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Created November 14, 2023 16:13
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<teleport to="#modals">
<transition name="modal">
<div v-if="isOpen" class="modal-backdrop" :style="styleBackdrop" @click.stop.self="closeOnBackdrop">
<focus-trap v-model:active="isActiveFocusTrap" :escape-deactivates="false">
<div v-loading="loading" class="modal" :style="styleModal">
<slot :open="openModal" :close="closeModal"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { FocusTrap } from 'focus-trap-vue';
import PButton from '../PButton/PButton.vue';
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'PModal',
components: {
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { isNumericString } from '@/shared/model/utils';
import { computed, onBeforeUnmount, onMounted } from 'vue';
import { useVModel } from '@vueuse/core';
interface Props {
modelValue?: boolean;
width?: number | string;
closedOnBackdrop?: boolean;
closedOnEscape?: boolean;
visibleCloseButton?: boolean;
backdropBgColor?: string;
loading?: boolean;
focusTrap?: boolean;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
width: 380,
closedOnBackdrop: true,
closedOnEscape: true,
visibleCloseButton: true,
backdropBgColor: 'rgba(19, 19, 19, 0.52)',
focusTrap: true
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'update:modelValue', data: boolean): void;
const isOpen = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emit, { defaultValue: false });
const openModal = () => {
isOpen.value = true;
const closeModal = () => {
isOpen.value = false;
const styleBackdrop = computed(() => {
return {
'background-color': props.backdropBgColor
const styleModal = computed(() => {
if (typeof props.width === 'number' || isNumericString(props.width)) {
return `width: ${props.width}px`;
} else {
return `width: ${props.width}`;
const closeOnBackdrop = () => {
if (props.closedOnBackdrop) {
isOpen.value = false;
const escapeHandler = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (!props.closedOnEscape) return;
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
isOpen.value = false;
const isActiveFocusTrap = computed<boolean>(() => props.focusTrap && isOpen.value);
onMounted(() => {
document.addEventListener('keydown', escapeHandler, false);
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', escapeHandler, false);
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.modal-leave-active {
transition: all 0.3s;
transform: initial;
transform-origin: center;
.modal-leave-to {
opacity: 0;
transform: scale(1.1);
.modal-backdrop:not(:root):not([hidden]) {
position: fixed;
z-index: var(--z-index-modal-backdrop);
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100% !important;
height: 100% !important;
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 5rem !important;
display: grid;
place-items: center;
overscroll-behavior: contain;
overflow: auto;
border-radius: 0;
&::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0;
.modal {
position: relative;
display: grid;
grid-gap: 3rem;
padding: 3.2rem 4rem 3.2rem 3.2rem;
background-color: var(--white);
border-radius: var(--border-radius-16);
box-shadow: var(--shadow-card-dark);
transition: all 0.4s;
transform: translateX(0);
.modal {
position: relative;
padding: 3.2rem 4.4rem 3.2rem 3.2rem;
display: grid;
grid-gap: 3rem;
.modal-body {
display: grid;
grid-gap: 2rem;
.modal-close {
position: absolute;
right: 1.8rem;
top: 2rem;
width: 2.4rem;
height: 2.4rem;
color: var(--text-color-light);
&:hover {
color: var(--text-color);
&:not(:focus-visible) {
outline: none;
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