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Created August 7, 2013 18:26
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I'm writing this for the purpose of copying all of my local `locale` files from all of my node projects that are using `strong` translation library ( or ( to a centralized place so that I can create a "translation memory".
* I'm writing this for the purpose of copying all of my local
* locale files from all of my node projects that are using
* `strong` translation library (
* or ( to a centralized place
* so that I can create a "translation memory".
* Usage:
* node localeCopier.js # from path defaults to "."; to path defaults to "~/Documents/locales"
* node localeCopier.js <where you want your locale files> # from path defaults to "."
* node localeCopier.js <some projects root path> <where you want your locale files> # trailing slashes optional
'use strict';
var dryRun = false;
var exec, args, fromDir, toDir
, defaultFrom = '.'
, defaultTo = '~/Documents/locales';
exec = require('child_process').exec;
args = process.argv;
if (args.length === 3) {
args[3] = args[2];
args[2] = '.';
fromDir = args[2] || defaultFrom;
toDir = args[3] || defaultTo;
function addSlash(path) {
var lastChar = path.charAt(path.length-1);
if ((lastChar !== '.') && (lastChar !== '/')) path += '/';
return path;
fromDir = addSlash(fromDir);
toDir = addSlash(toDir);
// We want to ignore node_modules and build directories. If there's anything else you want to ignore, do so here
exec('find ' + fromDir + ' -type d | grep locales | grep -v node_modules | grep -v build', function(err,stdout){
var dirs, i, l, _rel, names, moduleName, newName, command;
dirs = stdout.split("\n");
for (i=0,l=dirs.length; i<l; i++) {
_rel = dirs[i];
// We don't care about empty ones
if (!_rel.length) continue;
names = _rel.split('/');
// We don't want subdirectories, since we're copying the whole directory
if (names[names.length - 1] !== 'locales') continue;
names.shift(); // Removes '.'
newName = toDir + names.shift();
moduleName = names[names.indexOf('locales') - 1];
if (moduleName) newName += '/' + moduleName;
names.splice(0, names.indexOf('locales') + 1);
command = "mkdir -p " + newName + " && cp -r " + _rel + "/* " + newName + "/";
if (dryRun) {
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