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Last active January 26, 2023 10:26
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Snippet for @input @output as Observable for Angular (VSCode Cmd+P > Snippets: Configure User Snippets)
"@Input Observable for Angular": {
"prefix": "in$",
"description": "Create an Observable @Input",
"body": [
"#${1:prop} = new BehaviorSubject<${2:type}|undefined>(undefined);",
"protected ${1:prop}\\$ = this.#${1:prop}.pipe(filter(p=>p!==undefined));",
"@Input() set ${1:prop}(value: ${2:type}) {",
"\t$0//if (value!==this.${1:prop}) //eventual validation logic",
"get ${1:prop}(): ${2:type}|undefined {",
"\treturn this.#${1:prop}.getValue();",
"@Output Observable for Angular [(two-way)] ": {
"prefix": "out$",
"description": "Create an Observable @Output for [(two-way)]",
"body": ["@Output() ${1:prop}Change=this.${1:prop}\\$.pipe(distinctUntilChanged());$0"]
"[(two-way)] Observable for Angular": {
"prefix": "two$",
"description": "Create @Input+@Output Observable for [(two-way)]",
"body": [
"#${1:prop} = new BehaviorSubject<${2:type}|undefined>(undefined);",
"protected ${1:prop}\\$ = this.#${1:prop}.asObservable().pipe(filter(p=>p!==undefined));",
"@Input() set ${1:prop}(value: ${2:type}) {",
"get ${1:prop}(): ${2:type}|undefined {",
"\treturn this.#${1:prop}.getValue();",
"@Output() ${1:prop}Change=this.${1:prop}\\$.pipe(distinctUntilChanged());$0"
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