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Last active January 4, 2016 20:09
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SimilarWeb API - CRM
var SW = {
baseUrl : '',
nonCompanyEmails : ['', '', '', '', ''],
notEnoughDataText : '--',
subdomainText : 'Subdomain',
unknownSiteText : 'n/a',
fetchOptions : {
"muteHttpExceptions" : true, // needed so we can get status code of response
parseSite : function(email){
var site = email.split('@')[1];
// check if it is a non-regular url
var urlSections = site.split('.');
if ( urlSections.length > 2 && urlSections[1] !== 'com' && urlSections[1] !== 'co' ){
return this.subdomainText;
// check if it's a non company email (like gmail)
if (this.nonCompanyEmails.indexOf(site) > -1){
return this.unknownSiteText;
} else {
return site;
getCategory : function(site, userKey){
var apiurl = this.baseUrl + site + "/v2/CategoryRank?Format=JSON&UserKey=" + userKey;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiurl, this.fetchOptions);
if (response.getResponseCode() !== 200){
return false;
} else {
var data = JSON.parse(response);
return data.Category.replace(/_/g, " "); // convert underscores to spaces
getGlobalRank : function(site, userKey) {
var apiurl = this.baseUrl + site + "/v1/traffic?Format=JSON&UserKey=" + userKey;
Utilities.sleep(1000); // to prevent 'service invoked too many times' error
var data = JSON.parse( UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiurl) );
if (data.GlobalRank === 0) return 'Redirects to another site';
return data.GlobalRank;
getEstimatedTraffic : function(site, userKey){
var apiurl = SW.baseUrl + site + "/v1/EstimatedTraffic?Format=JSON&UserKey=" + userKey;
Utilities.sleep(2000); // to prevent 'service invoked too many times' error
var data = JSON.parse( UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiurl) );
if (data.EstimatedVisitors === 0) return 'Redirects to another site';
return data.EstimatedVisitors;
getCache : function(){
return CacheService.getPrivateCache();
function init(email, userKey) {
if (!email) return;
if (!userKey) return 'Enter a valid API key in the settings sheet';
var site = SW.parseSite(email);
// if no site, stop and don't make api calls
if (!site) return;
// if we have email, but company is unknown or it is a subdomain
if (site == SW.unknownSiteText) return [SW.unknownSiteText, SW.notEnoughDataText, SW.notEnoughDataText, SW.notEnoughDataText];
if (site == SW.subdomainText) return [SW.subdomainText, SW.notEnoughDataText, SW.notEnoughDataText, SW.notEnoughDataText];
// if we have this stored in the cache, don't do another api request
var cache = SW.getCache(),
cacheKey = site,
cacheVal = JSON.parse( cache.get(cacheKey) ); // returns string, need to convert to array
if (cacheVal != null) return cacheVal;
// if there is a site and we know it try making first api call
var category = SW.getCategory(site, userKey);
// if no data found, don't make other api calls
if (!category) return [site, SW.notEnoughDataText, SW.notEnoughDataText, SW.notEnoughDataText];
// if category returned data, go ahead and make other api calls
var globalRank = SW.getGlobalRank(site, userKey),
estimatedTraffic = SW.getEstimatedTraffic(site, userKey);
var data = [site, category, globalRank, estimatedTraffic];
// store our cached result (as JSON) and return data array
cache.put(cacheKey, JSON.stringify(data), 500); // cache expires after 500 seconds
return data;
// For auto sorting
function onEdit(event){
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var columnToSortBy = 4;
var range = sheet.getRange("MyContacts"); // named range = A4:E54
range.sort( [ {column : columnToSortBy, ascending: true} ] );
function checkApiKey(key) {
if (!key) {
return 'Enter an API key';
} else {
return 'Your key';
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