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Last active September 4, 2023 09:43
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  • Save dmyates/8f0c8ed354a10ea32ffbcf2a363a77dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Simple description list shortcode for use with the Hugo static site generator.
{{ .Get 0 | replaceRE "<ul>" "<dl>" .Inner | replaceRE "</ul>" "</dl>" | replaceRE "<li>" "<dt>" | replaceRE "(<dt>.*?): " "$1</dt><dd>" | replaceRE "</li>" "</dd>" | markdownify }}
{{% description-list %}}
* Label: one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph.
* Other label: one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph.
* Another label: one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph. one or more sentences, maybe a short paragraph.
{{% /description-list %}}
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