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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Save dmpop/d26c08e0b9fe5612c292 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Unofficial Shoot and View Receiver for Transcend Wi-Fi SD card
# Original version:
# This script was developed by Sven Angelmahr
# Contact for further details.
# The script require Perl and wget
# This script searches the local network for a Transcend Wi-Fi SD Card.
# When the card is found, the script enables the Shoot & View mode, and automatically
# downloads new photos as soon as it detects them using the wget tool. The script
# a pause (~2 sec.) between photos to work properly.
# The script transfers JPEG files only.
# If your machine is connected to the card's wireless network, and you haven't changed
# default user name and password, then no additional configuration is necessary.
# Otherwise, you need to specify the correct values for the $BroadcastIP,
# $User and $Password parameters.
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Net::Ping;
# ==== Config by User! ====
my $BroadcastIP = "";
my $User="Admin";
my $Password="Admin";
# ==== End Config by User / No Changes behind this line ====
my $CardIP = "";
#Check if card is alive and if so go to Shoot&View mode
print "Searching card...\n";
#print "\nFound Card: ",$CardIP,"\n";
if (&KeepCardAlive eq "OK") {
print "\nEnabling Shoot&View Mode\n";
my $ShootAndView = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp",PeerPort=>5566,PeerAddr=>$CardIP)
or die "Can't make TCP socket: $@";
my ($datagram1,$flags1);
until(1!=1) {
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm 5; # Set Timer to check if card is still alive every XX seconds by TCP ECHO (not ICMP!)
alarm 0; # if we get a info about new files we disable the alarm here
if ($@) {
die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; #if we got the alarmtime we have to check if card is alive
#if card is unreachable we have to find it again!
if (&KeepCardAlive eq "NOK") {
print "\nClosing Shoot And View...\n";
print "Back to start...\n";
goto START;
else {
print "\nThere's something new on ", $ShootAndView->peerhost,": $datagram1\n";
#And now for some regex! --> Remove >/mnt from >/mnt/sd/DCIM/200MSDCF/_DSC3233.JPG
$datagram1 =~ s/^>\/mnt//;
#system('wget http://admin:admin@');
my $wget = join("","wget -bqc http://",$User,":",$Password,"@",$CardIP,$datagram1,);
else {
print "\nNothing found. Waiting 10 Seconds...\n";
goto START;
sub KeepCardAlive {
my $RC;
#Keep Card Alive!
#Client sendet TCP an; Source Port variabel; Destination Port 7; Flag Set SYN
#Karte sendet TCP an; Source Port 7; Destination Port variabel; Flag Set ACK; RST
my $p=Net::Ping->new('tcp');
if ($p->ping($CardIP, 5)==1) {
$RC = "OK";
else {
$RC = "NOK";
sub GoFindCard {
#Find Transcend SD WiFi Card
#Sending UDP stolen by:
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm 5; # Set Timer to wait for card to answer, aboard and retry if card doesn't answer.
#Open Port for Broadcast
my $FindCard = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"udp",LocalPort=>58255,PeerPort=>55777,PeerAddr=>$BroadcastIP,Broadcast=>1)
or die "Can't make UDP socket for Broadcast. Reason: $@";
#Send some nonsense, original AndroidAPP also does this
#Close Broadcastport
#Open Port for receiving Unicast from card (hopefully!)
my $recvCard = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"udp",LocalPort=>58255)
or die "Can't make UDP socket for catching Unicast. Reason: $@";
my ($datagram,$flags);
$recvCard->recv($datagram,200,$flags); #Datagramm may be longer than 200 chars! (depending on SSID!)
if (index($datagram,"Transcend WiFiSD")>=0) {
#print "Found Card!\n", $FindCard->peerhost,", flags ",$flags || "none",": $datagram\n";
alarm 0;
if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
print "No Transcend Card Found, trying again...\n";
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