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Created September 17, 2022 06:35
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Dynamic Terminal Commands
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# %% [markdown]
# <h1>Dynamic Terminal Commands</h1>
# <p>Version: 0.1.0 (2022.09.17)</p>
# %%
# imports
import os
# %%
# Get current working directory
cwd_filepath_str: str = os.getcwd()
# %%
# Get list of files in cwd_filepath_str
cwd_files_lst = os.listdir(cwd_filepath_str)
# %% [markdown]
# <p>Algorithm: a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer. Synonyms would be process, procedure, or logic.</p>
# %%
# Define filter algorithm; return {'appName': ['dependency1', 'dependency2', 'etc..']}
def filter_dependencies(files_lst: list):
Filter MSIX dependencies & installer from from a list of files
:param files_lst: list of strings of fully qualified file names
:return: dict of schema {'appName': ['dependency1', 'dependency2', 'etc..']}
appxpackage_name_lst, dependencies_lst = list(), list() # initialize vars
for file_str in files_lst: # iterate through list; lst -> str0, str1, str2, etc.
file_str = file_str.lower() # standardize search queries
if '.msix' in file_str:
if 'microsoft' in file_str:
# All dependencies contain 'microsoft' in file name
# No ELSE for '.msix' check because disregard non-msix files
if len(appxpackage_name_lst) > 1:
raise Exception('[ERROR] More than one application name')
return dict({str(appxpackage_name_lst[0]): dependencies_lst})
# %%
# Define scribe algorithm; return string of terminal command
def scribe_terminal_command(appx_name_str: str, dependencies_lst: list, filepath_str: str):
Scribe and return terminal command string
:param appx_name_str:
:param dependencies_lst:
:param filepath_str:
:return string of terminal command
if appx_name_str == '': # If no application name, there is a critical error.
raise Exception('[ERROR] Appx_name_str blank!')
s = f'Add-AppxPackage -Path "{filepath_str}\{appx_name_str}" '
for dependency_str in dependencies_lst:
s += f'-DependencyPath "{filepath_str}\{dependency_str}" '
return str(s)
# %%
# Call filter_dependencies function and inspect results
dependencies_dict = filter_dependencies(cwd_files_lst)
# %%
# Call scribe_terminal_command and inspects results
appx_name_str = str(list(dependencies_dict.keys())[0]) # Python typecasting is weird
dependencies_lst = list(dependencies_dict.values())[0] # Python typecasting is weird
terminal_str = scribe_terminal_command(appx_name_str, dependencies_lst, cwd_filepath_str)
# %% [markdown]
# <h2>Final Remarks</h2>
# <p>This explanation was designed to illustrate how this may be approached. This is not an end-all be-all solution. If this is a repetitive task, you may want to create a directories list and then iterate through that list. In the iteration cycle, execute the commands listed above for repetition.</p>
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