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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Bouncing ball comparisons
import Color exposing (..)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Signal exposing (..)
import Time
import Mouse
gravity = 40.0
initialState = {
velocity = 0.0,
height = 150.0
inputSignal =
(\ dt clicked -> {dt = dt*0.001, clicked = clicked}) <~ (Time.fps 10.0) ~ Mouse.isDown
applyBounce dt state = if state.height <= 0.0 then {
height = 0,
velocity = dt*state.height - state.velocity
} else state
applyVelocity dt state = {
velocity = state.velocity - dt*gravity,
height = state.height + (dt*state.velocity)
stepState {dt,clicked} oldState =
if clicked then initialState else applyBounce dt (applyVelocity dt oldState)
stateSignal = Signal.foldp stepState initialState inputSignal
renderState {height} = collage 400 400 [ move (0,height-180) (filled ballColor (circle 10))]
renderStateWithText input state = flow down [
show input,
show state,
renderState state
main = renderStateWithText <~ inputSignal ~ stateSignal
ballColor : Color
ballColor =
rgba 256 111 111 1
<pre id="debug">
{ ... }
<canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400">
var gravity = 10.0;
var currentTimeFloatSecs = function() { return (new Date()).getTime() * 0.001; };
var startTime = currentTimeFloatSecs()
var initialState = {
"height" : 100,
"velocity": 0,
"time" : startTime
var state = {
"height" : 100,
"velocity": 0,
"time" : startTime
window.state = state;
var resetState = function() {
state.height = initialState.height;
state.velocity = initialState.velocity;
var updateState = function() {
var now = currentTimeFloatSecs();
var dt = state.time - now;
state.time = now;
state.height += (dt*state.velocity);
state.velocity -= (dt*gravity);
if(state.height <= 0) {
state.velocity = dt*state.height - state.velocity;
state.height = 0;
var draw = function() {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF5555";
ctx.arc(75, 250-state.height, 10, 0, 2*Math.PI);
var showStateAsText = function() {
document.getElementById("debug").innerText = JSON.stringify(state);
var runFrame = function() {
document.getElementById("canvas").addEventListener("click", resetState);
(require frtime/animation)
(define-struct state (height velocity t))
(define-struct inputs (t clicked))
(define gravity 10.0)
(define frac-seconds (* 0.001 milliseconds)) ; Signal of seconds, but updated (much) more frequently
(define start-time (value-now frac-seconds))
(define initial-state (make-state 100 0 start-time))
(define fps 10) ; Simulation frames per second
(define s-per-frame (/ fps)) ; Seconds per simulation frame
(define frames-e (map-e (lambda (x) (value-now frac-seconds)) (changes (floor (* fps frac-seconds)))))
(define clicked (hold left-clicks))
; Apply bounce to a state input
(define (apply-bounce dt state)
(let* ([height (state-height state)]
[velocity (state-velocity state)]
[t (state-t state)])
(if (<= height 0.0)
(make-state 0.0 (- (* dt height) velocity) t)
; Apply velocity to the state
(define (apply-velocity dt state)
(let* ([height (state-height state)]
[velocity (state-velocity state)]
[t (state-t state)])
(make-state (+ height (* dt velocity)) (- velocity (* dt gravity)) t)))
; Apply a new timestamp to the state
(define (update-time new-time state)
(let* ([height (state-height state)]
[velocity (state-velocity state)]
[t (state-t state)])
(make-state height velocity new-time)))
; Step the state ahead one frame; or reset on click
(define (step-state input old-state)
(let* ([t (inputs-t input)]
[dt (- t (state-t old-state))])
(if (inputs-clicked input)
(apply-bounce dt (apply-velocity dt (update-time t old-state))))))
; Define the input event stream - either we are looking for new frames or clicks
(define inputs-e
(map-e (lambda (clicked) (make-inputs (value-now frac-seconds) clicked))
(map-e (lambda (e) #f) frames-e)
(map-e (lambda (e) #t) left-clicks)
(define frame-state
(collect-b inputs-e initial-state step-state)
(define height (state-height frame-state))
(define velocity (state-velocity frame-state))
(define ball-posn (make-posn 75 (- 300 height)))
(make-circle ball-posn 10 "blue")))
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