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dnathanaeljones /
Created April 26, 2012 00:00
Web Developer Starter Kit

Web Developer Start Kit | Vol 1.0

We kick off our very first WDSK volume with an extended tutorial on building and deploying a custom WordPress themed website. Being this is the very first volume, you're not expected to know much about web development. The very fact that you're here, reading this, qualifies you to proceed.


WDSK's primary purpose is to aid me and few folks as we rebuild our church website from the ground up. Right now, I'm the only one in the group who knows how to do this. By the end of the process, I'm hoping everyone will know how to do it. That's where WDSK comes in: I'll document as much of the knowledge-transfer as possible and make an artifact of it here, where I hope it will useful to anyone interested in learning how to build a website.