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Created April 18, 2020 19:42
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Benchmark displaying slowness of `caml_compare`
const Benchmark = require("benchmark");
const Caml_obj = require("bs-platform/lib/js/caml_obj.js");
const Belt_SortArray = require("bs-platform/lib/js/belt_SortArray.js");
const Js_math = require("bs-platform/lib/js/js_math.js");
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite("arrays", {
minSamples: 1000,
function sortNumbers(a, b) {
if (Caml_obj.caml_greaterthan(a, b)) {
return 1;
} else if (Caml_obj.caml_lessthan(a, b)) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
var arr = Array(1000)
.map((_) => Js_math.random_int(1, 1000));
.add("Js.Array camp_compare", () => {
.add("Js.Array no caml_compare", () => {
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b);
.add("Belt.Array camp_compare", () => {
Belt_SortArray.stableSortBy(arr, sortNumbers);
.add("Belt.Array no camp_compare", () => {
Belt_SortArray.stableSortBy(arr, (a, b) => a - b);
.on("cycle", (event) => {
.on("complete", function () {
console.log("Fastest is " + this.filter("fastest").map("name"));
.run({ async: true });
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