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Last active January 29, 2017 07:17
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Googlesync Windows batch script
'version 29.1.2017 8:13
'Nor files neither folder should contain "space" in their names
'since the script will ommit characters after the first space occurence in it's name
'in "%%~nF.7z"
'7zip execution folder
set comdir=C:\Program Files\7-Zip
'First backup folder
set dir1=K:\Baze\temp
'Second backup folder
'set dir2=K:\Users\temp
set temp=K:\temp
'Output directory
set outdir=D:\Backup\GDrive\SQL Server
'Log file location
set log="%outdir%\log.log"
echo ------------------ >> %log%
echo pocetak >> %log%
echo %date% - %time% >> %log%
echo ------------------ >> %log%
'Ensure that googledrivesync.exe is not active process
echo [%date% - %time%] Stop GDrive servisa... >> %log%
taskkill /f /im googledrivesync.exe >> %log%
'Start googledrivesync.exe
echo [%date% - %time%] Start GDrive servisa... >> %log%
start /B "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Drive\googledrivesync.exe"
'since gdrive service need som time to start, wait for 20 seconds..
'timeout 20
'make archive folder which name is current date
'set nazivArhive=%date:~-10,2%"-"%date:~7,2%"-"%date:~-4,4%
'make archive folder which name is current date
'in the form : dd-MM-yyyy, npr. 27-01-2017
set nazivArhive=%date:~-7,2%"-"%date:~4,2%"-"%date:~-4,4%
'final output directory path
set finalOutDir="%outdir%\%nazivArhive%"
mkdir %finalOutDir%
'iterate through backup directory (or directories)
'FOR %%F IN ("%dir1%\*" "%dir2%\*" "%even_other_dir%\*") DO (
FOR %%F IN ("%dir1%\*" ) DO (
echo [%date% - %time%] poc kompresije : ["%%F"] >> %log%
"%comdir%\7z.exe" a -mx9 -mmt -t7z "%temp%\%%~nF.7z" "%%F"
rem give "7z.exe" process the lowest priority :
rem command below not working well. TODO !
wmic process where name="7z.exe" CALL setpriority "idle"
rem move from temp to final output directory
move "%temp%\%%~nF.7z" %finalOutDir%
echo [%date% - %time%] kraj kompresije : ["%%F"] >> %log%
echo [%date% - %time%] brisanje dir : ["%%i"] >> %log%
rem deletion isn't working this way below. analiz why. TODO #2
rem del "%%F" /Q /S >> %log%
'since deletion above not working, delete all files from temp folder the other way
del "%dir1%\*.*" /S /Q >> %log%
'Due to various reasons, sync may take 300 sec (~5 minutes), so wait some time
'for GDrive sync to complete, and then turn it off
echo ------------------ >> %log%
timeout 600 >> %log%
echo ------------------ >> %log%
echo [%date% - %time%] Stop GDrive servisa... >> %log%
taskkill /f /im googledrivesync.exe >> %log%
echo ------------------ >> %log%
echo kraj >> %log%
echo %date% - %time% >> %log%
echo ------------------ >> %log%
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