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TextEdit margin setting
-- Based on
-- This version is in English with English (inch) units
-- Original was in Japanese with Metric units
set margin to input_margin()
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
set text of front document to my rtf_setting(margin)
set tmp_path to (path to temporary items as text) & "rtf_margin_setting.scpt.rtf"
set doc_name to "Margin " & my in_text(margin) & ".rtf"
close front document saving yes saving in tmp_path
open file (tmp_path)
set name of front document to doc_name
end tell
on input_margin()
set margin to false
repeat until margin
set my text item delimiters to {",", " "}
"Page margins(T,B,L,R) in inches:
" & "
" & "Examples:
" & " 0.5 → T,B,L,R=0.5in;
" & " 1,0.5 → T,B=1in; L,R=0.5in;
" & " 1,0.75,0.5,0.5 → T=1in, B=0.5in, L,R=0.75in;
" & "
" & "Add '+ ' before T,B to ensure room for header & footer: '+ 5,+ 20,10,5,0'"
display dialog result default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2 with icon note
set margin to result's text returned's text items
set my text item delimiters to ""
if margin's number = 1 then
twip(margin's item 1, margin's item 1, margin's item 1, margin's item 1) & {margin}
else if margin's number = 2 then
twip(margin's item 1, margin's item 1, margin's item 2, margin's item 2) & {margin}
else if margin's number = 4 then
twip(margin's item 1, margin's item 2, margin's item 3, margin's item 4) & {margin}
set margin to false
end if
end repeat
end input_margin
on rtf_setting(margin)
set rtf1 to "{\\rtf1\\mac\\ansicpg10001\\cocoartf824\\cocoasubrtf470" & return
set end_rtf1 to "}"
set paperw to {"\\paperw", 10800} --7.5in--US Letter
set paperh to {"\\paperh", 15840} --11in--US Letter
set margl to {"\\margl", margin's item 3}
set margr to {"\\margr", margin's item 4}
set margt to {"\\margt", margin's item 1}
set margb to {"\\margb", margin's item 2}
set vieww to {"\\vieww", 999999}
set viewh to {"\\viewh", 999999}
set viewkind to {"\\viewkind", 1}
set viewscale to {"\\viewscale", 100}
set page_setting to paperw & paperh & margl & margr & margt & margb & vieww & viewh & viewkind & viewscale & return as text
rtf1 & page_setting & end_rtf1
end rtf_setting
on in_text(margin)
join {margin's item 5, "_"}
end in_text
on twip(t, b, l, r)
set twip_margin to {twip_form(t), twip_form(b), twip_form(l), twip_form(r)}
if t's item 1 is "+" and twip_margin's item 1 < 576 then set twip_margin's item 1 to 576
if b's item 1 is "+" and twip_margin's item 2 < 288 then set twip_margin's item 2 to 288
end twip
on twip_form(inch)
round (inch as number) * 1440
end twip_form
on join {sourceList, delimiter}
set oldDelimiters to my text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delimiter}
set theText to sourceList as text
set my text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
return theText
end join
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