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Created May 13, 2020 16:40
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Google meets Portfolio

Google meets Portfolio

After seeing the amazing pen from @Olivia Ng this is my attempt on the google meets interface.

You can "send me" messages in the chat tab.

Warning: You won't actually be sending me any messages.

A Pen by Acampbell on CodePen.


var work_list = [
icon: "🛠️",
text: "A few months ago I joined the solutions team at my company, and what we do is to ship products to help our co-workers to get task done easily"
icon: "⚙️",
text: "Lately I've been using Javascript and React. I'm learning Python and Django"
icon: "🗺️",
text: "Maps are in the radar for me as well so I've tried Leaflet, Mapbox and Carto"
icon: "🧳",
text: "There are plenty of stuff in my baggage. I've tried different languages, tools, patterns, frameworks... But I don't consider myself an expert so I try and not to mention everything I've used"
var education_list = [
icon: "🎓",
text: "I got my degree as a computer science engineer at <span class='place'>La Laguna University (Tenerife) </span> in <span class='year'>2016</span>"
icon: "📱",
text: "I got my masters degree in mobile apps development at <span class='place'>Pontificia University (Salamanca)</span> in <span class='year'>2017</span>"
icon: "💬",
text: "I speak Spanish and I try to communicate in English as well. My speaking is a bit better than my writting. You can check that's not very difficult tho"
icon: "📋",
text: "I try to learn new things but, I definitely don't force myself to it"
var hobbies_list = [
icon: "🏃🏻‍♀️",
text: "I'm a huge sports fan. I love riding my bike and I practice ultimate frisbee (Yes, it is a real sport)"
icon: "📺",
text: "As I said, I'm a big sports fan so nothing like a couch marathon with a blanket and a onesie!"
icon: "👩🏻‍🍳",
text: "I'm not a cook, but I manage to get some stuff done. I love trying out veggie food"
icon: "👩🏻‍💻",
text: "I really enjoy coding, specially at night time. I have to be careful tho, since I've stayed coding overnight several times"
icon: "🧶",
text: "I like embroidery, I've customized a lot of my shirts"
var sideprojects_list = [
title: "Blood types compatibility: ",
description: "In this tool you can easily check the compatibility between blood types",
item_link: "",
img_link: ""
title: "Year in pixels: ",
description: "Keep track of your days this year. LocalStorage used to keep track of it",
item_link: "",
img_link: ""
title: "Monthly word: ",
description: "Assign a word to define each of your months. LocalStorage used to keep track of it",
item_link: "",
img_link: ""
title: "Followers count: ",
description: "Set your twitter handle and check out how a ball drops for every follower you have ",
item_link: "",
img_link: ""
var users_list = [
{ cat_class: "work", icon: "work", name: "Work" },
{ cat_class: "education", icon: "school", name: "Education" },
{ cat_class: "sideprojects", icon: "emoji_objects", name: "Side projects" },
{ cat_class: "hobbies", icon: "public", name: "Hobbies" }
mixin icon_category(list)
each val in list
div= val.icon
span !{val.text}
mixin image_category(list)
each val in list
a.icon_container(target="_blank", href=val.item_link)
img.sp_img(src=val.img_link, alt=val.title)
span val.title
span= val.description
mixin user_display
each val in users_list
.image val.icon
i.material-icons.mic mic_off
i.cat_arrow.material-icons arrow_forward_ios
alt="Romina's profile picture"
| Hi there! I'm Romina
| I'm a computer science engineer working as a developer
a(target="_blank", href="") @urbanDataAnalytics
p I'm an introvert so you'll probably catch me with my 🎧 on most of the time
p I live between Madrid 🏙️ and the Canary Islands 🌴
h2 Work 👩🏻‍💻
h2 Education 📚
h2 Side projects 🚀
| You can also check the stuff I've done lately at my
a(target="_blank", href="") codepen
| profile
h2 Hobbies 🤙
a(target="_blank", href="") Twiter
a(target="_blank", href="") Codepen
a(target="_blank", href="") Github
i.material-icons-outlined group
span.pc People
span (5)
i.material-icons-outlined chat
span.pc Chat
i.material-icons-outlined info
alt="Romina's profile picture"
i.material-icons.mic more_horiz
span.cat_name Romina Martin
b Romina
span#time 11:20
| &#x26A0;&#xFE0F; This won&apos;t send me any messages
| You can contact me via
a(href="") twitter
| or
a(href="") linkedin
input(type="text", placeholder="Send a message to Romina")
a(target="_blank", href="")
i.material-icons send
const MIC_OFF = "mic_off";
const MIC_ON = "more_horiz";
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
const users = document.querySelector("div.users");
const profile = document.querySelector("div.navbar .people");
const msg = document.querySelector("div.navbar .msg");
const msgContainer = document.querySelector("div.msg_container");
const bottom = document.querySelector(".bottom");
const sendMessageIcon = document.querySelector(".msg_container .send i");
const currentMessage = document.querySelector(".msg_container .send input");
const messagesList = document.querySelector(".msg_container .messages");
let lastTime = null;
const sixtySecElapsed = () => {
let current = new Date();
if (lastTime === null || (current - lastTime) / 1000 > 60) {
lastTime = current;
return true;
lastTime = current;
return false;
const getFormatedTime = () =>
lastTime ? `${lastTime.getHours()}:${lastTime.getMinutes()}` : "";
const getCurrentTime = () => {
let current = new Date();
return `${current.getHours()}:${current.getMinutes()}`;
const displayMain = (name) => {
.querySelector(".main_container .active")
let current = document.querySelector(`.main_container .${name}`);
const navbarDisplay = (e) => {
if ("people")) {
} else {
const userSelected = (e) => {
let prev = document.querySelector("div.users .selected");
prev.querySelector(".mic").innerText = MIC_OFF;
let current =;
current.querySelector(".mic").innerText = MIC_ON;
const sendMessage = (e) => {
if (
(e.type === "click" || e.which === 13) &&
currentMessage.value.length > 0
) {
let newMessage = document.createElement("div");
if (sixtySecElapsed()) {
let dateTag = document.createElement("p");
dateTag.innerHTML = `<b>You</b> <span>${getFormatedTime()}</span>`;
let message = document.createElement("p");
message.innerText = currentMessage.value;
} else {
newMessage.innerText = currentMessage.value;
currentMessage.value = "";
const addListeners = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < users.children.length; i++) {
users.children[i].addEventListener("click", userSelected);
profile.addEventListener("click", navbarDisplay);
msg.addEventListener("click", navbarDisplay);
currentMessage.addEventListener("keypress", sendMessage);
sendMessageIcon.addEventListener("click", sendMessage);
document.getElementById("time").innerText = getCurrentTime();
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<link href="|Material+Icons+Outlined" rel="stylesheet" />
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