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Last active November 13, 2019 18:22
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tryCommand h p c = do
re <- try (sendCGMinerCommand h p c)
let r = case re of
Right a -> a
Left (SomeException e) -> error $ "sendCGMinerCommand error: " ++ (show e)
-- How do I match network timeout here?
return r
sendCGMinerCommand :: String -> String -> T.Text -> IO (Maybe BS.ByteString)
sendCGMinerCommand h p s = connect h p $ \(connectionSocket, _) -> do
send connectionSocket $ BL.toStrict . encode $ QueryApi s "0"
mconcat <$> unfoldWhileM (Nothing /=) (recv connectionSocket 4096)
The timeout exception currently looks like this on the command line:
check_cgminer: sendCGMinerCommand error: user error (Network.Simple.TCP.connectSock: Timeout on connect)
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at src/CheckCgminer.hs:434:39 in check-cgminer-
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