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Created June 13, 2012 21:36
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capybara acceptance spec helper for finding a cell in table
def find_by_row_identifier_and_column_name(row_identifier, column_name)
#XPath resources
# Figure out the column number for the given column_name
# //th[contains(., 'Magic')] find the first TH whose enclosing EM is 'Magic'
# /preceding::th finds the collection of TH elements which appear before this one
# XML indexes start with 1 not 0, so we add 1
column_number = 1 + all(:xpath, "//th[contains(., '#{column_name}')]/preceding::th").length
# //td[contains(., '303-555-1212')][1] find the first TD which contains the given row_identifier
# any text which is unique-per-row would due
# /parent::tr find the TR which encloses the unique TD we just found
# /td[#{column_number}] find the TD which is in the same column we located by name earlier
find(:xpath, "//td[contains(., '#{row_identifier}')][1]/parent::tr/td[#{column_number}]")
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