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Created August 9, 2016 17:38
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require 'json'
require 'jwt'
require 'typhoeus'
service_account_data_file_name = ARGV.shift
if not service_account_data_file_name
STDERR.puts "Specify service account file"
exit 1
sa_data = JSON.parse(
private_key = sa_data["private_key"]
issue_time ="%s").to_i
expiration_time = issue_time + 3600
scopes = [
payload = {
:iss => sa_data["client_email"],
:scope => scopes.join(" "),
:aud => "",
:exp => expiration_time,
:iat => issue_time
assertion = JWT.encode payload, private_key, 'RS256'
response ="", body: {
grant_type: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
assertion: assertion
if response.code != 200
STDERR.puts "Token request failed:"
STDERR.puts response.body
exit 1
token = JSON.parse(response.body)["access_token"]
puts token
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