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Created January 20, 2012 12:20
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Save dmoser/1647145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
%w[rubygems sinatra haml].each{ |gem| require gem }
get('/'){ haml :index }
get('/bio'){ haml :bio }
get('/shows'){ haml :shows }
get('/music'){ haml :music }
get('/video'){ haml :video }
get('/comic'){ haml :comic }
get('/newsletter'){ haml :newsletter}
"#music".onClick(function(event) {
"#comic".onClick(function(event) {
"#video".onClick(function(event) {
"#bio".onClick(function(event) {
"#shows".onClick(function(event) {
Xhr.Options.spinner = 'spinner';
%a{:href => "/", :id => "home"} Exploding Cigars
/ These guys are ugly as hell
Retro Lounge Rock with a Sex Filter
%a{:href => "/music", :id => "music"} Music
/ Only go to a show if you want to dance with yourself alone
%a{:href => "/shows", :id => "shows"} Shows
/ I can't wait until we can change the bio to read, "All band members died today"
%a{:href => "/bio", :id => "bio"} Biography
%a{:href => "/video", :id => "video"} Video
%a{:href => "/comic", :id => "comic"} Comic
%audio{:autobuffer => "", :controls => "", :src => ""}
%a{:href => "", :target => "_blank"} Twitter
%a{:href => "", :target => "_blank"} Facebook
%a{:href => "", :target => "_blank"} Tumblr
!!! 5
%title Exploding Cigars Website
%meta{:content => "Retro Lounge Rock with a Sex Filter. Band from St. Louis, Missouri", :name => "description"}
%meta{:content => "Exploding Cigars, LLC", :name => "author"}
%link{:href => "/favicon.ico", :rel => "shortcut icon"}
%link{:href => "/apple-touch-icon.png", :rel => "apple-touch-icon"}
%link{:href => "css/styles.css?v=1.0", :rel => "stylesheet"}
/ ... System Boot: Ready
/ Start *****
/ I am an artificial program written by the Mad Scientist
= yield
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