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Last active February 14, 2018 00:42
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(defrecord Person [name employees]) ;; Defines a Person product type.
;; Fields are accessed via (:name person) (:employees :person)
(defn employees-list
"Returns a list of all people directly or indirectly employed by 'person'."
(apply concat ;; (apply f x1 ... xn [y1 ... yn]) => (apply f x1 ... xn y1 ... yn)
[(:name person)] ;; a single-element vector containing the name of 'person'
(map employees-list (:employees person))))
(defn lazy-primes
(lazy-primes (drop 2 (range))
([[x & xs] primes]
(lazy-seq ;; (lazy-seq & body) => body is evaluated once and memoized. returns a lazy sequence.
(if (some (fn [p] (= 0 (mod x p)))
(lazy-primes xs primes)
(cons x
(lazy-primes xs (conj primes x)))))))
(def the-primes (lazy-primes))
(take 10 the-primes) ;; => (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29)
;; This actually evaluates 32 elements of 'the-primes' and caches them.
;; also, it turns out we can "short-circuit" the strict evaluation of Clojure's 'reduce'(fold) function
;; to allow folding inifinite lists. However, we cannot build a new infinite list in this way.
(defn primes
"Returns a list of primes up to n."
(reduce (fn [primes x]
(cond (= n (count primes)) ;; count is O(1) for vectors
(reduced primes) ;; stops the fold and returns primes. Needed because clojure 'reduce'
;; is strict.
(some (fn [p] (= 0 (mod x p)))
primes) ;; (some pred s) returns true if pred is true for any element of s
:default (conj primes x))) ;; (conj [x1 ... xn] y) => [x1 ... xn y]
[] ;; initial value, the empty vector
(drop 2 (range)))) ;; (range) creates an infinite lazy sequence (0, 1, 2, ...)
;; The dropping 2 transforms this sequence into (2, 3, 4, ...)
(primes 10) ;; => [2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29]
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