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Created February 14, 2013 07:33
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A Verilog module for a simple divider
// Written by Gandhi Puvvada Date: 7/17/98, 2/15/2008, 10/13/08, 2/21/2010
// File name: divider_combined_cu_dpu.v
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is an improvement over divider.v
// We combined the two separate case statements in the divider.v
// into one single case statement.
// Notice the following lines added because of this combining
// X <= 4'bXXXX; // to avoid recirculating mux controlled by Reset
// Y <= 4'bXXXX; // to avoid recirculating mux controlled by Reset
// Quotient <= 4'bXXXX; // to avoid recirculating mux controlled by Reset
// We kept the module name same ("divider") as in divider.
// So, between divider.v and divider_combined_cu_dpu.v, the file, which was
// mostly recently compiled in modelsim, will define the behavior of
// the compiled module divider in modelsim (if you are simulating the testbench
// in a stand-alone modelsim simulation. In the Xilinx ISE, you need to add either
// the file (divider_combined_cu_dpu.v) or the other file (divider.v).
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
module divider (Xin, Yin, Start, Ack, Clk, Reset,
Done, Quotient, Remainder, Qi, Qc, Qd);
input [3:0] Xin, Yin; // dividend and divisor, respectively
input Start, Ack, Clk, Reset;
output Done;
output [3:0] Quotient, Remainder;
output Qi, Qc, Qd;
reg [3:0] Quotient; // Remainder is a wire by default
reg [3:0] X, Y;
reg [2:0] state;
localparam // the 3 states in the state machine, one-hot coded
INITIAL = 3'b001,
COMPUTE = 3'b010,
DONE_S = 3'b100;
assign {Qd, Qc, Qi} = state; // so the Q values represent the state. They're just state bits.
always @(posedge Clk, posedge Reset)
begin : CU_n_DU // combined CU and DPU
if (Reset)
state <= INITIAL;
X <= 4'bXXXX; // to avoid recirculating mux controlled by Reset
Y <= 4'bXXXX; // to avoid recirculating mux controlled by Reset
Quotient <= 4'bXXXX; // to avoid recirculating mux controlled by Reset
(* full_case, parallel_case *)
case (state)
// state transitions in the control unit
if (Start)
state <= COMPUTE;
// RTL operations in the Data Path
X <= Xin;
Y <= Yin;
Quotient <= 0;
// state transitions in the control unit
if (X < Y)
state <= DONE_S;
// RTL operations in the Data Path
if (X>Y)//(!(X < Y))
X <= X - Y;
Quotient <= Quotient + 1;
// state transitions in the control unit
if (Ack)
state <= INITIAL;
// RTL operations in the Data Path
// In DONE_S state, there are no RTL operations in the Data Path
assign Remainder = X;
assign Done = (state == DONE_S) ;
endmodule // divider
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