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Created February 7, 2024 21:07
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import Data.List (foldl', tails)
import Data.Map.Internal.Debug
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
data TrieValue v
= TrieValue
{ next :: Trie v
, value :: v
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup v => Semigroup (TrieValue v) where
TrieValue n1 tv1 <> TrieValue n2 tv2 =
TrieValue (n1 <> n2) (tv1 <> tv2)
-- | suffix tree, a trie populated with suffixes
newtype Trie v = Trie (M.Map Char (TrieValue v))
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Monoid k => Monoid (Trie k) where
mempty = empty
instance Semigroup k => Semigroup (Trie k) where
Trie m <> Trie n = Trie (m <> n)
empty :: Trie v
empty = Trie mempty
fromList :: Monoid v => [(v, String)] -> Trie v
fromList xs = foldr insertWithTails empty xs
insertWithTails (k,v) m =
foldr (Main.insert k) m (tails v)
fromList_ :: String -> Trie ()
fromList_ vs = foldr (Main.insert ()) mempty (tails vs)
:: Monoid v
=> v
-> String
-> Trie v
-> Trie v
insert _ [] t = t
insert v (x:xs) (Trie m) =
case M.lookup x m of
Nothing ->
Trie (M.insertWith (<>) x
(TrieValue (insert v xs mempty) v) m)
Just n ->
Trie (M.insertWith (<>) x
(TrieValue (insert v xs (next n)) v) m)
search :: Monoid v => String -> Trie v -> v
search [] _ = mempty
search xs m = go xs m
go [x] (Trie n) =
case M.lookup x n of
Nothing -> mempty
Just g -> value g
go (x:xs) (Trie n) =
case M.lookup x n of
Nothing -> mempty
Just g -> go xs (next g)
size :: Trie v -> Int
size (Trie m) =
case M.size m of
0 -> 0
n -> n + sum (size . next <$> M.elems m)
deleteById key (Trie m) = Trie $
[ (c, TrieValue (deleteById key n) (S.delete key keys))
| (c, TrieValue n keys) <- M.toList m
, S.singleton key /= keys
main :: IO ()
main = do
let things =
[ ( S.singleton 1
, "eat"
( S.singleton 2
, "drink"
( S.singleton 3
, "sleep"
( S.singleton 4
, "yay"
( S.singleton 5
, "foo"
let ts = fromList things
print $ search "e" ts
print $ search "s" ts
print $ search "ink" ts
print $ search "eat" ts
print $ search "a" ts
print $ search "at" (deleteById 4 ts)
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