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Last active July 10, 2022 19:50
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SuperCollider pseudo-object cheatsheet
|-- Set
|-- Dictionary
|-- IdentityDictionary
|-- Environment
|-- Event/"PseudoObject"
// Define a pseudo-object
~obj = (
prop1: "prop1",
method1: {arg self; self.prop1.postln;}
// get/set a property
// with dot notation
// at notation
// Execute a method with dot notation.
// The object is passed as first argument
// to method function
~obj.method1(); //> prop1
// NOTE: It is not possible to reference a method
// without executing
~obj.method1; //> prop1
// However, you can reference a method as a function
// without executing it using at notation
~obj[\method1]; //> a Function
// execute method as function
// with at notation
~obj[\method1].value(~obj).value; //> prop1
// execute function as method
var func = {arg self; self.prop1.postln;};
func.applyTo(~obj); //> prop1
Prototype Inheritance
// use proto to set base object
var obj1 = (
proto: ~obj
// obj1 inherits ~obj methods and properties
obj1.method1(); //> prop1
obj1.prop1.postln; //> prop1
// override
obj1.prop1 = "overriden prop1";
obj1.prop1.postln; //> overriden prop1
obj1.method1(); //> overriden prop1
// base object remains unchanged
~obj.prop1; //> prop1
// NOTE: it is not possible to override the methods
// defined by or inherited by Event
// Subclass inherits changes to prototype
~obj.prop2 = "prop2";
// property changed in prototype does not change
// in subclass with override
~obj.prop1 = "new value";
obj1.prop1.postln; //> overriden prop1
// Method/function overrides are not supported
// However, you can evaluate the type
// of the method arguments and handle accordingly
var func = {arg parms;
if (parms.isKindOf(Function)) {
if (parms.isKindOf(Event)) {
parms.keysValuesDo({arg key, value;
(key ++ "=" ++ value).postln;
func.value ( { "arg is function".postln; } ); //> arg is function
func.value( ("a": "b") ); //> a=b
// It's not possible to define private members
// on a pseudo-object. However, variable retain
// the scope in which they were created in.
var localVariable = "hello";
~obj2 = (
getLocalVariable: {
~obj2.getLocalVariable(); //> hello;
// The following will cause an error
// localVariable.postln; //> Variable 'localVariable' not defined.
~obj.class.postln; //> Event
~obj.isKindOf(Event); //> true
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