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Last active July 31, 2016 18:14
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Katy Playlist Creator - Coder Radio Challenge for Episode #215
version: '2'
build: .
- .:/app
FROM haskell
MAINTAINER /u/dmp1ce
# Install requirements for katy_playlist.hs
RUN cabal update && cabal install hoauth2
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
Coder Radio Challenge for Episode #215
Run with Docker Compose: ./start.bash
Run without Docker: ./katy_playlist.hs
- runhaskell
- hoauth2
This program will prompt the user to authenticate with Google by copy and pasting the
authentication URI into a web browser. The user also needs post the OAuth2 authentication
code back into this program.
After authenticating with Google, the program will create a private playlist
and then continue to add several videos.
This code is mostly lifted from the hoauth2 example here:
Modification were made to allow for JSON request body posts.
The Data.Aeson library handles JSON encoding and decoding. JSON is derived from Haskell types.
The OAuth2 functions are handled by the Network.HTTP and Network.Oauth.Oauth2 libaries.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Network.OAuth.OAuth2
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BL
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HTA
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Aeson.TH (defaultOptions, deriveJSON)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Aeson (encode, toJSON, Value, FromJSON)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
data Token = Token { issued_to :: Text
, audience :: Text
, user_id :: Maybe Text
, scope :: Text
, expires_in :: Integer
, access_type :: Text
} deriving (Show)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Token)
-- YouTube Types which encode and decode JSON
data YouTubeResourceId = YtResourceId { kind :: Text
, videoId :: Text
} deriving (Show)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''YouTubeResourceId)
data YouTubeSnippet = YtSnippet { title :: Maybe Text
, playlistId :: Maybe Text
, resourceId :: Maybe YouTubeResourceId
} deriving (Show)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''YouTubeSnippet)
defaultYtSnippet = YtSnippet Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- Only care about the 'id' value from Response
data YouTubePlaylistResponse = YtPlResponse { id :: Text } deriving (Show)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''YouTubePlaylistResponse)
data YouTubeRequest = YtRequest { snippet :: YouTubeSnippet } deriving (Show)
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''YouTubeRequest)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "You will be prompted to authenticate with Google so that a fabulous \
\Katy Perry playlist can be created on your YouTube account. You can \
\press CTRL-C to stop at any time.\n\n\
\Do you want to continue? (y\\n)"
c <- getLine
if c == "n" then putStrLn "Good-bye" else do
mgr <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
BS.putStrLn $ authorizationUrl googleKey `appendQueryParam` googleScopeYouTube
putStrLn "Visit the url and paste code here: "
code <- fmap BS.pack getLine
(Right token) <- fetchAccessToken mgr googleKey code
validateToken mgr token -- Normally validateToken result should be checked for exception
-- Create playlist
putStrLn "Creating playlist ..."
(Right plRes) <- (ytCreatePlaylist mgr token "Katy Perry" :: IO (OAuth2Result YouTubePlaylistResponse))
-- Add items to playlist
putStrLn "Adding items..."
--mapM (ytCreatePlaylistItem mgr token ( plRes))
mapM (addItemsWithUserFeedback $ ytCreatePlaylistItem mgr token ( plRes))
[ ("0KSOMA3QBU0","Dark Horse")
, ("CevxZvSJLk8","Roar")
, ("7RMQksXpQSk","This is How We Do")
, ("98WtmW-lfeE","Teenage Dream")
, ("KlyXNRrsk4A","Last Friday Night")
, ("IjRqh9iJ0yM","International Smile")
, ("XjwZAa2EjKA","Unconditionally")
putStrLn "You should now be able to see the new playlist at:"
putStrLn $ "" ++ unpack ( plRes)
putStrLn "Enjoy!"
addItemsWithUserFeedback f (videoId, videoName) = do
putStrLn (" -> " ++ videoName)
f videoId
-- | oauthCallback = Just ""
googleKey :: OAuth2
googleKey = OAuth2 { oauthClientId = ""
, oauthClientSecret = "onPYgzEHwwQairpO_ndoQKII"
, oauthCallback = Just "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
, oauthOAuthorizeEndpoint = ""
, oauthAccessTokenEndpoint = ""
-- | Ask for access to youtube api
googleScopeYouTube :: QueryParams
googleScopeYouTube = [("scope", "")]
-- | Token Validation
validateToken :: Manager
-> AccessToken
-> IO (OAuth2Result BL.ByteString)
validateToken mgr token =
authGetBS' mgr token url
where url = ""
-- | Playlist requests
ytPlaylists :: Manager
-> AccessToken
-> IO (OAuth2Result BL.ByteString)
ytPlaylists mgr token = authGetBS mgr token $
appendQueryParam ""
[ ("part","contentDetails")
, ("mine","true")
ytCreatePlaylist :: FromJSON a
=> Manager
-> AccessToken
-> Text -- Playlist title
-> IO (OAuth2Result a)
ytCreatePlaylist mgr token title = ytAuthPostJSON mgr token
(appendQueryParam ""
[ ("part","snippet")]) -- URI Params and Full URI
(toJSON $ YtRequest $ defaultYtSnippet { title = Just title }) -- PostBody as JSON
ytCreatePlaylistItem :: Manager
-> AccessToken
-> Text -- Playlist id
-> Text -- Video id
-> IO (OAuth2Result BL.ByteString)
ytCreatePlaylistItem mgr token pl video = ytAuthPostBS mgr token
(appendQueryParam ""
[ ("part","snippet")]) -- URI Params and Full URI
(toJSON $ YtRequest $
defaultYtSnippet { playlistId = Just pl
, resourceId = Just (YtResourceId "youtube#video" video)
-- Create new authPostBS which sets Content-Type correctly for YouTube
-- | Conduct POST request.
ytAuthPostBS :: Manager -- ^ HTTP connection manager.
-> AccessToken
-> URI -- ^ URL
-> Value
-> IO (OAuth2Result BL.ByteString) -- ^ Response as ByteString
ytAuthPostBS manager token url json = do
req <- parseUrlThrow $ BS.unpack url
authRequest req upReq manager
where upBody = (\req' -> req' { requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ encode json })
upHeaders = updateRequestHeaders (Just token) . setMethod HT.POST . setContentType "application/json"
upReq = upHeaders . upBody
-- Same as ytAuthPostBS but returns JSON
ytAuthPostJSON :: FromJSON a
=> Manager -- ^ HTTP connection manager.
-> AccessToken
-> URI -- ^ URL
-> Value
-> IO (OAuth2Result a) -- ^ Response as ByteString
ytAuthPostJSON m t u j = liftM parseResponseJSON $ ytAuthPostBS m t u j
-- | Set the Content-Type header to a new string value.
setContentType :: BS.ByteString -> Request -> Request
setContentType newCT req = req { requestHeaders = updateCT $ requestHeaders req }
where ct = HTA.hContentType
updateCT :: HTA.RequestHeaders -> HTA.RequestHeaders
updateCT ((h,v):xs)
| h == ct = (ct,newCT):xs
| otherwise = (h,v):(updateCT xs)
updateCT [] = (ct,newCT):[]
# Use Docker to install requirements and run katy_playlist.hs
docker-compose build && docker-compose run haskell bash -c /app/katy_playlist.hs
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