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Last active June 10, 2022 08:50
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interface QueryBuilderProps {
table: string;
as?: string[];
select?: string;
fields: string[];
run?: (sql: string, values: any[], single: Boolean) => Promise<any>;
debug?: boolean;
mutationFields?: string[];
type InnerJoinProps = {
join: string
on: string
type Mode = 'LIKE' | 'ILIKE' | 'EQ' | 'NEQ' | 'GT' | 'GTE' | 'LT' | 'LTE' | 'IN' | 'NOTIN' | 'BETWEEN' | 'NOTBETWEEN' | '=' | '!=' | '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<=' | 'IN' | 'NOT IN'
type SearchItem = {
field: string;
value?: any;
mode?: Mode
operator?: 'AND' | 'OR';
type OrderProp = 'ASC' | 'DESC' | 'asc' | 'desc';
const modeOpts = ['LIKE', 'ILIKE', 'EQ', 'NEQ', 'GT', 'GTE', 'LT', 'LTE', 'IN', 'NOTIN', 'BETWEEN', 'NOTBETWEEN', '=', '!=', '>', '<', '>=', '<=', 'IN', 'NOT IN']
const operatorOpts = ['AND', 'OR']
export interface IMutation { [field: string]: any }
class QueryBuilder<T> {
#sqlDelete: boolean = false;
#sqlMutation: boolean = false;
#sqlText: string = '';
#sqlTable: string = '';
#sqlSelect: string[] = [];
#sqlAlias: { [key: string]: string } = {};
#sqlSelectAlias: { [key: string]: string } = {};
#sqlFields: { table: string; field: string }[] = [];
#sqlValues: any[] = [];
#sqlOrderDirections = ['ASC', 'DESC'];
#sqlRun?: (sql: string, values: any[], single: Boolean) => Promise<any>;
#debug: boolean = false;
#isSingleResult = false;
#sqlMutateFields: { table: string; field: string }[] = [];
as = [],
select = '*',
fields = [],
debug = false,
mutationFields = []
}: QueryBuilderProps) {
this.#sqlTable = table;
this.#sqlAlias = this.#parseAlias(as);
this.#sqlFields = this.#parseFields(fields);
this.#sqlMutateFields = this.#parseFields(mutationFields);
this.#sqlSelect = this.#parseSelect(select);
this.#debug = debug;
this.#sqlRun = run;
// parse as ['table as alias']
#parseAlias(as: string[]) {
const items: { [key: string]: string } = {};
as.forEach((item) => {
const aliasArr = item.split(' as ');
const name = aliasArr[0].trim();
const alias = aliasArr[1].trim();
items[name] = alias;
return items;
// this method, return table name or table alias
#getTable(tableName: string) {
return this.#sqlAlias[tableName] ?? tableName;
#parseSelect(fields: string) {
// if fields is void
if (fields === '*' || fields === '') {
return ['*'];
// Process fields
const items: { [key: string]: string } = {};
const itemJoinTable: string[] = [];
const fieldsArr = fields.split(',');
fieldsArr.forEach((item) => {
const aliasArr = item.split(' as ');
const name = aliasArr[0].trim();
const alias = (aliasArr[1] || '').trim() ?? '';
const nameSplit = name.split('.');
// append table name or alias
let sqlJoinTable = '';
if (nameSplit.length === 2) {
const parsedField = this.#parseField(nameSplit[0]);
const tableName = this.#getTable(nameSplit[0]);
if (tableName) {
sqlJoinTable = `${tableName}.${nameSplit[1]}`;
} else {
const tableName = this.#getTable(this.#sqlTable);
sqlJoinTable = `${tableName}.${nameSplit[1]}`;
} else {
const tableName = this.#getTable(this.#sqlTable);
sqlJoinTable = `${tableName}.${nameSplit[0]}`;
if (alias !== '') {
sqlJoinTable += ` as ${alias}`;
items[name] = alias;
this.#sqlSelectAlias = items;
return itemJoinTable;
#from() {
const isAlias = !!this.#sqlAlias[this.#sqlTable];
const sqlAs = isAlias ? ` AS ${this.#getTable(this.#sqlTable)}` : '';
return ` FROM ${this.#sqlTable}${sqlAs}`;
#generateAs(table: string) {
const isAlias = !!this.#sqlAlias[table];
const sqlAs = isAlias ? ` AS ${this.#getTable(table)}` : '';
return ` ${table}${sqlAs}`;
#parseField(field: string) {
const item: { table: string; field: string, tableName: string } = { table: '', field: '', tableName: '' };
const isUnderscores = field.includes('__');
const isDot = field.includes('.');
const isSingleField = !(isDot || isUnderscores);
const itemSplit = field.split(isDot ? '.' : '__');
const tableName = this.#getTable(
isSingleField ? this.#sqlTable : itemSplit[0]
item.tableName = isSingleField ? this.#sqlTable : itemSplit[0];
item.table = tableName;
item.field = itemSplit[isSingleField ? 0 : 1];
return item;
#parseFields(fields: string[]) {
const items: { table: string; field: string }[] = [];
fields.forEach((item) => {
const parsedItem = this.#parseField(item);
return items;
// return true if this field is valid or generate an Fatal Error
#checkBaseField(table: string, field: string, allowedFields: { table: string; field: string }[] = []) {
const findCallback = (i: any) => i.table === table && i.field === field;
const isField = allowedFields.find(findCallback);
if (!isField) {
this.#catch(`Field ${table}.${field} its not allowed`);
return true;
#checkField(table: string, field: string) {
return this.#checkBaseField(table, field, this.#sqlFields);
#checkMutationField(table: string, field: string) {
return this.#checkBaseField(table, field, this.#sqlMutateFields);
#catch = (message: string) => {
throw new Error(message);
// sql public
select(sqlSelect?: string, selectOne = false) {
this.#isSingleResult = selectOne;
if (sqlSelect) {
this.#sqlSelect = this.#parseSelect(sqlSelect);
this.#sqlValues = [];
const fields = this.#sqlSelect.join(', ');
this.#sqlText = `SELECT ${fields}${this.#from()}`;
return this;
selectOne(sqlSelect?: string) {
return, true);
paginate(page: number = 1, size: number = 10) {
const values = this.#sqlValues;
const pageVal = `$${values.length}`;
const sizeVal = `$${values.length - 1}`;
this.#sqlText += ` LIMIT ${pageVal} OFFSET ((${sizeVal} - 1) * ${pageVal})`;
return this;
innerJoin({ join, on }: InnerJoinProps) {
const joinParsed = this.#parseField(join);
const onParsed = this.#parseField(on);
const tableOn = this.#getTable(onParsed.table);
const tableJoin = this.#getTable(joinParsed.table);
const tableJoinAs = this.#generateAs(joinParsed.tableName);
const fieldOn = onParsed.field;
const fieldJoin = joinParsed.field;
const sqlJoin = ` INNER JOIN${tableJoinAs}`;
const sqlOn = ` ON ${tableJoin}.${fieldJoin} = ${tableOn}.${fieldOn}`;
this.#sqlText += `${sqlJoin}${sqlOn}`;
return this;
orderBy(field: string, order: OrderProp) {
// check order
const upperOrder = order.toUpperCase();
const directions = this.#sqlOrderDirections;
if (!directions.includes(upperOrder)) {
this.#catch(`Invalid order value (${order}), use: ${directions}`);
const pField = this.#parseField(field);
this.#checkField(pField.table, pField.field);
this.#sqlText += ` ORDER BY ${pField.table}.${pField.field} ${order}`;
return this;
// TODO: implement LIKE
count() {
this.#isSingleResult = true;
this.#sqlValues = [];
this.#sqlText = `SELECT COUNT(*)${this.#from()}`;
return this;
* search
* @param fields fields to search
* @param value value to search
* @returns QueryBuilder
* @example
* // table = users
* // fields = name, email
* // value = 'john'
* // sql = SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%john%' OR email LIKE '%john%'
* query.where([{ field: 'name', value: 'john' }, { field: 'email', value: 'john' }])
* query.where([{ field: 'name' }, { field: 'email' }], 'john')
* query.where({ field: 'name', value: 'john' }, 'john')
* query.where({ field: 'name' }, 'john')
* query.where([{ field: 'name', mode: 'like' }, { field: 'email', mode: 'like' }], 'john')
* query.where(['name' }, { 'email' }], 'john')
where(fields: SearchItem[] | SearchItem | string[], value: any = '', modeProp: Mode = '=') {
const defaultValue = value
const defaultMode = modeProp ? modeProp.toUpperCase() : '=';
this.#sqlText += ` WHERE`;
let items: SearchItem[] = []
if (Array.isArray(fields)) {
fields.forEach((item) => {
if (typeof item === 'string') {
items.push({ field: item, value: defaultValue })
} else {
} else {
const itemsLen = items.length
items.forEach((item, index) => {
const searchValue = item.value || defaultValue
const mode = item.mode?.toUpperCase() || defaultMode
const op = item.operator?.toUpperCase() || 'OR'
if (!item.field) this.#catch('Define field name')
if (!modeOpts.includes(mode)) this.#catch(this.#errorModeMsg(item.field))
if (!operatorOpts.includes(op)) this.#catch(this.#errorOpMsg(item.field))
if (!searchValue) this.#catch(`Define value with a field (${item.field})`)
const { table, field } = this.#parseField(item.field);
this.#checkField(table, field);
const valuesLen = this.#sqlValues.length
const percent = ['LIKE', 'ILIKE'].includes(mode) ? "'%'" : ''
const orSymbol = ['LIKE', 'ILIKE'].includes(mode) ? ' || ' : ''
this.#sqlText += ` ${table}.${field} ${mode} ${percent}${orSymbol}$${valuesLen}${orSymbol}${percent}`;
if (index < itemsLen - 1) {
this.#sqlText += ` ${op}`;
if (this.#sqlDelete) {
this.#sqlText += ` RETURNING *`;
return this
return this;
insert(insertProps: IMutation) {
let filterProps: IMutation = insertProps
this.#sqlMutation = true;
this.#sqlValues = [];
this.#sqlText = `INSERT INTO ${this.#sqlTable}`;
let sqlFields = '';
let sqlValues = '';
Object.keys(filterProps).forEach((field, _index, arr) => {
const parsedField = this.#parseField(field);
// insert allwas with base table name
const table = this.#getTable(parsedField.table);
this.#checkMutationField(table, parsedField.field);
const value = filterProps[field];
sqlFields += parsedField.field;
sqlValues += `$${this.#sqlValues.length}`;
if (_index < arr.length - 1) {
sqlFields += ',';
sqlValues += ',';
this.#sqlText += ` (${sqlFields}) VALUES (${sqlValues}) RETURNING *`;
return this;
update(updateProps: IMutation) {
this.#sqlMutation = true;
this.#sqlValues = [];
this.#sqlText = `UPDATE ${this.#sqlTable} SET`;
Object.keys(updateProps).forEach((field, _index, arr) => {
const parsedField = this.#parseField(field);
// update allwas with base table name
const table = this.#getTable(parsedField.table);
this.#checkMutationField(table, parsedField.field);
const value = updateProps[field];
this.#sqlText += ` ${parsedField.field} = $${this.#sqlValues.length}`;
if (_index < arr.length - 1) {
this.#sqlText += ',';
return this;
delete() {
this.#sqlDelete = true;
this.#sqlMutation = true;
this.#sqlValues = [];
this.#sqlText = `DELETE FROM ${this.#sqlTable}`;
return this;
async run() {
const sql = this.#sqlText;
const values = this.#sqlValues;
if (this.#debug) {
if (!this.#sqlRun) {
this.#catch('Implement run method');
return this.#sqlRun(sql, values, this.#isSingleResult);
build() {
const output: any = {
text: this.#sqlText,
values: this.#sqlValues,
table: this.#sqlTable,
selectOne: this.#isSingleResult,
if (this.#sqlMutation) {
output.mutateFields = this.#sqlMutateFields
} else {
output.fields = this.#sqlFields
return output;
// debug utils
print() {
// error mesagges
#errorModeMsg = (field: string) => `Use [${modeOpts}] into mode with a field (${field})`
#errorOpMsg = (field: string) => `Use [${operatorOpts}] into operator with a field (${field})`
export const initQueryBuilder = <T>(props: QueryBuilderProps) => {
const init = props
return () => new QueryBuilder<T>(init);
export default QueryBuilder;
import { initQueryBuilder, IMutation } from './QueryBuilderV2'
interface Musician extends IMutation {
id?: string
first_name: string
last_name: string
second_last_name?: string
second_name?: string
birth_date?: Date
death_date?: Date
city_fk: number
alias?: string
describe('QueryBuilder', () => {
test('initQueryBuilder', () => {
const qb = initQueryBuilder({
table: 'city',
as: ['country as co', 'city as c'],
fields: ['id', 'name', 'admin_name'],
select: ',, c.admin_name',
run: async (_sql: string, _values: any[], _single: Boolean) => { },
const result1 = qb().selectOne().where(['name'], 'Claudio').build()
expect(result1).toEqual({ "text": "SELECT,, c.admin_name FROM city AS c WHERE = $1", "values": ["Claudio"], "table": "city", "selectOne": true, "fields": [{ "table": "c", "field": "id", "tableName": "city" }, { "table": "c", "field": "name", "tableName": "city" }, { "table": "c", "field": "admin_name", "tableName": "city" }] })
const result2 = qb().select('').where(['name'], 'Claudio').build()
expect(result2).toEqual({ "text": "SELECT,, c.admin_name FROM city AS c WHERE = $1", "values": ["Claudio"], "table": "city", "selectOne": false, "fields": [{ "table": "c", "field": "id", "tableName": "city" }, { "table": "c", "field": "name", "tableName": "city" }, { "table": "c", "field": "admin_name", "tableName": "city" }] })
const result3 = qb().select().innerJoin({ join: '', on: 'm.city_fk' }).innerJoin({ join: 'country.iso', on: 'c.country_iso_fk' }).orderBy('id', 'asc').paginate(1, 10).build()
expect(result3).toEqual({ "fields": [{ "field": "id", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "admin_name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }], "selectOne": false, "table": "city", "text": "SELECT,, c.admin_name FROM city AS c INNER JOIN city AS c ON = m.city_fk INNER JOIN country AS co ON co.iso = c.country_iso_fk ORDER BY asc LIMIT $2 OFFSET (($1 - 1) * $2)", "values": [1, 10] })
const result4 = qb().select('name').where(['city__name'], 'Claudio').build()
expect(result4).toEqual({ "fields": [{ "field": "id", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "admin_name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }], "selectOne": false, "table": "city", "text": "SELECT FROM city AS c WHERE = $1", "values": ["Claudio"] })
const result5 = qb().select('*').where(['name'], 'Claudio').build()
expect(result5).toEqual({ "fields": [{ "field": "id", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "admin_name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }], "selectOne": false, "table": "city", "text": "SELECT * FROM city AS c WHERE = $1", "values": ["Claudio"] })
const result6 = qb().count().build()
expect(result6).toEqual({ "fields": [{ "field": "id", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "admin_name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }], "selectOne": true, "table": "city", "text": "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM city AS c", "values": [] })
const result7 = qb().select('name').where({ field: 'city__name' }, 'Claudio').build()
expect(result7).toEqual({ "fields": [{ "field": "id", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "admin_name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }], "selectOne": false, "table": "city", "text": "SELECT FROM city AS c WHERE = $1", "values": ["Claudio"] })
const result8 = qb().select('name').where([{ field: 'city__name' }], 'Claudio', 'EQ').build()
expect(result8).toEqual({ "fields": [{ "field": "id", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "admin_name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }], "selectOne": false, "table": "city", "text": "SELECT FROM city AS c WHERE EQ $1", "values": ["Claudio"] })
const result9 = qb().select('name').where([{ field: 'city__name', value: 'Claudio' }, { field: 'id', value: 'Claudio' }]).build()
expect(result9).toEqual({ "fields": [{ "field": "id", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }, { "field": "admin_name", "table": "c", "tableName": "city" }], "selectOne": false, "table": "city", "text": "SELECT FROM city AS c WHERE = $1 OR = $2", "values": ["Claudio", "Claudio"] })
test('initQueryBuilder insert', () => {
const qb = initQueryBuilder<Musician>({
table: 'musician',
fields: ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', '', ''],
mutationFields: ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'second_last_name', 'second_name', 'birth_date', 'death_date', 'city_fk', 'alias', 'city_name', 'country_name'],
run: async (_sql: string, _values: any[], _single: Boolean) => { },
const musician: Musician = {
id: '1',
first_name: 'Claudio',
last_name: 'Estrada',
city_fk: 1
const result = qb().insert(musician).build()
"text": "INSERT INTO musician (id,first_name,last_name,city_fk) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4)",
"values": ["1", "Claudio", "Estrada", 1],
"table": "musician",
"selectOne": false,
"mutateFields": [
{ "table": "musician", "field": "id", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "first_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "last_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "second_last_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "second_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "birth_date", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "death_date", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "city_fk", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "alias", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "city_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "country_name", "tableName": "musician" }]
test('initQueryBuilder update', () => {
const qb = initQueryBuilder<Musician>({
table: 'musician',
fields: ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', '', ''],
mutationFields: ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'second_last_name', 'second_name', 'birth_date', 'death_date', 'city_fk', 'alias', 'city_name', 'country_name'],
run: async (_sql: string, _values: any[], _single: Boolean) => { },
const musician: Musician = {
id: '1',
first_name: 'Claudio',
last_name: 'Estrada',
city_fk: 1
const result = qb().update(musician).where([{ field: 'id', value: '1' }]).build()
"text": "UPDATE musician SET = $1, musician.first_name = $2, musician.last_name = $3, musician.city_fk = $4 WHERE = $5",
"values": ["1", "Claudio", "Estrada", 1, "1"],
"table": "musician",
"selectOne": false,
"mutateFields": [
{ "table": "musician", "field": "id", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "first_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "last_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "second_last_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "second_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "birth_date", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "death_date", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "city_fk", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "alias", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "city_name", "tableName": "musician" },
{ "table": "musician", "field": "country_name", "tableName": "musician" }]
test('initQueryBuilder delete', () => {
const qb = initQueryBuilder<Musician>({
table: 'musician',
fields: ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', '', ''],
run: async (_sql: string, _values: any[], _single: Boolean) => { },
const result = qb().delete().where([{ field: 'id', value: '1' }]).build()
expect(result).toEqual({"mutateFields": [], "selectOne": false, "table": "musician", "text": "DELETE FROM musician WHERE = $1", "values": ["1"]})
test('initQueryBuilder test error', () => {
const qb = initQueryBuilder({
table: 'city',
as: ['country as co', 'city as c'],
fields: ['id', 'name', 'admin_name'],
select: ',, c.admin_name',
run: async (_sql: string, _values: any[], _single: Boolean) => { },
try {
qb().select('*').where(['not_allowed_field'], 'Claudio').build()
} catch (error: any) {
expect(error.message).toBe('Field c.not_allowed_field its not allowed')
test('initQueryBuilder test run and debug', async () => {
const qb = initQueryBuilder({
table: 'city',
as: ['country as co', 'city as c'],
fields: ['id', 'name', 'admin_name'],
select: ',, c.admin_name',
debug: true,
run: async (sql: string, values: any[], single: Boolean) => Promise.resolve({ sql, values, single }),
const result = await qb().select('*').where(['id'], 'Claudio').run()
expect(result).toStrictEqual({ "single": false, "sql": "SELECT * FROM city AS c WHERE = $1", "values": ["Claudio"] })
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