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Last active April 11, 2017 10:56
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### We're installing dependencies (certutils commdand)
### based on the fantastic explanation covered here :
apt-get install libnss3-tools
mkdir certs
### optional
chown -R root:tomcat certs/
chmod 770 -R certs/
certutil -N -d certs/
### assuming we are in /root directory, and want to add following files in the /root/ssl/certs folder
### we're issuing following command :
echo -n | openssl s_client -connect | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > ~/ssl/certs/gmail.crt
certutil -A -n "Google Internet Authority" -t "C,," -d ~/ssl/certs -i ~/ssl/certs/gmail.crt
### We're testing with the following command :
echo -e "Email content..." | mailx -v -s "Email subject" -S smtp-use-starttls \
-S ssl-verify=ignore -S smtp-auth=login -S smtp=smtp:// \
-S from="email_we' (e.g. your name)" -S smtp-auth-user=email_we' \
-S smtp-auth-password=<email_pasword> -S ssl-verify=ignore -S nss-config-dir=~/ssl/certs \
### Above we may put our name in brackets for more decriptive email :
### -S from="email_we' (e.g. your name)"
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