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Created December 20, 2023 16:31
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# Daniel Norhøj <>
# This script checks all x.509 certificates in the specified directory
# and prints the expiration date of each certificate.
# Usage: ./ /path/to/certificates
# The script expects the certificates to be in PEM format.
# The script expects the certificates to be named like this:
# <hostname>/cert.pem
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
for cert in $(find $1 -name cert.pem); do
# Get hostname from certificate path
hostname=$(echo $cert | rev | cut -d/ -f 2 | rev)
echo -en "$hostname:\n - "
exipry=$(openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in $cert | cut -d= -f2-)
# Convert expiration date to unix timestamp
exipry_unix=$(date -d "$exipry" +%s)
# Get current unix timestamp
now_unix=$(date +%s)
# Calculate difference in seconds
diff=$(($exipry_unix - $now_unix))
# Convert difference to days
days=$(($diff / 86400))
# Print expiration date
if [ $days -lt 0 ]; then
echo -e "${RED}Expired $((-days)) days ago${NC}"
elif [ $days -lt 30 ]; then
echo -e "${YELLOW}Expires in $days days${NC}"
elif [ $days ]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}Expires in $days days${NC}"
echo ""
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