: -Enlreturn"
"args: -Enlreturn"
"args: -Enoctx"
"args: -Enoctx"
"args: -Enolintlint config: linters-settings.nolintlint.require-explanation=true config: linters-settings.nolintlint.require-specific=true config: linters-settings.nolintlint.allowing-leading-space=false"
"args: -Enolintlint config: linters-settings.nolintlint.require-explanation=true config: linters-settings.nolintlint.require-specific=true config: linters-settings.nolintlint.allowing-leading-space=false"
"args: -Enolintlint -Evarcheck config: linters-settings.nolintlint.allow-unused=false"
"args: -Enolintlint -Evarcheck config: linters-settings.nolintlint.allow-unused=false"
"args: -Etypecheck"
"args: -Etypecheck"
"args: -Etypecheck"
"args: -Etypecheck"
"args: -Eprealloc"
"args: -Eprealloc"
"args: -Erowserrcheck"
"args: -Erowserrcheck"
"args: -Escopelint"
"args: -Escopelint"
"args: -Esqlclosecheck"
"args: -Esqlclosecheck"
"args: -Estaticcheck"
"args: -Estaticcheck"
"args: -Emegacheck"
"args: -Emegacheck"
"args: -Estructcheck"
"args: -Estructcheck"
"args: -Estylecheck"
"args: -Estylecheck"
"args: -Emegacheck"
"args: -Emegacheck"
"args: -Eunconvert"
"args: -Eunconvert"
"args: -Eunparam"
"args: -Eunparam"
"args: -Eunused"
"args: -Eunused"
"args: -Evarcheck"
"args: -Evarcheck"
"args: -Ewrapcheck"
"args: -Ewrapcheck"
"args: -Ewsl config: linters-settings.wsl.tests=1"
"args: -Ewsl config: linters-settings.wsl.tests=1"
"TODO: 实现gitlab ci images功能,实现容器化运行pipeline 1."
"TODO: 实现gitlab ci images功能,实现容器化运行pipeline 1."
"Command browse browses for specific dns-sd service types."
"Command browse browses for specific dns-sd service types."
"Command debug logs dns packets to the console."
"Command debug logs dns packets to the console."
"Command register registers a dns-sd service instance."
"Command register registers a dns-sd service instance."
"Command resolve resolves a dns-sd service instance."
"Command resolve resolves a dns-sd service instance."
"Package google provides a function to do Google searches using the Google Web Search API."
"Package google provides a function to do Google searches using the Google Web Search API."
"The server program issues Google search requests and demonstrates the use of the Context API."
"The server program issues Google search requests and demonstrates the use of the Context API."
"Package userip provides functions for extracting a user IP address from a request and associating it with a Context."
"Package userip provides functions for extracting a user IP address from a request and associating it with a Context."
"Package liftbridge implements a client for the Liftbridge messaging system."
"Package liftbridge implements a client for the Liftbridge messaging system."
"Package retry provides support for repeating operations in tests."
"Package retry provides support for repeating operations in tests."
"Package audio provides audio players."
"Package audio provides audio players."
"Package mp3 provides MP3 decoder."
"Package mp3 provides MP3 decoder."
"Package vorbis provides Ogg/Vorbis decoder."
"Package vorbis provides Ogg/Vorbis decoder."
"Package wav provides WAV (RIFF) decoder."
"Package wav provides WAV (RIFF) decoder."
"gobind is a wrapper of the original gobind."
"gobind is a wrapper of the original gobind."
"ebitenmobile is a wrapper of gomobile for Ebiten."
"ebitenmobile is a wrapper of gomobile for Ebiten."
"Package ebiten provides graphics and input API to develop a 2D game."
"Package ebiten provides graphics and input API to develop a 2D game."
"Package ebitenutil provides utility functions for Ebiten."
"Package ebitenutil provides utility functions for Ebiten."
"Mascot is a desktop mascot on cross platforms."
"Mascot is a desktop mascot on cross platforms."
"This example is just to check if Ebiten can draw fine checker pattern evenly."
"This example is just to check if Ebiten can draw fine checker pattern evenly."
"Package inpututil provides utility functions of input like keyboard or mouse."
"Package inpututil provides utility functions of input like keyboard or mouse."
"Package clock manages game timers."
"Package clock manages game timers."
"Package graphicscommand represents a low layer for graphics using OpenGL."
"Package graphicscommand represents a low layer for graphics using OpenGL."
"Package ca provides access to Apple's Core Animation API ("
"Package ca provides access to Apple's Core Animation API ("
"Package mtl provides access to Apple's Metal API ("
"Package mtl provides access to Apple's Metal API ("
"Package ns provides access to Apple's AppKit API ("
"Package ns provides access to Apple's AppKit API ("
"Package gl implements Go bindings to OpenGL."
"Package gl implements Go bindings to OpenGL."
"Package gles implements Go bindings to OpenGL ES."
"Package gles implements Go bindings to OpenGL ES."
"Package jsutil offers utility functions for Wasm."
"Package jsutil offers utility functions for Wasm."
"Package packing offers a packing algorithm in 2D space."
"Package packing offers a packing algorithm in 2D space."
"Package png implements a PNG image decoder and encoder."
"Package png implements a PNG image decoder and encoder."
"Package restorable offers an Image struct that stores image commands and restores its pixel data from the commands when context lost happens."
"Package restorable offers an Image struct that stores image commands and restores its pixel data from the commands when context lost happens."
"Package shaderir offers intermediate representation for shader programs."
"Package shaderir offers intermediate representation for shader programs."
"Package testflock provides a lock for testing."
"Package testflock provides a lock for testing."
"Package ebitenmobileview offers functions for OpenGL/Metal view of mobiles."
"Package ebitenmobileview offers functions for OpenGL/Metal view of mobiles."
"Package mobile provides functions for mobile platforms (Android and iOS)."
"Package mobile provides functions for mobile platforms (Android and iOS)."
"Package text offers functions to draw texts on an Ebiten's image."
"Package text offers functions to draw texts on an Ebiten's image."
"Package vector provides functions for vector graphics rendering."
"Package vector provides functions for vector graphics rendering."
"Package config implements the configuration for catshadow."
"Package config implements the configuration for catshadow."
"Package api implements API endpoints for the application."
"Package api implements API endpoints for the application."
"Package cli implements command line arguments for Miniflux application."
"Package cli implements command line arguments for Miniflux application."
"Package client implements a client library for the Miniflux REST API."
"Package client implements a client library for the Miniflux REST API."
"Package config handles configuration management for the application."
"Package config handles configuration management for the application."
"Package crypto implements helpers related to cryptography."
"Package crypto implements helpers related to cryptography."
"Package database provides functions related to the database connection."
"Package database provides functions related to the database connection."
"Miniflux is a feed reader application."
"Miniflux is a feed reader application."
"Package errors handles localized errors."
"Package errors handles localized errors."
"Package fever implements Fever API endpoints."
"Package fever implements Fever API endpoints."
"Package client provides an HTTP client builder."
"Package client provides an HTTP client builder."
"Package cookie provides functions to build cookies."
"Package cookie provides functions to build cookies."
"Package request contains helper functions to work with the HTTP request."
"Package request contains helper functions to work with the HTTP request."
"Package response contains everything related to HTTP responses."
"Package response contains everything related to HTTP responses."
"Package html contains HTML response functions."
"Package html contains HTML response functions."
"Package json contains JSON response functions."
"Package json contains JSON response functions."
"Package xml contains XML response functions."
"Package xml contains XML response functions."
"Package route contains helper functions to work with defined routes."
"Package route contains helper functions to work with defined routes."
"Package integration implements API clients for third-party services."
"Package integration implements API clients for third-party services."
"Package instapaper provides an integration with Instapaper."
"Package instapaper provides an integration with Instapaper."
"Package nunuxkeeper provides an integration with the Nunux Keeper application."
"Package nunuxkeeper provides an integration with the Nunux Keeper application."
"Package pinboard provides an integration with Pinboard."
"Package pinboard provides an integration with Pinboard."
"Package pocket provides an integration with Pocket."
"Package pocket provides an integration with Pocket."
"Package wallabag provides an integration with the Wallabag application."
"Package wallabag provides an integration with the Wallabag application."
"Package locale handles the internationalization of the application."
"Package locale handles the internationalization of the application."
"Package logger handles application log messages with different levels."
"Package logger handles application log messages with different levels."
"Package model contains all data structures used by the application."
"Package model contains all data structures used by the application."
"Package oauth2 abstracts different OAuth2 providers."
"Package oauth2 abstracts different OAuth2 providers."
"Package atom provides an Atom feed parser."
"Package atom provides an Atom feed parser."
"Package browser handles website crawling."
"Package browser handles website crawling."
"Package date provides a feed date parser."
"Package date provides a feed date parser."
"Package reader implements everything related to feed parsing."
"Package reader implements everything related to feed parsing."
"Package encoding handles workarounds to deal with encoding edge cases found into feeds."
"Package encoding handles workarounds to deal with encoding edge cases found into feeds."
"Package feed handles feed updates and creation."
"Package feed handles feed updates and creation."
"Package icon provides all the logic to download website icons."
"Package icon provides all the logic to download website icons."
"Package json provides a JSON feed parser."
"Package json provides a JSON feed parser."
"Package opml provides an OPML parser and writer."
"Package opml provides an OPML parser and writer."
"Package parser provides a generic feed parser that abstract all different formats."
"Package parser provides a generic feed parser that abstract all different formats."
"Package processor applies rules and sanitize content for feed entries."
"Package processor applies rules and sanitize content for feed entries."
"Package rdf provides a RDF feed parser."
"Package rdf provides a RDF feed parser."
"Package readability implements a web page scraper that returns only relevant content."
"Package readability implements a web page scraper that returns only relevant content."
"Package rewrite provides functions to manipulate feed contents."
"Package rewrite provides functions to manipulate feed contents."
"Package rss provides a RSS feed parser."
"Package rss provides a RSS feed parser."
"Package sanitizer implements a HTML sanitizer that removes unsafe elements."
"Package sanitizer implements a HTML sanitizer that removes unsafe elements."
"Package scraper implements a web page crawler."
"Package scraper implements a web page crawler."
"Package subscription implements the logic to find subscriptions on a website."
"Package subscription implements the logic to find subscriptions on a website."
"Package httpd implements the HTTP service."
"Package httpd implements the HTTP service."
"Package scheduler implements the scheduler service."
"Package scheduler implements the scheduler service."
"Package storage implements a set of functions to interact with the database."
"Package storage implements a set of functions to interact with the database."
"Package template handles template parsing and execution."
"Package template handles template parsing and execution."
"Package tests contains API integration tests."
"Package tests contains API integration tests."
"Package timer implements utility functions to measure the execution time of a block of code."
"Package timer implements utility functions to measure the execution time of a block of code."
"Package timezone contains helper functions to work with timezones."
"Package timezone contains helper functions to work with timezones."
"Package ui implements handlers to render to user interface."
"Package ui implements handlers to render to user interface."
"Package form handles HTML form validation and serialization."
"Package form handles HTML form validation and serialization."
"Package session provides helper functions to work with the user session."
"Package session provides helper functions to work with the user session."
"Package static contains assets for the user interface."
"Package static contains assets for the user interface."
"Package view handles template parameters."
"Package view handles template parameters."
"Package url implements a set of utility functions to parse URL."
"Package url implements a set of utility functions to parse URL."
"Package version contains application and build information."
"Package version contains application and build information."
"Package worker implements the background workers."
"Package worker implements the background workers."
"Package agent-tcp implements a TCP based agent to participate in consensus Challenge-Response scheme has been adopted to do interactive authentication"
"Package agent-tcp implements a TCP based agent to participate in consensus Challenge-Response scheme has been adopted to do interactive authentication"
"Package blake2b implements the BLAKE2b hash algorithm defined by RFC 7693 and the extendable output function (XOF) BLAKE2Xb."
"Package blake2b implements the BLAKE2b hash algorithm defined by RFC 7693 and the extendable output function (XOF) BLAKE2Xb."
"Package btcec implements support for the elliptic curves needed for bitcoin."
"Package btcec implements support for the elliptic curves needed for bitcoin."
"Package bdls implements Sperax Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Partially Connected Asynchronous Networks based on"
"Package bdls implements Sperax Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Partially Connected Asynchronous Networks based on"
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the API."
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the API."
"Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API."
"Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API."
"Package v1alpha1 contains the v1alpha1 version of the API used by the apiservers themselves."
"Package v1alpha1 contains the v1alpha1 version of the API used by the apiservers themselves."
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the core API."
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the core API."
"Package v1alpha1 holds api types of version v1alpha1 for group \"\"."
"Package v1alpha1 holds api types of version v1alpha1 for group \"\"."
"Package policy is for any kind of policy object."
"Package policy is for any kind of policy object."
"Package errors provides detailed error types for api field validation."
"Package errors provides detailed error types for api field validation."
"Package meta provides functions for retrieving API metadata from objects belonging to the Kubernetes API"
"Package meta provides functions for retrieving API metadata from objects belonging to the Kubernetes API"
"TODO: move everything in this file to pkg/api/rest"
"TODO: move everything in this file to pkg/api/rest"
"Package validation contains generic api type validation functions."
"Package validation contains generic api type validation functions."
"Package v1 contains API types that are common to all versions."
"Package v1 contains API types that are common to all versions."
"package v1beta1 is alpha objects from meta that will be introduced."
"package v1beta1 is alpha objects from meta that will be introduced."
"Package install installs the certificates API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the certificates API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package conversion provides go object versioning."
"Package conversion provides go object versioning."
"Package queryparams provides conversion from versioned runtime objects to URL query values"
"Package queryparams provides conversion from versioned runtime objects to URL query values"
"Package fields implements a simple field system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of fields."
"Package fields implements a simple field system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of fields."
"Package labels implements a simple label system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of labels."
"Package labels implements a simple label system, parsing and matching selectors with sets of labels."
"Package runtime defines conversions between generic types and structs to map query strings to struct objects."
"Package runtime defines conversions between generic types and structs to map query strings to struct objects."
"Package protobuf provides a Kubernetes serializer for the protobuf format."
"Package protobuf provides a Kubernetes serializer for the protobuf format."
"Package streaming implements encoder and decoder for streams of runtime.Objects over io.Writer/Readers."
"Package streaming implements encoder and decoder for streams of runtime.Objects over io.Writer/Readers."
"Package types implements various generic types used throughout kubernetes."
"Package types implements various generic types used throughout kubernetes."
"Package errors implements various utility functions and types around errors."
"Package errors implements various utility functions and types around errors."
"Package framer implements simple frame decoding techniques for an io.ReadCloser"
"Package framer implements simple frame decoding techniques for an io.ReadCloser"
"Package httpstream adds multiplexed streaming support to HTTP requests and responses via connection upgrades."
"Package httpstream adds multiplexed streaming support to HTTP requests and responses via connection upgrades."
"Package proxy provides transport and upgrade support for proxies."
"Package proxy provides transport and upgrade support for proxies."
"Package rand provides utilities related to randomization."
"Package rand provides utilities related to randomization."
"Package sets has auto-generated set types."
"Package sets has auto-generated set types."
"Package types just provides input types to the set generator."
"Package types just provides input types to the set generator."
"Package version provides utilities for version number comparisons"
"Package version provides utilities for version number comparisons"
"Package wait provides tools for polling or listening for changes to a condition."
"Package wait provides tools for polling or listening for changes to a condition."
"Package waitgroup implements SafeWaitGroup wrap of sync.WaitGroup."
"Package waitgroup implements SafeWaitGroup wrap of sync.WaitGroup."
"Package version supplies the type for version information collected at build time."
"Package version supplies the type for version information collected at build time."
"Package watch contains a generic watchable interface, and a fake for testing code that uses the watch interface."
"Package watch contains a generic watchable interface, and a fake for testing code that uses the watch interface."
"Package json is forked from the Go standard library to enable us to find the field of a struct that a given JSON key maps to."
"Package json is forked from the Go standard library to enable us to find the field of a struct that a given JSON key maps to."
"Package reflect is a fork of go's standard library reflection package, which allows for deep equal with equality functions defined."
"Package reflect is a fork of go's standard library reflection package, which allows for deep equal with equality functions defined."
"Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the network v1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the network v1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Created by LonelyPale at 2019-12-06"
"Created by LonelyPale at 2019-12-06"
"This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"Package apiregistration is the internal version of the API."
"Package apiregistration is the internal version of the API."
"Package v1 contains the API Registration API, which is responsible for registering an API `Group`/`Version` with another kubernetes like API server."
"Package v1 contains the API Registration API, which is responsible for registering an API `Group`/`Version` with another kubernetes like API server."
"Package v1beta1 contains the API Registration API, which is responsible for registering an API `Group`/`Version` with another kubernetes like API server."
"Package v1beta1 contains the API Registration API, which is responsible for registering an API `Group`/`Version` with another kubernetes like API server."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package swagger provides swagger UI resource files for swagger API service."
"Package swagger provides swagger UI resource files for swagger API service."
"Package activity contains functions and types used to implement Temporal activities."
"Package activity contains functions and types used to implement Temporal activities."
"Package client is used by external programs to communicate with Temporal service."
"Package client is used by external programs to communicate with Temporal service."
"Package encoded contains wrappers that are used for binary payloads deserialization."
"Package encoded contains wrappers that are used for binary payloads deserialization."
"This file exists to force compilation of all code that doesn't have unit tests."
"This file exists to force compilation of all code that doesn't have unit tests."
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0."
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0."
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0"
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0"
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0."
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0."
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0."
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0."
"Package temporal and its subdirectories contain the Temporal client side framework."
"Package temporal and its subdirectories contain the Temporal client side framework."
"Package testsuite contains unit testing framework for Temporal workflows and activities."
"Package testsuite contains unit testing framework for Temporal workflows and activities."
"Package worker contains functions to manage lifecycle of a Temporal client side worker."
"Package worker contains functions to manage lifecycle of a Temporal client side worker."
"Package workflow contains functions and types used to implement Temporal workflows."
"Package workflow contains functions and types used to implement Temporal workflows."
"go-syncmap Generates Go code using a package as a generic template for sync.Map."
"go-syncmap Generates Go code using a package as a generic template for sync.Map."
"Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the zookeeper v1beta1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the zookeeper v1beta1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the zookeeper v1beta1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the zookeeper v1beta1 API group +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register"
"* * Copyright (c) 2020 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries."
"* * Copyright (c) 2020 Dell Inc., or its subsidiaries."
"Library for I2Ps SAMv3 bridge ("
"Library for I2Ps SAMv3 bridge ("
"Package ast defines structs and interfaces for building and evaluating an abstract syntax tree."
"Package ast defines structs and interfaces for building and evaluating an abstract syntax tree."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Package combinator defines generator functions for creating parser combinators"
"Package combinator defines generator functions for creating parser combinators"
"Package data defines custom data types for parsing."
"Package data defines custom data types for parsing."
"This is a JSON parser example."
"This is a JSON parser example."
"Package parser contains the main structs for parsing"
"Package parser contains the main structs for parsing"
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Code generated by counterfeiter."
"Package terminal contains basic terminal parsers for text parsing"
"Package terminal contains basic terminal parsers for text parsing"
"Package text defines a text input reader and basic terminal parsers."
"Package text defines a text input reader and basic terminal parsers."
"Package iavl implements a versioned, snapshottable (immutable) AVL+ tree for persisting key-value pairs."
"Package iavl implements a versioned, snapshottable (immutable) AVL+ tree for persisting key-value pairs."
"Package proto is a reverse proxy."
"Package proto is a reverse proxy."
"Package ast is the abstract syntax tree parsed from a SQL statement by parser."
"Package ast is the abstract syntax tree parsed from a SQL statement by parser."
"Goyacc is a version of yacc generating Go parsers."
"Goyacc is a version of yacc generating Go parsers."
"Package morestrings implements additional functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings, beyond what is provided in the standard \"strings\" package."
"Package morestrings implements additional functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings, beyond what is provided in the standard \"strings\" package."
"The compiler isn't a true compiler; it just takes a Handyman spec, generates a Go source file with the spec contents statically defined, and compiles it into a Go binary."
"The compiler isn't a true compiler; it just takes a Handyman spec, generates a Go source file with the spec contents statically defined, and compiles it into a Go binary."
"The Runner takes a Handyman spec and runs it as a CLI application, passing all remaining arguments to the app."
"The Runner takes a Handyman spec and runs it as a CLI application, passing all remaining arguments to the app."
"The Runner takes a Handyman spec and runs it as a CLI application, passing all remaining arguments to the app."
"The Runner takes a Handyman spec and runs it as a CLI application, passing all remaining arguments to the app."
"Package spandata defines translators from Trace proto spans to OpenCensus Go spanData."
"Package spandata defines translators from Trace proto spans to OpenCensus Go spanData."
"Package stackdriverexporter contains the wrapper for OpenTelemetry-Stackdriver exporter to be used in opentelemetry-collector."
"Package stackdriverexporter contains the wrapper for OpenTelemetry-Stackdriver exporter to be used in opentelemetry-collector."
"Package wiremock is client for WireMock API"
"Package wiremock is client for WireMock API"
"Package protobufpb is a reverse proxy."
"Package protobufpb is a reverse proxy."
"Package protobufpb is a reverse proxy."
"Package protobufpb is a reverse proxy."
"Package protobufpb is a reverse proxy."
"Package protobufpb is a reverse proxy."
"Package 'cfg' provides functions for reading and writing configuration files and their coresponding string values."
"Package 'cfg' provides functions for reading and writing configuration files and their coresponding string values."
"Package 'eflag' is a wrapper around Go's standard flag, it provides enhancments for: Adding Header's and Footer's to Usage."
"Package 'eflag' is a wrapper around Go's standard flag, it provides enhancments for: Adding Header's and Footer's to Usage."
"Simple package to get user input from terminal."
"Simple package to get user input from terminal."
"LimitGroup is a sync.WaitGroup combined with a limiter, to limit how many threads are created."
"LimitGroup is a sync.WaitGroup combined with a limiter, to limit how many threads are created."
"Package localdb provides an implementation of filewalk.Database that uses a local key/value store."
"Package localdb provides an implementation of filewalk.Database that uses a local key/value store."
"Package filewalk provides support for concurrent traversal of file system directories and files."
"Package filewalk provides support for concurrent traversal of file system directories and files."
"Package api ( contains constants and types needed for bootstrap tokens as maintained by the BootstrapSigner and TokenCleaner controllers (in"
"Package api ( contains constants and types needed for bootstrap tokens as maintained by the BootstrapSigner and TokenCleaner controllers (in"
"Package errors provides utilities for cleaner error handling."
"Package errors provides utilities for cleaner error handling."
"路由重复注册检查 - handler"
"路由重复注册检查 - handler"
"路由重复注册检查 - controller"
"路由重复注册检查 - controller"
"路由重复注册检查 - object"
"路由重复注册检查 - object"
"Package garray provides most commonly used array containers which also support concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature."
"Package garray provides most commonly used array containers which also support concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature."
"Package glist provides most commonly used doubly linked list container which also supports concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature."
"Package glist provides most commonly used doubly linked list container which also supports concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature."
"Package gmap provides most commonly used map container which also support concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature."
"Package gmap provides most commonly used map container which also support concurrent-safe/unsafe switch feature."
"Package gpool provides object-reusable concurrent-safe pool."
"Package gpool provides object-reusable concurrent-safe pool."
"Package gqueue provides dynamic/static concurrent-safe queue."
"Package gqueue provides dynamic/static concurrent-safe queue."
"Package gring provides a concurrent-safe/unsafe ring(circular lists)."
"Package gring provides a concurrent-safe/unsafe ring(circular lists)."
"Package gset provides kinds of concurrent-safe/unsafe sets."
"Package gset provides kinds of concurrent-safe/unsafe sets."
"Package gtree provides concurrent-safe/unsafe tree containers."
"Package gtree provides concurrent-safe/unsafe tree containers."
"Package gtype provides kinds of high performance and concurrent-safe basic variable types."
"Package gtype provides kinds of high performance and concurrent-safe basic variable types."
"Package gvar provides an universal variable type, like generics."
"Package gvar provides an universal variable type, like generics."
"Package gaes provides useful API for AES encryption/decryption algorithms."
"Package gaes provides useful API for AES encryption/decryption algorithms."
"Package gcrc32 provides useful API for CRC32 encryption algorithms."
"Package gcrc32 provides useful API for CRC32 encryption algorithms."
"Package gdes provides useful API for DES encryption/decryption algorithms."
"Package gdes provides useful API for DES encryption/decryption algorithms."
"Package gmd5 provides useful API for MD5 encryption algorithms."
"Package gmd5 provides useful API for MD5 encryption algorithms."
"Package gsha1 provides useful API for SHA1 encryption algorithms."
"Package gsha1 provides useful API for SHA1 encryption algorithms."
"Package gdb provides ORM features for popular relationship databases."
"Package gdb provides ORM features for popular relationship databases."
"Package gredis provides convenient client for redis server."
"Package gredis provides convenient client for redis server."
"Package gdebug contains facilities for programs to debug themselves while they are running."
"Package gdebug contains facilities for programs to debug themselves while they are running."
"Package gbase64 provides useful API for BASE64 encoding/decoding algorithm."
"Package gbase64 provides useful API for BASE64 encoding/decoding algorithm."
"Package gbinary provides useful API for handling binary/bytes data."
"Package gbinary provides useful API for handling binary/bytes data."
"Package charset implements character-set conversion functionality."
"Package charset implements character-set conversion functionality."
"Package gcompress provides kinds of compression algorithms for binary/bytes data."
"Package gcompress provides kinds of compression algorithms for binary/bytes data."
"Package gcompress provides kinds of compression algorithms for binary/bytes data."
"Package gcompress provides kinds of compression algorithms for binary/bytes data."
"Package ghash provides some classic hash functions(uint32/uint64) in go."
"Package ghash provides some classic hash functions(uint32/uint64) in go."
"Package ghtml provides useful API for HTML content handling."
"Package ghtml provides useful API for HTML content handling."
"Package gini provides accessing and converting for INI content."
"Package gini provides accessing and converting for INI content."
"Package gjson provides convenient API for JSON/XML/INI/YAML/TOML data handling."
"Package gjson provides convenient API for JSON/XML/INI/YAML/TOML data handling."
"Package gparser provides convenient API for accessing/converting variable and JSON/XML/YAML/TOML."
"Package gparser provides convenient API for accessing/converting variable and JSON/XML/YAML/TOML."
"Package gtoml provides accessing and converting for TOML content."
"Package gtoml provides accessing and converting for TOML content."
"Package gurl provides useful API for URL handling."
"Package gurl provides useful API for URL handling."
"Package gxml provides accessing and converting for XML content."
"Package gxml provides accessing and converting for XML content."
"Package gyaml provides accessing and converting for YAML content."
"Package gyaml provides accessing and converting for YAML content."
"Package errors provides simple functions to manipulate errors."
"Package errors provides simple functions to manipulate errors."
"Package gins provides instances and core components management."
"Package gins provides instances and core components management."
"Package gmvc provides basic object classes for MVC."
"Package gmvc provides basic object classes for MVC."
"Package gi18n implements internationalization and localization."
"Package gi18n implements internationalization and localization."
"Package cmdenv provides access to certain variable for both command options and environment."
"Package cmdenv provides access to certain variable for both command options and environment."
"Package empty provides functions for checking empty variables."
"Package empty provides functions for checking empty variables."
"Package fileinfo provides virtual os.FileInfo for given information."
"Package fileinfo provides virtual os.FileInfo for given information."
"Package intlog provides internal logging for GoFrame development usage only."
"Package intlog provides internal logging for GoFrame development usage only."
"Package json provides json operations wrapping ignoring stdlib or third-party lib json."
"Package json provides json operations wrapping ignoring stdlib or third-party lib json."
"Package mutex provides switch of concurrent safe feature for sync.Mutex."
"Package mutex provides switch of concurrent safe feature for sync.Mutex."
"Package rwmutex provides switch of concurrent safety feature for sync.RWMutex."
"Package rwmutex provides switch of concurrent safety feature for sync.RWMutex."
"Package structs provides functions for struct conversion."
"Package structs provides functions for struct conversion."
"Package utils provides some utility functions for internal usage."
"Package utils provides some utility functions for internal usage."
"Package ghttp provides powerful http server and simple client implements."
"Package ghttp provides powerful http server and simple client implements."
"Package gipv4 provides useful API for IPv4 address handling."
"Package gipv4 provides useful API for IPv4 address handling."
"Package gipv4 provides useful API for IPv6 address handling."
"Package gipv4 provides useful API for IPv6 address handling."
"Package gsmtp provides a simple SMTP client to access remote mail server."
"Package gsmtp provides a simple SMTP client to access remote mail server."
"Package gtcp provides TCP server and client implementations."
"Package gtcp provides TCP server and client implementations."
"Package gtcp provides UDP server and client implementations."
"Package gtcp provides UDP server and client implementations."
"Package gbuild manages the build-in variables from \"gf build\"."
"Package gbuild manages the build-in variables from \"gf build\"."
"Package gcache provides kinds of cache management for process."
"Package gcache provides kinds of cache management for process."
"Package gcfg provides reading, caching and managing for configuration."
"Package gcfg provides reading, caching and managing for configuration."
"Package gcmd provides console operations, like options/arguments reading and command running."
"Package gcmd provides console operations, like options/arguments reading and command running."
"Package gcron implements a cron pattern parser and job runner."
"Package gcron implements a cron pattern parser and job runner."
"Package genv provides operations for environment variables of system."
"Package genv provides operations for environment variables of system."
"Package gfile provides easy-to-use operations for file system."
"Package gfile provides easy-to-use operations for file system."
"Package gfpool provides io-reusable pool for file pointer."
"Package gfpool provides io-reusable pool for file pointer."
"Package gfsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications."
"Package gfsnotify provides a platform-independent interface for file system notifications."
"Package glog implements powerful and easy-to-use levelled logging functionality."
"Package glog implements powerful and easy-to-use levelled logging functionality."
"Package gmlock implements a concurrent-safe memory-based locker."
"Package gmlock implements a concurrent-safe memory-based locker."
"Package gmutex implements graceful concurrent-safe mutex with more rich features."
"Package gmutex implements graceful concurrent-safe mutex with more rich features."
"Package gproc implements management and communication for processes."
"Package gproc implements management and communication for processes."
"Package gres provides resource management and packing/unpacking feature between files and bytes."
"Package gres provides resource management and packing/unpacking feature between files and bytes."
"Package grpool implements a goroutine reusable pool."
"Package grpool implements a goroutine reusable pool."
"Package gsession implements manager and storage features for sessions."
"Package gsession implements manager and storage features for sessions."
"Package gspath implements file index and search for folders."
"Package gspath implements file index and search for folders."
"Package gtime provides functionality for measuring and displaying time."
"Package gtime provides functionality for measuring and displaying time."
"Package gtimer implements Hierarchical Timing Wheel for interval/delayed jobs running and management."
"Package gtimer implements Hierarchical Timing Wheel for interval/delayed jobs running and management."
"Package gview implements a template engine based on text/template."
"Package gview implements a template engine based on text/template."
"Package gtest provides convenient test utilities for unit testing."
"Package gtest provides convenient test utilities for unit testing."
"Package gregex provides high performance API for regular expression functionality."
"Package gregex provides high performance API for regular expression functionality."
"Package gstr provides functions for string handling."
"Package gstr provides functions for string handling."
"Package gconv implements powerful and convenient converting functionality for any types of variables."
"Package gconv implements powerful and convenient converting functionality for any types of variables."
"Package gmode provides release mode management for project."
"Package gmode provides release mode management for project."
"Package gpage provides useful paging functionality for web pages."
"Package gpage provides useful paging functionality for web pages."
"Package grand provides high performance random bytes/number/string generation functionality."
"Package grand provides high performance random bytes/number/string generation functionality."
"Package guid provides simple and high performance unique id generation functionality."
"Package guid provides simple and high performance unique id generation functionality."
"Package gutil provides utility functions."
"Package gutil provides utility functions."
"Package gvalid implements powerful and useful data/form validation functionality."
"Package gvalid implements powerful and useful data/form validation functionality."
"Package ast is the abstract syntax tree parsed from a SQL statement by parser."
"Package ast is the abstract syntax tree parsed from a SQL statement by parser."
"Goyacc is a version of yacc generating Go parsers."
"Goyacc is a version of yacc generating Go parsers."
"This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"Package wardle is the internal version of the API."
"Package wardle is the internal version of the API."
"Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API."
"Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API."
"Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API."
"Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Application logging functions"
"Application logging functions"
"Web application for dictionary lookup, translation memory, and finding documents in a corpus."
"Web application for dictionary lookup, translation memory, and finding documents in a corpus."
"Package for command line tool configuration"
"Package for command line tool configuration"
"Chinese-English dictionary database functions"
"Chinese-English dictionary database functions"
"Package for looking up words and multiword expressions."
"Package for looking up words and multiword expressions."
"Chinese-English dictionary type definitions"
"Chinese-English dictionary type definitions"
"Chinese-English dictionary database functions"
"Chinese-English dictionary database functions"
"Functions for finding collections by partial match on collection title"
"Functions for finding collections by partial match on collection title"
"Functions for parsing a search query"
"Functions for parsing a search query"
"Package for working with the plain, full text of corpus documents"
"Package for working with the plain, full text of corpus documents"
"Functions for retrieving text text matches in parallel from text that are either the file or in a remote object store"
"Functions for retrieving text text matches in parallel from text that are either the file or in a remote object store"
"Package for media metadata"
"Package for media metadata"
"Package for web app configuration"
"Package for web app configuration"
"Package immutable implements Lisp-like immutable/persistent[0] list handling."
"Package immutable implements Lisp-like immutable/persistent[0] list handling."
"Package codec provides support for interpreting byte slices as slices of other basic types such as runes, int64's or strings."
"Package codec provides support for interpreting byte slices as slices of other basic types such as runes, int64's or strings."
"Package heap contains various implementations of heap containers."
"Package heap contains various implementations of heap containers."
"Package lcs provides implementations of algorithms to find the longest common subsequence/shortest edit script (LCS/SES) between two slices suitable for use with unicode/utf8 and other alphabets."
"Package lcs provides implementations of algorithms to find the longest common subsequence/shortest edit script (LCS/SES) between two slices suitable for use with unicode/utf8 and other alphabets."
"Package textdiff providers support for diff'ing text."
"Package textdiff providers support for diff'ing text."
"Package auth provides a general libraty to authorize Azure ARM clients."
"Package auth provides a general libraty to authorize Azure ARM clients."
"Package cache is an implementation of Azure caches."
"Package cache is an implementation of Azure caches."
"Package armclient implements the client for ARM."
"Package armclient implements the client for ARM."
"Package mockarmclient implements the mock client for ARM."
"Package mockarmclient implements the mock client for ARM."
"Package containerserviceclient implements the client for azure container service."
"Package containerserviceclient implements the client for azure container service."
"Package mockcontainerserviceclient implements the mock client for azure container service."
"Package mockcontainerserviceclient implements the mock client for azure container service."
"Package deploymentclient implements the client for azure deployments."
"Package deploymentclient implements the client for azure deployments."
"Package mockdeploymentclient implements the mock client for azure deployments."
"Package mockdeploymentclient implements the mock client for azure deployments."
"Package diskclient implements the client for Disks."
"Package diskclient implements the client for Disks."
"Package mockdiskclient implements the mock client for Disks."
"Package mockdiskclient implements the mock client for Disks."
"Package clients contains a set of Azure ARM clients."
"Package clients contains a set of Azure ARM clients."
"Package fileclient implements the client for azure file."
"Package fileclient implements the client for azure file."
"Package mockfileclient implements the mock client for azure file."
"Package mockfileclient implements the mock client for azure file."
"Package interfaceclient implements the client for network interfaces."
"Package interfaceclient implements the client for network interfaces."
"Package mockinterfaceclient implements the mock client for network interfaces."
"Package mockinterfaceclient implements the mock client for network interfaces."
"Package loadbalancerclient implements the client for LoadBalancer."
"Package loadbalancerclient implements the client for LoadBalancer."
"Package mockloadbalancerclient implements the mock client for LoadBalancer."
"Package mockloadbalancerclient implements the mock client for LoadBalancer."
"Package publicipclient implements the client for PublicIPAddress."
"Package publicipclient implements the client for PublicIPAddress."
"Package mockpublicipclient implements the mock client for PublicIPAddress."
"Package mockpublicipclient implements the mock client for PublicIPAddress."
"Package routeclient implements the client for Route."
"Package routeclient implements the client for Route."
"Package mockrouteclient implements the mock client for Route."
"Package mockrouteclient implements the mock client for Route."
"Package routetableclient implements the client for RouteTable."
"Package routetableclient implements the client for RouteTable."
"Package mockroutetableclient implements the mock client for RouteTable."
"Package mockroutetableclient implements the mock client for RouteTable."
"Package securitygroupclient implements the client for SecurityGroups."
"Package securitygroupclient implements the client for SecurityGroups."
"Package mocksecuritygroupclient implements the mock client for SecurityGroups."
"Package mocksecuritygroupclient implements the mock client for SecurityGroups."
"Package snapshotclient implements the client for Snapshots."
"Package snapshotclient implements the client for Snapshots."
"Package mocksnapshotclient implements the mock client for Snapshots."
"Package mocksnapshotclient implements the mock client for Snapshots."
"Package storageaccountclient implements the client for StorageAccounts."
"Package storageaccountclient implements the client for StorageAccounts."
"Package mockstorageaccountclient implements the mock client for StorageAccounts."
"Package mockstorageaccountclient implements the mock client for StorageAccounts."
"Package subnetclient implements the client for Subnet."
"Package subnetclient implements the client for Subnet."
"Package mocksubnetclient implements the mock client for Subnet."
"Package mocksubnetclient implements the mock client for Subnet."
"Package vmclient implements the client for VirtualMachines."
"Package vmclient implements the client for VirtualMachines."
"Package mockvmclient implements the mock client for VirtualMachines."
"Package mockvmclient implements the mock client for VirtualMachines."
"Package vmsizeclient implements the client for VirtualMachineSizes."
"Package vmsizeclient implements the client for VirtualMachineSizes."
"Package mockvmsizeclient implements the mock client for VirtualMachineSizes."
"Package mockvmsizeclient implements the mock client for VirtualMachineSizes."
"Package vmssclient implements the client for VMSS."
"Package vmssclient implements the client for VMSS."
"Package mockvmssclient implements the mock client for VMSS."
"Package mockvmssclient implements the mock client for VMSS."
"Package vmssvmclient implements the client for VirtualMachineScaleSetVM."
"Package vmssvmclient implements the client for VirtualMachineScaleSetVM."
"Package mockvmssvmclient implements the mock client for VirtualMachineScaleSetVM."
"Package mockvmssvmclient implements the mock client for VirtualMachineScaleSetVM."
"Package azure is an implementation of CloudProvider Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances for Azure."
"Package azure is an implementation of CloudProvider Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances for Azure."
"Package metrics is an implementation of Azure CloudProvider metrics."
"Package metrics is an implementation of Azure CloudProvider metrics."
"Package mockvmsets implements the mock client for VMSet."
"Package mockvmsets implements the mock client for VMSet."
"Package retry defines a general library to handle errors and retries for various Azure clients."
"Package retry defines a general library to handle errors and retries for various Azure clients."
"Package gce is an implementation of Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances for Google Compute Engine."
"Package gce is an implementation of Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances for Google Compute Engine."
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"Package mock contains testing utilities and mocks shared between packages."
"Package mock contains testing utilities and mocks shared between packages."
"Package morestrings implements additional functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings, beyond what is provided in the standard \"strings\" package."
"Package morestrings implements additional functions to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings, beyond what is provided in the standard \"strings\" package."
"Package promptui is a library providing a simple interface to create command-line prompts for go."
"Package promptui is a library providing a simple interface to create command-line prompts for go."
"Package internal Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package internal Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package client provides a simple wrapper for building a NetworkServiceMeshClient"
"Package client provides a simple wrapper for building a NetworkServiceMeshClient"
"Package endpoint provides a simple wrapper for building a NetworkServiceServer"
"Package endpoint provides a simple wrapper for building a NetworkServiceServer"
"Package peertracker provides a wrapper for a Nsmgr that tracks connections received from local Clients Its designed to be used in a DevicePlugin to allow us to properly Close connections on re-Allocate"
"Package peertracker provides a wrapper for a Nsmgr that tracks connections received from local Clients Its designed to be used in a DevicePlugin to allow us to properly Close connections on re-Allocate"
"Package nsmgr provides a Network Service Manager (nsmgrServer), but interface and implementation"
"Package nsmgr provides a Network Service Manager (nsmgrServer), but interface and implementation"
"Package nsmgrproxy provides chain of networkservice.NetworkServiceServer chain elements to creating NSMgrProxy"
"Package nsmgrproxy provides chain of networkservice.NetworkServiceServer chain elements to creating NSMgrProxy"
"Package authorize provides authz checks for incoming or returning connections."
"Package authorize provides authz checks for incoming or returning connections."
"Package clientinfo provides a chain element that adds pod, node and cluster names to request"
"Package clientinfo provides a chain element that adds pod, node and cluster names to request"
"Package clienturl contains chain elements allows to connect to remote server by URL from context"
"Package clienturl contains chain elements allows to connect to remote server by URL from context"
"Package connect is intended to allow passthrough style Endpoints to have a server that also connects to a client"
"Package connect is intended to allow passthrough style Endpoints to have a server that also connects to a client"
"Package discover provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that discovers possible NSEs that can provide the requested network service and add them to the context.Context where they can be retrieved by Candidates(ctx)"
"Package discover provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that discovers possible NSEs that can provide the requested network service and add them to the context.Context where they can be retrieved by Candidates(ctx)"
"Package excludedprefixes provides a networkservice.NetworkServiceServer chain element that can read excluded prefixes from config map and add them to request to avoid repeated usage."
"Package excludedprefixes provides a networkservice.NetworkServiceServer chain element that can read excluded prefixes from config map and add them to request to avoid repeated usage."
"Package externalips provides to the context on Request or Close possible to resolve external IP to internal or vise versa"
"Package externalips provides to the context on Request or Close possible to resolve external IP to internal or vise versa"
"Package filtermechanisms filters out remote mechanisms if communicating by remote url filters out local mechanisms otherwise."
"Package filtermechanisms filters out remote mechanisms if communicating by remote url filters out local mechanisms otherwise."
"Package heal provides a chain element that carries out proper nsm healing from client to endpoint"
"Package heal provides a chain element that carries out proper nsm healing from client to endpoint"
"Package interdomainurl provides chain element to putting remote NSMgr URL into context."
"Package interdomainurl provides chain element to putting remote NSMgr URL into context."
"Package interpose provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that tracks local Cross connect Endpoints and call them first their unix file socket as the clienturl.ClientURL(ctx) used to connect to them."
"Package interpose provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that tracks local Cross connect Endpoints and call them first their unix file socket as the clienturl.ClientURL(ctx) used to connect to them."
"Package journal emits IP and PATH related event messages to NATS."
"Package journal emits IP and PATH related event messages to NATS."
"Package localbypass provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that tracks local Endpoints and substitutes their unix file socket as the clienturl.ClientURL(ctx) used to connect to them."
"Package localbypass provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that tracks local Endpoints and substitutes their unix file socket as the clienturl.ClientURL(ctx) used to connect to them."
"Package checkmechanism provides TestSuites for use with implementations of a mechanism networkservice chain element."
"Package checkmechanism provides TestSuites for use with implementations of a mechanism networkservice chain element."
"Package kernel provides the necessary mechanisms to request and inject a kernel interface."
"Package kernel provides the necessary mechanisms to request and inject a kernel interface."
"Package recvfd provides a NetworkService{Client,Server} chain element that looks at Connection.Mechanism.Parameters[common.InodeURL] with scheme 'inode' and receives the fds (if possible) and converts them to scheme file."
"Package recvfd provides a NetworkService{Client,Server} chain element that looks at Connection.Mechanism.Parameters[common.InodeURL] with scheme 'inode' and receives the fds (if possible) and converts them to scheme file."
"Package sendfd provides a NetworkService{Client,Server} chain element that looks at the Connection.Mechanism and Request.MechanismPreferences and if they have the Parameters[common.InodeURL] with scheme 'file' converts them to scheme inode and sends them over the connection as fds if possible."
"Package sendfd provides a NetworkService{Client,Server} chain element that looks at the Connection.Mechanism and Request.MechanismPreferences and if they have the Parameters[common.InodeURL] with scheme 'file' converts them to scheme inode and sends them over the connection as fds if possible."
"Package mechanisms provides a simple shim to allow the attempt to select a mechanism based on the MechanismPreference expressed in the Request."
"Package mechanisms provides a simple shim to allow the attempt to select a mechanism based on the MechanismPreference expressed in the Request."
"Package monitor provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element to provide a monitor server that reflects the connections actually in the NetworkServiceServer"
"Package monitor provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element to provide a monitor server that reflects the connections actually in the NetworkServiceServer"
"Package refresh periodically resends NetworkServiceMesh.Request for an existing connection so that the Endpoint doesn't 'expire' the networkservice."
"Package refresh periodically resends NetworkServiceMesh.Request for an existing connection so that the Endpoint doesn't 'expire' the networkservice."
"Package roundrobin provides a networkservice chain element that round robins among the candidates for providing a requested networkservice"
"Package roundrobin provides a networkservice chain element that round robins among the candidates for providing a requested networkservice"
"Package setextracontext define a chain element to set some extra context values"
"Package setextracontext define a chain element to set some extra context values"
"Package swapip provides chain element to swapping fields of remote mechanisms such as common.SrcIP and common.DstIP from internal to external and vice versa on response."
"Package swapip provides chain element to swapping fields of remote mechanisms such as common.SrcIP and common.DstIP from internal to external and vice versa on response."
"Package timeout provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that times out expired connection"
"Package timeout provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that times out expired connection"
"Package updatepath provides a chain element that sets the id of an incoming or outgoing request"
"Package updatepath provides a chain element that sets the id of an incoming or outgoing request"
"Package updatetoken provides chain elements to update Connection.Path"
"Package updatetoken provides chain elements to update Connection.Path"
"Package dnscontext provides a dns context specific chain element."
"Package dnscontext provides a dns context specific chain element."
"Package adapters provides adapters to translate between networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}"
"Package adapters provides adapters to translate between networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}"
"Package adapters provides adapters to translate between networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}"
"Package adapters provides adapters to translate between networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}"
"Package chain provides a simple file for creating a networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client} from a 'chain' of networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}s"
"Package chain provides a simple file for creating a networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client} from a 'chain' of networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}s"
"Package eventchannel provides implementations based on event channels of: networkservice.MonitorConnectionClient networkservice.MonitorConnectionServer networkservice.MonitorConnection_MonitorConnectionsClient networkservice.MonitorConnection_MonitorConnectionsServer"
"Package eventchannel provides implementations based on event channels of: networkservice.MonitorConnectionClient networkservice.MonitorConnectionServer networkservice.MonitorConnection_MonitorConnectionsClient networkservice.MonitorConnection_MonitorConnectionsServer"
"Package eventchannel provides API for creating monitoring components via golang channels"
"Package eventchannel provides API for creating monitoring components via golang channels"
"Package next provides a mechanism for chained networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}s to call the next element in the chain."
"Package next provides a mechanism for chained networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}s to call the next element in the chain."
"Package tests contains tests for package 'next'"
"Package tests contains tests for package 'next'"
"Package trace provides a wrapper for tracing around a networkservice.NetworkServiceClient"
"Package trace provides a wrapper for tracing around a networkservice.NetworkServiceClient"
"Package point2pointipam provides a simple ipam appropriate for point2pointipam."
"Package point2pointipam provides a simple ipam appropriate for point2pointipam."
"Package checkconnection provides utilities for checking the returned connection from the next element in a chain"
"Package checkconnection provides utilities for checking the returned connection from the next element in a chain"
"Package checkcontext - provides networkservice chain elements for checking the context.Context passed on by the previous chain element"
"Package checkcontext - provides networkservice chain elements for checking the context.Context passed on by the previous chain element"
"Package checkcontextonreturn - provides a NetworkServiceClient chain element for checking the state of the context.Context after the next element in the chain has returned"
"Package checkcontextonreturn - provides a NetworkServiceClient chain element for checking the state of the context.Context after the next element in the chain has returned"
"Package checkerror provides chain elements to check for errors during testing"
"Package checkerror provides chain elements to check for errors during testing"
"Package checkopts - provides tools for checking to make sure that grpc.CallOptions are propagated through a client chain elements"
"Package checkopts - provides tools for checking to make sure that grpc.CallOptions are propagated through a client chain elements"
"Package checkrequest - provides networkservice chain elements to check the request received from the previous element in the chain"
"Package checkrequest - provides networkservice chain elements to check the request received from the previous element in the chain"
"Package injecterror provides networkservice chain elements that simply returns an error."
"Package injecterror provides networkservice chain elements that simply returns an error."
"Package injectopts - injects grpc.CallOptions by appending them to the end of the opts..."
"Package injectopts - injects grpc.CallOptions by appending them to the end of the opts..."
"Package injectpeer is used to inject its peer object into the context if needed."
"Package injectpeer is used to inject its peer object into the context if needed."
"Package null provides simple networkservice chain elements that do nothing by call next and returns what comes back."
"Package null provides simple networkservice chain elements that do nothing by call next and returns what comes back."
"Package memory provides registry chain based on memory chain elements"
"Package memory provides registry chain based on memory chain elements"
"Package proxydns provides default chain for stateless proxy registries based on DNS"
"Package proxydns provides default chain for stateless proxy registries based on DNS"
"Package clienturl contains chain elements allows to connect to remote server by URL from context"
"Package clienturl contains chain elements allows to connect to remote server by URL from context"
"Package connect is intended to allow registry connect to other registries such as proxy registry or floating registry"
"Package connect is intended to allow registry connect to other registries such as proxy registry or floating registry"
"Package dnsresolve provides registry chain elements that can resolve passed Domain to URL"
"Package dnsresolve provides registry chain elements that can resolve passed Domain to URL"
"Package endpointurls provides registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryServer that can be injected in the chain of registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryServer to get an actual set of registry.NetworkServiceEndpoint URLs."
"Package endpointurls provides registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryServer that can be injected in the chain of registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryServer to get an actual set of registry.NetworkServiceEndpoint URLs."
"Package expire provides wrappers for handling resources time expiration"
"Package expire provides wrappers for handling resources time expiration"
"Package interpose provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to Map"
"Package interpose provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to Map"
"Package interpose provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to Map"
"Package interpose provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to Map"
"Package localbypass provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to localbypass.SocketMap"
"Package localbypass provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to localbypass.SocketMap"
"Package proxy provides registry chain elements that can put URL to the proxy registry to the context in case of interdomain upstream."
"Package proxy provides registry chain elements that can put URL to the proxy registry to the context in case of interdomain upstream."
"Package querycache adds possible to cache Find queries"
"Package querycache adds possible to cache Find queries"
"Package recvfd provides an NSE registry server chain element that: 1."
"Package recvfd provides an NSE registry server chain element that: 1."
"Package refresh provides registry elements for refreshing resources"
"Package refresh provides registry elements for refreshing resources"
"Package sendfd provides a registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryClient chain element to convert any unix file socket endpoint.URLs into 'inode://${dev}/${ino}' urls and send the fd over the unix file socket."
"Package sendfd provides a registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryClient chain element to convert any unix file socket endpoint.URLs into 'inode://${dev}/${ino}' urls and send the fd over the unix file socket."
"Package setid has registry elements for setting id"
"Package setid has registry elements for setting id"
"Package seturl implements a chain elemenet to set url to registered endpoints."
"Package seturl implements a chain elemenet to set url to registered endpoints."
"Package swap provides registry servers which can swap local information of outgoing ns/nse to interdomain variant and also can update incoming nse information for proxy network service manager."
"Package swap provides registry servers which can swap local information of outgoing ns/nse to interdomain variant and also can update incoming nse information for proxy network service manager."
"Package adapters provide API to converting client to server and vise versa"
"Package adapters provide API to converting client to server and vise versa"
"Package chain provides API to make chains of registry elements"
"Package chain provides API to make chains of registry elements"
"Package next provides a mechanism for chained registry.{Registry,Discovery}{Server,Client}s to call the next element in the chain."
"Package next provides a mechanism for chained registry.{Registry,Discovery}{Server,Client}s to call the next element in the chain."
"Package nextwrap provides adapters to wrap clients with no support to next, to support it."
"Package nextwrap provides adapters to wrap clients with no support to next, to support it."
"Package nextwrap provides adapters to wrap clients with no support to next, to support it."
"Package nextwrap provides adapters to wrap clients with no support to next, to support it."
"Package streamchannel provides find client/servers based on channels"
"Package streamchannel provides find client/servers based on channels"
"Package streamcontext provides API to extend context for find client/server"
"Package streamcontext provides API to extend context for find client/server"
"Package trace provides a wrapper for tracing around a registry.{Registry,Discovery}{Server,Client}"
"Package trace provides a wrapper for tracing around a registry.{Registry,Discovery}{Server,Client}"
"Package memory provides NSM registry chain elements to building memory-based registries"
"Package memory provides NSM registry chain elements to building memory-based registries"
"Package registry provides a simple wrapper for building a Registry"
"Package registry provides a simple wrapper for building a Registry"
"Package checkcontext - provides registry chain elements for checking the context.Context passed on by the previous chain element"
"Package checkcontext - provides registry chain elements for checking the context.Context passed on by the previous chain element"
"Package addressof provides convenient functions for converting implementations of an interface to pointers to implementations of the interface."
"Package addressof provides convenient functions for converting implementations of an interface to pointers to implementations of the interface."
"Package callback - provide GRPC API to perform client callbacks."
"Package callback - provide GRPC API to perform client callbacks."
"Package callback - provide GRPC API to perform client callbacks."
"Package callback - provide GRPC API to perform client callbacks."
"Package cidr provides common functions useful when working with Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)"
"Package cidr provides common functions useful when working with Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)"
"Package clientinfo provides a set of utilities for adding client info to labels map"
"Package clientinfo provides a set of utilities for adding client info to labels map"
"Package clientmap provides a sync.Map for networkservicemesh.NetworkServiceClients and a refcounted sync.Map"
"Package clientmap provides a sync.Map for networkservicemesh.NetworkServiceClients and a refcounted sync.Map"
"Package clienturlctx allows the setting of a client url in the context of the request"
"Package clienturlctx allows the setting of a client url in the context of the request"
"Package debug provides a very simple function that, if executed will replace the executable with dlv running the executable and listening on the port specified by an environment variable."
"Package debug provides a very simple function that, if executed will replace the executable with dlv running the executable and listening on the port specified by an environment variable."
"Package dnscontext provides a DNS specific tools."
"Package dnscontext provides a DNS specific tools."
"Package errctx provides functions for stashing errors in context.Contexts Example of use: serverCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) serverCtx = errctx.WithErr(ctx) go func() { err = server.Serve(listener) if err != nil { select { case <-ctx.Done(): default: errctx.SetErr(serverCtx,err) cancel() } } }() <-serverCtx if err := errctx.Err(serverCtx); err != nil { ..."
"Package errctx provides functions for stashing errors in context.Contexts Example of use: serverCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) serverCtx = errctx.WithErr(ctx) go func() { err = server.Serve(listener) if err != nil { select { case <-ctx.Done(): default: errctx.SetErr(serverCtx,err) cancel() } } }() <-serverCtx if err := errctx.Err(serverCtx); err != nil { ..."
"Package extend allows you to extend a context with values from another context"
"Package extend allows you to extend a context with values from another context"
"Package flags provides utility functions for flags for NSM cmds"
"Package flags provides utility functions for flags for NSM cmds"
"Package fs provides common filesystem functions and utilities"
"Package fs provides common filesystem functions and utilities"
"Package fs provides common filesystem functions and utilities"
"Package fs provides common filesystem functions and utilities"
"Package grpcutils - provides a simple ListenAndServe for grpc"
"Package grpcutils - provides a simple ListenAndServe for grpc"
"Package interdomain provides tools to work with interdomain cases"
"Package interdomain provides tools to work with interdomain cases"
"Package jaeger provides a set of utilities for assisting with using jaeger"
"Package jaeger provides a set of utilities for assisting with using jaeger"
"Package log provides functions for having a *logrus.Entry per Context This allows the for context associative logging"
"Package log provides functions for having a *logrus.Entry per Context This allows the for context associative logging"
"Package matchutils provides utils to match network services and network service endpoints"
"Package matchutils provides utils to match network services and network service endpoints"
"Package opa provides of utilities for using OPA"
"Package opa provides of utilities for using OPA"
"Package prefixpool provides service for prefix managing"
"Package prefixpool provides service for prefix managing"
"Package sandbox provides API for testing NSM chains such as Forwarder, NSC, NSMgrs, Registries, NSE."
"Package sandbox provides API for testing NSM chains such as Forwarder, NSC, NSMgrs, Registries, NSE."
"Package signalctx provides a context which is canceled when an os.Signal is received"
"Package signalctx provides a context which is canceled when an os.Signal is received"
"Package spanhelper provides a set of utilities to assist in working with opentracing spans"
"Package spanhelper provides a set of utilities to assist in working with opentracing spans"
"Package spiffejwt provides a token.GeneratorFunc for spiffe jwt tokens signed by x509vids"
"Package spiffejwt provides a token.GeneratorFunc for spiffe jwt tokens signed by x509vids"
"Package spire provides two simple functions: - Start to start a SpireServer/SpireAgent for local testing - AddEntry to add entries into the spire server"
"Package spire provides two simple functions: - Start to start a SpireServer/SpireAgent for local testing - AddEntry to add entries into the spire server"
"Package stringurl provides sync map like a Go map[string]*url.URL but is safe for concurrent using"
"Package stringurl provides sync map like a Go map[string]*url.URL but is safe for concurrent using"
"Package token provides a simple type for functions that generate tokens"
"Package token provides a simple type for functions that generate tokens"
"Package typeutils provides as simpler helper for getting a type Name from an interface{}"
"Package typeutils provides as simpler helper for getting a type Name from an interface{}"
"* * mod_config.go - config file definitions * * @author Yaroslav Pogrebnyak <> * @author Gene Ponomarenko <>"
"* * mod_config.go - config file definitions * * @author Yaroslav Pogrebnyak <> * @author Gene Ponomarenko <>"
"Package dhcp provides building blocks for DHCP clients and servers."
"Package dhcp provides building blocks for DHCP clients and servers."
"Package rand provides utilities related to randomization."
"Package rand provides utilities related to randomization."
"Package tftp implements a read-only TFTP server."
"Package tftp implements a read-only TFTP server."
"Package freeport provides a helper for allocating free ports across multiple processes on the same machine."
"Package freeport provides a helper for allocating free ports across multiple processes on the same machine."
"Package account defines the Account API."
"Package account defines the Account API."
"Package address defines the Address API."
"Package address defines the Address API."
"Package contract defines the Contract API."
"Package contract defines the Contract API."
"Package gas defines the Gas API."
"Package gas defines the Gas API."
"Package utxo defines the UTXO API."
"Package utxo defines the UTXO API."
"Package multichain defines all supported assets and chains."
"Package multichain defines all supported assets and chains."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in alpha."
"NOTE: This package is in alpha."
"NOTE: This package is in alpha."
"NOTE: This package is in alpha."
"NOTE: This package is in alpha."
"NOTE: This package is in alpha."
"Package asset is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Asset API."
"Package asset is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Asset API."
"Package asset is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Asset API."
"Package asset is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Asset API."
"Package asset is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Asset API."
"Package asset is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Asset API."
"Package asset is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Asset API."
"Package asset is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Asset API."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"Package automl is an auto-generated package for the Cloud AutoML API."
"Package automl is an auto-generated package for the Cloud AutoML API."
"Package automl is an auto-generated package for the Cloud AutoML API."
"Package automl is an auto-generated package for the Cloud AutoML API."
"Package billing is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Billing API."
"Package billing is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Billing API."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"Package civil implements types for civil time, a time-zone-independent representation of time that follows the rules of the proleptic Gregorian calendar with exactly 24-hour days, 60-minute hours, and 60-second minutes."
"Package civil implements types for civil time, a time-zone-independent representation of time that follows the rules of the proleptic Gregorian calendar with exactly 24-hour days, 60-minute hours, and 60-second minutes."
"Creates and manages builds on Google Cloud Platform."
"Creates and manages builds on Google Cloud Platform."
"Package cloudbuild is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Build API."
"Package cloudbuild is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Build API."
"Package cloudtasks is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Tasks API."
"Package cloudtasks is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Tasks API."
"Package cloudtasks is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Tasks API."
"Package cloudtasks is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Tasks API."
"Package cloudtasks is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Tasks API."
"Package cloudtasks is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Tasks API."
"Package breakpoints handles breakpoint requests we get from the user through the Debuglet Controller, and manages corresponding breakpoints set in the code."
"Package breakpoints handles breakpoint requests we get from the user through the Debuglet Controller, and manages corresponding breakpoints set in the code."
"Package controller is a library for interacting with the Google Cloud Debugger's Debuglet Controller service."
"Package controller is a library for interacting with the Google Cloud Debugger's Debuglet Controller service."
"Package arch contains architecture-specific definitions."
"Package arch contains architecture-specific definitions."
"Package dwarf provides access to DWARF debugging information loaded from executable files, as defined in the DWARF 2.0 Standard at"
"Package dwarf provides access to DWARF debugging information loaded from executable files, as defined in the DWARF 2.0 Standard at"
"Package elf implements access to ELF object files."
"Package elf implements access to ELF object files."
"Package gosym implements access to the Go symbol and line number tables embedded in Go binaries generated by the gc compilers."
"Package gosym implements access to the Go symbol and line number tables embedded in Go binaries generated by the gc compilers."
"Package local provides access to a local program."
"Package local provides access to a local program."
"Package debug provides the portable interface to a program being debugged."
"Package debug provides the portable interface to a program being debugged."
"Package remote provides remote access to a debugproxy server."
"Package remote provides remote access to a debugproxy server."
"Package protocol defines the types used to represent calls to the debug server."
"Package protocol defines the types used to represent calls to the debug server."
"Package server provides RPC access to a local program being debugged."
"Package server provides RPC access to a local program being debugged."
"Package valuecollector is used to collect the values of variables in a program."
"Package valuecollector is used to collect the values of variables in a program."
"Package metadata provides access to Google Compute Engine (GCE) metadata and API service accounts."
"Package metadata provides access to Google Compute Engine (GCE) metadata and API service accounts."
"Package container is an auto-generated package for the Kubernetes Engine API."
"Package container is an auto-generated package for the Kubernetes Engine API."
"Package container contains a deprecated Google Container Engine client."
"Package container contains a deprecated Google Container Engine client."
"Package containeranalysis is an auto-generated package for the Container Analysis API."
"Package containeranalysis is an auto-generated package for the Container Analysis API."
"Package containeranalysis is an auto-generated package for the Container Analysis API."
"Package containeranalysis is an auto-generated package for the Container Analysis API."
"Package datacatalog is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Data Catalog API."
"Package datacatalog is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Data Catalog API."
"Package datacatalog is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Data Catalog API."
"Package datacatalog is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Data Catalog API."
"Package dataproc is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Dataproc API."
"Package dataproc is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Dataproc API."
"Package dataproc is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Dataproc API."
"Package dataproc is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Dataproc API."
"Package debugger is an auto-generated package for the Stackdriver Debugger API."
"Package debugger is an auto-generated package for the Stackdriver Debugger API."
"Package dialogflow is an auto-generated package for the Dialogflow API."
"Package dialogflow is an auto-generated package for the Dialogflow API."
"Package cx is an auto-generated package for the Dialogflow API."
"Package cx is an auto-generated package for the Dialogflow API."
"Package dlp is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API."
"Package dlp is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API."
"Package cloud is the root of the packages used to access Google Cloud Services."
"Package cloud is the root of the packages used to access Google Cloud Services."
"Package errorreporting is an auto-generated package for the Stackdriver Error Reporting API."
"Package errorreporting is an auto-generated package for the Stackdriver Error Reporting API."
"Package errorreporting is a Google Cloud Error Reporting library."
"Package errorreporting is a Google Cloud Error Reporting library."
"Package metadata provides methods for creating and accessing context.Context objects with Google Cloud Functions metadata."
"Package metadata provides methods for creating and accessing context.Context objects with Google Cloud Functions metadata."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"Package grafeas is an auto-generated package for the Container Analysis API."
"Package grafeas is an auto-generated package for the Container Analysis API."
"Package httpreplay provides an API for recording and replaying traffic from HTTP-based Google API clients."
"Package httpreplay provides an API for recording and replaying traffic from HTTP-based Google API clients."
"Package proxy provides a record/replay HTTP proxy."
"Package proxy provides a record/replay HTTP proxy."
"Package admin is an auto-generated package for the Google Identity and Access Management (IAM) API."
"Package admin is an auto-generated package for the Google Identity and Access Management (IAM) API."
"Package credentials is an auto-generated package for the IAM Service Account Credentials API."
"Package credentials is an auto-generated package for the IAM Service Account Credentials API."
"Package iam supports the resource-specific operations of Google Cloud IAM (Identity and Access Management) for the Google Cloud Libraries."
"Package iam supports the resource-specific operations of Google Cloud IAM (Identity and Access Management) for the Google Cloud Libraries."
"Package btree implements in-memory B-Trees of arbitrary degree."
"Package btree implements in-memory B-Trees of arbitrary degree."
"Package fields provides a view of the fields of a struct that follows the Go rules, amended to consider tags and case insensitivity."
"Package fields provides a view of the fields of a struct that follows the Go rules, amended to consider tags and case insensitivity."
"Package leakcheck contains functions to check leaked goroutines."
"Package leakcheck contains functions to check leaked goroutines."
"Package optional provides versions of primitive types that can be nil."
"Package optional provides versions of primitive types that can be nil."
"Package pretty implements a simple pretty-printer."
"Package pretty implements a simple pretty-printer."
"Package protostruct supports operations on the protocol buffer Struct message."
"Package protostruct supports operations on the protocol buffer Struct message."
"Package testutil contains helper functions for writing tests."
"Package testutil contains helper functions for writing tests."
"Package tracecontext provides encoders and decoders for Stackdriver Trace contexts."
"Package tracecontext provides encoders and decoders for Stackdriver Trace contexts."
"Package uid supports generating unique IDs."
"Package uid supports generating unique IDs."
"Package version contains version information for Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go, as reported in request headers."
"Package version contains version information for Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go, as reported in request headers."
"Package iot is an auto-generated package for the Cloud IoT API."
"Package iot is an auto-generated package for the Cloud IoT API."
"Package kms is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API."
"Package kms is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API."
"Package language is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Natural Language API."
"Package language is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Natural Language API."
"Package language is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Natural Language API."
"Package language is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Natural Language API."
"Package longrunning is an auto-generated package for the Long Running Operations API."
"Package longrunning is an auto-generated package for the Long Running Operations API."
"Package longrunning supports Long Running Operations for the Google Cloud Libraries."
"Package longrunning supports Long Running Operations for the Google Cloud Libraries."
"Package managedidentities is an auto-generated package for the Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API."
"Package managedidentities is an auto-generated package for the Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API."
"Package memcache is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API."
"Package memcache is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API."
"Package monitoring is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Monitoring API."
"Package monitoring is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Monitoring API."
"Package monitoring is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Monitoring API."
"Package monitoring is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Monitoring API."
"Package notebooks is an auto-generated package for the Notebooks API."
"Package notebooks is an auto-generated package for the Notebooks API."
"Package agentendpoint is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Config API."
"Package agentendpoint is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Config API."
"Package agentendpoint is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Config API."
"Package agentendpoint is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Config API."
"Package osconfig is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Config API."
"Package osconfig is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Config API."
"Package osconfig is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Config API."
"Package osconfig is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Config API."
"Package oslogin is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Login API."
"Package oslogin is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Login API."
"Package oslogin is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Login API."
"Package oslogin is an auto-generated package for the Cloud OS Login API."
"Package phishingprotection is an auto-generated package for the Phishing Protection API."
"Package phishingprotection is an auto-generated package for the Phishing Protection API."
"Package policytroubleshooter is an auto-generated package for the Policy Troubleshooter API."
"Package policytroubleshooter is an auto-generated package for the Policy Troubleshooter API."
"Busybench is a tool that runs a benchmark with the profiler enabled."
"Busybench is a tool that runs a benchmark with the profiler enabled."
"Package mocks is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mocks is a generated GoMock package."
"Package profiler is a client for the Cloud Profiler service."
"Package profiler is a client for the Cloud Profiler service."
"Package testdata provides some useful data sets for testing purposes."
"Package testdata provides some useful data sets for testing purposes."
"Package recaptchaenterprise is an auto-generated package for the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API."
"Package recaptchaenterprise is an auto-generated package for the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API."
"Package recaptchaenterprise is an auto-generated package for the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API."
"Package recaptchaenterprise is an auto-generated package for the reCAPTCHA Enterprise API."
"Package recommender is an auto-generated package for the Recommender API."
"Package recommender is an auto-generated package for the Recommender API."
"Package recommender is an auto-generated package for the Recommender API."
"Package recommender is an auto-generated package for the Recommender API."
"Package redis is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API."
"Package redis is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API."
"Package redis is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API."
"Package redis is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis API."
"Package rpcreplay supports the capture and replay of gRPC calls."
"Package rpcreplay supports the capture and replay of gRPC calls."
"Package scheduler is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Scheduler API."
"Package scheduler is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Scheduler API."
"Package scheduler is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Scheduler API."
"Package scheduler is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Scheduler API."
"Package secretmanager is an auto-generated package for the Secret Manager API."
"Package secretmanager is an auto-generated package for the Secret Manager API."
"Package secretmanager is an auto-generated package for the Secret Manager API."
"Package secretmanager is an auto-generated package for the Secret Manager API."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"Package securitycenter is an auto-generated package for the Security Command Center API."
"Package securitycenter is an auto-generated package for the Security Command Center API."
"Package securitycenter is an auto-generated package for the Security Command Center API."
"Package securitycenter is an auto-generated package for the Security Command Center API."
"Package securitycenter is an auto-generated package for the Security Command Center API."
"Package securitycenter is an auto-generated package for the Security Command Center API."
"Package settings is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Security Command Center API."
"Package settings is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Security Command Center API."
"Package servicedirectory is an auto-generated package for the Service Directory API."
"Package servicedirectory is an auto-generated package for the Service Directory API."
"Package speech is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Speech-to-Text API."
"Package speech is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Speech-to-Text API."
"Package speech is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Speech-to-Text API."
"Package speech is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Speech-to-Text API."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"Package talent is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Talent Solution API."
"Package talent is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Talent Solution API."
"Package texttospeech is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Text-to-Speech API."
"Package texttospeech is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Text-to-Speech API."
"Package pkgsite is not for external use."
"Package pkgsite is not for external use."
"Package trace is an auto-generated package for the Stackdriver Trace API."
"Package trace is an auto-generated package for the Stackdriver Trace API."
"Package trace is an auto-generated package for the Stackdriver Trace API."
"Package trace is an auto-generated package for the Stackdriver Trace API."
"Package translate is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Translation API."
"Package translate is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Translation API."
"Package translate is the v2 client for the Google Translation API."
"Package translate is the v2 client for the Google Translation API."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"Package videointelligence is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Video Intelligence API."
"Package videointelligence is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Video Intelligence API."
"Package videointelligence is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API."
"Package videointelligence is an auto-generated package for the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API."
"Package vision is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Vision API."
"Package vision is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Vision API."
"Package vision is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Vision API."
"Package vision is an auto-generated package for the Cloud Vision API."
"Package webrisk is an auto-generated package for the Web Risk API."
"Package webrisk is an auto-generated package for the Web Risk API."
"Package webrisk is an auto-generated package for the Web Risk API."
"Package webrisk is an auto-generated package for the Web Risk API."
"Package websecurityscanner is an auto-generated package for the Web Security Scanner API."
"Package websecurityscanner is an auto-generated package for the Web Security Scanner API."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"NOTE: This package is in beta."
"инициализация и запуск веб-сервера, подключение основных хандлеров"
"инициализация и запуск веб-сервера, подключение основных хандлеров"
"Package cache хранит кешированные данные БД (пока только справочники) для использования при отдаче данных"
"Package cache хранит кешированные данные БД (пока только справочники) для использования при отдаче данных"
"some function for request БД"
"some function for request БД"
"Package multiquery create, check & run queryes for children tables in main query"
"Package multiquery create, check & run queryes for children tables in main query"
"GetDataCustom get data with custom sql query Give begSQL + tableName + endSQL, split, run sql DoUpdateFromMap - function generate sql query from data map"
"GetDataCustom get data with custom sql query Give begSQL + tableName + endSQL, split, run sql DoUpdateFromMap - function generate sql query from data map"
"Package db Реализует функции работы с транзакциями Copyright 2017 Author's: Mykhailo Sizov All rights reserved."
"Package db Реализует функции работы с транзакциями Copyright 2017 Author's: Mykhailo Sizov All rights reserved."
"Package qb has Query Builder for manipulate SQL-queryes & check in databases schema her parameters"
"Package qb has Query Builder for manipulate SQL-queryes & check in databases schema her parameters"
"Package docs реализация вохможности работы с вордовскими документами"
"Package docs реализация вохможности работы с вордовскими документами"
"Package server назначение модуля - читать и отдавать конфигурационные настройки"
"Package server назначение модуля - читать и отдавать конфигурационные настройки"
"Package server назначение модуля - читать и отдавать конфигурационные настройки"
"Package server назначение модуля - читать и отдавать конфигурационные настройки"
"Package users - авторизация, регистрация юзеров и проверка прав для разделов сайта"
"Package users - авторизация, регистрация юзеров и проверка прав для разделов сайта"
"Package mongod Реализует работу с базой данных mongodb"
"Package mongod Реализует работу с базой данных mongodb"
"Package services для подключения сервисов и устроения взаимодействия сервисов с главным потоком"
"Package services для подключения сервисов и устроения взаимодействия сервисов с главным потоком"
"read file with seleniumCSS command and run with Chrome"
"read file with seleniumCSS command and run with Chrome"
"Package fonts сервер отдачи шрифтов (пока реализовано только разделение браузеров на два виде, позже планируется учитывать другие параметры пользователя"
"Package fonts сервер отдачи шрифтов (пока реализовано только разделение браузеров на два виде, позже планируется учитывать другие параметры пользователя"
"Package views подготовка вывода данных в поток возврата"
"Package views подготовка вывода данных в поток возврата"
"генерация форм на основе типов полей таблиц БД"
"генерация форм на основе типов полей таблиц БД"
"формирование JSON из разного вида данных и выдача текста в поток"
"формирование JSON из разного вида данных и выдача текста в поток"
"Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template,"
"Package uritemplates is a level 4 implementation of RFC 6570 (URI Template,"
"Package blockchain defines the life-cycle of the blockchain at the core of eth2, including processing of new blocks and attestations using casper proof of stake."
"Package blockchain defines the life-cycle of the blockchain at the core of eth2, including processing of new blocks and attestations using casper proof of stake."
"Package testing includes useful mocks for writing unit tests which depend on logic from the blockchain package."
"Package testing includes useful mocks for writing unit tests which depend on logic from the blockchain package."
"This file is used in fuzzer builds to bypass global committee caches."
"This file is used in fuzzer builds to bypass global committee caches."
"Package depositcache is the source of validator deposits maintained in-memory by the beacon node – deposits processed from the eth1 powchain are then stored in this cache to be accessed by any other service during a beacon node's runtime."
"Package depositcache is the source of validator deposits maintained in-memory by the beacon node – deposits processed from the eth1 powchain are then stored in this cache to be accessed by any other service during a beacon node's runtime."
"Package cache includes all important caches for the runtime of an eth2 beacon node, ensuring the node does not spend resources computing duplicate operations such as committee calculations for validators during the same epoch, etc."
"Package cache includes all important caches for the runtime of an eth2 beacon node, ensuring the node does not spend resources computing duplicate operations such as committee calculations for validators during the same epoch, etc."
"This file is used in fuzzer builds to bypass proposer indices caches."
"This file is used in fuzzer builds to bypass proposer indices caches."
"Package blocks contains block processing libraries according to the eth2spec."
"Package blocks contains block processing libraries according to the eth2spec."
"Package epoch contains epoch processing libraries according to spec, able to process new balance for validators, justify and finalize new check points, and shuffle validators to different slots and shards."
"Package epoch contains epoch processing libraries according to spec, able to process new balance for validators, justify and finalize new check points, and shuffle validators to different slots and shards."
"Package precompute provides gathering of nicely-structured data important to feed into epoch processing, such as attesting records and balances, for faster computation."
"Package precompute provides gathering of nicely-structured data important to feed into epoch processing, such as attesting records and balances, for faster computation."
"Package block contains types for block-specific events fired during the runtime of a beacon node."
"Package block contains types for block-specific events fired during the runtime of a beacon node."
"Package feed defines event feed types for inter-service communication during a beacon node's runtime."
"Package feed defines event feed types for inter-service communication during a beacon node's runtime."
"Package operation contains types for block operation-specific events fired during the runtime of a beacon node such as attestations, voluntary exits, and slashings."
"Package operation contains types for block operation-specific events fired during the runtime of a beacon node such as attestations, voluntary exits, and slashings."
"Package state contains types for state operation-specific events fired during the runtime of a beacon node such state initialization, state updates, and chain start."
"Package state contains types for state operation-specific events fired during the runtime of a beacon node such state initialization, state updates, and chain start."
"Package helpers contains helper functions outlined in the eth2 beacon chain spec, such as computing committees, randao, rewards/penalties, and more."
"Package helpers contains helper functions outlined in the eth2 beacon chain spec, such as computing committees, randao, rewards/penalties, and more."
"Package interop contains useful utilities for persisting ssz-encoded states and blocks to disk during each state transition for development purposes."
"Package interop contains useful utilities for persisting ssz-encoded states and blocks to disk during each state transition for development purposes."
"Package state implements the whole state transition function which consists of per slot, per-epoch transitions, and bootstrapping the genesis state according to the eth2 spec."
"Package state implements the whole state transition function which consists of per slot, per-epoch transitions, and bootstrapping the genesis state according to the eth2 spec."
"Package stateutils contains useful tools for faster computation of state transitions using maps to represent validators instead of slices."
"Package stateutils contains useful tools for faster computation of state transitions using maps to represent validators instead of slices."
"Package state implements the whole state transition function which consists of per slot, per-epoch transitions."
"Package state implements the whole state transition function which consists of per slot, per-epoch transitions."
"Package validators contains libraries to shuffle validators and retrieve active validator indices from a given slot or an attestation."
"Package validators contains libraries to shuffle validators and retrieve active validator indices from a given slot or an attestation."
"Package db defines the ability to create a new database for an eth2 beacon node."
"Package db defines the ability to create a new database for an eth2 beacon node."
"Package filters specifies utilities for building a set of data attribute filters to be used when filtering data through database queries in practice."
"Package filters specifies utilities for building a set of data attribute filters to be used when filtering data through database queries in practice."
"Package iface defines the actual database interface used by a Prysm beacon node, also containing useful, scoped interfaces such as a ReadOnlyDatabase."
"Package iface defines the actual database interface used by a Prysm beacon node, also containing useful, scoped interfaces such as a ReadOnlyDatabase."
"Package kafka defines an implementation of Database interface which exports streaming data using Kafka for data analysis."
"Package kafka defines an implementation of Database interface which exports streaming data using Kafka for data analysis."
"Package kv defines a bolt-db, key-value store implementation of the Database interface defined by a Prysm beacon node."
"Package kv defines a bolt-db, key-value store implementation of the Database interface defined by a Prysm beacon node."
"Package testing allows for spinning up a real bolt-db instance for unit tests throughout the Prysm repo."
"Package testing allows for spinning up a real bolt-db instance for unit tests throughout the Prysm repo."
"Package flags defines beacon-node specific runtime flags for setting important values such as ports, eth1 endpoints, and more."
"Package flags defines beacon-node specific runtime flags for setting important values such as ports, eth1 endpoints, and more."
"Package forkchoice implements the service to support fork choice for the eth2 beacon chain."
"Package forkchoice implements the service to support fork choice for the eth2 beacon chain."
"Package protoarray implements proto array fork choice as outlined: This was motivated by the the original implementation by Sigma Prime here:"
"Package protoarray implements proto array fork choice as outlined: This was motivated by the the original implementation by Sigma Prime here:"
"Package gateway defines a gRPC gateway to serve HTTP-JSON traffic as a proxy and forward it to a beacon node's gRPC service."
"Package gateway defines a gRPC gateway to serve HTTP-JSON traffic as a proxy and forward it to a beacon node's gRPC service."
"Package main allows for creation of an HTTP-JSON to gRPC gateway as a binary go process."
"Package main allows for creation of an HTTP-JSON to gRPC gateway as a binary go process."
"Package interopcoldstart allows for spinning up a deterministic local chain without the need for eth1 deposits useful for local client development and interoperability testing."
"Package interopcoldstart allows for spinning up a deterministic local chain without the need for eth1 deposits useful for local client development and interoperability testing."
"Package beacon-chain defines the entire runtime of an eth2 beacon node."
"Package beacon-chain defines the entire runtime of an eth2 beacon node."
"Package node is the main service which launches a beacon node and manages the lifecycle of all its associated services at runtime, such as p2p, RPC, sync, gracefully closing them if the process ends."
"Package node is the main service which launches a beacon node and manages the lifecycle of all its associated services at runtime, such as p2p, RPC, sync, gracefully closing them if the process ends."
"Package kv includes a key-value store implementation of an attestation cache used to satisfy important use-cases such as aggregation in a beacon node runtime."
"Package kv includes a key-value store implementation of an attestation cache used to satisfy important use-cases such as aggregation in a beacon node runtime."
"Package attestations defines an attestation pool service implementation which is used to manage the lifecycle of aggregated, unaggregated, and fork-choice attestations."
"Package attestations defines an attestation pool service implementation which is used to manage the lifecycle of aggregated, unaggregated, and fork-choice attestations."
"Package slashings defines an in-memory pool of received slashing events by the beacon node, handling their lifecycle and performing integrity checks before serving them as objects for validators to include in blocks."
"Package slashings defines an in-memory pool of received slashing events by the beacon node, handling their lifecycle and performing integrity checks before serving them as objects for validators to include in blocks."
"Package voluntaryexits defines an in-memory pool of received voluntary exit events by the beacon node, handling their lifecycle and performing integrity checks before serving them as objects for validators to include in blocks."
"Package voluntaryexits defines an in-memory pool of received voluntary exit events by the beacon node, handling their lifecycle and performing integrity checks before serving them as objects for validators to include in blocks."
"Package p2p implements the Ethereum 2.0 networking specification."
"Package p2p implements the Ethereum 2.0 networking specification."
"Package encoder allows for registering custom data encoders for information sent as raw bytes over the wire via p2p to other nodes."
"Package encoder allows for registering custom data encoders for information sent as raw bytes over the wire via p2p to other nodes."
"Package peers provides information about peers at the eth2 protocol level."
"Package peers provides information about peers at the eth2 protocol level."
"Package p2p defines the network protocol implementation for eth2 used by beacon nodes, including peer discovery using discv5, gossip-sub using libp2p, and handing peer lifecycles + handshakes."
"Package p2p defines the network protocol implementation for eth2 used by beacon nodes, including peer discovery using discv5, gossip-sub using libp2p, and handing peer lifecycles + handshakes."
"Package testing includes useful utilities for mocking a beacon node's p2p service for unit tests."
"Package testing includes useful utilities for mocking a beacon node's p2p service for unit tests."
"Package types contains all the respective p2p types that are required for sync but cannot be represented as a protobuf schema."
"Package types contains all the respective p2p types that are required for sync but cannot be represented as a protobuf schema."
"Package powchain defines a runtime service which is tasked with communicating with an eth1 endpoint, processing logs from a deposit contract, and the latest eth1 data headers for usage in the beacon node."
"Package powchain defines a runtime service which is tasked with communicating with an eth1 endpoint, processing logs from a deposit contract, and the latest eth1 data headers for usage in the beacon node."
"Package testing provides useful mocks for an eth1 powchain service as needed by unit tests for the beacon node."
"Package testing provides useful mocks for an eth1 powchain service as needed by unit tests for the beacon node."
"Package beacon defines a gRPC beacon service implementation, providing useful endpoints for checking fetching chain-specific data such as blocks, committees, validators, assignments, and more."
"Package beacon defines a gRPC beacon service implementation, providing useful endpoints for checking fetching chain-specific data such as blocks, committees, validators, assignments, and more."
"Package beaconv1 defines a gRPC beacon service implementation, following the official API standards"
"Package beaconv1 defines a gRPC beacon service implementation, following the official API standards"
"Package debug defines a gRPC server implementation of a debugging service which allows for helpful endpoints to debug a beacon node at runtime, this server is gated behind the feature flag --enable-debug-rpc-endpoints."
"Package debug defines a gRPC server implementation of a debugging service which allows for helpful endpoints to debug a beacon node at runtime, this server is gated behind the feature flag --enable-debug-rpc-endpoints."
"Package node defines a gRPC node service implementation, providing useful endpoints for checking a node's sync status, peer info, genesis data, and version information."
"Package node defines a gRPC node service implementation, providing useful endpoints for checking a node's sync status, peer info, genesis data, and version information."
"Package nodev1 defines a gRPC node service implementation, providing useful endpoints for checking a node's sync status, peer info, genesis data, and version information."
"Package nodev1 defines a gRPC node service implementation, providing useful endpoints for checking a node's sync status, peer info, genesis data, and version information."
"Package rpc defines a gRPC server implementing the eth2 API as needed by validator clients and consumers of chain data."
"Package rpc defines a gRPC server implementing the eth2 API as needed by validator clients and consumers of chain data."
"Package validator defines a gRPC validator service implementation, providing critical endpoints for validator clients to submit blocks/attestations to the beacon node, receive assignments, and more."
"Package validator defines a gRPC validator service implementation, providing critical endpoints for validator clients to submit blocks/attestations to the beacon node, receive assignments, and more."
"Package state defines how the beacon chain state for eth2 functions in the running beacon node, using an advanced, immutable implementation of the state data structure."
"Package state defines how the beacon chain state for eth2 functions in the running beacon node, using an advanced, immutable implementation of the state data structure."
"Package stategen defines functions to regenerate beacon chain states by replaying blocks from a stored state checkpoint, useful for optimization and reducing a beacon node's resource consumption."
"Package stategen defines functions to regenerate beacon chain states by replaying blocks from a stored state checkpoint, useful for optimization and reducing a beacon node's resource consumption."
"Package stateutil defines utility functions to compute state roots using advanced merkle branch caching techniques.package stateutil"
"Package stateutil defines utility functions to compute state roots using advanced merkle branch caching techniques.package stateutil"
"Package stateutil defines utility functions to compute state roots using advanced merkle branch caching techniques."
"Package stateutil defines utility functions to compute state roots using advanced merkle branch caching techniques."
"Package sync TODO(3147): Add details on how sync works."
"Package sync TODO(3147): Add details on how sync works."
"Package initialsync includes all initial block download and processing logic for the beacon node, using a round robin strategy and a finite-state-machine to handle edge-cases in a beacon node's sync status."
"Package initialsync includes all initial block download and processing logic for the beacon node, using a round robin strategy and a finite-state-machine to handle edge-cases in a beacon node's sync status."
"Package testing includes useful mocks for testing initial sync status in unit tests."
"Package testing includes useful mocks for testing initial sync status in unit tests."
"Package sync includes all chain-synchronization logic for the beacon node, including gossip-sub validators for blocks, attestations, and other p2p messages, as well as ability to process and respond to block requests by peers."
"Package sync includes all chain-synchronization logic for the beacon node, including gossip-sub validators for blocks, attestations, and other p2p messages, as well as ability to process and respond to block requests by peers."
"This code was adapted from"
"This code was adapted from"
"Package components defines utilities to spin up actual beacon node and validator processes as needed by end to end tests."
"Package components defines utilities to spin up actual beacon node and validator processes as needed by end to end tests."
"Package evaluators defines functions which can peer into end to end tests to determine if a chain is running as required."
"Package evaluators defines functions which can peer into end to end tests to determine if a chain is running as required."
"Package helpers defines helper functions to peer into end to end processes and kill processes as needed."
"Package helpers defines helper functions to peer into end to end processes and kill processes as needed."
"Package params defines all custom parameter configurations for running end to end tests."
"Package params defines all custom parameter configurations for running end to end tests."
"Package types includes important structs used by end to end tests, such as a configuration type, an evaluator type, and more."
"Package types includes important structs used by end to end tests, such as a configuration type, an evaluator type, and more."
"Code generated by fastssz."
"Code generated by fastssz."
"Code generated by fastssz."
"Code generated by fastssz."
"Package ethereum_beacon_rpc_v1 is a reverse proxy."
"Package ethereum_beacon_rpc_v1 is a reverse proxy."
"Code generated by fastssz."
"Code generated by fastssz."
"Package ethereum_validator_accounts_v2 is a reverse proxy."
"Package ethereum_validator_accounts_v2 is a reverse proxy."
"Package ethereum_validator_accounts_v2 is a reverse proxy."
"Package ethereum_validator_accounts_v2 is a reverse proxy."
"Package aggregation contains implementations of bitlist aggregation algorithms and heuristics."
"Package aggregation contains implementations of bitlist aggregation algorithms and heuristics."
"Package attestationutil contains useful helpers for converting attestations into indexed form."
"Package attestationutil contains useful helpers for converting attestations into indexed form."
"Package benchutil contains useful helpers for pregenerating filled data structures such as blocks/states for benchmarks."
"Package benchutil contains useful helpers for pregenerating filled data structures such as blocks/states for benchmarks."
"Package bls implements a go-wrapper around a library implementing the the BLS12-381 curve and signature scheme."
"Package bls implements a go-wrapper around a library implementing the the BLS12-381 curve and signature scheme."
"Package blst implements a go-wrapper around a library implementing the the BLS12-381 curve and signature scheme."
"Package blst implements a go-wrapper around a library implementing the the BLS12-381 curve and signature scheme."
"Package herumi implements a go-wrapper around a library implementing the the BLS12-381 curve and signature scheme."
"Package herumi implements a go-wrapper around a library implementing the the BLS12-381 curve and signature scheme."
"Package iface provides the BLS interfaces that are implemented by the various BLS wrappers."
"Package iface provides the BLS interfaces that are implemented by the various BLS wrappers."
"* Package from the official Github CLI All rights reserved to the package authors, respectively."
"* Package from the official Github CLI All rights reserved to the package authors, respectively."
"Package bytesutil defines helper methods for converting integers to byte slices."
"Package bytesutil defines helper methods for converting integers to byte slices."
"Package cmd defines the command line flags for the shared utlities."
"Package cmd defines the command line flags for the shared utlities."
"Package mock_cmd is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_cmd is a generated GoMock package."
"Package debug defines useful profiling utils that came originally with go-ethereum."
"Package debug defines useful profiling utils that came originally with go-ethereum."
"Package depositutil contains useful functions for dealing with eth2 deposit inputs."
"Package depositutil contains useful functions for dealing with eth2 deposit inputs."
"Package event contains an event feed implementation for process communication."
"Package event contains an event feed implementation for process communication."
"Package featureconfig defines which features are enabled for runtime in order to selectively enable certain features to maintain a stable runtime."
"Package featureconfig defines which features are enabled for runtime in order to selectively enable certain features to maintain a stable runtime."
"Package hashutil includes all hash-function related helpers for Prysm."
"Package hashutil includes all hash-function related helpers for Prysm."
"Package htrutils defines HashTreeRoot utility functions."
"Package htrutils defines HashTreeRoot utility functions."
"Package htrutils defines HashTreeRoot utility functions."
"Package htrutils defines HashTreeRoot utility functions."
"Package htrutils defines HashTreeRoot utility functions."
"Package htrutils defines HashTreeRoot utility functions."
"Package htrutils defines HashTreeRoot utility functions."
"Package htrutils defines HashTreeRoot utility functions."
"Package interop contains deterministic utilities for generating genesis states and keys."
"Package interop contains deterministic utilities for generating genesis states and keys."
"Package iputils contains useful functions for ip address formatting."
"Package iputils contains useful functions for ip address formatting."
"Package logutil creates a Multi writer instance that write all logs that are written to stdout."
"Package logutil creates a Multi writer instance that write all logs that are written to stdout."
"Package mathutil includes important helpers for eth2 such as fast integer square roots."
"Package mathutil includes important helpers for eth2 such as fast integer square roots."
"Package maxprocs automatically sets GOMAXPROCS to match the Linux container CPU quota, if any."
"Package maxprocs automatically sets GOMAXPROCS to match the Linux container CPU quota, if any."
"Package mclockutil is a wrapper for a monotonic clock source."
"Package mclockutil is a wrapper for a monotonic clock source."
"Package messagehandler contains useful helpers for recovering from panic conditions at runtime and logging their trace."
"Package messagehandler contains useful helpers for recovering from panic conditions at runtime and logging their trace."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mputil contains useful helpers for converting multi-processor computation."
"Package mputil contains useful helpers for converting multi-processor computation."
"Package p2putils contains useful helpers for eth2 fork-related functionality."
"Package p2putils contains useful helpers for eth2 fork-related functionality."
"Package pagination contains useful pagination-related helpers."
"Package pagination contains useful pagination-related helpers."
"Package params defines important constants that are essential to eth2 services."
"Package params defines important constants that are essential to eth2 services."
"Package spectest allows for easy switching of chain configuration parameters in spec conformity unit tests."
"Package spectest allows for easy switching of chain configuration parameters in spec conformity unit tests."
"Package prometheus defines a service which is used for metrics collection and health of a node in Prysm."
"Package prometheus defines a service which is used for metrics collection and health of a node in Prysm."
"Package rand defines methods of obtaining cryptographically secure random number generators."
"Package rand defines methods of obtaining cryptographically secure random number generators."
"Package runutil includes helpers for scheduling runnable, periodic functions."
"Package runutil includes helpers for scheduling runnable, periodic functions."
"Package shared includes useful utilities globally accessible in the Prysm monorepo."
"Package shared includes useful utilities globally accessible in the Prysm monorepo."
"Package slotutil includes ticker and timer-related functions for eth2."
"Package slotutil includes ticker and timer-related functions for eth2."
"Package testing includes useful mocks for slot tickers in unit tests."
"Package testing includes useful mocks for slot tickers in unit tests."
"Package timeutils is a wrapper around the go standard time library."
"Package timeutils is a wrapper around the go standard time library."
"Package traceutil includes useful functions for opentracing annotations."
"Package traceutil includes useful functions for opentracing annotations."
"Package tracing sets up jaeger as an opentracing tool for services in Prysm."
"Package tracing sets up jaeger as an opentracing tool for services in Prysm."
"Package trieutil defines utilities for sparse merkle tries for eth2."
"Package trieutil defines utilities for sparse merkle tries for eth2."
"Package version executes and returns the version string for the currently running process."
"Package version executes and returns the version string for the currently running process."
"Package beaconclient defines a service that interacts with a beacon node via a gRPC client to listen for streamed blocks, attestations, and to submit proposer/attester slashings to the node in case they are detected."
"Package beaconclient defines a service that interacts with a beacon node via a gRPC client to listen for streamed blocks, attestations, and to submit proposer/attester slashings to the node in case they are detected."
"Package cache contains critical caches necessary for the runtime of the slasher service, such as a cache for maintaining validator history on a per epoch basis"
"Package cache contains critical caches necessary for the runtime of the slasher service, such as a cache for maintaining validator history on a per epoch basis"
"Package db defines a persistent backend for the slasher service."
"Package db defines a persistent backend for the slasher service."
"Package iface defines an interface for the slasher database, providing more advanced interfaces such as a ReadOnlyDatabase."
"Package iface defines an interface for the slasher database, providing more advanced interfaces such as a ReadOnlyDatabase."
"Package kv defines a bolt-db, key-value store implementation of the slasher database interface."
"Package kv defines a bolt-db, key-value store implementation of the slasher database interface."
"Package testing defines useful helper functions for unit tests with the slasher database."
"Package testing defines useful helper functions for unit tests with the slasher database."
"Package types includes important database-related types for slasher-specific logic."
"Package types includes important database-related types for slasher-specific logic."
"Package iface defines an interface for a slashable attestation detector struct."
"Package iface defines an interface for a slashable attestation detector struct."
"Package attestations defines an implementation of a slashable attestation detector using min-max surround vote checking."
"Package attestations defines an implementation of a slashable attestation detector using min-max surround vote checking."
"Package types includes important type definitions for slashable objects detected by slasher."
"Package types includes important type definitions for slashable objects detected by slasher."
"Package detection defines a service that reacts to incoming blocks/attestations by running slashing detection for double proposals, double votes, and surround votes according to the eth2 specification."
"Package detection defines a service that reacts to incoming blocks/attestations by running slashing detection for double proposals, double votes, and surround votes according to the eth2 specification."
"Package proposals defines an implementation of a double-propose detector in the slasher runtime."
"Package proposals defines an implementation of a double-propose detector in the slasher runtime."
"Package iface defines an interface for a double-proposal detector struct."
"Package iface defines an interface for a double-proposal detector struct."
"Package testing includes useful helpers for slasher-related unit tests."
"Package testing includes useful helpers for slasher-related unit tests."
"Package flags contains all configuration runtime flags for the slasher service."
"Package flags contains all configuration runtime flags for the slasher service."
"Package main defines slasher server implementation for eth2."
"Package main defines slasher server implementation for eth2."
"Package node is the main process which handles the lifecycle of the runtime services in a slasher process, gracefully shutting everything down upon close."
"Package node is the main process which handles the lifecycle of the runtime services in a slasher process, gracefully shutting everything down upon close."
"Package rpc defines an implementation of a gRPC slasher service, providing endpoints for determining whether or not a block/attestation is slashable based on slasher's evidence."
"Package rpc defines an implementation of a gRPC slasher service, providing endpoints for determining whether or not a block/attestation is slashable based on slasher's evidence."
"This code was adapted from"
"This code was adapted from"
"Package comparesame implements a static analyzer to ensure that code does not contain comparisons of identical expressions."
"Package comparesame implements a static analyzer to ensure that code does not contain comparisons of identical expressions."
"Package cryptorand implements a static analyzer to ensure that the crypto/rand package is used for randomness throughout the codebase."
"Package cryptorand implements a static analyzer to ensure that the crypto/rand package is used for randomness throughout the codebase."
"Package errcheck implements an static analysis analyzer to ensure that errors are handled in go code."
"Package errcheck implements an static analysis analyzer to ensure that errors are handled in go code."
"Package featureconfig implements a static analyzer to prevent leaking globals in tests."
"Package featureconfig implements a static analyzer to prevent leaking globals in tests."
"Package ineffassign implements a static analyzer to ensure that there are no ineffectual assignments in source code."
"Package ineffassign implements a static analyzer to ensure that there are no ineffectual assignments in source code."
"Package maligned implements a static analyzer to ensure that Go structs take up the least possible memory."
"Package maligned implements a static analyzer to ensure that Go structs take up the least possible memory."
"Package nop implements a static analyzer to ensure that code does not contain no-op instructions."
"Package nop implements a static analyzer to ensure that code does not contain no-op instructions."
"Package shadowpredecl implements a static analyzer which disallows declaring constructs that shadow predeclared Go identifiers by having the same name."
"Package shadowpredecl implements a static analyzer which disallows declaring constructs that shadow predeclared Go identifiers by having the same name."
"Package slicedirect implements a static analyzer to ensure that code does not contain applications of [:] on expressions which are already slices."
"Package slicedirect implements a static analyzer to ensure that code does not contain applications of [:] on expressions which are already slices."
"* * Block tree graph viz * * Given a DB, start slot and end slot."
"* * Block tree graph viz * * Given a DB, start slot and end slot."
"* * Bootnode * * A node which implements the DiscoveryV5 protocol for peer * discovery."
"* * Bootnode * * A node which implements the DiscoveryV5 protocol for peer * discovery."
"* * This tool exists to serve currently configured contract address in k8s."
"* * This tool exists to serve currently configured contract address in k8s."
"This binary is a simple rest API endpoint to calculate the ENR value of a node given its private key,ip address and port."
"This binary is a simple rest API endpoint to calculate the ENR value of a node given its private key,ip address and port."
"Prometheus exporter for Ethereum address balances."
"Prometheus exporter for Ethereum address balances."
"* * Fork choice checker * * A gRPC client that polls beacon node at every slot to log or compare nodes current head."
"* * Fork choice checker * * A gRPC client that polls beacon node at every slot to log or compare nodes current head."
"Used for converting keys.yaml files from eth2.0-pm for interop testing."
"Used for converting keys.yaml files from eth2.0-pm for interop testing."
"This tool allows for simple encrypting and decrypting of EIP-2335 compliant, BLS12-381 keystore.json files which as password protected."
"This tool allows for simple encrypting and decrypting of EIP-2335 compliant, BLS12-381 keystore.json files which as password protected."
"* * Relay node * * A simple libp2p relay node peers to connect inbound traffic behind a NAT or * other network restriction."
"* * Relay node * * A simple libp2p relay node peers to connect inbound traffic behind a NAT or * other network restriction."
"Package v2 defines a new model for accounts management in Prysm, using best practices for user security, UX, and extensibility via different wallet types including HD wallets, imported (non-HD) wallets, and remote-signing capable configurations."
"Package v2 defines a new model for accounts management in Prysm, using best practices for user security, UX, and extensibility via different wallet types including HD wallets, imported (non-HD) wallets, and remote-signing capable configurations."
"Package client represents a gRPC polling-based implementation of an eth2 validator client."
"Package client represents a gRPC polling-based implementation of an eth2 validator client."
"Package iface defines an interface for the validator database."
"Package iface defines an interface for the validator database."
"Package kv defines a persistent backend for the validator service."
"Package kv defines a persistent backend for the validator service."
"Package flags contains all configuration runtime flags for the validator service."
"Package flags contains all configuration runtime flags for the validator service."
"Package imported defines an implementation of an on-disk, EIP-2335 keystore.json approach towards defining validator accounts in Prysm."
"Package imported defines an implementation of an on-disk, EIP-2335 keystore.json approach towards defining validator accounts in Prysm."
"Package remote defines an implementation of an on-disk, EIP-2335 keystore.json approach towards defining validator accounts in Prysm."
"Package remote defines an implementation of an on-disk, EIP-2335 keystore.json approach towards defining validator accounts in Prysm."
"Package main defines a validator client, a critical actor in eth2 which manages a keystore of private keys, connects to a beacon node to receive assignments, and submits blocks/attestations as needed."
"Package main defines a validator client, a critical actor in eth2 which manages a keystore of private keys, connects to a beacon node to receive assignments, and submits blocks/attestations as needed."
"Package node is the main process which handles the lifecycle of the runtime services in a validator client process, gracefully shutting everything down upon close."
"Package node is the main process which handles the lifecycle of the runtime services in a validator client process, gracefully shutting everything down upon close."
"This code was adapted from"
"This code was adapted from"
"Package web is the service to serve the Prysm web UI."
"Package web is the service to serve the Prysm web UI."
"Package statik contains static assets."
"Package statik contains static assets."
"Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently."
"Package gomail provides a simple interface to compose emails and to mail them efficiently."
"Package backend provides the K/V store interface for crypt backends."
"Package backend provides the K/V store interface for crypt backends."
"Package remote integrates the remote features of Viper."
"Package remote integrates the remote features of Viper."
"Package implements creation of XLSX simple spreadsheet files"
"Package implements creation of XLSX simple spreadsheet files"
"Package credhub provides an API client for"
"Package credhub provides an API client for"
"Package promptui is a library providing a simple interface to create command-line prompts for go."
"Package promptui is a library providing a simple interface to create command-line prompts for go."
"Package recws provides websocket client based on gorilla/websocket that will automatically reconnect if the connection is dropped."
"Package recws provides websocket client based on gorilla/websocket that will automatically reconnect if the connection is dropped."
"Package cmpopts provides common options for the cmp package."
"Package cmpopts provides common options for the cmp package."
"Package cmp determines equality of values."
"Package cmp determines equality of values."
"Package diff implements an algorithm for producing edit-scripts."
"Package diff implements an algorithm for producing edit-scripts."
"Package function provides functionality for identifying function types."
"Package function provides functionality for identifying function types."
"Package foo is deliberately named differently than the parent directory."
"Package foo is deliberately named differently than the parent directory."
"Package foo is deliberately named differently than the parent directory."
"Package foo is deliberately named differently than the parent directory."
"Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API."
"Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package tools contains code generation and build utilities This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"Package tools contains code generation and build utilities This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"nolint autogenerated code using aliases generated for the following subdirectories: ALIASGEN: ALIASGEN: ALIASGEN:"
"nolint autogenerated code using aliases generated for the following subdirectories: ALIASGEN: ALIASGEN: ALIASGEN:"
"Package bitcointax implements a Transaction type which properly Marshals and Unmarshals into the valid JSON format for the REST API, as well as a Client with methods for listing and adding Transactions."
"Package bitcointax implements a Transaction type which properly Marshals and Unmarshals into the valid JSON format for the REST API, as well as a Client with methods for listing and adding Transactions."
"Package cmdutil provides support for implementing command line utilities."
"Package cmdutil provides support for implementing command line utilities."
"Package expect provides support for making expectations on the contents of input streams."
"Package expect provides support for making expectations on the contents of input streams."
"Package flags provides support for working with flag variables, and for managing flag variables by embedding them in structs."
"Package flags provides support for working with flag variables, and for managing flag variables by embedding them in structs."
"Package signals provides support for working with operating system signals and contexts."
"Package signals provides support for working with operating system signals and contexts."
"Package structdoc provides a means of exposing struct tags for use when generating documentation for those structs."
"Package structdoc provides a means of exposing struct tags for use when generating documentation for those structs."
"Package tiledb is a idomatic go binding to tiledb's c_api."
"Package tiledb is a idomatic go binding to tiledb's c_api."
"This file is here due to an issue with, see and"
"This file is here due to an issue with, see and"
"Package assert is a testing tool for go."
"Package assert is a testing tool for go."
"package cmd command line"
"package cmd command line"
"package discovery 注册和发现服务客户端"
"package discovery 注册和发现服务客户端"
"package util 通用工具"
"package util 通用工具"
"package opentracer 日志追踪"
"package opentracer 日志追踪"
"Package grpc_health_v1 is a reverse proxy."
"Package grpc_health_v1 is a reverse proxy."
"package server 创建gRPC服务和网关服务并启动服务器"
"package server 创建gRPC服务和网关服务并启动服务器"
"package service 框架启动的各种服务"
"package service 框架启动的各种服务"
"Package websocket implements the WebSocket protocol defined in RFC 6455."
"Package websocket implements the WebSocket protocol defined in RFC 6455."
"Command server is a test server for the Autobahn WebSockets Test Suite."
"Command server is a test server for the Autobahn WebSockets Test Suite."
"Package cpu implements processor feature detection for various CPU architectures."
"Package cpu implements processor feature detection for various CPU architectures."
"Package unsafeheader contains header declarations for the Go runtime's slice and string implementations."
"Package unsafeheader contains header declarations for the Go runtime's slice and string implementations."
"This program reads a file containing function prototypes (like syscall_plan9.go) and generates system call bodies."
"This program reads a file containing function prototypes (like syscall_plan9.go) and generates system call bodies."
"Package plan9 contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives."
"Package plan9 contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives."
"mkasm_darwin.go generates assembly trampolines to call libSystem routines from Go."
"mkasm_darwin.go generates assembly trampolines to call libSystem routines from Go."
"mkmerge.go parses generated source files and merges common consts, funcs, and types into a common source file, per GOOS."
"mkmerge.go parses generated source files and merges common consts, funcs, and types into a common source file, per GOOS."
"mkpost processes the output of cgo -godefs to modify the generated types."
"mkpost processes the output of cgo -godefs to modify the generated types."
"This program reads a file containing function prototypes (like syscall_darwin.go) and generates system call bodies."
"This program reads a file containing function prototypes (like syscall_darwin.go) and generates system call bodies."
"This program reads a file containing function prototypes (like syscall_aix.go) and generates system call bodies."
"This program reads a file containing function prototypes (like syscall_aix.go) and generates system call bodies."
"Generate system call table for DragonFly, NetBSD, FreeBSD or OpenBSD from master list (for example, /usr/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master or sys/syscall.h)."
"Generate system call table for DragonFly, NetBSD, FreeBSD or OpenBSD from master list (for example, /usr/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master or sys/syscall.h)."
"Package unix contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives."
"Package unix contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives."
"Package registry provides access to the Windows registry."
"Package registry provides access to the Windows registry."
"Package debug provides facilities to execute svc.Handler on console."
"Package debug provides facilities to execute svc.Handler on console."
"Package eventlog implements access to Windows event log."
"Package eventlog implements access to Windows event log."
"Example service program that beeps."
"Example service program that beeps."
"Package mgr can be used to manage Windows service programs."
"Package mgr can be used to manage Windows service programs."
"Package svc provides everything required to build Windows service."
"Package svc provides everything required to build Windows service."
"Package windows contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives."
"Package windows contains an interface to the low-level operating system primitives."
"Package configo provides an auto configuration loading tool without bothering to define a lot of flags, which is also highly extensible."
"Package configo provides an auto configuration loading tool without bothering to define a lot of flags, which is also highly extensible."
"Package apis contains Kubernetes API groups."
"Package apis contains Kubernetes API groups."
"Package tenancy contains tenancy API versions"
"Package tenancy contains tenancy API versions"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the tenancy v1alpha1 API group +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the tenancy v1alpha1 API group +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the tenancy v1alpha1 API group +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta"
"Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the tenancy v1alpha1 API group +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta"
"Package gce is an implementation of Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances for Google Compute Engine."
"Package gce is an implementation of Interface, LoadBalancer and Instances for Google Compute Engine."
"Package mount provides a linux-centric library for mounting filesystems/ Vendored for the OpenStack provider and will be removed in 1.17"
"Package mount provides a linux-centric library for mounting filesystems/ Vendored for the OpenStack provider and will be removed in 1.17"
"Package config exists to make the config directory importable."
"Package config exists to make the config directory importable."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for ConfigMap objects that pertain to our API objects."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for ConfigMap objects that pertain to our API objects."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package Package network holds the typed objects that define the schemas for configuring the knative/serving networking layer."
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package Package network holds the typed objects that define the schemas for configuring the knative/serving networking layer."
"Package ingress holds utilities related to the implementation of ingress controllers."
"Package ingress holds utilities related to the implementation of ingress controllers."
"Code generated for package bingeoip by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package bingeoip by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Package binhtml generated by go-bindata.// sources: assets/html/clash-config.yaml assets/html/clash.html assets/html/index.html assets/html/surge.conf assets/html/surge.html"
"Package binhtml generated by go-bindata.// sources: assets/html/clash-config.yaml assets/html/clash.html assets/html/index.html assets/html/surge.conf assets/html/surge.html"
"Package stringslice provides utilities for working with string slices"
"Package stringslice provides utilities for working with string slices"
"Command create_task constructs and adds a task to an App Engine Queue."
"Command create_task constructs and adds a task to an App Engine Queue."
"Sample analytics demonstrates Google Analytics calls from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample analytics demonstrates Google Analytics calls from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample cloudsql demonstrates usage of Cloud SQL from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample cloudsql demonstrates usage of Cloud SQL from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample cloudsql demonstrates usage of Cloud SQL from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample cloudsql demonstrates usage of Cloud SQL from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample datastore demonstrates use of the package from App Engine flexible."
"Sample datastore demonstrates use of the package from App Engine flexible."
"Sample helloworld is a basic App Engine flexible app."
"Sample helloworld is a basic App Engine flexible app."
"Sample memcache demonstrates use of a memcached client from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample memcache demonstrates use of a memcached client from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample pubsub demonstrates use of the package from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample pubsub demonstrates use of the package from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample redis demonstrates use of a redis client from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample redis demonstrates use of a redis client from App Engine flexible environment."
"Package static demonstrates a static file handler for App Engine flexible environment."
"Package static demonstrates a static file handler for App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample storage demonstrates use of the package from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample storage demonstrates use of the package from App Engine flexible environment."
"Sample websockets demonstrates an App Engine Flexible app."
"Sample websockets demonstrates an App Engine Flexible app."
"Sample asset-quickstart batch-gets assets history."
"Sample asset-quickstart batch-gets assets history."
"Sample create-feed create feed."
"Sample create-feed create feed."
"Sample delete-feed delete feed."
"Sample delete-feed delete feed."
"Sample asset-quickstart exports assets to given bigquery table."
"Sample asset-quickstart exports assets to given bigquery table."
"Sample asset-quickstart exports assets to given path."
"Sample asset-quickstart exports assets to given path."
"Sample get-feed get feed."
"Sample get-feed get feed."
"Sample list-feeds list feeds."
"Sample list-feeds list feeds."
"Sample update-feed update feed."
"Sample update-feed update feed."
"Package overview contains Google Cloud authentication overview snippets."
"Package overview contains Google Cloud authentication overview snippets."
"Package authsnippets contains Google Cloud authentication snippets."
"Package authsnippets contains Google Cloud authentication snippets."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Package automl contains samples for Google Cloud AutoML API v1."
"Sample bigquery-quickstart creates a Google BigQuery dataset."
"Sample bigquery-quickstart creates a Google BigQuery dataset."
"Sample bigquery-quickstart creates a Google BigQuery dataset."
"Sample bigquery-quickstart creates a Google BigQuery dataset."
"The bigquery_storage_quickstart application demonstrates usage of the BigQuery Storage read API."
"The bigquery_storage_quickstart application demonstrates usage of the BigQuery Storage read API."
"Command simpleapp queries the Stack Overflow public dataset in Google BigQuery."
"Command simpleapp queries the Stack Overflow public dataset in Google BigQuery."
"Command syncquery queries a Google BigQuery dataset."
"Command syncquery queries a Google BigQuery dataset."
"Package filters contains snippets related to reading data from Cloud Bigtable with various filters."
"Package filters contains snippets related to reading data from Cloud Bigtable with various filters."
"Hello world is a sample program demonstrating use of the Bigtable client library to perform basic CRUD operations"
"Hello world is a sample program demonstrating use of the Bigtable client library to perform basic CRUD operations"
"Quickstart is a sample program demonstrating use of the Cloud Bigtable client library to read a row from an existing table."
"Quickstart is a sample program demonstrating use of the Cloud Bigtable client library to read a row from an existing table."
"Package reads contains snippets related to reading data from Cloud Bigtable."
"Package reads contains snippets related to reading data from Cloud Bigtable."
"Search is a sample web server that uses Cloud Bigtable as the storage layer for a simple document-storage and full-text-search service."
"Search is a sample web server that uses Cloud Bigtable as the storage layer for a simple document-storage and full-text-search service."
"User counter is a program that tracks how often a user has visited the index page."
"User counter is a program that tracks how often a user has visited the index page."
"Package writes contains snippets related to writing to Cloud Bigtable."
"Package writes contains snippets related to writing to Cloud Bigtable."
"Package signedcookie creates a signed URL for a Cloud CDN endpoint with the given key."
"Package signedcookie creates a signed URL for a Cloud CDN endpoint with the given key."
"Package signedurl creates a signed URL for a Cloud CDN endpoint with the given key."
"Package signedurl creates a signed URL for a Cloud CDN endpoint with the given key."
"Command listclusters lists all clusters and their node pools for a given project and zone."
"Command listclusters lists all clusters and their node pools for a given project and zone."
"Package dataproc shows how you can use the Cloud Dataproc Client library to manage Cloud Dataproc clusters."
"Package dataproc shows how you can use the Cloud Dataproc Client library to manage Cloud Dataproc clusters."
"Package dataproc shows how you can use the Cloud Dataproc Client library to manage Cloud Dataproc clusters."
"Package dataproc shows how you can use the Cloud Dataproc Client library to manage Cloud Dataproc clusters."
"This quickstart shows how you can use the Cloud Dataproc Client library to create a Cloud Dataproc cluster, submit a PySpark job to the cluster, wait for the job to finish and finally delete the cluster."
"This quickstart shows how you can use the Cloud Dataproc Client library to create a Cloud Dataproc cluster, submit a PySpark job to the cluster, wait for the job to finish and finally delete the cluster."
"Sample datastore-quickstart fetches an entity from Google Cloud Datastore."
"Sample datastore-quickstart fetches an entity from Google Cloud Datastore."
"A simple command-line task list manager to demonstrate using the package."
"A simple command-line task list manager to demonstrate using the package."
"The quickstart program is an example of using the Data Loss Prevention API."
"The quickstart program is an example of using the Data Loss Prevention API."
"Sample cloudsql demonstrates connection to a Cloud SQL instance from App Engine standard."
"Sample cloudsql demonstrates connection to a Cloud SQL instance from App Engine standard."
"This sample gets the app displays 5 log Records at a time, including all AppLogs, with a Next link to let the user page through the results using the Record's Offset property."
"This sample gets the app displays 5 log Records at a time, including all AppLogs, with a Next link to let the user page through the results using the Record's Offset property."
"Sample mailjet is a demonstration on sending an e-mail from App Engine standard environment."
"Sample mailjet is a demonstration on sending an e-mail from App Engine standard environment."
"Package gcsdemo is an example App Engine app using the Google Cloud Storage API."
"Package gcsdemo is an example App Engine app using the Google Cloud Storage API."
"Sample fluent demonstrates integration of fluent and Cloud Error reporting."
"Sample fluent demonstrates integration of fluent and Cloud Error reporting."
"Sample listinstances lists the Cloud SQL instances for a given project ID."
"Sample listinstances lists the Cloud SQL instances for a given project ID."
"Package helloworld is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package helloworld is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Sample endpoints demonstrates a Cloud Endpoints API."
"Sample endpoints demonstrates a Cloud Endpoints API."
"Command client performs authenticated requests against an Endpoints API server."
"Command client performs authenticated requests against an Endpoints API server."
"Sample errorreporting_quickstart contains is a quickstart example for the Google Cloud Error Reporting API."
"Sample errorreporting_quickstart contains is a quickstart example for the Google Cloud Error Reporting API."
"Sample firestore_quickstart demonstrates how to connect to Firestore, and add and list documents."
"Sample firestore_quickstart demonstrates how to connect to Firestore, and add and list documents."
"Command firestore_snippets contains runnable snippet code for Cloud Spanner."
"Command firestore_snippets contains runnable snippet code for Cloud Spanner."
"Package p contains a Cloud Function that processes Firebase Remote Config events."
"Package p contains a Cloud Function that processes Firebase Remote Config events."
"Package p contains a Google Cloud Storage Cloud Function."
"Package p contains a Google Cloud Storage Cloud Function."
"Package p contains an HTTP Cloud Function."
"Package p contains an HTTP Cloud Function."
"Package p contains a Pub/Sub Cloud Function."
"Package p contains a Pub/Sub Cloud Function."
"Package firebase contains a Firestore Cloud Function."
"Package firebase contains a Firestore Cloud Function."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package http provides a set of HTTP Cloud Functions samples."
"Package security contains samples for securely calling functions."
"Package security contains samples for securely calling functions."
"Sample helloworld is a basic App Engine flexible app."
"Sample helloworld is a basic App Engine flexible app."
"Package snippets contains samples for the Healthcare API."
"Package snippets contains samples for the Healthcare API."
"Package dicomwebsearchinstances contains a sample for searching instances."
"Package dicomwebsearchinstances contains a sample for searching instances."
"Package conditionaldelete shows how to conditionallly delete."
"Package conditionaldelete shows how to conditionallly delete."
"Package conditionalpatch shows how to conditionallly patch."
"Package conditionalpatch shows how to conditionallly patch."
"Package conditionalupdate shows how to conditionallly update."
"Package conditionalupdate shows how to conditionallly update."
"The quickstart command is an example of using the Cloud IAM Roles API."
"The quickstart command is an example of using the Cloud IAM Roles API."
"Package iap contains Identity-Aware Proxy samples."
"Package iap contains Identity-Aware Proxy samples."
"Package aeintegrate facilitates end-to-end testing against the production Google App Engine."
"Package aeintegrate facilitates end-to-end testing against the production Google App Engine."
"Command cleaneversions deletes App Engine versions for a given project, service and/or version ID filter."
"Command cleaneversions deletes App Engine versions for a given project, service and/or version ID filter."
"Package cloudrunci facilitates end-to-end testing against the production Cloud Run."
"Package cloudrunci facilitates end-to-end testing against the production Cloud Run."
"Package cloudrunci is a testing utility that facilitates end-to-end system testing on Cloud Run."
"Package cloudrunci is a testing utility that facilitates end-to-end system testing on Cloud Run."
"Package testutil provides test helpers for the golang-samples repo."
"Package testutil provides test helpers for the golang-samples repo."
"Command manager lets you manage Cloud IoT Core devices and registries."
"Command manager lets you manage Cloud IoT Core devices and registries."
"Package display is a driver for Grove LCD RGB backlight display."
"Package display is a driver for Grove LCD RGB backlight display."
"Program helloworld is a tiny program that blinks \"Hello gopher!\" on a Grove LCD RGB Backlight display connected to a BeagleBone."
"Program helloworld is a tiny program that blinks \"Hello gopher!\" on a Grove LCD RGB Backlight display connected to a BeagleBone."
"Command quickstart is an example of using the Google Cloud Talent Solution API."
"Command quickstart is an example of using the Google Cloud Talent Solution API."
"Sample quickstart is a basic program that uses Cloud KMS."
"Sample quickstart is a basic program that uses Cloud KMS."
"Command analyze performs sentiment, entity, entity sentiment, and syntax analysis on a string of text via the Cloud Natural Language API."
"Command analyze performs sentiment, entity, entity sentiment, and syntax analysis on a string of text via the Cloud Natural Language API."
"Sample language-quickstart uses the Google Cloud Natural API to analyze the sentiment of \"Hello, world!\"."
"Sample language-quickstart uses the Google Cloud Natural API to analyze the sentiment of \"Hello, world!\"."
"Sample exportlogs lists, creates, updates, and deletes log sinks."
"Sample exportlogs lists, creates, updates, and deletes log sinks."
"Sample logging-quickstart writes a log entry to Stackdriver Logging."
"Sample logging-quickstart writes a log entry to Stackdriver Logging."
"Sample simplelog writes some entries, lists them, then deletes the log."
"Sample simplelog writes some entries, lists them, then deletes the log."
"Sample stdlogging writes log.Logger logs to the Stackdriver Logging."
"Sample stdlogging writes log.Logger logs to the Stackdriver Logging."
"Command redis is a basic app that connects to a managed Redis instance."
"Command redis is a basic app that connects to a managed Redis instance."
"Package alert demonstrates interacting with the monitoring and alerting API."
"Package alert demonstrates interacting with the monitoring and alerting API."
"Package custommetric contains custom metric samples."
"Package custommetric contains custom metric samples."
"Package snippets contains IRM samples."
"Package snippets contains IRM samples."
"Sample monitoring-quickstart writes a data point to Stackdriver Monitoring."
"Sample monitoring-quickstart writes a data point to Stackdriver Monitoring."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package snippets contains examples of using the monitoring API."
"Package uptime contains samples of uptime checks."
"Package uptime contains samples of uptime checks."
"metrics_quickstart is an example of exporting a custom metric from OpenCensus to Stackdriver."
"metrics_quickstart is an example of exporting a custom metric from OpenCensus to Stackdriver."
"Sample opencensus_spanner_quickstart contains a sample application that uses Google Spanner Go client, and reports metrics and traces for the outgoing requests."
"Sample opencensus_spanner_quickstart contains a sample application that uses Google Spanner Go client, and reports metrics and traces for the outgoing requests."
"appengine is an example of starting on App Engine."
"appengine is an example of starting on App Engine."
"Sample hotapp is a synthetic application that exhibits different types of profiling hotspots: CPU, heap allocations, thread contention."
"Sample hotapp is a synthetic application that exhibits different types of profiling hotspots: CPU, heap allocations, thread contention."
"Sample hotmid is an application that simulates multiple calls to a library function made via different call paths."
"Sample hotmid is an application that simulates multiple calls to a library function made via different call paths."
"Sample profiler_quickstart simulates a CPU-intensive workload for profiler."
"Sample profiler_quickstart simulates a CPU-intensive workload for profiler."
"snippets is an example of starting"
"snippets is an example of starting"
"Sample pubsub-quickstart creates a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic."
"Sample pubsub-quickstart creates a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic."
"Package authentication contains the authentication samples for Cloud Run."
"Package authentication contains the authentication samples for Cloud Run."
"Package secretmanager contains samples for Secret Manager which securely stores and provides access to API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive data."
"Package secretmanager contains samples for Secret Manager which securely stores and provides access to API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive data."
"Sample quickstart is a basic program that uses Secret Manager."
"Sample quickstart is a basic program that uses Secret Manager."
"Package assets contains example snippets for working with CSCC Assets."
"Package assets contains example snippets for working with CSCC Assets."
"Pacakge findings contains example snippets for working with findings and their parent resource \"sources\"."
"Pacakge findings contains example snippets for working with findings and their parent resource \"sources\"."
"Package notifications contains example snippets for working with notification configs and their notifications."
"Package notifications contains example snippets for working with notification configs and their notifications."
"Package settings contains snippets for working with CSCC organization settings."
"Package settings contains snippets for working with CSCC organization settings."
"Sample spanner_arrays is a demonstration program which queries Google's Cloud Spanner and returns results containing arrays."
"Sample spanner_arrays is a demonstration program which queries Google's Cloud Spanner and returns results containing arrays."
"Command spanner_leaderboard contains runnable snippet code for Cloud Spanner."
"Command spanner_leaderboard contains runnable snippet code for Cloud Spanner."
"Sample spanner_quickstart is a basic program that uses Cloud Spanner."
"Sample spanner_quickstart is a basic program that uses Cloud Spanner."
"Command spanner_snippets contains runnable snippet code for Cloud Spanner."
"Command spanner_snippets contains runnable snippet code for Cloud Spanner."
"Command caption sends audio data to the Google Speech API and prints its transcript."
"Command caption sends audio data to the Google Speech API and prints its transcript."
"Command captionasync sends audio data to the Google Speech API and prints its transcript."
"Command captionasync sends audio data to the Google Speech API and prints its transcript."
"Command livecaption pipes the stdin audio data to Google Speech API and outputs the transcript."
"Command livecaption pipes the stdin audio data to Google Speech API and outputs the transcript."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Sample speech-quickstart uses the Google Cloud Speech API to transcribe audio."
"Sample speech-quickstart uses the Google Cloud Speech API to transcribe audio."
"Command wordoffset sends audio data to the Google Speech API and prints word offset information."
"Command wordoffset sends audio data to the Google Speech API and prints word offset information."
"Package acl contains samples for configuring ACLs for Storage buckets and objects."
"Package acl contains samples for configuring ACLs for Storage buckets and objects."
"Package buckets contains samples for creating/listing/deleting buckets using the Google Storage API."
"Package buckets contains samples for creating/listing/deleting buckets using the Google Storage API."
"gcsupload is a CLI to upload a file to Google Cloud Storage."
"gcsupload is a CLI to upload a file to Google Cloud Storage."
"Package objects contains samples for creating/moving/deleting and tweaking Storage objects."
"Package objects contains samples for creating/moving/deleting and tweaking Storage objects."
"Package s3sdk lists GCS buckets using the S3 SDK using interoperability mode."
"Package s3sdk lists GCS buckets using the S3 SDK using interoperability mode."
"Package s3sdk lists GCS objects using the S3 SDK using interoperability mode."
"Package s3sdk lists GCS objects using the S3 SDK using interoperability mode."
"Sample storage-quickstart creates a Google Cloud Storage bucket."
"Sample storage-quickstart creates a Google Cloud Storage bucket."
"Command createHTTPtask constructs and adds a task to a Cloud Tasks Queue."
"Command createHTTPtask constructs and adds a task to a Cloud Tasks Queue."
"package token constructs a request to Cloud Tasks API."
"package token constructs a request to Cloud Tasks API."
"Command gimmeproj provides access to a pool of projects."
"Command gimmeproj provides access to a pool of projects."
"Package hello is used only for testing."
"Package hello is used only for testing."
"The sampletests command adds the region tags tested by each test to the XML properties of that test case."
"The sampletests command adds the region tags tested by each test to the XML properties of that test case."
"The list_voices command lists the available Text-to-Speech voices."
"The list_voices command lists the available Text-to-Speech voices."
"Command quickstart generates an audio file with the content \"Hello, World!\"."
"Command quickstart generates an audio file with the content \"Hello, World!\"."
"The synthesize_file command converts a plain text or SSML file to an audio file."
"The synthesize_file command converts a plain text or SSML file to an audio file."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"Package snippets contains speech examples."
"The synthesize_text command converts plain text or SSML content to an audio file."
"The synthesize_text command converts plain text or SSML content to an audio file."
"Sample trace_quickstart traces incoming and outgoing requests."
"Sample trace_quickstart traces incoming and outgoing requests."
"Package snippets contains Stackdriver trace samples."
"Package snippets contains Stackdriver trace samples."
"Sample translate-quickstart translates \"Hello, world!\" into Russian."
"Sample translate-quickstart translates \"Hello, world!\" into Russian."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package v3 contains samples for Google Cloud Translation API v3."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Package annotate contains speech examples."
"Command video_analyze uses the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API to analyze a video."
"Command video_analyze uses the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API to analyze a video."
"Sample video_quickstart uses the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API to label a video."
"Sample video_quickstart uses the Google Cloud Video Intelligence API to label a video."
"Command detect uses the Vision API's label detection capabilities to find a label based on an image's content."
"Command detect uses the Vision API's label detection capabilities to find a label based on an image's content."
"Command label uses the Vision API's label detection capabilities to find a label based on an image's content."
"Command label uses the Vision API's label detection capabilities to find a label based on an image's content."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Package productsearch contains samples for Google Cloud Vision API Product Search."
"Sample vision-quickstart uses the Google Cloud Vision API to label an image."
"Sample vision-quickstart uses the Google Cloud Vision API to label an image."
"Package ae provides tools to synchronize state between local and remote consul servers."
"Package ae provides tools to synchronize state between local and remote consul servers."
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0"
"Code generated by mockery v1.0.0"
"Package cache provides caching features for data from a Consul server."
"Package cache provides caching features for data from a Consul server."
"The snapshot endpoint is a special non-RPC endpoint that supports streaming for taking and restoring snapshots for disaster recovery."
"The snapshot endpoint is a special non-RPC endpoint that supports streaming for taking and restoring snapshots for disaster recovery."
"Package proxycfg provides a component that monitors local agent state for Connect proxy service registrations and maintains the necessary cache state for those proxies locally."
"Package proxycfg provides a component that monitors local agent state for Connect proxy service registrations and maintains the necessary cache state for those proxies locally."
"Package servers provides a Manager interface for Manager managed metadata.Server objects."
"Package servers provides a Manager interface for Manager managed metadata.Server objects."
"Package xds provides an implementation of a gRPC service that exports Envoy's xDS API for config discovery."
"Package xds provides an implementation of a gRPC service that exports Envoy's xDS API for config discovery."
"certgen: a tool for generating test certificates on disk for use as test-fixtures and for end-to-end testing and local development."
"certgen: a tool for generating test certificates on disk for use as test-fixtures and for end-to-end testing and local development."
"package oidcauth bundles up an opinionated approach to authentication using both the OIDC authorization code workflow and simple JWT decoding (via static keys, JWKS, and OIDC discovery)."
"package oidcauth bundles up an opinionated approach to authentication using both the OIDC authorization code workflow and simple JWT decoding (via static keys, JWKS, and OIDC discovery)."
"package oidcauthtest exposes tools to assist in writing unit tests of OIDC and JWT authentication workflows."
"package oidcauthtest exposes tools to assist in writing unit tests of OIDC and JWT authentication workflows."
"Package semaphore implements a simple semaphore that is based on but doesn't support weights."
"Package semaphore implements a simple semaphore that is based on but doesn't support weights."
"snapshot manages the interactions between Consul and Raft in order to take and restore snapshots for disaster recovery."
"snapshot manages the interactions between Consul and Raft in order to take and restore snapshots for disaster recovery."
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta +groupGoName=ExampleGroup"
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta +groupGoName=ExampleGroup"
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta"
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta"
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package generators has the generators for the client-gen utility."
"Package generators has the generators for the client-gen utility."
"client-gen makes the individual typed clients using gengo."
"client-gen makes the individual typed clients using gengo."
"conversion-gen is a tool for auto-generating functions that convert between internal and external types."
"conversion-gen is a tool for auto-generating functions that convert between internal and external types."
"deepcopy-gen is a tool for auto-generating DeepCopy functions."
"deepcopy-gen is a tool for auto-generating DeepCopy functions."
"defaulter-gen is a tool for auto-generating Defaulter functions."
"defaulter-gen is a tool for auto-generating Defaulter functions."
"go-to-protobuf generates a Protobuf IDL from a Go struct, respecting any existing IDL tags on the Go struct."
"go-to-protobuf generates a Protobuf IDL from a Go struct, respecting any existing IDL tags on the Go struct."
"go-to-protobuf generates a Protobuf IDL from a Go struct, respecting any existing IDL tags on the Go struct."
"go-to-protobuf generates a Protobuf IDL from a Go struct, respecting any existing IDL tags on the Go struct."
"Package main defines the protoc-gen-gogo binary we use to generate our proto go files, as well as takes dependencies on the correct gogo/protobuf packages for godeps."
"Package main defines the protoc-gen-gogo binary we use to generate our proto go files, as well as takes dependencies on the correct gogo/protobuf packages for godeps."
"import-boss enforces import restrictions in a given repository."
"import-boss enforces import restrictions in a given repository."
"prerelease-lifecycle-gen is a tool for auto-generating api-status.csv files."
"prerelease-lifecycle-gen is a tool for auto-generating api-status.csv files."
"set-gen is an example usage of gengo."
"set-gen is an example usage of gengo."
"This package is copied from Go library reflect/type.go."
"This package is copied from Go library reflect/type.go."
"This package contains code generation utilities This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"This package contains code generation utilities This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"Package pingdom provides a client interface to the Pingdom API."
"Package pingdom provides a client interface to the Pingdom API."
"The glfw example demonstrates integration of Gio into a foreign windowing and rendering library, in this case GLFW ("
"The glfw example demonstrates integration of Gio into a foreign windowing and rendering library, in this case GLFW ("
"Package fields represents the info fields of the AppInfo struct"
"Package fields represents the info fields of the AppInfo struct"
"Package hdrhistogram provides an implementation of Gil Tene's HDR Histogram data structure."
"Package hdrhistogram provides an implementation of Gil Tene's HDR Histogram data structure."
"Histograms are encoded using the HdrHistogram V2 format which is based on an adapted ZigZag LEB128 encoding where: consecutive zero counters are encoded as a negative number representing the count of consecutive zeros non zero counter values are encoded as a positive number A typical histogram (2 digits precision 1 usec to 1 day range) can be encoded in less than the typical MTU size of 1500 bytes."
"Histograms are encoded using the HdrHistogram V2 format which is based on an adapted ZigZag LEB128 encoding where: consecutive zero counters are encoded as a negative number representing the count of consecutive zeros non zero counter values are encoded as a positive number A typical histogram (2 digits precision 1 usec to 1 day range) can be encoded in less than the typical MTU size of 1500 bytes."
"The log format encodes into a single file, multiple histograms with optional shared meta data."
"The log format encodes into a single file, multiple histograms with optional shared meta data."
"Package dev contains reusable development helpers."
"Package dev contains reusable development helpers."
"Package makefiles contains Makefile includes."
"Package makefiles contains Makefile includes."
"Package scripts contains helper shell scripts."
"Package scripts contains helper shell scripts."
"Package workflows keeps github actions in vendor."
"Package workflows keeps github actions in vendor."
"Package client provides a simple wrapper for building a NetworkServiceMeshClient"
"Package client provides a simple wrapper for building a NetworkServiceMeshClient"
"Package endpoint provides a simple wrapper for building a NetworkServiceServer"
"Package endpoint provides a simple wrapper for building a NetworkServiceServer"
"Package peertracker provides a wrapper for a Nsmgr that tracks connections received from local Clients Its designed to be used in a DevicePlugin to allow us to properly Close connections on re-Allocate"
"Package peertracker provides a wrapper for a Nsmgr that tracks connections received from local Clients Its designed to be used in a DevicePlugin to allow us to properly Close connections on re-Allocate"
"Package nsmgr provides a Network Service Manager (nsmgrServer), but interface and implementation"
"Package nsmgr provides a Network Service Manager (nsmgrServer), but interface and implementation"
"Package nsmgrproxy provides chain of networkservice.NetworkServiceServer chain elements to creating NSMgrProxy"
"Package nsmgrproxy provides chain of networkservice.NetworkServiceServer chain elements to creating NSMgrProxy"
"Package authorize provides authz checks for incoming or returning connections."
"Package authorize provides authz checks for incoming or returning connections."
"Package clientinfo provides a chain element that adds pod, node and cluster names to request"
"Package clientinfo provides a chain element that adds pod, node and cluster names to request"
"Package clienturl contains chain elements allows to connect to remote server by URL from context"
"Package clienturl contains chain elements allows to connect to remote server by URL from context"
"Package connect is intended to allow passthrough style Endpoints to have a server that also connects to a client"
"Package connect is intended to allow passthrough style Endpoints to have a server that also connects to a client"
"Package discover provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that discovers possible NSEs that can provide the requested network service and add them to the context.Context where they can be retrieved by Candidates(ctx)"
"Package discover provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that discovers possible NSEs that can provide the requested network service and add them to the context.Context where they can be retrieved by Candidates(ctx)"
"Package excludedprefixes provides a networkservice.NetworkServiceServer chain element that can read excluded prefixes from config map and add them to request to avoid repeated usage."
"Package excludedprefixes provides a networkservice.NetworkServiceServer chain element that can read excluded prefixes from config map and add them to request to avoid repeated usage."
"Package externalips provides to the context on Request or Close possible to resolve external IP to internal or vise versa"
"Package externalips provides to the context on Request or Close possible to resolve external IP to internal or vise versa"
"Package filtermechanisms filters out remote mechanisms if communicating by remote url filters out local mechanisms otherwise."
"Package filtermechanisms filters out remote mechanisms if communicating by remote url filters out local mechanisms otherwise."
"Package heal provides a chain element that carries out proper nsm healing from client to endpoint"
"Package heal provides a chain element that carries out proper nsm healing from client to endpoint"
"Package interdomainurl provides chain element to putting remote NSMgr URL into context."
"Package interdomainurl provides chain element to putting remote NSMgr URL into context."
"Package interpose provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that tracks local Cross connect Endpoints and call them first their unix file socket as the clienturl.ClientURL(ctx) used to connect to them."
"Package interpose provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that tracks local Cross connect Endpoints and call them first their unix file socket as the clienturl.ClientURL(ctx) used to connect to them."
"Package journal emits IP and PATH related event messages to NATS."
"Package journal emits IP and PATH related event messages to NATS."
"Package localbypass provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that tracks local Endpoints and substitutes their unix file socket as the clienturl.ClientURL(ctx) used to connect to them."
"Package localbypass provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that tracks local Endpoints and substitutes their unix file socket as the clienturl.ClientURL(ctx) used to connect to them."
"Package checkmechanism provides TestSuites for use with implementations of a mechanism networkservice chain element."
"Package checkmechanism provides TestSuites for use with implementations of a mechanism networkservice chain element."
"Package kernel provides the necessary mechanisms to request and inject a kernel interface."
"Package kernel provides the necessary mechanisms to request and inject a kernel interface."
"Package recvfd provides a NetworkService{Client,Server} chain element that looks at Connection.Mechanism.Parameters[common.InodeURL] with scheme 'inode' and receives the fds (if possible) and converts them to scheme file."
"Package recvfd provides a NetworkService{Client,Server} chain element that looks at Connection.Mechanism.Parameters[common.InodeURL] with scheme 'inode' and receives the fds (if possible) and converts them to scheme file."
"Package sendfd provides a NetworkService{Client,Server} chain element that looks at the Connection.Mechanism and Request.MechanismPreferences and if they have the Parameters[common.InodeURL] with scheme 'file' converts them to scheme inode and sends them over the connection as fds if possible."
"Package sendfd provides a NetworkService{Client,Server} chain element that looks at the Connection.Mechanism and Request.MechanismPreferences and if they have the Parameters[common.InodeURL] with scheme 'file' converts them to scheme inode and sends them over the connection as fds if possible."
"Package mechanisms provides a simple shim to allow the attempt to select a mechanism based on the MechanismPreference expressed in the Request."
"Package mechanisms provides a simple shim to allow the attempt to select a mechanism based on the MechanismPreference expressed in the Request."
"Package monitor provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element to provide a monitor server that reflects the connections actually in the NetworkServiceServer"
"Package monitor provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element to provide a monitor server that reflects the connections actually in the NetworkServiceServer"
"Package refresh periodically resends NetworkServiceMesh.Request for an existing connection so that the Endpoint doesn't 'expire' the networkservice."
"Package refresh periodically resends NetworkServiceMesh.Request for an existing connection so that the Endpoint doesn't 'expire' the networkservice."
"Package roundrobin provides a networkservice chain element that round robins among the candidates for providing a requested networkservice"
"Package roundrobin provides a networkservice chain element that round robins among the candidates for providing a requested networkservice"
"Package setextracontext define a chain element to set some extra context values"
"Package setextracontext define a chain element to set some extra context values"
"Package swapip provides chain element to swapping fields of remote mechanisms such as common.SrcIP and common.DstIP from internal to external and vice versa on response."
"Package swapip provides chain element to swapping fields of remote mechanisms such as common.SrcIP and common.DstIP from internal to external and vice versa on response."
"Package timeout provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that times out expired connection"
"Package timeout provides a NetworkServiceServer chain element that times out expired connection"
"Package updatepath provides a chain element that sets the id of an incoming or outgoing request"
"Package updatepath provides a chain element that sets the id of an incoming or outgoing request"
"Package updatetoken provides chain elements to update Connection.Path"
"Package updatetoken provides chain elements to update Connection.Path"
"Package dnscontext provides a dns context specific chain element."
"Package dnscontext provides a dns context specific chain element."
"Package adapters provides adapters to translate between networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}"
"Package adapters provides adapters to translate between networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}"
"Package adapters provides adapters to translate between networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}"
"Package adapters provides adapters to translate between networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}"
"Package chain provides a simple file for creating a networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client} from a 'chain' of networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}s"
"Package chain provides a simple file for creating a networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client} from a 'chain' of networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}s"
"Package eventchannel provides implementations based on event channels of: networkservice.MonitorConnectionClient networkservice.MonitorConnectionServer networkservice.MonitorConnection_MonitorConnectionsClient networkservice.MonitorConnection_MonitorConnectionsServer"
"Package eventchannel provides implementations based on event channels of: networkservice.MonitorConnectionClient networkservice.MonitorConnectionServer networkservice.MonitorConnection_MonitorConnectionsClient networkservice.MonitorConnection_MonitorConnectionsServer"
"Package eventchannel provides API for creating monitoring components via golang channels"
"Package eventchannel provides API for creating monitoring components via golang channels"
"Package next provides a mechanism for chained networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}s to call the next element in the chain."
"Package next provides a mechanism for chained networkservice.NetworkService{Server,Client}s to call the next element in the chain."
"Package tests contains tests for package 'next'"
"Package tests contains tests for package 'next'"
"Package trace provides a wrapper for tracing around a networkservice.NetworkServiceClient"
"Package trace provides a wrapper for tracing around a networkservice.NetworkServiceClient"
"Package point2pointipam provides a simple ipam appropriate for point2pointipam."
"Package point2pointipam provides a simple ipam appropriate for point2pointipam."
"Package checkconnection provides utilities for checking the returned connection from the next element in a chain"
"Package checkconnection provides utilities for checking the returned connection from the next element in a chain"
"Package checkcontext - provides networkservice chain elements for checking the context.Context passed on by the previous chain element"
"Package checkcontext - provides networkservice chain elements for checking the context.Context passed on by the previous chain element"
"Package checkcontextonreturn - provides a NetworkServiceClient chain element for checking the state of the context.Context after the next element in the chain has returned"
"Package checkcontextonreturn - provides a NetworkServiceClient chain element for checking the state of the context.Context after the next element in the chain has returned"
"Package checkerror provides chain elements to check for errors during testing"
"Package checkerror provides chain elements to check for errors during testing"
"Package checkopts - provides tools for checking to make sure that grpc.CallOptions are propagated through a client chain elements"
"Package checkopts - provides tools for checking to make sure that grpc.CallOptions are propagated through a client chain elements"
"Package checkrequest - provides networkservice chain elements to check the request received from the previous element in the chain"
"Package checkrequest - provides networkservice chain elements to check the request received from the previous element in the chain"
"Package injecterror provides networkservice chain elements that simply returns an error."
"Package injecterror provides networkservice chain elements that simply returns an error."
"Package injectopts - injects grpc.CallOptions by appending them to the end of the opts..."
"Package injectopts - injects grpc.CallOptions by appending them to the end of the opts..."
"Package injectpeer is used to inject its peer object into the context if needed."
"Package injectpeer is used to inject its peer object into the context if needed."
"Package null provides simple networkservice chain elements that do nothing by call next and returns what comes back."
"Package null provides simple networkservice chain elements that do nothing by call next and returns what comes back."
"Package memory provides registry chain based on memory chain elements"
"Package memory provides registry chain based on memory chain elements"
"Package proxydns provides default chain for stateless proxy registries based on DNS"
"Package proxydns provides default chain for stateless proxy registries based on DNS"
"Package clienturl contains chain elements allows to connect to remote server by URL from context"
"Package clienturl contains chain elements allows to connect to remote server by URL from context"
"Package connect is intended to allow registry connect to other registries such as proxy registry or floating registry"
"Package connect is intended to allow registry connect to other registries such as proxy registry or floating registry"
"Package dnsresolve provides registry chain elements that can resolve passed Domain to URL"
"Package dnsresolve provides registry chain elements that can resolve passed Domain to URL"
"Package endpointurls provides registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryServer that can be injected in the chain of registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryServer to get an actual set of registry.NetworkServiceEndpoint URLs."
"Package endpointurls provides registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryServer that can be injected in the chain of registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryServer to get an actual set of registry.NetworkServiceEndpoint URLs."
"Package expire provides wrappers for handling resources time expiration"
"Package expire provides wrappers for handling resources time expiration"
"Package interpose provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to Map"
"Package interpose provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to Map"
"Package interpose provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to Map"
"Package interpose provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to Map"
"Package localbypass provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to localbypass.SocketMap"
"Package localbypass provides NetworkServiceRegistryServer that registers local Endpoints and adds them to localbypass.SocketMap"
"Package proxy provides registry chain elements that can put URL to the proxy registry to the context in case of interdomain upstream."
"Package proxy provides registry chain elements that can put URL to the proxy registry to the context in case of interdomain upstream."
"Package querycache adds possible to cache Find queries"
"Package querycache adds possible to cache Find queries"
"Package recvfd provides an NSE registry server chain element that: 1."
"Package recvfd provides an NSE registry server chain element that: 1."
"Package refresh provides registry elements for refreshing resources"
"Package refresh provides registry elements for refreshing resources"
"Package sendfd provides a registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryClient chain element to convert any unix file socket endpoint.URLs into 'inode://${dev}/${ino}' urls and send the fd over the unix file socket."
"Package sendfd provides a registry.NetworkServiceEndpointRegistryClient chain element to convert any unix file socket endpoint.URLs into 'inode://${dev}/${ino}' urls and send the fd over the unix file socket."
"Package setid has registry elements for setting id"
"Package setid has registry elements for setting id"
"Package seturl implements a chain elemenet to set url to registered endpoints."
"Package seturl implements a chain elemenet to set url to registered endpoints."
"Package swap provides registry servers which can swap local information of outgoing ns/nse to interdomain variant and also can update incoming nse information for proxy network service manager."
"Package swap provides registry servers which can swap local information of outgoing ns/nse to interdomain variant and also can update incoming nse information for proxy network service manager."
"Package adapters provide API to converting client to server and vise versa"
"Package adapters provide API to converting client to server and vise versa"
"Package chain provides API to make chains of registry elements"
"Package chain provides API to make chains of registry elements"
"Package next provides a mechanism for chained registry.{Registry,Discovery}{Server,Client}s to call the next element in the chain."
"Package next provides a mechanism for chained registry.{Registry,Discovery}{Server,Client}s to call the next element in the chain."
"Package nextwrap provides adapters to wrap clients with no support to next, to support it."
"Package nextwrap provides adapters to wrap clients with no support to next, to support it."
"Package nextwrap provides adapters to wrap clients with no support to next, to support it."
"Package nextwrap provides adapters to wrap clients with no support to next, to support it."
"Package streamchannel provides find client/servers based on channels"
"Package streamchannel provides find client/servers based on channels"
"Package streamcontext provides API to extend context for find client/server"
"Package streamcontext provides API to extend context for find client/server"
"Package trace provides a wrapper for tracing around a registry.{Registry,Discovery}{Server,Client}"
"Package trace provides a wrapper for tracing around a registry.{Registry,Discovery}{Server,Client}"
"Package memory provides NSM registry chain elements to building memory-based registries"
"Package memory provides NSM registry chain elements to building memory-based registries"
"Package registry provides a simple wrapper for building a Registry"
"Package registry provides a simple wrapper for building a Registry"
"Package checkcontext - provides registry chain elements for checking the context.Context passed on by the previous chain element"
"Package checkcontext - provides registry chain elements for checking the context.Context passed on by the previous chain element"
"Package addressof provides convenient functions for converting implementations of an interface to pointers to implementations of the interface."
"Package addressof provides convenient functions for converting implementations of an interface to pointers to implementations of the interface."
"Package callback - provide GRPC API to perform client callbacks."
"Package callback - provide GRPC API to perform client callbacks."
"Package callback - provide GRPC API to perform client callbacks."
"Package callback - provide GRPC API to perform client callbacks."
"Package cidr provides common functions useful when working with Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)"
"Package cidr provides common functions useful when working with Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)"
"Package clientinfo provides a set of utilities for adding client info to labels map"
"Package clientinfo provides a set of utilities for adding client info to labels map"
"Package clientmap provides a sync.Map for networkservicemesh.NetworkServiceClients and a refcounted sync.Map"
"Package clientmap provides a sync.Map for networkservicemesh.NetworkServiceClients and a refcounted sync.Map"
"Package clienturlctx allows the setting of a client url in the context of the request"
"Package clienturlctx allows the setting of a client url in the context of the request"
"Package debug provides a very simple function that, if executed will replace the executable with dlv running the executable and listening on the port specified by an environment variable."
"Package debug provides a very simple function that, if executed will replace the executable with dlv running the executable and listening on the port specified by an environment variable."
"Package dnscontext provides a DNS specific tools."
"Package dnscontext provides a DNS specific tools."
"Package errctx provides functions for stashing errors in context.Contexts Example of use: serverCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) serverCtx = errctx.WithErr(ctx) go func() { err = server.Serve(listener) if err != nil { select { case <-ctx.Done(): default: errctx.SetErr(serverCtx,err) cancel() } } }() <-serverCtx if err := errctx.Err(serverCtx); err != nil { ..."
"Package errctx provides functions for stashing errors in context.Contexts Example of use: serverCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) serverCtx = errctx.WithErr(ctx) go func() { err = server.Serve(listener) if err != nil { select { case <-ctx.Done(): default: errctx.SetErr(serverCtx,err) cancel() } } }() <-serverCtx if err := errctx.Err(serverCtx); err != nil { ..."
"Package extend allows you to extend a context with values from another context"
"Package extend allows you to extend a context with values from another context"
"Package flags provides utility functions for flags for NSM cmds"
"Package flags provides utility functions for flags for NSM cmds"
"Package fs provides common filesystem functions and utilities"
"Package fs provides common filesystem functions and utilities"
"Package fs provides common filesystem functions and utilities"
"Package fs provides common filesystem functions and utilities"
"Package grpcutils - provides a simple ListenAndServe for grpc"
"Package grpcutils - provides a simple ListenAndServe for grpc"
"Package interdomain provides tools to work with interdomain cases"
"Package interdomain provides tools to work with interdomain cases"
"Package jaeger provides a set of utilities for assisting with using jaeger"
"Package jaeger provides a set of utilities for assisting with using jaeger"
"Package log provides functions for having a *logrus.Entry per Context This allows the for context associative logging"
"Package log provides functions for having a *logrus.Entry per Context This allows the for context associative logging"
"Package mapexecutor provides serialize.Executor with multiple task queues matched by IDs"
"Package mapexecutor provides serialize.Executor with multiple task queues matched by IDs"
"Package matchutils provides utils to match network services and network service endpoints"
"Package matchutils provides utils to match network services and network service endpoints"
"Package opa provides of utilities for using OPA"
"Package opa provides of utilities for using OPA"
"Package prefixpool provides service for prefix managing"
"Package prefixpool provides service for prefix managing"
"Package sandbox provides API for testing NSM chains such as Forwarder, NSC, NSMgrs, Registries, NSE."
"Package sandbox provides API for testing NSM chains such as Forwarder, NSC, NSMgrs, Registries, NSE."
"Package signalctx provides a context which is canceled when an os.Signal is received"
"Package signalctx provides a context which is canceled when an os.Signal is received"
"Package spanhelper provides a set of utilities to assist in working with opentracing spans"
"Package spanhelper provides a set of utilities to assist in working with opentracing spans"
"Package spiffejwt provides a token.GeneratorFunc for spiffe jwt tokens signed by x509vids"
"Package spiffejwt provides a token.GeneratorFunc for spiffe jwt tokens signed by x509vids"
"Package spire provides two simple functions: - Start to start a SpireServer/SpireAgent for local testing - AddEntry to add entries into the spire server"
"Package spire provides two simple functions: - Start to start a SpireServer/SpireAgent for local testing - AddEntry to add entries into the spire server"
"Package stringurl provides sync map like a Go map[string]*url.URL but is safe for concurrent using"
"Package stringurl provides sync map like a Go map[string]*url.URL but is safe for concurrent using"
"Package token provides a simple type for functions that generate tokens"
"Package token provides a simple type for functions that generate tokens"
"Package typeutils provides as simpler helper for getting a type Name from an interface{}"
"Package typeutils provides as simpler helper for getting a type Name from an interface{}"
"You can use the \"packr clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"You can use the \"packr clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"You can use the \"packr2 clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"You can use the \"packr2 clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"默认是mysql +build mysql mariadb"
"默认是mysql +build mysql mariadb"
"支持连接https+grpc共享端口的版本,也支持非证书版 Usage: conn, err := client.NewClientConn(\"localhost:63333\", \"server.crt\", \"\", grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(&rpc.X{Value: \"abc\", Key: \"x\"})) client := rpc.NewHelloServiceClient(conn)"
"支持连接https+grpc共享端口的版本,也支持非证书版 Usage: conn, err := client.NewClientConn(\"localhost:63333\", \"server.crt\", \"\", grpc.WithPerRPCCredentials(&rpc.X{Value: \"abc\", Key: \"x\"})) client := rpc.NewHelloServiceClient(conn)"
"// register service cr := register.NewConsulRegister(fmt.Sprintf(\"%s:%d\", host, consul_port), 15) cr.Register(common.RegisterInfo{ Host: host, Port: port, ServerName: \"HelloService\", UpdateInterval: time.Second})"
"// register service cr := register.NewConsulRegister(fmt.Sprintf(\"%s:%d\", host, consul_port), 15) cr.Register(common.RegisterInfo{ Host: host, Port: port, ServerName: \"HelloService\", UpdateInterval: time.Second})"
"支持https+grpc的共享端口版,不需要ca证书 获取http+grpc,两个服务必须独立端口 Usage: 如果是grpc+https s, err := server.NewServer(hfw.Config.Server, opt...) RegisterHelloServiceServer(s, &HelloServiceImpl{auth: auth.NewAuthWithHTTPS(\"value\")}) 如果是http+grpc s, err := server.NewServer(hfw.Config.Server, opt...) RegisterHelloServiceServer(s, &HelloServiceImpl{auth: auth.NewAuth(\"value\")}) go server.StartServer(s, \":1234\")"
"支持https+grpc的共享端口版,不需要ca证书 获取http+grpc,两个服务必须独立端口 Usage: 如果是grpc+https s, err := server.NewServer(hfw.Config.Server, opt...) RegisterHelloServiceServer(s, &HelloServiceImpl{auth: auth.NewAuthWithHTTPS(\"value\")}) 如果是http+grpc s, err := server.NewServer(hfw.Config.Server, opt...) RegisterHelloServiceServer(s, &HelloServiceImpl{auth: auth.NewAuth(\"value\")}) go server.StartServer(s, \":1234\")"
"kill -INT pid 终止 kill -TERM pid 重启"
"kill -INT pid 终止 kill -TERM pid 重启"
"信号处理 kill -INT pid 终止 kill -TERM pid 重启 需要调用Wg.Add() 需要监听Shutdown通道"
"信号处理 kill -INT pid 终止 kill -TERM pid 重启 需要调用Wg.Add() 需要监听Shutdown通道"
"Package pop wraps the absolutely amazing library."
"Package pop wraps the absolutely amazing library."
"You can use the \"packr clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"You can use the \"packr clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"You can use the \"packr clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"You can use the \"packr clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"You can use the \"packr2 clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"You can use the \"packr2 clean\" command to clean up this, and any other packr generated files."
"Package model reflect pos table schema"
"Package model reflect pos table schema"
"Multitenant autoscaler executable."
"Multitenant autoscaler executable."
"Package roles is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package roles is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package resources is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package resources is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package configmaps is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package configmaps is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package deployments is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package deployments is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package core is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package core is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package webhooks is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package webhooks is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package autoscaling is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package autoscaling is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package certs is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package certs is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package install is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package install is a placeholder that allows us to pull in config files via go mod vendor."
"Package net contains the Activator components that govern Activator's request throttling, routing, and reflect the cluster network state."
"Package net contains the Activator components that govern Activator's request throttling, routing, and reflect the cluster network state."
"Package v1alpha1 contains the Autoscaling v1alpha1 API types."
"Package v1alpha1 contains the Autoscaling v1alpha1 API types."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for ConfigMap objects that pertain to our API objects."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for ConfigMap objects that pertain to our API objects."
"Package max contains functions for calculating the maximum value observed over a sliding window."
"Package max contains functions for calculating the maximum value observed over a sliding window."
"Package bucket provides helper functions for Autoscaler buckets."
"Package bucket provides helper functions for Autoscaler buckets."
"Package config contains the config for the autoscaler."
"Package config contains the config for the autoscaler."
"Package autoscaler calculates the number of pods necessary for the desired level of concurrency per pod."
"Package autoscaler calculates the number of pods necessary for the desired level of concurrency per pod."
"Package statforwarder provides a forwarder which can be used to forward autoscaler statistics to the right Autoscaler pod if Autoscaler is set up with multiple pods and running in Leader Election mode."
"Package statforwarder provides a forwarder which can be used to forward autoscaler statistics to the right Autoscaler pod if Autoscaler is set up with multiple pods and running in Leader Election mode."
"Package statserver provides a WebSocket server which receives autoscaler statistics, typically from queue proxy sidecar containers, and sends them to a channel."
"Package statserver provides a WebSocket server which receives autoscaler statistics, typically from queue proxy sidecar containers, and sends them to a channel."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package Package gc manages garbage collection of old resources."
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package Package gc manages garbage collection of old resources."
"Package queue provides components for the queue-proxy binary."
"Package queue provides components for the queue-proxy binary."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Autoscaling controller depends."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Autoscaling controller depends."
"Package kpa implements a kubernetes controller which tracks revisions and notifies a callback interface."
"Package kpa implements a kubernetes controller which tracks revisions and notifies a callback interface."
"Package resources contains methods for manipulating K8s resources shared between different PA implementations."
"Package resources contains methods for manipulating K8s resources shared between different PA implementations."
"Package names contains methods for manipulating K8s resources' names shared between different PA implementations."
"Package names contains methods for manipulating K8s resources' names shared between different PA implementations."
"Package names contains name generating functions for the pod autoscalers."
"Package names contains name generating functions for the pod autoscalers."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for ConfigMap objects that pertain to our API objects."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for ConfigMap objects that pertain to our API objects."
"Package resources holds simple functions for synthesizing child resources from a Configuration resource and any relevant Configuration controller configuration."
"Package resources holds simple functions for synthesizing child resources from a Configuration resource and any relevant Configuration controller configuration."
"Package reconciler defines implementations of the Reconciler interface defined at"
"Package reconciler defines implementations of the Reconciler interface defined at"
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the DomainMapping controller depends."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the DomainMapping controller depends."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Garbage Collection controller depends."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Garbage Collection controller depends."
"Package labeler holds the logic that applies Route labels to Configurations to implement knative/serving#226."
"Package labeler holds the logic that applies Route labels to Configurations to implement knative/serving#226."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Revision controller depends."
"Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Revision controller depends."
"Package resources holds simple functions for synthesizing child resources from a Revision resource and any relevant Revision controller configuration."
"Package resources holds simple functions for synthesizing child resources from a Revision resource and any relevant Revision controller configuration."
"Package names holds simple functions for synthesizing resource names."
"Package names holds simple functions for synthesizing resource names."
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Route controller depends."
"+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package Package config holds the typed objects that define the schemas for assorted ConfigMap objects on which the Route controller depends."
"Package route implements a kubernetes controller which tracks Route resource and reconcile Ingress as its child resource."
"Package route implements a kubernetes controller which tracks Route resource and reconcile Ingress as its child resource."
"Package domains holds simple functions for generating domains."
"Package domains holds simple functions for generating domains."
"Package resources holds simple functions for synthesizing child resources from a Route resource and any relevant Route controller configuration."
"Package resources holds simple functions for synthesizing child resources from a Route resource and any relevant Route controller configuration."
"Package labels holds simple functions for working with ObjectMeta labels."
"Package labels holds simple functions for working with ObjectMeta labels."
"Package names holds simple functions for synthesizing resource names."
"Package names holds simple functions for synthesizing resource names."
"Package resources holds simple functions for synthesizing child resources from a Service resource and any relevant Service controller configuration."
"Package resources holds simple functions for synthesizing child resources from a Service resource and any relevant Service controller configuration."
"Package names holds simple functions for synthesizing resource names."
"Package names holds simple functions for synthesizing resource names."
"Package resources contains various utilities for dealing with Kubernetes resources."
"Package resources contains various utilities for dealing with Kubernetes resources."
"Package shared contains functions and types that can be used across various versions of conformance tests, e.g."
"Package shared contains functions and types that can be used across various versions of conformance tests, e.g."
"Package v1alpha1 is a placeholder until we add some actual tests here."
"Package v1alpha1 is a placeholder until we add some actual tests here."
"The singlethreaded program"
"The singlethreaded program"
"Package tea provides a framework for building rich terminal user interfaces based on the paradigms of The Elm Architecture."
"Package tea provides a framework for building rich terminal user interfaces based on the paradigms of The Elm Architecture."
"Package env provides functions to incorporate environment variables into set env."
"Package env provides functions to incorporate environment variables into set env."
"Package taints implements utilites for working with taints"
"Package taints implements utilites for working with taints"
"Package generated Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package generated Code generated by go-bindata."
"Package openapi is a collection of libraries for fetching the openapi spec from a Kubernetes server and then indexing the type definitions."
"Package openapi is a collection of libraries for fetching the openapi spec from a Kubernetes server and then indexing the type definitions."
"Package password provides a library for generating high-entropy random password strings via the crypto/rand package."
"Package password provides a library for generating high-entropy random password strings via the crypto/rand package."
"Package directory provides a tool for managing related subspaces."
"Package directory provides a tool for managing related subspaces."
"Package fdb provides an interface to FoundationDB databases (version 2.0 or higher)."
"Package fdb provides an interface to FoundationDB databases (version 2.0 or higher)."
"Package subspace provides a convenient way to use FoundationDB tuples to define namespaces for different categories of data."
"Package subspace provides a convenient way to use FoundationDB tuples to define namespaces for different categories of data."
"Package tuple provides a layer for encoding and decoding multi-element tuples into keys usable by FoundationDB."
"Package tuple provides a layer for encoding and decoding multi-element tuples into keys usable by FoundationDB."
"Package bce defined a set of core data structure and functions for Baidu Cloud API."
"Package bce defined a set of core data structure and functions for Baidu Cloud API."
"Package util implements a set of util functions."
"Package util implements a set of util functions."
"api implements low-level primitives to interact with Exoscale API."
"api implements low-level primitives to interact with Exoscale API."
"v2 implements low-level primitives to interact with Exoscale API V2."
"v2 implements low-level primitives to interact with Exoscale API V2."
"Package v2 provides primitives to interact the openapi HTTP API."
"Package v2 provides primitives to interact the openapi HTTP API."
"Package uuid provides implementations of the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), as specified in RFC-4122 and DCE 1.1."
"Package uuid provides implementations of the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), as specified in RFC-4122 and DCE 1.1."
"Package klog implements logging analogous to the Google-internal C++ INFO/ERROR/V setup."
"Package klog implements logging analogous to the Google-internal C++ INFO/ERROR/V setup."
"Package aksk providers functions for sign http request before request cloud."
"Package aksk providers functions for sign http request before request cloud."
"Package token providers functions for initial http request body before request cloud."
"Package token providers functions for initial http request body before request cloud."
"Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds."
"Package gophercloud provides a multi-vendor interface to OpenStack-compatible clouds."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the Container Infra service, code-named Magnum."
"Package apiversions provides information and interaction with the different API versions for the Container Infra service, code-named Magnum."
"Package clusters contains functionality for working with Magnum Cluster resources."
"Package clusters contains functionality for working with Magnum Cluster resources."
"Package nodegroups provides methods for interacting with the Magnum node group API."
"Package nodegroups provides methods for interacting with the Magnum node group API."
"Package openstack contains resources for the individual OpenStack projects supported in Gophercloud."
"Package openstack contains resources for the individual OpenStack projects supported in Gophercloud."
"Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenants API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tenants provides information and interaction with the tenants API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package trusts enables management of OpenStack Identity Trusts."
"Package trusts enables management of OpenStack Identity Trusts."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package tokens provides information and interaction with the token API resource for the OpenStack Identity service."
"Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources."
"Package stackresources provides operations for working with stack resources."
"Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks."
"Package stacks provides operation for working with Heat stacks."
"Package pagination contains utilities and convenience structs that implement common pagination idioms within OpenStack APIs."
"Package pagination contains utilities and convenience structs that implement common pagination idioms within OpenStack APIs."
"Package testhelper container methods that are useful for writing unit tests."
"Package testhelper container methods that are useful for writing unit tests."
"Code generated for package handlers by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"Code generated for package handlers by go-bindata DO NOT EDIT."
"addgenheader is a simple program that adds a DO NOT EDIT style comment at the top of a file."
"addgenheader is a simple program that adds a DO NOT EDIT style comment at the top of a file."
"Package assert is a testing tool for go."
"Package assert is a testing tool for go."
2020/10/19 00:31:58 failed to parse expected 'package', found 'EOF'
2020/10/19 00:31:58 failed to parse expected 'package', found 'EOF'
"+import \"\""
"+import \"\""
"This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"This package imports things required by build scripts, to force `go mod` to see them as dependencies"
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the API."
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the API."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package apiextensions is the internal version of the API."
"Package apiextensions is the internal version of the API."
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the API."
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the API."
"Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API."
"Package v1beta1 is the v1beta1 version of the API."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"openapi generated definitions."
"openapi generated definitions."
"Package pgconn is a low-level PostgreSQL database driver."
"Package pgconn is a low-level PostgreSQL database driver."
"Package stmtcache is a cache that can be used to implement lazy prepared statements."
"Package stmtcache is a cache that can be used to implement lazy prepared statements."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package v1beta1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package v1beta1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package v1beta1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package v1beta1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package v1alpha1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package v1alpha1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package v1beta1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package v1beta1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated fake clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package contains the scheme of the automatically generated clientset."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"This package has the automatically generated typed clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package fake has the automatically generated clients."
"Package glog implements logging analogous to the Google-internal C++ INFO/ERROR/V setup."
"Package glog implements logging analogous to the Google-internal C++ INFO/ERROR/V setup."
"Package config contains the abstraction of multiple config files"
"Package config contains the abstraction of multiple config files"
"A highly extensible git implementation in pure Go."
"A highly extensible git implementation in pure Go."
"Package revision extracts git revision from string More information about revision :"
"Package revision extracts git revision from string More information about revision :"
"Package commitgraph implements encoding and decoding of commit-graph files."
"Package commitgraph implements encoding and decoding of commit-graph files."
"Package config implements encoding and decoding of git config files."
"Package config implements encoding and decoding of git config files."
"Package gitignore implements matching file system paths to gitignore patterns that can be automatically read from a git repository tree in the order of definition priorities."
"Package gitignore implements matching file system paths to gitignore patterns that can be automatically read from a git repository tree in the order of definition priorities."
"Package idxfile implements encoding and decoding of packfile idx files."
"Package idxfile implements encoding and decoding of packfile idx files."
"Package index implements encoding and decoding of index format files."
"Package index implements encoding and decoding of index format files."
"Package objfile implements encoding and decoding of object files."
"Package objfile implements encoding and decoding of object files."
"Package packfile implements encoding and decoding of packfile format."
"Package packfile implements encoding and decoding of packfile format."
"Package pktline implements reading payloads form pkt-lines and encoding pkt-lines from payloads."
"Package pktline implements reading payloads form pkt-lines and encoding pkt-lines from payloads."
"package plumbing implement the core interfaces and structs used by go-git"
"package plumbing implement the core interfaces and structs used by go-git"
"Package commitgraph provides an interface for efficient traversal over Git commit graph either through the regular object storage, or optionally with the index stored in commit-graph file (Git 2.18+)."
"Package commitgraph provides an interface for efficient traversal over Git commit graph either through the regular object storage, or optionally with the index stored in commit-graph file (Git 2.18+)."
"Package object contains implementations of all Git objects and utility functions to work with them."
"Package object contains implementations of all Git objects and utility functions to work with them."
"Package capability defines the server and client capabilities."
"Package capability defines the server and client capabilities."
"Package sideband implements a sideband mutiplex/demultiplexer"
"Package sideband implements a sideband mutiplex/demultiplexer"
"Package revlist provides support to access the ancestors of commits, in a similar way as the git-rev-list command."
"Package revlist provides support to access the ancestors of commits, in a similar way as the git-rev-list command."
"Package storer defines the interfaces to store objects, references, etc."
"Package storer defines the interfaces to store objects, references, etc."
"Package client contains helper function to deal with the different client protocols."
"Package client contains helper function to deal with the different client protocols."
"Package transport includes the implementation for different transport protocols."
"Package transport includes the implementation for different transport protocols."
"Package file implements the file transport protocol."
"Package file implements the file transport protocol."
"Package git implements the git transport protocol."
"Package git implements the git transport protocol."
"Package http implements the HTTP transport protocol."
"Package http implements the HTTP transport protocol."
"Package common implements the git pack protocol with a pluggable transport."
"Package common implements the git pack protocol with a pluggable transport."
"Package server implements the git server protocol."
"Package server implements the git server protocol."
"Package ssh implements the SSH transport protocol."
"Package ssh implements the SSH transport protocol."
"Package test implements common test suite for different transport implementations."
"Package test implements common test suite for different transport implementations."
"Package test implements common test suite for different transport implementations."
"Package test implements common test suite for different transport implementations."
"Package filesystem is a storage backend base on filesystems"
"Package filesystem is a storage backend base on filesystems"
"Package memory is a storage backend base on memory"
"Package memory is a storage backend base on memory"
"Package transactional is a transactional implementation of git.Storer, it demux the write and read operation of two separate storers, allowing to merge content calling Storage.Commit."
"Package transactional is a transactional implementation of git.Storer, it demux the write and read operation of two separate storers, allowing to merge content calling Storage.Commit."
"Package binary implements sintax-sugar functions on top of the standard library binary package"
"Package binary implements sintax-sugar functions on top of the standard library binary package"
"Package diff implements line oriented diffs, similar to the ancient Unix diff command."
"Package diff implements line oriented diffs, similar to the ancient Unix diff command."
"Package ioutil implements some I/O utility functions."
"Package ioutil implements some I/O utility functions."
"Package merkletrie provides support for n-ary trees that are at the same time Merkle trees and Radix trees (tries)."
"Package merkletrie provides support for n-ary trees that are at the same time Merkle trees and Radix trees (tries)."
"Package fsnoder allows to create merkletrie noders that resemble file systems, from human readable string descriptions."
"Package fsnoder allows to create merkletrie noders that resemble file systems, from human readable string descriptions."
"Package noder provide an interface for defining nodes in a merkletrie, their hashes and their paths (a noders and its ancestors)."
"Package noder provide an interface for defining nodes in a merkletrie, their hashes and their paths (a noders and its ancestors)."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API."
"Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API."
"Package errors contains utilities for admission webhook specific errors"
"Package errors contains utilities for admission webhook specific errors"
"Package mutating delegates admission checks to dynamically configured mutating webhooks."
"Package mutating delegates admission checks to dynamically configured mutating webhooks."
"Package mutating makes calls to mutating webhooks during the admission process."
"Package mutating makes calls to mutating webhooks during the admission process."
"Package namespace defines the utilities that are used by the webhook plugin to decide if a webhook should be applied to an object based on its namespace."
"Package namespace defines the utilities that are used by the webhook plugin to decide if a webhook should be applied to an object based on its namespace."
"Package object defines the utilities that are used by the webhook plugin to decide if a webhook should run, as long as either the old object or the new object has labels matching the webhook config's objectSelector."
"Package object defines the utilities that are used by the webhook plugin to decide if a webhook should run, as long as either the old object or the new object has labels matching the webhook config's objectSelector."
"Package request creates admissionReview request based on admission attributes."
"Package request creates admissionReview request based on admission attributes."
"Package testcerts contains generated key pairs used by the unit tests of mutating and validating webhooks."
"Package testcerts contains generated key pairs used by the unit tests of mutating and validating webhooks."
"Package validating makes calls to validating (i.e., non-mutating) webhooks during the admission process."
"Package validating makes calls to validating (i.e., non-mutating) webhooks during the admission process."
"Package apiserver is the internal version of the API."
"Package apiserver is the internal version of the API."
"Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API."
"Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the experimental API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the API."
"Package v1 is the v1 version of the API."
"package example contains an example API used to demonstrate how to create api groups."
"package example contains an example API used to demonstrate how to create api groups."
"Package install installs the example API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the example API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the example2 API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package install installs the example2 API group, making it available as an option to all of the API encoding/decoding machinery."
"Package v1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"Package v1 is a generated protocol buffer package."
"TODO: Delete this file if we generate a clientset."
"TODO: Delete this file if we generate a clientset."
"Package x509 provides a request authenticator that validates and extracts user information from client certificates"
"Package x509 provides a request authenticator that validates and extracts user information from client certificates"
"Package user contains utilities for dealing with simple user exchange in the auth packages."
"Package user contains utilities for dealing with simple user exchange in the auth packages."
"Package path contains an authorizer that allows certain paths and path prefixes."
"Package path contains an authorizer that allows certain paths and path prefixes."
"Package union implements an authorizer that combines multiple subauthorizer."
"Package union implements an authorizer that combines multiple subauthorizer."
"Package endpoints contains the generic code that provides a RESTful Kubernetes-style API service."
"Package endpoints contains the generic code that provides a RESTful Kubernetes-style API service."
"Package filters contains all the http handler chain filters which _are_ api related, i.e."
"Package filters contains all the http handler chain filters which _are_ api related, i.e."
"Package handlers contains HTTP handlers to implement the apiserver APIs."
"Package handlers contains HTTP handlers to implement the apiserver APIs."
"Package negotiation contains media type negotiation logic."
"Package negotiation contains media type negotiation logic."
"Package responsewriters containers helpers to write responses in HTTP handlers."
"Package responsewriters containers helpers to write responses in HTTP handlers."
"Package request contains everything around extracting info from a http request object."
"Package request contains everything around extracting info from a http request object."
"Package registry contains the generic implementation of the storage and system logic."
"Package registry contains the generic implementation of the storage and system logic."
"Package generic provides a generic object store interface and a generic label/field matching type."
"Package generic provides a generic object store interface and a generic label/field matching type."
"Package etcd has a generic implementation of a registry that stores things in etcd."
"Package etcd has a generic implementation of a registry that stores things in etcd."
"Package rest has generic implementations of resources used for REST responses"
"Package rest has generic implementations of resources used for REST responses"
"Package rest defines common logic around changes to Kubernetes-style resources."
"Package rest defines common logic around changes to Kubernetes-style resources."
"Package server contains the plumbing to create kubernetes-like API server command."
"Package server contains the plumbing to create kubernetes-like API server command."
"Package filters contains all the http handler chain filters which are not api related."
"Package filters contains all the http handler chain filters which are not api related."
"Package healthz implements basic http server health checking."
"Package healthz implements basic http server health checking."
"Package httplog contains a helper object and functions to maintain a log along with an http response."
"Package httplog contains a helper object and functions to maintain a log along with an http response."
"Package mux contains abstractions for http multiplexing of APIs."
"Package mux contains abstractions for http multiplexing of APIs."
"package options is the public flags and options used by a generic api server."
"package options is the public flags and options used by a generic api server."
"Package resourceconfig contains the resource config related helper functions."
"Package resourceconfig contains the resource config related helper functions."
"Package routes holds a collection of optional genericapiserver http handlers."
"Package routes holds a collection of optional genericapiserver http handlers."
"Package storage contains the plumbing to setup the etcd storage of the apiserver."
"Package storage contains the plumbing to setup the etcd storage of the apiserver."
"Interfaces for database-related operations."
"Interfaces for database-related operations."
"Package storage provides conversion of storage errors to API errors."
"Package storage provides conversion of storage errors to API errors."
"Package aes transforms values for storage at rest using AES-GCM."
"Package aes transforms values for storage at rest using AES-GCM."
"Package envelope transforms values for storage at rest using a Envelope provider"
"Package envelope transforms values for storage at rest using a Envelope provider"
"Package envelope transforms values for storage at rest using a Envelope provider"
"Package envelope transforms values for storage at rest using a Envelope provider"
"Package secretbox transforms values for storage at rest using XSalsa20 and Poly1305."
"Package secretbox transforms values for storage at rest using XSalsa20 and Poly1305."
"Package value contains methods for assisting with transformation of values in storage."
"Package value contains methods for assisting with transformation of values in storage."
"Package flushwriter implements a wrapper for a writer that flushes on every write if that writer implements the io.Flusher interface"
"Package flushwriter implements a wrapper for a writer that flushes on every write if that writer implements the io.Flusher interface"
"Package webhook implements a generic HTTP webhook plugin."
"Package webhook implements a generic HTTP webhook plugin."
"Package wsstream contains utilities for streaming content over WebSockets."
"Package wsstream contains utilities for streaming content over WebSockets."
"Package buffered provides an implementation for the audit.Backend interface that batches incoming audit events and sends batches to the delegate audit.Backend."
"Package buffered provides an implementation for the audit.Backend interface that batches incoming audit events and sends batches to the delegate audit.Backend."
"Package audit contains implementations for pkg/audit/AuditBackend interface"
"Package audit contains implementations for pkg/audit/AuditBackend interface"
"Package fake provides a fake audit.Backend interface implementation for testing."
"Package fake provides a fake audit.Backend interface implementation for testing."
"Package truncate provides an implementation for the audit.Backend interface that truncates audit events and sends them to the delegate audit.Backend."
"Package truncate provides an implementation for the audit.Backend interface that truncates audit events and sends them to the delegate audit.Backend."
"Package webhook implements the audit.Backend interface using HTTP webhooks."
"Package webhook implements the audit.Backend interface using HTTP webhooks."
"Package authenticator contains implementations for pkg/auth/authenticator interfaces"
"Package authenticator contains implementations for pkg/auth/authenticator interfaces"
"Package password contains authenticator.Password implementations"
"Package password contains authenticator.Password implementations"
"oidc implements the authenticator.Token interface using the OpenID Connect protocol."
"oidc implements the authenticator.Token interface using the OpenID Connect protocol."
"Package webhook implements the authenticator.Token interface using HTTP webhooks."
"Package webhook implements the authenticator.Token interface using HTTP webhooks."
"Package webhook implements the authorizer.Authorizer interface using HTTP webhooks."
"Package webhook implements the authorizer.Authorizer interface using HTTP webhooks."
"Package mock_agent is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_agent is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_executor is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_executor is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_lite is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_lite is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_monitor is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_monitor is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_peermgr is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_peermgr is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_router is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_router is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_syncer is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_syncer is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_txcrypto is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_txcrypto is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_client is a generated GoMock package."
"Package mock_client is a generated GoMock package."
"Package build implements the logic for executing a single user build."
"Package build implements the logic for executing a single user build."
"Package common shares methods for local builder."
"Package common shares methods for local builder."
"Package config provides methods to read a cloudbuild file and convert it to a build proto."
"Package config provides methods to read a cloudbuild file and convert it to a build proto."
"Package gcloud provides methods to interact with local installed gcloud."
"Package gcloud provides methods to interact with local installed gcloud."
"Package gsutil provides helper functions for running gsutil commands with Docker."
"Package gsutil provides helper functions for running gsutil commands with Docker."
"Package main runs the gcb local builder."
"Package main runs the gcb local builder."
"Package logger defines a Logger interface to be used by local builder."
"Package logger defines a Logger interface to be used by local builder."
"Package metadata provides methods to deal with a metadata container server."
"Package metadata provides methods to deal with a metadata container server."
"Package runner implements method to run commands."
"Package runner implements method to run commands."
"Package subst does string substituion in build fields."
"Package subst does string substituion in build fields."
"Package validate provides methods to validate a build."
"Package validate provides methods to validate a build."
"Package volume provides methods to deal with docker volumes."
"Package volume provides methods to deal with docker volumes."
"Package sonyflake implements Sonyflake, a distributed unique ID generator inspired by Twitter's Snowflake."
"Package sonyflake implements Sonyflake, a distributed unique ID generator inspired by Twitter's Snowflake."
"Package dnsutil contains higher-level methods useful with the dns package."
"Package dnsutil contains higher-level methods useful with the dns package."
"Package dns implements a full featured interface to the Domain Name System."
"Package dns implements a full featured interface to the Domain Name System."
"types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate."
"types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate."
"msg_generate.go is meant to run with go generate."
"msg_generate.go is meant to run with go generate."
"types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate."
"types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate."
"Package handlers contain extra handlers that add features to an IRC client that are not always necessary."
"Package handlers contain extra handlers that add features to an IRC client that are not always necessary."
"Demo code for the Box primitive."
"Demo code for the Box primitive."
"Demo code for the Button primitive."
"Demo code for the Button primitive."
"Demo code for the Checkbox primitive."
"Demo code for the Checkbox primitive."
"Demo code for the DropDown primitive."
"Demo code for the DropDown primitive."
"Demo code for the Flex primitive."
"Demo code for the Flex primitive."
"Demo code for the Form primitive."
"Demo code for the Form primitive."
"Demo code for the Frame primitive."
"Demo code for the Frame primitive."
"Demo code for the Grid primitive."
"Demo code for the Grid primitive."
"Demo code for the InputField primitive."
"Demo code for the InputField primitive."
"Demo code for the List primitive."
"Demo code for the List primitive."
"Demo code
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