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Last active March 28, 2019 14:35
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import cats.effect.{Concurrent, IO, Sync}
import cats.mtl.ApplicativeLocal
import fs2.Stream
object UpdateLocalContextProblem extends App {
type Ctx = String
type Header = String
type ReaderIO[A] = ReaderT[IO, Ctx, A]
case class Message(payload: String, header: Header)
def toCtx(header: Header): Ctx = s"$header-updated"
case class Consumer[F[_] : Concurrent](messages: Seq[Message])(implicit val local: ApplicativeLocal[F, Ctx]) {
def consume(): Stream[F, Ctx] = {
Stream.emits(messages).flatMap[F, Message] {
msg =>
val ctx = toCtx(msg.header)
val fun: F[Message] => F[Message] = local.scope[Message](ctx)
}.evalMap {
_ => local.ask // returns ctx, not ctx-updated
implicit val ioCs = IO.contextShift(
import cats.mtl.implicits._
val result = Consumer[ReaderIO](Seq(Message("value1", "header1"))).consume()"ctx").unsafeRunSync()
println(result) // prints List(ctx), but I want to print it ctx-updated
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