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Created June 12, 2023 20:34
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  • Save dmusicant-dk/cc073fd793629da5fbeaa4362790b9b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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BoostrapServers or "bootstrap.servers"
  • Tells the library which Kafka server cluster to connect to
GroupId or""
  • The consumer group the consumer is a member of
PartitionAssignmentStrategy or "partition.assignment.strategy"
  • Consumers in the same consumer group must have the same assignment strategy
    • If a consumer attempts to join a group with a different assignment strategy, it will throw InconsistentGroupProtocolException
  • Rebalancing can happen in a few scenarios:
    • Adding a new Consumer to the group
    • Removing a Consumer from the group
    • Adding a new Partition to the Topic
  • Rebalancing has two types:
    • Eager:
      • All consumers stop consuming (go idle)
      • Assignment of partitions expire
      • Consumers need to rejoin the group before partition re-assignment occurs.
    • Cooperative Rebalance:
      • Consumers of partitions that are not being reassigned continue consuming
      • Only the specific partitions which need to be reassigned will not be consumed during rebalance

The partition assignment strategy is exposed through the PartitionAssignmentStrategy enum with the following values:

  • PartitionAssignmentStrategy.Range:
    • Assigns partitions 1-to-1 with consumers per topic in order of consumer id. It "starts over" the assignment at the beginning of the consumer list on every topic.
    • So if you have 3 consumers, 2 topics, and 2 partitions per topic, only consumers 1 and 2 would have any partitions. See more here
    • Some consumers can end up not being used
  • PartitionAssignmentStrategy.RoundRobin:
    • Assigns partitions to consumers in a round-robin fashion, even across topics (only if your consumers are listening to multiple topics)
    • Rebalancing can result in many partition assignments being changed to accommodate even one consumer dying
  • PartitionAssignmentStrategy.CooperativeSticky:
    • Assigns partitions to consumers incrementally. Rebalancing distributes partitions in the following ways:
      • In the case of a consumer leaving the group - it's partitions are reassigned to the incrementally to the remaining group members one by one.
      • In the case of a consumer joining the group - partitions are taken one by one from all previously existing members of the group until the newly joined member has roughly the same number of partitions assigned.
    • This is the preferred strategy in pretty much all cases.

Default: [Range,CooperativeSticky]

AutoOffsetReset or "auto.offset.reset"
  • When a consumer group is newly added to a topic, it needs to know where to start
  • If the topic has no initial offset value, then this option will determine which messages the new consumer group's consumer should start at

Available options:

  • earliest: consume from the beginning of the topic partition
  • latestconsumer from the end of the topic partition
  • none: Throw an exception if no offset is set for the group
EnablePartitionEof or"enable.partition.eof"
  • Emit RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTITION_EOF event when the consumer reaches the end of a partition
  • We'll cover this in the exercises
True orFalse
EnableAutoCommit or""
  • If true, will periodically commit the offset of the last message handed to a consumer
  • We'll cover this in the exercises
True orFalse
EnableAutoOffsetStore or""
  • Forces it to automatically store the offset of the last message handed to a consumer
  • We'll cover this in the exercises
True orFalse
FetchMinBytes or"fetch.min.bytes"
  • Used for batching
  • The minimum amount of data the server should return for a fetch request
  • If insufficient data is available the request will wait for that much data to accumulate before answering the request
    • Unless expires

WARNING: Bigger batches are more effective as network requests are optimized but may in extreme circumstances introduce some latency

FetchWaitMaxMs or ""
  • Maximum time the broker may wait to fill the response with fetch.min.bytes of data
  • Defaults to 100
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