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Created June 15, 2022 22:09
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// starting cosmetics setup here
line = "--------------------"
line1 = "#####################################################################################"
print("__ _______ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _ __ ______ __")
print("\ \ / /_ _| ____|_ _| / ____| __ \ /\ / ____| |/ / | _ \ \ / /")
print(" \ \ /\ / / | | | |__ | | | | | |__) | / \ | | | ' / | |_) \ \_/ / ")
print(" \ \/ \/ / | | | __| | | | | | _ / / /\ \| | | < | _ < \ / ")
print(" \ /\ / _| |_| | _| |_ | |____| | \ \ / ____ \ |____| . \ | |_) | | | ")
print(" \/ \/ |_____|_| |_____| \_____|_| \_\/_/ _ \_\_____|_|\_\_|____/ |_| ")
print(" | __ \ /\ \ / / | |_ _| \ | |/ ____|/ ____| ")
print(" | |__) | / \ \ /\ / /| | | | | \| | | __| (___ ")
print(" | _ / / /\ \ \/ \/ / | | | | | . ` | | |_ |\___ \ ")
print(" | | \ \ / ____ \ /\ / | |____ _| |_| |\ | |__| |____) | ")
print(" |_| \_\/_/ \_\/ \/ |______|_____|_| \_|\_____|_____/ ")
print(" ")
crypto = include_lib("/lib/") // load up crypto with library
if not crypto then // check if we can fetch it from somewhere else..
crypto = include_lib("")
if not crypto then exit("Missing crypto library, shutting down operation")
end if
// declare our own computer and the interface, takes eth0 by default, will be updated for dynamic use if we can have more than one interface.
hostPC = get_shell.host_computer
interface = "eth0"
if not crypto.airmon("start", interface) then exit ("Can not start monitoring on " + interface)
print("Targets found.")
networks = hostPC.wifi_networks(interface)
if not networks then exit("Unable to fetch networks list...")
// show potential targets
print("Available networks:")
print("# BSSID ESSID Strength")
i = 1
//for loop to split certaing things of the WifI networks display up
for network in networks
split = network.split(" ")
bssid = split[0]
strength = split[1]
essid = split[2]
print(i + ": <b>aireplay -b " + bssid + " -e " + essid + "</b> (" + strength + ")")
i = i + 1
end for
// slect our target to crack
networkToCrack = "0"
netprompt = "Select the network you want to target, from 1 to " + networks.len + ":"
while networkToCrack.val >= network.len or networkToCrack <=0
networkToCrack = user_input(netprompt)
end while
// start dirty workaround until we can actually automate ACK capturing...
networkToCrack = networkToCrack.val - 1
user_input("Locking on network. Use <b>aireplay</b> in another terminal window to capture at least 7000 ACKs, when done, close the other terminal window and hit enter in this one.")
// end dirty workaround when user inputs something
if not crypto.airmon("stop", interface) then exit("Unable to stop monitoring on " + interface)
print("Monitoring stopped")
capfilepath = home_dir + "/file.cap" // store our cap file's path
capfile = hostPC.File(capfilepath) // store the actual cap file for use with automation below
if not capfile then exit("Cap file is missing. Did you run aireplay?") // check if cap file is missing
if not capfile.has_permission("r") then exit("Insufficient permission to open cap file for reading.")
// check if we have permission to read the actual file
key = crypto.aircrack(capfilepath) // storing the password created from the capfile
// check if we were even able to fetch the key
if not key then exit("Could not crack key. Have you obtained enough ACKs and aireplayed the correct network?")
print("Password cracked! [ <b>" + key + "</b> ]") // displays the stored password if we got a key
print("Key cracked.")
split = networks[networkToCrack].split(" ")
bssid = split[0]
essid = split[2]
status = hostPC.connect_wifi(interface, bssid, essid, key) // connect to cracked network with all information obtained previously
print("Connecting to network " + essid) // display which WiFi we are connecting to
if status == 1 then // check if we are connected,
print("Connected successfully. Have fun!")
print("Connection failed.")
end if
capfile.delete // yeet the cap file away, it is not necessary anymore after this operation is done.
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